Chapter 8: Anna

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Anna's POV:

"Well here we are." Charlie said when we were inside his house.

I nodded at him and looked around the small living room. It was furniture only with the basics but it felt warm and inviting. After about a month in a hospital it was a great relief to see a real house again.

When I turned around and look back at Charlie and Renee they both stood awkwardly in the middle of the living room and gazed with expectant expressions at me.

"Sorry guys I'm still Anna," I mumbled and their faces fell.

When I saw their sad expressions my anger at "the family stealing witch" grew even more.

How she could do this to her parents was beyond me.

How could she just give up her family like that?

And for what?

An easy way out of her problems?

Falling head first right in the middle of the unknown?

"Ah, of course. I go and warm the food up. A woman named Sue Clearwater brought it. Even I can't do anything wrong while warming it up." Renee ranted away while she stumbled into the kitchen.

"I'll look around a little." I told Charlie and began my inspection of the living room.

The house was filled with pictures. I already noticed them in the short hallway. The living room was no difference. I could feel Charlie's eyes on a as they followed me around. I looked intensely at every picture I could find.

I knew that Charlie and Renee thought that I was trying to remember and hoped that I would remember that I was indeed their daughter.

No such luck on both accounts.

In reality I was searching for prove that I really didn't belong into this house, into their family, into their life's, into this world but just I found non.

Everything I found was proving that I was indeed Isabella Marie Swan. On every single picture I found it was me who smiled back at me. There were pictures even from when I was still a little girl.

"I have some photo books here." Charlie told me as he held four thick books up.

I nodded and went to inspect them as well. I took the books out of his hand and sat down on the couch. Opening the first one I was assaulted with pictures of a baby on Christmas.

"That was when you were one year old." He told me as he eased himself down next to me.

When the picture was taken he and Renee still had been together. There also were other people in the picture.

"Who are they?"

"The ones on the right are my parents, your grandparents, they died when you were still little." He told me and I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"And the others?"

"Those are your mothers parents but they and your mom don't get along."

"So they are still alive?" I asked before I even thought about what I was doing.

"Yes, they are and they even live here in Forks."

"Oh," I breathed and looked up at him with my eyes wide open almost in wonder. That was not in the books. Then again Renee's parents were never mentioned in the book unlike Charlie's.

The more I looked at the pictures the more confused I got. I knew who I was but since everything was set out to convince me others wise I was slowly starting to doubt my own sanity.

The doubt wasn't strong, just some random passing thoughts but still they were there. I just couldn't shake them off. How could I not doubt who I really was even everything told me I was someone else?

I mean they even performed a DNA test to prove it to me that I was Isabella Marie Swan, the daughter of Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer and that test came out positive. I was to 99,99% their daughter by blood.

Maybe the shrink was actually right and I did have a personality disorder.

Many words short meaning: I myself didn't really know anymore if he might could have been right.

My mind was a dark place to be while I doubted my sanity.

But as quickly as those thoughts ghosted through my mind they were also gone. I did feel a little bipolar because of it.

In all the time I had been in Forks I hadn't seen any Vampire around me or any Werewolf after the trip to Italy. I didn't really know if I should have been happy about that or not.

Everything just felt strange and out of place.

I was completely out of place.

"So how long are you going to be here? Don't you have to go back to Phil?" I asked Renee as we sat at the kitchen table and ate pasta.

She swallowed her bite and looked up at me.

"I will be here as long as you need me, baby." She petted my arms as she said that.

"I'm OK. Really." I assured her.

I didn't want the poor woman to be stuck here while she could be with her husband just because her daughter was an immature brat who abandoned her.

Silence fell over the kitchen until Charlie broke it after a while.

"School is going to start for you in a few days. Are you up for it?"

"Guess I have to go back there." I shrugged.

"Actually you don't. You could come back with me, back into the sun." Renee murmured hopefully.

I was almost mortified by that idea.

I couldn't leave Forks the door was my only way home. If I left then there would be no chance in hell I could find my way back home where I belonged.

"Sorry I know that Bella loved the sun and the heat but I hate it. No way! No sunny places." I shook my head.

"Bella," Charlie groaned and I immediately shot him an annoyed glare.

"Anna I think it would be best…."

"To avoid Edward Cullen." I ended his sentence.

Charlie looked pissed and turned a few shades of red before he managed to calm down enough to speak again.

"I don't want you anywhere near him." He almost shouted.

"I'm eighteen aren't I?" Was all I had to say to this.

"This is all his fault…"

"Exactly." I agreed with him what threw him out of the loop.

"What?" He looked puzzled at him.

"Why should I let an Edward Cullen chase me out of town? Like hell that is going to happen." I said and stuffed a fork full of pasta in my mouth.

Charlie and Renee exchanged confused and slightly worried glances but didn't comment what I said.

The meal was an awkward business after that but thankfully we all survived it.

After I told them to have a good night and took a shower I made my way up the stairs to the room I was staying in during this visit. I refused to think of this as a permanent situation.

I let out a deep sighed before I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open through which I had entered this world. Unfortunately I wasn't facing the familiar room in the summer house after I pushed the door open.

The room that wasn't mine was dark when I stepped inside. I searched for the light switch and once I found it I took a good look at that room.

I had been here before but I didn't really pay anything much attention back then. I was facing the wall where her desk was located. The computer looked very old and there were a lot of books everywhere.

What I noted as well and commented with a disgusted huff was that she was untidy. Stuff was lying around everywhere.

Awesome I even had to clean her stuff up after her.

With a resigned sighed I turned around to put my neatly folded clothes into the closet before I would start to try to get some order and cleanness into this room.

While I was turning around I noticed something in the corner of my eyes. I looked to my right and saw someone sitting in the rocking chair next to the window.

"What are you doing here?" I huffed annoyed while anger was rising in my stomach.

He just looked at me with emotions in his eyes that I couldn't decode nor did I wish to.

I wanted to strangle him and scream at him and if my subconscious hadn't reminded me that Charlie and Renee were also in the house and could probably hear everything if I dared to raise my voice I would have been shouting bloody hell at him the second I noticed him.

But as it was I grit my teeth together and tried to keep myself in check.

I had no desire to ever see a shrink again.

"You know that trespassing is a crime right?" I told him as nonchalantly as I could while I walked over to the closet not letting him bother me.

I reminded myself once again that I had to keep my cool or else I would have to come up with an explanation to why I was talking to myself when Renee and Charlie asked my why I was yelling around.

"I'm sorry." He breathed lowly. I almost missed it.

"They lose their meaning."

"What?" He was straddled.

I sighed as I paused on my way to the closet and looked condescendingly at his frame that was a picture of a broken man.

"If you say I'm sorry too often the words lose their meaning."

"Oh," He mumbled and slumped further into the rocking chair.

"Why are you here?" I asked concentrating on my breathing as I opened the door of the tiny wall closet that was in the room.

I groaned in annoyance and frustration when I saw the chaos in there. I should have had expected that. The entire room was a pig stall.

"What's wrong?" He asked and was at my side in an instant.

I cranked my neck to glare at him while a low rather pitiful growl escaped my lips. His eyes widened at my display and he wisely backed a few feet away from me.

"This entire room is a dump. How she could live here is a mystery to me?" I grumped. Not because I felt compelled to answer him but because I needed to complain to someone about the condition of the room and there was no one there except of him.


I immediately shot him and icy death glare but he had stopped himself even before my gaze reached him.

He was holding his hands up in surrender and was looking fearful and with a pained expression at me.

"I'm…." He closed his mouth and looked at the ground as his head hung down.

"Again why are you here?" I hissed at him.

Silence for several minutes followed that question while I was trying my best to be able to close that closet door again. Tomorrow I would have a hell load of work to do. I just couldn't live in such a mess.

I was an overly neat person. This pig stall was a complete nightmare.

"If you want to sulk around do it somewhere else." I told him kicking some clothes that had fallen out back into the closet and I was finally being able to shut the door.

Not only would I need to clean up this room but I would also need to sort out those clothes. What I saw in that closet was not acceptable.

The family stealing witch was not only known for her lack of tidiness which but also for her horrible sense of fashion I had almost forgotten that.

Just as I wanted to step away I remembered what besides the clothes was in there. Opening the door again I searched through the piles of mostly dark green, black and grey fabrics for the tormented piece of technology.

Maybe seeing what she did to the present and being mean to him would have him running for the hills at least for the night. I could be as insensitive as a rock if I wanted to.

After a few minutes I found it and dragged it out of it's prison

"Here!" I held the partly destroyed radio out for him to take.

His face twisted once more into an anguished mask as he took the sight before him in.

"What happened?" His voice was tiny and laced with sadness.

Bingo it's working! My subconscious chuckled.

I was actually debating with myself if I should hit the thing over his head but that would make too much noise. Well Damn!

"She destroyed it." I informed him cheerfully.

He sighed in defeat and took the destroyed radio out of my hands. I made sure he had no opportunity to touch my skin while doing so.

Edward was silent while I waited for him to disappear but he just didn't. Instead he was gazing down at the piece of metal appearing to be in pain.

My plan was not working out as I wanted to. I sighed in irritation and turned around not wanting to have to look at the controlling jerk. I still couldn't believe the stunt he pulled in Voltera. I read it in the books but to experience it first handed was another matter.

How he dared to just decide about my life as if I was his toy to have or to eliminate.....

"I wanted to apologise and explain." A tiny, unsure voice rang out behind me.

I turned around before he had the chance to speak any further and I smiled pleasantly at him as I spoke my next words in an ice cold and warning voice.

"If you dare to tell me that you did it only for her own good I'm going to purr gasoline over you and strike a match, understood?"

He body was frozen in place and he looked completely stunned and helpless.

I let him stand there and turned around to face the bed pleased with myself for not having exploded on him so far.

I knew it was only a question of time until I would give him a wash down but it would not be this night, not with human witnesses around.

When I looked at the bed my stomach turned.

When had the family stealing witch chanced her bedclothes the last time? Was all I could think when I looked at the dirty bed.

I sighed again and walked over to the door.

"Where are you going?" His voice was panicked and laced with fear.

His broken, devastated, scared plea made me pause only for a second before I continued to walk towards the door.

"Please," there was so much desperation in his voice I sighed annoyed again.

"I going to get fresh bed linen." I muttered before I opened the door and stepped outside.

I had to go downstairs to ask Charlie where the bed linen where in this house. Once he told me what I wanted to know and again wished me a good night I made my way back into the room where the Vampire was still standing where I had left him.

I looked at the bed and saw that the dirty bed linen had been taken down and were neatly folded near the bed in a pile.

I raised an eyebrow at him. He was uncomfortable. Good!

"I thought I make myself useful." He looked nervous as if I was a temperamental lap dog and about to snap at him any second.

I could find fault in his doing if I wanted to but it was late and I was tired. Edward Cullen was just not important enough to me to get all flustered because of him.

"Just so we are clear when I go to sleep you are leaving," I told him firmly as I pulled the bed linen over the pillow.

I glanced briefly at him since I didn't hear an answer and saw him nod sadly while he wore an anguished expression on his face. I choose to ignore the pain and defeat that was swimming in his eyes.

I knew that he was hurting but it would do him no good if I would just forgave him.

First it wasn't the forgiveness he sought even though he didn't know it or didn't want to acknowledge it. Whatever.

And second he could only learn out of his mistakes if he had to solve them himself.

And it could have been that I liked it that I wasn't the only one who was in pain and had to deal with a huge lot of crap.

What can I say I'm only human!

His pain calmed the anger I felt.

It was almost justice in a twisted way.

At least in the state of mind I was in his pain was justice though deep within I was aware of the fact that the punishment had hit the wrong person.

"What can I do?" His voice was a quiet whisper that was carried by the air around us.

After I was done with my task I turned around and looked at his miserable form. My hands were on my hips and I titled my head while I stared at him through narrowed eyes.

He didn't dare to look me in the eye instead he looked at his feet.

I lifted my hands from my hips and crossed them over my chest.

"What do you want from me?" I huffed.

His head snapped up slowly and he tried to send a message with his eyes because the words were stuck in his throat maybe out of fear of rejection or maybe because he didn't know how to voice his need.

"What maybe directions on how to patch this whole mess up that you created?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I scoffed.

I could see it in his eyes that his answer was "yes" because for the first time in his life he was truly lost and at loss.

"Well too bad that I'm just the stupid human who doesn't know anything and you are the wise Vampire who knows everything." I spat at him in disgust before I turned around and crawled into the bed that was located behind me.

"I'm going to sleep now." He just stood there unmoving.

His expression was torn he wanted to fulfil my wish but on the other hand he didn't want to leave.

"Get out of here now! Leave!" I instructed him in an ice cold voice.

"I won't!" It was a soft but at the same time firm whisper.

I glared at him.

"I won't leave you ever!" He said in a sure, even and promise filled voice. His face wore a death serious expression.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Great! But I'm not her. I'm not Bella!" I spat her name like a curse.

He ignored what I said.

"I will go as you wish but I will never leave you. I will be just outside if you need me." His voice was even and strong while he told me that.

I was annoyed to no end by his display.

Getting him to believe me that I wasn't that family stealing witch was suddenly looking a lot harder then I thought it would be.

"Why?" The word was quietly bouncing off the walls.

"Why what?" I sighed irritated with him.

"Why did you come?" He asked looking at his hands.

"To Italy?" I classified not interested in this conversation.

A simple nod was his answer.

I took a deep breath preparing to answer his question but no words would leave my mouth. After a while of silence and lack of answer on my part he looked up at me fixing me with his curious gaze.

Damn he had me there.

Why did I save this knucklehead?

Because you were confused and gob smacked and freaking out and you didn't know what you were doing.....My subconscious provided me with answers.

The more time passed the angrier I got with him. I saved his damn life what more did he want from me?

"I do things because I do them. What are you, a shrink that you would need to know the motives behind my actions?" I barked irritated at him crossing my arms over my chest.

Before he lowered his gaze again I saw something flicker behind his eyes but I couldn't quite catch it.

"It's getting late. Now go away!"

"Good night…." he abruptly stopped himself before the last word left his mouth, "Anna."

I let out an annoyed sighed and threw the covers over my head while I let myself fall into the soft mattress.

"Stupid, annoying Vampire!" I grumped annoyed and upset.

When my head resurfaced from under the covers I saw that the light was out.

I quickly checked if he sat in the rocking chair but to my pleasure the spot was empty.

I definitely needed to have a private word with him. A good wash down from me and he would know that I wasn't that....

While I rested on the bed I wondered when such an opportunity would arise. It didn't seem like Charlie or Renee would leave me on my own any time soon.

I sighed again at school I couldn't yell at him either too many human witnesses. I knew myself once I talked myself into a rage and the volume of my voice rose exponentially.

Thinking about the exchange I had with him just mere minutes ago it became clear to me that Alice must have prepared him for this meeting. He never once called me Bella.

We would see how prepared he would be for what I had to tell him once I got him alone with no preying ears around. Well at least not the human kind.

And until then he would get the silent treatment!

Satisfied with my course of action I snuggled into the pillow and let the sandman do his job.