Chapter 9: An Unwelcome presense

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Anna's POV:

I heard birds chirp happily as sunrays were warming my skin, stretching slightly in bed I took a deep breath and immediately my mind was assaulted with a delicious scent. I let that scent overtake my body and my mind until my subconscious connected that scent with a name.

Edward Cullen.

I sighed heavily, covered my face with the blanketand silently grumped away. Having fretted enough I pulled the blanket down and carefully opened my eyes to look out of the window. The sun shone brightly down from the light blue coloured sky.

A rare sunny day in Forks. I thought to myself.

Sitting up I stretched further while my eyes swiped over the room. In the board daylight it looked even worse then it had a few hours ago.

How she could live in such chaos was honestly beyond me.

The tidiness obsessed freak inside of me had swooned into a dead faint at the sight of the disaster.

I sighed heavily and was about to get out of bed to start cleaning up as someone knocked and the door to my right opened. Renee came inside wearing a careful smile on her face.

"Good morning Renee," I smiled back at her.

"Good morning you too, Be….ahh….. Anna," she said and sat down on the bed.

"So…..what do you want to do today? It is the last day before you return to school." She murmured after a few moments of silence.

"Well obviously I have to clean this utter mess here."

"It's not that bad," Renee said as she looked around.

Well at least I knew now from who the family stealing witch had that bad habit from.

"I'm a very neat person. I can't stand to be around such chaos."

After those words left my lips Renee stared at me with an unreadable expression on her face.

"What?" I asked after a while.

She exhaled loudly waving her hand through her hair before she answered.

"You are really not my Bella."

I wanted to say: Nope not her!

But when I saw the sad and pained look in her eyes I shut my mouth and tired something else. I touched her hand and waited for her to look at me.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I'm not her and I will never be. I have no idea if she will ever come back. I wish she would so everything would be as I should be again."

Renee narrowed her eyes at me in confusion.

"But you would disappear if Bella came back."

I knew where she was coming from. In a case like mine, well since they believed that I was another personality of that family stealing witch, the personalities fought for dominance and survival. There was after all only one body.

"Yes, I would. I would go back where I belong."

"You don't want to stay here?" She looked suspicious at me.

"No, this is not where I belong."

"Then why don't you just go and let Bella come back?"

"Renee it was Bella who started all of this and only she can end it. Please believe me if I could go back I would but unfortunately it's not within my power." I sighed sadly.

Renee stared at me for a long moment with narrowed eyes before she nodded her head in defeat.

My stomach grumped interrupting the silence that settled in between us. Renee didn't stir. She didn't even seem to have noticed the sound.

When I looked at her face I saw an apathetic expression on her features. She looked into nothing, buried deep in sorrowful thoughts.

"I think I will go down into the kitchen," I said quietly and got out of bed.

She didn't move at all only sat there on the bed as I left the room and I left her to her thoughts. This must have been hard on her.

Looking at Renee the ache in my chest grew. I missed my own mother desperately. I wondered how she was doing and if she knew that I was gone and a confidence trickster took over my place.

I sighed took a deep breath and tried to pull myself together. Drawing in self pity wouldn't get me anywhere and it didn't really make me feel any better.

I walked down the old wooden stairs that were squeaking in some places into Charlie's living room where the well worn couch, the big flat screen, the coffee table and a new comfy looking love seat were located.

Making my way passed the living room I entered the almost antique kitchen in which I was greeted by the bright yellow walls that gave the room a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The house was definitely very different from my own home. One knew immediately that a bachelor lived here. The simple country style décor was unmistakable but the house also had something warm and inviting about it.

Aside from the obvious I had to admit I felt save and I dared to say comfortable in his house?

After I had a little snack and grabbed a few garbage bags I climbed the stairs back up wondering if Renee was still in the family stealing witches room, sitting on the bed like a marble statue. As if there weren't enough of them already in Forks.

Asking myself what I would do if she was indeed still there I pushed the door open while my heart was beating wildly in my chest. I had no idea how to console her but much to my relief she wasn't there anymore.

I was happy to have been able to dodge that bullet but I was also disappointed because whenever I walked through that door a little sparkle of hope always danced in my chest that I would open the portal that brought me here and I would be able to go back home but I was still in Twilight.

I hated to see how much Renee and Charlie suffered because of that…. I couldn't understand how she could do this to her parents. How could she have given them up that easily? Her behaviour was beyond my grasps.

She was such a coward!

Instead of dealing with her problems that she caused herself. I mean if she only would have gotten her head out of her backside and would have been honest with Edward, kicking his bosom when he needed it then everything would be still as it should have been.

But no she had to be the helpless damsel in distressed.

With a disgusted sight I looked around the dump. Everything was mess. Papers and other stuff was laying around everywhere. I sighed before I made my way to the closet.

First I fished all underwear I could find out and threw it all into the washing machine. Luckily I found a dryer in Charlie's basement. I was going to do a lot of washing.

The next thing I did was to pick all the garbage up before I dusted everything and while doing so I also sorted through the things that were in her room. What I deemed as not useful I threw away, such as well worn copies of Worthington Heights and Pride and Prejudice.

Once done with that I attacked the closet again and noticed this time around that the space seemed to be more cramped then it was yesterday. After I had all clothes out of the closet I noticed that there were a few ugly baggie clothes and the rest was cute fashion.

As I looked closer over a cute violet top I noticed that it was brand new. I wondered briefly if Alice had anything to do with that but since Bella's clothes gave me the creeps I decided not to question the origins of the clothes that I did like.

After vacuuming the space the room looked acceptable.

I brought the garbage bags out and was determined to leave the bag with her stuff also for the garbage removal to collect but decided in the last second against it and put the bag into the basement.

Maybe I would need her stuff someday for something. I argued with myself.

I filled the washing machine for the fourth time before I went to shower. Once I was done with cleaning the room and myself I noticed how late it had become.

Not having seen Renee all day I went into the kitchen and started making something to eat. There were still some leftovers in the fridge and I decided to fix something out of them.

Just as I had everything on the counter and was about to begin cooking I heard the front door open. Walking into the living room I saw Charlie shrug off his jacket.

"Hi Charlie," I greeted him.

"Oh," his head whipped in my direction before his eyes softened and he offered me a tight smile.

"Hello B-Anna, how was your day?"

"Spent it cleaning and washing and I am about to make something for dinner." I answered as we both heard noises from upstairs.

Soon Renee came into view carrying a suitcase down with her that was hitting against every step of the stairs making the noise that alerted us of her presence.

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked confused.

"What does it look like?" She shot back.


"She," Renee looked at me with pain and rejection in her eyes, "isn't my daughter."

"What?" Charlie was shocked and I didn't know why but the look that she gave me did hurt.

"She isn't my baby. She looks like Bella but she isn't my Bella anymore." Renee said as she left the last of the stairs behind her.

"How can you…." Charlie started to say as his face was turning redder by the second but Renee cut him off.

"No, I can't do this." She stated firmly.

"What do you mean you can't do this? She is our daughter. Are you just going to abandon her?" He almost screamed at her.

"She isn't our child anymore Charlie. Look at her." Renee pointed at me.

"That is Bella's shell but nothing is left of our little girl inside of that shell. She is nothing like my baby girl." Renee yelled as she glared at me.

I stood frozen in place feeling very uncomfortable and rejected as my heart tightened in my chest.

I knew that I didn't belong into their world and their home but the ice cold rejection hurt nonetheless.

"Enough!" Charlie roared and yanked at Renee's arm breaking her icy glare away from my frozen frame.

"I want my baby back. I want Bella back." Renee wailed while tears were streaming down her face.

Charlie only shook his head as he watched his ex-wife fall to pieces.

"I look at her and see my child that I have carried for mine months under my heart but it's not her." She cried.

"She will be fine again." Charlie whispered.

That felt like a stab directly into my heart. Everyone was blaming me for all of this. As if I was the evil one in this scheming.

I slung my arms protectively around my middle and tried my best to suppress the tears that were threatening to fall out of my eyes. I have never been a cry baby but this was starting to get to me.

First I lose my family.

Then I have to deal with this goddamn supernatural mess.

And now I was even blamed for everything.

I hate this world! I thought as I wiped one single tear from my cheek that rolled out of the corner of my eye.

"Fine again. Fine again!" Renee repeated in an almost hysterical voice.

"You heard what Doctor Backer said. This," she pointed at me again, "could very well be a permanent condition." She yelled.

"So what she is still our daughter!" Charlie exclaimed throwing his hand in the air.

Renee shook her head furiously.

"You don't get it. She isn't my Bella anymore." She shouted as if that would help her drive her point home.

"I can't stand to look at her or to be around her," she murmured in a weak and defeated voice.

"I just can't do this any longer. I have to get out of here." She breathed while Charlie was shaking with rage with his fists balled at his sides.

He didn't move a muscle as Renee passed him by on her way out of the house.

I just stood there in the living room feeling completely out of place as I watched a cap pull up next to the house to take Renee to the airport.

I have no idea how long we stood there after the cap left but I didn't dare to move. Charlie was shaking with rage cursing under his breath while his fists were balled tightly and I worried that he would draw blood if he continued to push his fingernails into his flesh this hard.

I opened and closed my mouth a few times attempting to say something but there was nothing I had to offer this poor man who had been punished with an as ungrateful and selfish daughter as Bella Swan.

While I was thinking about my next move halfway expecting him to throw me out of his house he suddenly moved and rushed to my side. He closed the distance between us in quick strikes and pulled me into an awkward embrace.

I was shocked but hugged him carefully and cautiously back after a few seconds. Abruptly he pulled away from me and looked embarrassed before he cleared his throat gazing at me.

His face was still fire red but his eyes had softened a little as he looked at me.

"She is having a hard time don't take what she said to heart. I'm sure she is already regretting her words and actions." He murmured helplessly.

I nodded to make it easier on the poor man.

"You are not going to throw me out?" I asked in a tiny voice biting my bottom lip.

That seemed to hit Charlie like a brick wall.

"Why in the world would I do that?" He demanded angrily.

I winced.

"Well she is right after all I'm not Bella and I have no idea if she will ever come back," I shrugged not even knowing what the point in this conversation was.

"Anna," He sighed and I looked up at him again.

"You are my daughter no matter if you call yourself Bella or Anna, understood." He looked deeply into my eyes.

Poor Charlie he had no idea but looking into his hopeful eyes I couldn't bring myself to hurt this nice man. So I did the only thing I could do. I nodded at him.

"Good," he breathed and his stomach made it's existence known.

"You said something about wanting to make dinner." Charlie raised an eyebrow at me not missing a beat.

I smiled at him and turned around to prepare something to eat for us.

Once I arrived at the kitchen counter I sighed and looked up through the window. And just as I thought he was there standing at the tree line looking with his sad anguished eyes at me.

I sighed in annoyance and partly in defeat and began to make dinner.


After cleaning the kitchen and doing my evening routine in the bathroom I went into the room I was staying in. Again when I opened the dimension door as I liked to call it I was faced with the room that was not part of my world.

I sighed when I stepped inside and sat down on the desk. Since I had my first school day ahead of me I thought it would be a good idea to look through the school stuff that I haven't touched in the hospital.

One morning when I woke up in the hospital I noticed school books and a violet coloured Macbook on my nightstand. I wondered about it and asked Charlie about the stuff when he came to visit me later that day.

He explained to me that Alice came to him and told him that she found out that I could do my school work online and graduate with the others that way not losing a year.

But since I was not planning on staying in Forks that long I didn't do any school work or even opened one of those books though I did use the Mac.

I looked through the books before I switched the Mac on. I wanted to check my e-mails which was kind of a lost point since I knew no one in this world and no one had my e-mail address but it was a routine I kept alive from my old life.

But when I looked into my account this time around I found a few e-mails there. I went to open them and the first was from Forks High with my grades. It were A's and B's for some papers and projects I apparently have handed in.

Confused I opened the next one this one was from Alice she sent me the questions for the exams at the end of the year with the correct answers.

Seemed like the pixie was determined to have her best friend graduate.

I snorted and rolled my eyes logging out before I went to You tube to listen to some music. When it was getting late I switched the Mac off and turned around to go to bed only to be surprised by the presence of the brooding Vampire.

I had no idea why but his presence never failed to affect me. As it was I chose to be angry at him and irritated with him.

"You really have it with that stoking, don't you?" I shook my head at him in disapproval, glaring at him.

He didn't say anything only sat there in the rocking chair near the window.

"If it would help I would nail that damn window shut." I spat at him while I made my way to the bed.

"Why are you even here?" I continued to glare at him but he obviously didn't get the massage that he was not welcomed here or maybe he just chose to ignore it.

"I told you I wouldn't leave." He whispered in a tiny voice while he looked at the ground.

I huffed in irritation with my arms crossed over my chest as I sat down on the soft mattress.

"I want you to get out of this room and leave me alone." I hissed at him upset about the invasion of my privacy.

"I can't stay away from you."

That was it I could barely suppress the desire to strangle him.

"I'm not her. When will you understand that?" I threw my hand in the air in frustration.

"Be-Anna! Everything alright up there?" Charlie called from downstairs.

I hissed and mentally slapped myself for raising my voice that much.

Jumping up from the bed I run into the hallway to the top of the stairs Charlie stood at the base of them and looked concerned up at me.

"Sorry for cursing!" I apologized, faking pain as I stumbled around.

"I hit my little toe against a leg of the bed. That hurts like hell." I whined.

Thank god for your acting skills, girl. My subconscious huffed in relief and wiped the sweat of her forehead.

His eyes softened at my words and a small but honest smile graced his lips before he nodded and walked away mumbling something like "good to know some things don't chance" or something like that under his breath.

I exhaled in relief. I couldn't have Charlie thinking I was nuts. He was the police Chief here if he wanted to he could have me admitted even against my will.

When I entered the room I glared furiously at the stupid Vampire biting my tongue. I couldn't afford another slip up.

"Sorry," he murmured while I made my way back to the bed and I sat back down on it.

I didn't acknowledge him still trying to suppress the fury that was boiling underneath my skin.

"You are the one who came to save me." He mumbled looking with his black eyes at me.

My eyes blazed with anger when I looked at him while my body trembled with the rage that I was forced to hold back at least until I got him alone.

"When was the last time you hunted?" I asked him as I studied the dark purple circles under his eyes to distract myself.

He looked away from me then not making one sound.

"I can't stay away." He whispered in a pained voice.

It took everything I had in me not to explode on him again. My fists clenched and unclenched as I worked through the rage that was boiling inside of me. That idiot was behaving like a stubborn child that didn't get what they wanted and was acting stupid because of it.

I wanted so much to give him a piece of my mind but unfortunately Charlie was just downstairs and I knew if I dared to open my mouth and let all the things out that I wanted to yell at him I would be screaming at the top of my lungs in no time.

Just a little bit longer. My subconscious tried to calm me.

Charlie was going to be at work tomorrow and I had enough time after school to give him a proper wash down without any interruptions and unwanted attention. That perspective alone was what allowed me to keep my fury inside.

"When I woke up after three days in which I lived through the most agonising fires of hell," his quiet words straddled me out of my rage stupor.

My head snapped up and I looked at him as he looked into nothing with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I had no idea what happened. There was only this raging fire in my throat and all my senses were going crazy," I was confused by what he was doing which is why I was silent and just stared at him.

"Then I smelled something it was a faintly sweet scent and there was a voice that sounded somehow strange but friendly and trustworthy at the same time…."

I had no idea why but him telling me about his past calmed me down for some reason. I had my arms still crossed over my chest and I was aware of the fact that a slight scowl was still on my face but I leaned back into the pillows behind me and listened to his tale.