Chapter 11: Jacob and Unwanted Roses

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Anna's POV:

"Are you alright, Anna?" Angela asked me all of the sudden pulling me out of my thoughts as Ben was driving us to school.

"What?" I cranked my neck and looked into her concerned face.

"You seem so sad. Did something happen?" Her voice was laced with worry.

"I mean I don't want to prey." She added quickly.

"No, it's fine I just haven't slept a lot last night." I answered her with a fake smile on my lips.

Angela gazed at me for a little while before she nodded and turned her head around.

I had been doing the research on portals until the early morning hours but nothing productive was the result though I did find a few book shops with a section of Para natural, an exotic like shop with voodoo and the libraries in Port Angeles and Seattle my have something about the topic but I would have to wait until I was allowed to drive to continue my researches.

Yeah, as if a book will give you the answer you are looking for! My subconscious scoffed at me rolling her eyes.

When I got out of the car my eyes swept over the parking lot and caught the sight of the silver Volvo but only one Vampire stood next to it.

Well, he ran for the hills that's for sure! My subconscious noted shaking her head in disapproval.

I didn't know why but I did feel something like disappointment because of his absence. Though the feeling was only faint, nearly non existent, it irritated me.

But honestly what else was to expect from him? All he was capable of was to run away. I shook the thoughts of him away and made my way to my first class.

Arriving there I walked past Jessica's and Lauren's table. The both of them drew their heads together and were eagerly whispering with one another but not quiet enough. I knew it was on purpose that Lauren raised her voice enough for me to hear her say that I was a nut case.

As always I tried to ignore her stab and not let her see that the constant starring and whispering behind my back were slowly getting to me. I may have been strong but being the centre of partly hateful gossip was not easy to stomach though it was still better then living a lie.

I was rather myself and pitied for it or the aim of stabs then having to pretend to be her.

Maybe if I wasn't that angry at her the entire situation would have played out differently but as it was every time someone said her mane I could have hit the roof.

A wave of homesickness hit as I eased myself into my seat. I was wondering once more how things at home were. I hated the fact that she took my mother away from me. That she was with my family having a great time while I was stuck in the centre of a huge mess.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught a movement and turned my head around to be greeted with Alice's careful and not very hopeful smile.

I huffed in irritation as she made to sit down in Edward's place.

I raised an eyebrow at her as I noticed that Alice wanted to say something. The pixie took the hint and closed her mouth quickly giving me a defeated glance before she turned her head to look ahead.

I turned away from her and exhaled while doing so I caught sight of Mike who gave me a confused look before he scowled in Alice's direction. I shrugged and gave him a tiny smile.

The only three people that were talking to me in school were Angela, Ben and Mike. I was grateful that they acted normal around me. Mike could be a little handful but he was a good guy at heart.

Mike was loaded with hormones and armed with a dirty, male teenager mind but he was in no way as bad as she had always made him out to be in the books.

I was in Charlie's house again taking a break on the couch in the living room after having cleaned up while I zipped through the programs when I suddenly heard two cars pull up into the driveway.

As I got up from the couch I wondered who Charlie was bringing home with him. Once I opened the front door and saw who was getting out of a blue truck I was quite taken aback.

"Jake!" I whispered shocked as he was helping an elder man with long, grey silver hair that was tied at the back of his head out of the truck and into a wheelchair.

"I hope you don't mind I brought some friends over." Charlie told me with a sheepish grin on his face.

"No,…no," I shock my head trying to pull myself together.

How could I explain to the poor man that the Werewolf that he dragged here was not allowed on the territory of the Vampires?

What the hell was Jake doing? I asked myself as I watched him push Billy's wheelchair into the direction of the house.

I have a bad feeling about this. My subconscious looked at the scene in front of us with a sceptical raised eyebrow.

Jake grinned when he looked up at me but slowly his smile was turning into a confused frown as if something was wrong before he looked openly hostile at the forest besides Charlie's house.

I wondered briefly if Alice or one of the other Cullen's was anywhere near or maybe they had already left town after the wash down I had given Edward and Alice had stayed behind because she wanted to try to fix what was broken.

Anyway Jake was not supposed to be on this side of the treaty line!

"Jake you alright?" Charlie asked him confused while he was looking back and forth between the young wolf and the trees he was trying to glare down.

"Did the trees offend you somehow?" Charlie tried but failed to hide the chuckle as he spoke.

Jake shook his head looking straddled for a moment.

"No,….I'm fine."

"Sure?" Charlie didn't look too convinced.

A huge grin spread across Jake's face like on command.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Sorry." He lifted his hand up and scratched the back of his neck offering Charlie a sheepish look.

"Teenagers." Billy huffed to cover up for Jake.

"But more importantly the Jets game is going to start soon." He added quickly to change the topic but he narrowed his eyes at me briefly as Charlie made to get behind him to push Billy's wheel chair instead of Jake.

The both men were laughing and behaving like teenage boys while my eyes were narrowed as I observed Billy with my arms crossed over my chest.

I couldn't believe Billy would allow such reckless behaviour, risking the treaty by allowing Jake to come here.

"Hi," I greeted them both frostily luckily Charlie didn't catch my cool greeting.

They entered the house and Charlie and Billy immediately went in front of the flat screen gushing about the Jets game that was going to take place in a few minutes.

"I'll go and make dinner for all of us." I said and stormed off into the kitchen.

"That's great thank you." Charlie called after me.

Before I entered the kitchen I turned around and my gaze fell on Jake's massive frame that sat on the couch.

"Jake could you please help me for a sec?" I asked in a fake sweet voice.

He looked up at me and nodded.

I walked into the kitchen and leaned with my back into the counter, a glare on my face and my arms crossed stubbornly in front of my chest.

"What do you need help with?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen a lazy smile on his lips.

"Why are you here? What about the treaty?" I demanded with no desire for politeness in that moment.

He raised an eyebrow at me and looked confused.

"You know about the treaty?"

"Of course I know." I answered incredulously.

"But they said…..Charlie said you weren't…." He stammered out helplessly.

"Yes, I'm not her but I do know about the all-year-long-Halloween-party in town."

Suddenly he looked angry and narrowed his eyes at me.

"What's your problem?" I glared at him.

"When…..were you….you?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"It was you who just took off to wherever, wasn't it?" He whispered harshly not giving me time to answer his former question.

"Yes, what about it? What's that to you?" I answered defensively.

From one moment to the other his eye blazed hotly at me.

"How could you do that? Bella could have…"

"It was her who got me into this mess in the first place so don't you dare to make her the victim here." I glared furiously at him.

"It's not like Bella wanted this." He spat right back at me.

"Oh believe me it is exactly what she wanted." I pressed my over my chest crossed arms harder into my torso.

Jake and I had a stare down. His fists were balled at his sides and he was shaking slightly.

"I don't believe you," the words came out softer then anything else he had said to me.

"I have no reason to lie." I replied and he looked at me then with a cautious expression, looking searchingly into my eyes.

For the longest moment the only sounds around us were our breathing, the sounds of the TV and Charlie's and Billy's whispered voices. At some point something in his expression changed.

"Why? Why did you do it? Why did she….Why…wasn't I enough?" He whispered the last words and I almost didn't catch them.

I sighed heavily. The poor guy looked truly hurt and I had no answer for him.

"I have no idea why, Jake."

He glared at me then.

"You obviously have access to her memories. Don't lie to me and tell me you don't know." He was angry and starting to shake again.

"Turning into a wolf in Charlie's kitchen is not the best idea," I warned.

He took a few calming breathes and stopped shaking.

"I am not her and I never was. What I know are not her memories."

He looked confused at me and titled his head to his side, looking at me like a lost puppy, no pun intended.


I sighed again.

"Sit down," I pointed at the chair next to him.

He did as I asked him to and I soon joined him at the table in Charlie's small kitchen.

"Alright look. I'm from a parallel universe. Bella somehow found and opened a portal to my world and once she saw my family and the simple, easy life I had she took it. She offered me to take a look into her home and once I stepped foot into this world she shut the door behind me and was not to be seen ever since then."

Jake looked at me as if I told him that we were expecting the sand man for dinner. I sighed.

"It's OK no one believes me at least you can't haul me off into the funny farm like the Vamps did." I shrugged defeated before leaning back into the chair.

"Parallel universe?" He repeated the word slowly, testing it on his tongue.

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, save your breath." I grumped angrily and made to stand up from my chair as a massive, hot hand stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Please give me a minute." He asked softly.

I sat back down and watched him as several emotions were rushing through his features.

"OK." He simply said once he looked at me again.

"OK?" I repeated not understanding.

"Well if Vampires and Werewolves exist who's to say your story isn't true?" He shrugged.

I was completely baffled for a long moment before I narrowed my eyes at him. I could see it in his eyes he still believed that I was Bella and hoped that if he made good weather with me he would win her in the end.

No amount of screaming and assuring that I indeed wasn't her would convince him.

He was different then the Vampire he didn't run at the first sight of trouble but dived in head first. That's why I had to come up with a plan to get him off my back.

I really didn't need another supernatural creature chasing after my skirt. Well hers whatever!

"Right!" I said as I stood up before I looked sternly at him.

"You are going to help me make dinner." I announced not leaving him any room for discussions.

He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't complain.

"So you are from another world." He began.

"Yep," I said as I handed him the potatoes to peal.

"Tell me about it." I looked at him.

"Hey, it's not every day that I meet someone from another world." He raised his hands in defence. I sighed.

"Well mainly my world is like this one only that I'm from the future. The year 2010 to be exact. If Vampires and Werewolves exist in my world I have no idea."

"Sorry but that's rather boring." He stated slowly.

I huffed stunned.

"What did you expect? Flying cars and space trips?"

His cheeks reddened and he looked down at the potato in his hand. I took a moment to really look at him and I could see that the way he stood next to me was kind of off. Like he was torn somehow.

"Jake." I sighed heavily.

"Hmh?" He looked back at me.

"I know that you are in love with her," I started, "but I'm not her. And we," I pointed between the two of us, "have no history together. I don't know you and you don't know me."

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again glaring slightly at the counter in front of him.

"What about him?" He asked all of the sudden with an edge in his voice as he said the last word.

I couldn't help but to sigh again.

"It took him a while but he eventually got it after I gave him a good wash down."

His head whipped around and he eyes nearly popped out.

"You did what?"

"I called him on his crap." I shrugged and went to the fridge to get the meat for the meal.

While everything was cooking Jake sat on the chair near the table again and watched me moved around the kitchen while Billy and Charlie cheered in the living room.

We ate the dinner in front of the TV well Charlie and Billy did while Jake and I ate in the kitchen. The entire time after I told him I had yelled at Edward he said nothing but only watched me all the while.

"What?" I asked him when I curiously glanced at him as he was observing me again.

"It's just…"


"You changed."


Stating the obvious pretty much. My subconscious rolled her eyes.

When I looked at him he appeared to be deeply in thoughts. I could clearly see that he was in love with the family stealing witch but he had just no idea how to act around me. I wasn't what he was used to and that threw him for a loop.

I was thankful though at least it would be a while before he would make any attempts, at least I hoped. I turned around and busied myself with the dishes.

While I was washing the plate in my hands I couldn't help but wonder why Jake at least was showing doubts but Edward just wouldn't back of until I gave him that wash down.

Was it because the Vampire was too far gone to notice anything anymore?

Or didn't he want to see what was in front of him?

Was he denying reality?

Was he delusional?

Whatever his problem had been I could only hope for my sanity's sake that he finally got the massage that I wasn't her and that Edward would not come back.

Really? My subconscious wondered.

The brief shadow of a doubt was quickly gone though I found myself irritate that it had been there in the first place.

What about the Volturi? My subconscious asked me with a raised eyebrow but I shot her down.

I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

When we said our goodbyes Jake gave me the strangest look. Like he made a decision or something and tried to communicate through his eyes but all that I wanted was to be left alone. I send a little prayer to heaven wishing Jake off my trail forever.

I had never been a Werewolf or Jacob Black fan but I couldn't help to hope that he would get his happy ending somehow. Somewhere in this universe there had to be another girl for him.

"Are you and Jake alright?" Charlie asked me as their Truck drove off.

"I'm not her and he is crushed because of that." I shrugged aiming for an easy explanation and Charlie nodded.

"Anna!" He called my name as I was about to go upstairs.

"What?" I turned around to face him.

"Stay away from the Cullen boy he is rotten."

"He isn't eve here anymore."

"Huh?" Charlie looked perplexed at me.

"After the wash down I gave him I seriously doubt that I will ever see him again." I stated a little proud of myself, at least I wanted to be.

"You did?" He regarded me doubtfully.

"Yep," I smiled while Charlie looked at me for a long moment before he nodded to himself and I could go upstairs.


The rest of the week past by uneventfully aside from the few phone calls from Jake that I tried to end as quickly as I could each time.

Persistent supernatural idiots. My subconscious grumped.

Edward never showed up but Alice was coming to school every day. She tried to talk to me a few times but would think otherwise before she actually got a word out.

I was sitting in my last class of the week with Alice on my left. We were all working on some questions we had to answer for next week and the teacher allowed us to start working in his class already.

I was about to answer the sevenths question when I felt a little tug on my arm.

I sighed heavily, laid my pen down on the table and looked over to Alice who looked at me with pleading eyes.

I was about to tell her off when she said something that caught me off guard.

"The future isn't set in stone."

I could only look confused at her.

"Every decision differently made can alert the outcome of a situation." She went on.

I was not able to comprehend what she was telling me.

"If you bring a new element into a system it is bound to chance things."

"What are talking about Alice?" I whispered being intruded by what she told me.

She looked deeply into my eyes with a serious expression on her face.

"I believe you."

"You believe me what?"

"You are not Bella." I took a deep intake of air while I watched her.

"And the others?"

A careful smile tugged on her lips.

"Japer trusts my judgement and Emmett was on board from the start though the others have problems to accept the concept of other worlds existing next to ours."

I nodded slowly at that.

"And where does that leave us now?"

"We have to live and find out." She shrugged absently while she wore a thoughtful expression on her face.

I had no idea what to do with her cryptic massage while I drove my hand through my hair.

"Would it be too much to ask if I asked a favour of you?" She whispered quietly after a while.

"Depends on what it is." I answered her after mulling her request over in my head.

"Could you at least let Edward try to make it up to you for patronizing you in Voltera?" Her eyes were pleading with me when she asked that of me.

I inhaled sharply shaking my head in confusion.

"Alice he isn't even here. He's probably on another continent."

"Would you let him try?" She ignored what I said.

"I'm not her and if he tried to apologize for leaving I might really purr gasoline over him and set him on fire." I warned half serious and half joking.

It was a really good question if Edward could really annoy me that much that I would kill him.

Alice didn't say anything but only looked deeply into my eyes.

I sighed heavily.

"Guess I could try to let him apologize but that doesn't mean I have to accept his apology." I warned her.

"Of course not." She said and a little smile graced her face before she turned back to her paper that was lying in front of her.


It was Saturday morning and I was in the kitchen eating an apple while I was trying to decide what to do with myself on the weekend when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

I walked to the front door and as I opened it I was quite surprised to find red roses being shoved into my face.

The bouquet of huge, expansive looking roses was tugged out of my face and an older man greeted me with a smile on his face.

"Are you Anna Swan?" He asked me.

"Hmmm…..yes," I nodded hesitantly.

"Then these are for you." He smiled and shoved the red roses into my hands.

I was surprised by his action and even more so when suddenly another guy walked past me into the house with another enormous bouquet of red roses.

When I looked out to the front yard I saw a bunch of guys from delivery services with flours in their hands. My yaw went slack and I couldn't believe what was happening.

Something like this only happens in movies. My subconscious gasped as she saw all the roses that were filling up Charlie's living room and hallway.

"Ahhh…you might have the wrong house." I told a guy who past me by.

"If you are Anna Swan, Charlie's daughter then we have the right one." He answered shortly.

"Guess someone is sorry!" Laughed a dark skinned man who was at my left and waited to be able to step inside.

"Oh, he will be." I huffed totally stunned by the stunt Edward pulled.

I grabbed my head as I saw that the inside of the house was overflowing with a ocean of red wondering what in the world I would do with so many flowers.

The delivery guys said their goodbye while I stood near the door wondering how Charlie would react to that as I suddenly heard a throat being clear behind me.

I let out a heavy sigh, turned around and glared into pools of deep melted gold.