Chapter 13: Newborn Army

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Anna's POV:

"The time is up please up your pens down." Mr. Banner announced as the last exam was written.

It was a piece of cake for me since Alice had given me all the answers but I was still happy to have that off of my to-do-list.

"Ugrh!" Mile who sat in front of me exclaimed.

"You alright?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"I'm beat." He mumbled before he buried his head in his arms as he laid down on the table for a few moments.

"How did it go for you?" Ben asked as he and Angela came to my table.

"We'll see." I shrugged as if I had no idea.

"My parents aren't home how about we go to my house and relax a little?" Mike asked the three of us hopefully.

"Sure!" Ben agreed eagerly looking forward to play on Mike's new X-box or whatever that thing was called.

"And you?" Mike turned to me looking expectantly at me.

"Anna!" I heard Alice chirpy voice call out.

Angela, Ben and Mike whipped around to see her standing in the doorway and next to her Edward.

"What do they want?" Mike spat not pleased at all to see them.

"I promised Alice to help her out with the planning for the graduation party." I said nonchalantly.

When those words left my mouth I saw Alice's face lit up like a Christmas tree and she skipped happily to my side.

"Yes, we give a graduation party. Sorry it's shot notice but I hope you will all come." She chirped excited.

Angela, Ben and Mike were dazzled and said nothing as she grabbed my arm and started dragging me away.

"Thank you. Thank you," Alice was mumbling while she hugged me close to her as we were walking out of the school building.

It was really unfair but I found it hard to be mad at her or not try to like the tiny Vampire when she looked so happy and excited. Despite the bunch of joy that had hugged herself to my arm I wasn't to edger to go to their house.

"You don't want to go to our house?" Edward assessed.

My displeasure must have been showing on my face.

"I'm not really edger to see Carlisle again." I answered shortly.

"He did what…."

"Don't!" I cut Alice off. She closed her mouth and sighed dejectedly.

"We better go now." I told them and got into the silver Volvo while Edward was holding the door open for me.

Don't loose it! My subconscious warned me with a challenging eyebrow.

Alice chatted about what she had to do for the party during our drive to their home. Once we arrived there I had to admit that I was impressed with the size and the architecture of the house. It was nothing like the house in the movies but way more luxury.

Edward opened the door for Alice and for me and we exited the car. We walked into the impressive looking house and it was like walking into a luxury hotel. Everything looked expensive and noble.

Edward led me into their living room where the other Vampires were already waiting for us.

"Hello Anna it is nice to see you again." Esme greeted me warmly. She was beautiful like one would expect from a Vampire but at the same time she had something warm and kind within her what made you want to hug her.

But all I did was to grit my teeth together and try to control the anger that boiled inside of me at being yet against mistaken as that family stealing witch.

"Your house is really beautiful," I tried to make some pleasant conversation, desperately trying to get this all over with as fast as possible.

But when Carlisle approached me all bets were off. Because of him I had spent weeks in the funny farm having to bother with that damn shrink.

"You still don't believe me that I tell the truth." I glared at him.

He was taken aback at my ice cold tone but the look on his face said it all.

"Anna." Edward soft voice came from behind me.

"No," I barked at him after I whipped around to face him.

"Because of him I was hauled off into a patted cell," I seethed and turned back around to face Carlisle.

"I had expected more from you."

Esme was shocked about what I had just said and the way I was talking to her husband.

"Why he," I pointed at Edward, "is too delude to understand that I am not her I can fathom. It's frustrating as hell but I do understand. But you!" I fixed my scowl on him.

"Do you really believe that the world of supernatural consists only of Vampires and Werewolves?"

"There hasn't been any evidence of the opposite…" He said slowly, almost defensively.

"So what just because you never encountered such a situation as mine before you think that I'm nuts. Hello Mr-almost-four-hunderd-years-old-Vampire-who-has-a-treaty-with-the-Werewolves-in–La-Push. Humans usually don't believe in Vampires and Werewolves and yet here you are."

"It's not been heard of."

"Oh that. As far as I know it wasn't heard of that a Vampire can fall in love with a human either and yet he's," again I pointed at Edward, "bothering me constantly because of that reason. Just because you can't fathom it doesn't mean it's not real."

"A personality disorder….."

"If I have a personality disorder then how do I know about Jasper's past, how am I so well informed about Victoria? Do you want me to tell you about Jane and Alec?"

He looked stunned at me as did the other Cullen's.

"The Volturi had their eyes on Jane and Alec believing in their potential as vampires when they were still human. But were waiting until the twins would be older to change them. When frightened humans started to burn the twins at the stake because of suspected witchcraft, Aro stepped in, slaughtering the whole village so safe them."

"How do you?" Carlisle stammered out but I only shook my head.

"Because of all that Jane went through, all the burns she had endured, Jane gained the power to inflict a mental illusion of agonizing pain on others. This is your own thaory about her gift, isn't it?"

Carlisel's eyes widen and he looked entirely shaken, too stunned to even utter a word. Esme, Rosalie and Jasper the Cullen's who also doubted my sanity were all looking uncetainly at one another.

"That…I….that," Carlisle stammered but I wasn't interested in what he had to say.

"You asked me to trust you and then you went behind my back and betrayed me, turning me in into the metal section of the hospital. It was so easy for you to thorw me away instead of actually trying to figure out the truth."

He looked at me with remose in his eyes but I was too angry and too hurt, I was feeling too betrayed to acept any kind of apology.

"Save it," I spat at him in disgust.

Esme looked at me with sad eyes but I could also see that she wasn't happy with me for hurting her husband who was looking crushed. Carlisle displayed that crushed puppy dog look even better then Edward did.

I felt my anger rise at the heartbreaking expression he would not make me feel sorry for what I had told him.

"Let's get down to business and not waste any time." I told them as I walked past Esme and Carlisle to sit down on the big white couch in their living room.

I heard them whispering for a short moment before Edward and Alice sat down besides me as the others took their place somewhere in the room. Carlisle and Esme sat down on a love seat and Esme held her husband's hand firmly in hers trying to comfort him.

Carlisle tried to get me to look at him but every time our eyes would meet I immediately looked away. The tension between him and me was thick in the air around us.

"You told Edward and Alice something about an army of Vampires?" Jasper asked me curiously but with a death serious expression on his face, trying to take the attention away from Carlisle.

"Yes, there will be about twenty of them in the end."

"Twenty?" Esme gasped shocked.

"Don't worry together with the wolves you managed."

"The Wolves?" Edward piped up from my left.

"You need Jake and the others or you get killed and besides they are dying to be able to kill some of your kind." I shrugged.

"I think it would be better if we asked our cousins to help then…."

"They won't help you." I cut Carlisle off.

"Why wouldn't they?" Edward asked confused.

"Laurent, who by the way tried to kill Bella after you just took off was killed by the wolves because of that. He was together with Irina and she wants revenge on the wolves. So for their help she will ask for your help in eliminating the tribe."

All the Vampires in the room looked at me with wide open eyes and slack yaws.

I sighed, rolled my eyes, I was doing that a lot since I landed in this world. After I shook my head for good measures I started to explain.

"In my world there has been this book series called "Twilight". The books are about you guys well better said about Edward and her and we are currently in the third book that's how I know."

I was met with blank expressions.

"Tell me when you are done." I sighed and leaned back against the couch.

"But….but," Carlisle started to stammer.

"I'm in a room with seven Vampires and down in La Push there are guys who explode into huge dogs and you want to tell me I'm crazy for being a visitor from another world?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Was the fight described in the book?" Alice broke the stunned silence that had settled over us.

"Parts of it. Edward and Seth went with her to some place away from the baseball field where the main fight took place. She spread her blood around in the forest to place a wrong trail that led the newborns to that clearing but Victoria and Riley managed to find them though Edward and Seth were able to deal with the both of them."

"The wolves had some injuries, especially Jake sine he had to rescue Leah but everyone survived."

"Leah?" Emmett piped up.

"A female wolf." I shrugged.

"Can you please tell us in detail everything that happened?" Jasper requested and I told him everything I knew.

While I was doing so Carlisle went out of the room and came back a moment later with a frown on his face.

"And was I telling the truth, wasn't I?" I asked the head of the coven after I had finished following Jasper's request.

"Yes," he nodded and I saw regret and an apology swimming in his eyes.

"I better get back before Charlie will hit the roof." I announced as I stood up.

"But what about the party?" Alice looked at me with wide hopefully and pleading eyes.

Does this pixie ever gets to hear a no? My subconscious asked while looked half amused and half curious at the little Vampire.

I wanted to tell her no just for the heck of it but even thinking about it made me feel as if I was kicking a cute little puppy that had been starved for days, was dirty all over and tired and weak…., I'm sure you get the picture.

"You can come over if you want." I offered her with a resigned sighed.

Alice was happy and was jumping up and down cheering.


It was Sunday night and I was lying awake in bed. The meeting with the wolves would take place in only a few hours. Jake had been all too edger to take part in the fight once I called him and explained everything to him.

I was glad that the wolves were on board but Jake's overly happy mood once he registered that I called him disturbed me greatly.

Not wanting to think about the potential huge pain in my backside that most likely was waiting for me in the future from the wolf's side, from one particular wolf, I directed my mind into saver territory. I even had to laugh when I though about Alice.

It was unbelievable to see how Alice worked her magic on Charlie. The poor guy had absolutely no chance against her. Even though he had been angry at Alice for dragging the family stealing witch off, well it was me who went to Italy but I wasn't going to sweat it, he seemed to have forgiven her already.

The graduation party that had taken place in the books on Friday took place on Saturday and I had to admit Alice really knew how to organise a blast.

"Can't you sleep?" A velvet voice asked me out of the dark.

"Obviously." I breathed rolling my eyes at him.

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked.

I sat up and raised an eyebrow at him in surprise. He was sitting in the rocking chair and the moon was providing just enough light for me to be able to see him.

"Wow Edward Cullen and being honest guess I shouldn't miss that."

"Guess I deserved that?" He muttered sadly.

"Yes, you do." I agreed firmly.

Silence settled between us.

"What did you want to tell me?"

He looked directly into my eyes as I could see courage building up in his honey pools.

"The moment you kissed me in Italy I fell in love with you and every day from then on I came to love you more and more. I just want you to know that."

My first reaction to that was the urge to roll my eyes and to shout at him that I wasn't her but I suppressed that need. I reminded myself not to crush his heart before the fight afterwards I could deal with his confused feelings.

That's why I acknowledged his confession with a nodded and a tiny smile.

"When will our guests arrive?" Carlisle asked Edward as we waited for the wolves in the clearing where they played baseball.

Edward concentrated for a moment, and then sighed.

"A minute and a half. But I'm going to have to translate. They don't trust us enough to use their human forms."

"This is hard for them. I'm grateful they're coming at all." Carlisle murmured.

Edward stood close to me always having a watchful eye on me. I could only roll my eyes at his overprotective streak. It might sound so romantic in books but in real life that was only tiring and annoying.

But then again he was about to be face with his mortal enemies so maybe I ought to cut him some slack. Maybe?

"Prepare yourselves they've been holding out on us." Edward almost growled all of the sudden.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked confused.

"They are bigger then the generation before them." I answered her question.

The male Vampires formed a line in front of the females taking on a slightly protective stance while they starred into the dark forest.

"Damn, did you ever see anything like it?" Emmett muttered under his breath.

Alice, Esme and Rosalie exchanged a wide-eyed glance.

I was kind of impressed when I saw the wolves. They were even bigger then horses and were packed full with an amount of muscles that I haven't thought possible. Their fur moved with every step they took and they showed off their sharp, knife like teeth to the Vampires.

"Fascinating," Edward murmured as he watched the ten wolves come closer.

Carlisle stepped forward and greeted them.


"Thank you," Edward responded in a flat tone as Sam, the huge black wolf, spoke to him in his mind.

"We will watch and listen, but no more. That is the most we can ask of our self-control." Edward translated for Sam.

"That is more than enough," Carlisle answered. "My son Jasper" he gestured to where Jasper stood, tensed and ready, "has experience in this area. He will teach us how they fight, how they are to be defeated. I'm sure you can apply this to your own hunting style."

"They are different from you?" Again Edward asked for Sam.

Carlisle nodded. "They are all very new only months old to this life. Children, in a way. They will have no skill or strategy, only brute strength. Tonight their numbers stand at twenty. Ten for us, ten for you it shouldn't be difficult. The numbers may go down. The new ones fight amongst themselves."

"Yes, Anna knows how the fight will develop for the most part." Edward nodded as Sam seemed to have asked him about me.

"I have told the Cullen's everything I know as I told Jake. Jasper came up with some tactics how to best approach them." I informed the wolves and looked over at Jasper.

Jasper took a step into the empty space between the two pieces.

"I'm going to teach you how to deal with newborn Vampires. Their way to fight is different from older of our kind…." He began and started the demonstration.

Everything went down pretty much like in the book. We also agreed to follow the plan that was written down in the book only that I wouldn't have to cut my palm but Rosalie would draw some of my blood which I would spread as a trail for the newborns.

On Wednesday after Charlie had gone to work I was getting ready to drive to Port Angeles after I was finally allowed to drive. I wanted to check out some books in the library there. Maybe the paranormal books that I found on their online list would provide me with an answer how to get back home.

I just locked the front door when I heard a car behind me park. I turned around and was faced with the sight of Edward Cullen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while I was making my way over to the beast of a truck.

"Alice saw that you want to go to Port Angeles and I thought I offer you a ride because I don't think the truck will make it there and then back."

I looked at the old beasts and mulled his offer over.

"Alright," I gave in because honestly I was not all too keen on driving that thing.

My subconscious exhaled in relief and gratefulness throwing a disgusted glare at the orange heap of metal.

One the way to Port Angeles we somehow started a conversation, talking about everything and nothing. When he didn't piss me off he was actually not so bad to be around.

I was nervous on the entire way if Edward noticed he didn't comment on it. I just couldn't help the little, painful sparkle of hope that was jumping around in my chest that maybe I would find at least a clue, a tiny hint that would get me closer to home.

I knew that expecting anything at all from this trip was dangerous but there was nothing I could do about my desire to get back home to my family.

Once we arrived at the library I was disappointed that it was so small but I still hoped that something useful might be hidden behind the walls of the dull looking building.

"What do you want here?" Edward asked me as we entered the library.

"Books!" I smiled at him he rolled his eyes at me.

I fished my list out of my purse and started searching for the books that I found on the internet.

"Books about supernatural?" Edward raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna make yourself useful? Go and find them." I ordered him half joking and half being serious.

He only nodded and was gone.

Before I even managed to find the right place where the books that I was searching for where he was carrying a big stack in his hands to a table near by that was in a corner in a nearly isolated area.

I took a look at the books and saw that it was every single book I had on my list.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I took a few of the books out of his hands and sat down on the table.

"Hmm…..Anna?" He tried to get my attention but I was too busy to skim through the books to mind him. After some time he got the hint and gave up bothering me.

With every single book that turned out to be useless the warm feeling of hope that I had when I entered the library became cooler and the pain in my chest got stronger.

"What do you want with them?" He asked me curiously.

"I was hoping to find a way to get back home." I answered him this time while I inspected the last book that also turned out to be a dead end.

I threw the useless book on the table and stood up but once I was on my feet I had no idea where to go. There was still Seattle but somehow I knew that that trip would only be another disappointment.

While I was deep in thoughts I suddenly felt him behind me as he pressed his chest against my back and his hands rested on my hips. Irritation mixed with my sadness and disappointment.

"What exactly do you think you are doing?" I asked with an edge in my voice as he placed his cheek against my shoulder and brought his mouth to my ear.

"I don't want you to leave." He breathed in my ear. The cool air was tickling my skin while a shivers ran down my spine.

This irritated me even more.

But secretly you actually like it. My smart mouthed subconscious just had to ad her two cents.

I sighed and was just about to step out of his embrace and give him an ear full when his arms encircled my middle and he pressed me closer to him.

"I don't like it when you are talking about leaving," Edward's pained whisper that was filled with longing reached me while he snuggled himself closer to me.

If you slap him you will only break your hand. My subconscious pointed out from her high horse.

I inhaled deeply to calm down and to keep from making a scene in the library before I cranked my neck to be able to look at him. When I did I was met with two shining pools of melted gold that bore into my hazel eyes.

What I saw in those eyes made me speechless for a few seconds.

"Boy, you already are between a rock and a hard place, aren't you?" I shook my head.

Edward then turned me around in his arms so I was facing him and he took my face in his cool hands, making sure I looked at him.

I used this little space he allowed between us to cross my arms over my chest.

His thumb ran over my bottom lip as his eyes were staring at my mouth. I chewed on the inside of my bottom lip staring, more like glaring, back at him.

"I'm going to kiss you now," he warned me while his mouth was slowly inching closer to mine giving me the opportunity to stop this, to pull away but I didn't.

And I had no real idea why I was no move to stop him.

Maybe because of everything that happened to me and everything I had to endure.

Maybe because I was disappointed that the books turned out to be a dead end and my hope to find a way back home was squashed. The little nearly non existent chance I saw at the end of a sinister tunnel had been taken from me.

Maybe because now when I had been weakened with pain and disappointment, having to face the fact further that maybe I was stuck in Twilight forever, I heard the voice of the little devil sitting on my shoulder, summoning the ugly side inside of me, seducing me to take something precious away from her like she did from me.

Or maybe you just want it. My subconscious had to open her mouth but didn't give her the time of a day.

Like I said I had no idea why exactly but I let it happen. I let his cool but strangely soft lips collide with my own. A sparkling sensation ran through my body at his touch.

At first his mouth just lingered over mine before he slowly started to move his lips.

My heart was beating like crazy all of the sudden and my emotions were on a rollercoaster ride from one second to the other. My subconscious screamed at me that this was wrong, she couldn't decide what she wanted it seemed, but somehow I was not in the mood to listen to her.

He tasted unbelievably good and it was so nice to have his mouth on mine, to be able to forget all my worries. It was only a kiss. I told myself as I let myself fall into the moment, let everything fall away from me for a few carefree seconds.

As wrong as it was it felt comforting.

Tenderly and carefully he brushed his mouth over mine stoking my cheeks with his thumbs before his hands fell of my face, down my sides until they reached my hips.

Edward pulled me closer to him until our bodies were flush with one another. I uncrossed my arms and my hands found their way to his chest, feeling his hard well pronounced muscles ripple under my touch.

Edward's hands slid over my hips to my back. His left hand was placed securely on the small of my back while the other moved up into my hair where he twisted his fingers into my locks.

I brushed my hands up his torso and around his neck, pulling him closer to me before my fingers also drove into his silky, brown tresses.

Our lips were moving feverishly against one another and at some point a small moan escaped my lips what caused Edward to lift me up and sit me down on the table behind me. He pushed my legs apart with his and stood between them while he relished my mouth with a passion that was starting to make my body hum with pleasure.

When I couldn't breath anymore I broke the kiss gasping helplessly for air while Edward's lips brushed over my jaw and down my neck having no intention on stopping their assault on me.

"Edward," I called his name in a breathy voice.

The oxygen my lungs were greedily taking in was helping to clear my mind and see what I was doing in the light of the day, so to say.

"Hmmm…" he groaned and attacked the hallow of my throat.

"Someone might see us," I said in a stronger voice pushing him gently away from me.

Is that all you can do? My subconscious asked with a challenging eyebrow.

And besides it's quite nice isn't it? She sighed with a dreaming smile on her lips.

Great my subconscious was bi-polar!

When he looked at me I saw that his eyes were as deep black as the night and wild. He was breathing hard as he leaned into me and placed his forehead against my own.

Heck, what have I done? I screamed in my mind.

I wanted to tell him to get away from me but I was too breathless to get another word out and my knees felt like jelly what made running away impossible.

"How can this be wrong?" He asked in a husky voice while we were both calming down.

"Please don't deny what is between us." He was begging in a pained voice while I was at loss for words.

As if the mess I had already been dealing with wasn't enough this stupid kiss also had to happen.

My mind may have been stunned into silence but my heart for the every first time since I existed had been awakened to live and tattooed the truth on the inside of my chest.

But I sure as hell wouldn't go down without a fight! After all I was just stressed and confused and made a mistake!