Chapter 14: Battle in the Wilderness

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Anna's POV:

"Her scent will drive them into a frenzy." Carlisle said while he was putting a band aid on the finger I cut to leave my scent in the forest for the purpose of leading the newborns into a trap.

"I'll be waiting for you up there." Edward said to Jake and me.

He didn't look happy about the fact that Jake would carry me in his arms around the woods and to be honest neither was I. Something in Jake's eyes was different then the last time I had seen him.

It just didn't make any sense to me why he was still calling me after he did seem to have gotten it that I wasn't her and the way he currently looked at me was giving me reason to be worried though about what I had no idea.

"Let's go then." Jake said and stepped closer to me.

"Are you ready?" He asked me looking down at me with a huge grin on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him what made him laugh.

"Let's get this over with." I sighed and shook my head.

Jake scooped me up bridal style and took off into the woods. I was more then uncomfortable to be in his arms and feel his body tense and relax next to mine as he walked.

"You are with him a lot." Jake suddenly said after a while of silence.

"He keeps on bothering me." I shrugged.

"I could correct that." He said in a half serious and half joking voice but his eyes told me how very much he would like my OK.

"I'm handling it."

"Be careful."

"Of what Jake?"

"He wants you."

"You really are not telling me anything new here."

He pushed me up his body bringing us face to face.

"Don't let him in." It was equally a warning and a plea.

His eyes clearly told me that there was more behind his words then just the worry for my mortality but I refused to acknowledge it. At least the moment, hopping that if I pushed it under the rug it would stay there.

But I do hope you know that you are kidding yourself. My subconscious shook her head at me.

I sighed.

Of course I knew but that didn't mean that I wanted to deal with it immediately. I had enough on my plate for the day. Whatever Jake's problem was it could wait till tomorrow.

My head was resting on his shoulder while he was carrying me. It was funny in a twisted way while they did everything to protect me I was secretly, of course not seriously, wishing that Victoria would get to me and put me out of my misery.

Girl you always had not only black but sinister humour! My subconscious shook her head at me.

"We are here." Jake told me after what seemed an eternity. When I looked up I saw an anxious looking Edward standing in front of a blue tent.

"Thanks," I murmured and Jake placed me on the ground.

"Are you going to be alright during the night? There is a storm coming." Jake mumbled as I was to step away from him.

"We have a space heater. It'll be toasty warm inside the tent." Edward was at my side in an instant looking straight into Jake's eyes.

"Could you please have this pissing contest another time," I glared at the both of them.

They briefly looked at me before, with grit teeth and dissatisfied expressions, bowing their heads and stepping away from one another.

I blew out a breath of annoyance. That situation had been too Bella like for my taste.


"Slept well?" Edward asked me after I was back to the living.

I groaned.

"Not really I do prefer a real bed. Camping had never been mine."

"No," he shook his head smiling.

I rolled my eyes, put my thick winter jacket on and made to crawl out of the tent.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to stretch my body before I catch a cramp because those suckers hurt."

When I was out of the toasty warm tent the cold air hit against the exposed skin on my face. It hurt a little but the beautiful sight of the maystetic forest covered in a sparkly white coat made up for it.

"This is beautiful." I whispered to no one in particular.

"It is," he agreed, "but it's only showing it's beauty to me because of you here."

I sighed.


He was in front of me suddenly holding my hands in his. I looked straight on his chest while he brought his face down his lips hovering near my forehead.

"Let us talk about it."

"About what?"

"About our kiss."

I looked up at him and rolled my eyes not wanting to have this conversation at all. I tried to get away from him but he wouldn't let me. He let go of my hands only to lock his arms around my waist pressing me to him.

"Edward," I said sharply but the intense and pained look on his face stopped me from saying anything more.

"It's physical agony not to be able to touch you, to hold you, to kiss you. I have a great control. I am able to resist the call of your blood but not being able to kiss you and to touch you is too much." He confessed in an agonised whisper.


Yeah, that was an enormous moment of weakness.

"That was…" I tried to interrupt him but he cut me off quickly.

"Don't tell me it was nothing or that you didn't feel anything because I know that that is not true. I heard and felt your heart race, your pulse quicken and your body respond to mine. Your lips were as eagerly moving against my own as mine were against yours." He was telling me all of this while his mouth inched it's way closer and closer to my lips.

I was about to tell him that he was too full of himself when a growl surprised me and made me turn my head around.

Jake was standing there looking ready to wolf out and tear Edward apart.

Tempting! I thought.

Are we lying to ourselves again? My subconscious asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Let her go." Jake ordered.

"No," Edward answered calmly in an ice cold voice pushing me behind his back.

"Leave her alone. You've done enough damage." Jake seethed while he clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides, trying to control himself.

"I know but I will not repeat my mistake."

"You are not good enough for her."

"That'll may be but a life at your side, among dogs, is not good enough either." Edward replied coolly and with disgust in his voice.

"Wait!" I exclaimed stepping from behind Edward's back were I had been staying and trying to remind myself why I shouldn't kill the pushy and bossy mind-reader.

"You believed me Jake. You said you believed me that I was not her?" I nearly screamed at him.

He opened his mouth but then closed it again and looked down at the sown covered ground.

Realisation hit me like a fright train.

"You never actually believed me. It was more the "I believe because you believe thing". Because that way you though you had better chances."

Looking at him I could see a slight blush gracing his cheeks.

I could have screamed! I had read him completely wrong.

"I'm not giving you up." He eyes flashed first to me telling me silently just how serious he was before shooting draggers at Edward.

"I'm not her." And that fell on deaf ears once again.

And here they say that Vampires and Werewolves have such good hearing. My subconscious quipped.

"Neither will I," Edward hissed at Jake.

The both of them were growling at one another. Their bodies were tense and their muscles flexing reading themselves for the fight.

I just stood there staring at the both idiots not being able to believe such stupidity. I couldn't even yell at them because I was so angry that I was at loss for words.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Seth, in his wolf form, breaking through the branches and coming into the meadow where the three of us were. He was walking slowly almost hesitant as he observed the interaction between Edward and Jake.

"You want me to choose someone?" I asked stepping between them. The both of them had still been a good distance away from each other.

Looking first at Jake and then at Edward I saw the both of them nod though the second they gave nods they didn't look that sure of themselves anymore.

"Alright then I make my choice here, right now."

"Anna…" Edward suddenly piped up.

"No," I shook my head at him and he looked as if he was dying the most agonising death existing.

Cranking my neck to look at Jake I saw his eyes return from Edward's to look back at me. He swallowed hard and looked nervous as he waited for me to make my decision.

"I'm choosing, " I said and cast a look first at Edward who looked like he might pass out and then at Jake who for once didn't look sure of himself.

"Seth." I announced and walked over to the stunned looking horse like wolf.

I smiled at him as I approached him, slowly reaching my hand out to be able to touch his fur. He bowed his head and I stretched him behind and between his ears. He liked that greatly.

"I rather spent my time with my favourite wolf then with you two Netherlanders." I said when I turned around to look at their absolutely bewildered expressions.

When the shock blew over the two of the scolded at me and I couldn't have cared less while I was brushing my hands through Seth's soft coat.

"You are like a huge space heater," I smiled at him. Close to the enormous but trusting creature it wasn't even clod.

I heard Jake exhale loudly before he spoke.

"I should go it's about time."

I didn't acknowledge him but kept on stroking through Seth's fur as I heard him jump and land on his four paws.

"Anna," Edward sighed behind me when Jake was gone.

I didn't turn around.

"What happened to "I leave you shall that be what you want?""

After my question I was met with silence for a long while and I actually turned around. I was fast enough in my movement to catch him composing his face into a natural mask.

"Is that what you want?" His voice was tight and small as he asked. His eyes displayed the unbearable plain that would cause him.

"I didn't say that." I shrugged my shoulders.

As angry as I was at Edward and the world, the universe or whatever in general it was not fair of me to make others hurt. I was still hurting about what had been taken from me, no doubt, but I was slowly coming back to my senses.

If I wasn't careful I would turn into a bitter and hateful person.

I came to realise that there were some major decisions I would have to make for myself once the fight was over.

He exhaled a lung full of air and kneaded his brows together as he was trying to answer me.

"To say those words is painful but easy compared to the likely possibility of really having to go through with it. I…" I could hear the lump that formed in his throat.

I sighed and got up from my crouching position, walking over to him. I put my hand on his arm and squeezed it. The slight trembling I saw before I touched him lessened.

There was a moment of silence between us when suddenly his head snapped up and he glared at the entrance of the tent.

"Victoria," I whispered her name and Edward turned to face me.

"Yes, it's her and she is not alone like you said."

I rushed from his side to get my backpack which was in the tent.

"I'll go to over to the rocks and hide there." I informed him once I had the backpack in my hands.

"You are surprisingly reasonable." He told me nearly in awe, standing suddenly next to me.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Honey I know my limits and besides should everything go down the drain I still have this," I told him and fished the Bunsen burner out of my bag pack.

"What's this?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"I borrowed it from Mike. It is little pimped. His older brother done it. Just in case." I shrugged while Edward shook his head disapprovingly at me.

"A girl got to be able to protect herself!" Out of the corner of my eye I saw that the huge sandy coloured wolf, that was Seth, shot a glance at Edward before his head faced the north again.

"Go to the rocks and stay there." Edward said as he was pushing me in the direction of the wall of rocks.

The wall of rocks was caught between the green forest and a drop-off with another ocean of green that lay beneath our feet.

"Hey, it's not like I'm intending to fight. I might be complicated but I'm not suicidal." I glared at him.

"I'm glad," he gave me a tight crocked smile before his face turned serious again.

Edward's body shifted as I was pressed with my back to the hard rocks behind me and a few moments later two vampires edged slowly into the small opening of the camp. Their blood red intense eyes were taking in the surrounding.

The real Riley looked nothing like the one in the movie he was far bigger then I had expected and Victoria herself, even though she appeared to have been through hell and back she looked like she just walked of the cat walk of a Victoria Secrets show.

Victoria's dangerous, resentful, vivid, dark blood coloured almost black eyes immediately fixed her aim. Unfortunately that was me.

Just great! My subconscious couldn't hold the sneer back.

Standing there only a few feet away from me and Edward who was shielding me with his body, she looked like a lioness waiting for an opening to spring while her gaze was restlessly flickering between Edward and me.

No one moved for what seemed like forever as the supernatural predators were observing one another.

Victoria jerked her chin toward Edward, wordlessly ordering Riley forward but we were prepared for that.

"Riley," Edward said in a soft, pleading voice.

Riley stopped dead in his tracks, looking eye wide at Edward.

"She's lying to you, Riley, listen to me. She's lying to you just like she lied to the others who are dying now in the clearing. You know that she's lied to them, that she had you lie to them, that neither of you were ever going to help them. Is it so hard to believe that she's lied to you, too?"

Riley appeared to be confused.

"She doesn't love you, Riley. She never has. She loved someone named James, and you're no more than a tool to her."

Victoria pulled her lips back in a teeth-baring grimace at the mentioning of James name. Riley risked an unsure glance in her direction.

"Riley! She knows that I will kill you. She wants you to die so that she doesn't have to keep up the pretense anymore. Yes you've seen that, haven't you? You've read the reluctance in her eyes, suspected a false note in her promises. You were right. She's never wanted you. Every kiss, every touch was a lie."

Edward started to move away from me and towards Riley leaving an opening for Victoria which she immediately fixed with her crazed gaze on me.

"You don't have to die. There are other ways to live than the way she's shown you. It's not all lies and blood, Riley. You can walk away right now. You don't have to die for her lies. Last chance, Riley," Edward whispered.

Riley's face was desperate as he looked to Victoria for answers.

"He's the liar, Riley, I told you about their mind tricks. You know I love only you." Victoria assured him.

During the conversation Riley had inched away from Victoria and was standing a few feet away from her. He was about to pounce when a sandy coloured shape jumped out of the green ocean to his right and threw him on the ground.

Victoria had shouted in warning but it was too late Riley had no time to move away before Seth bore his crawls into his stone hard back.

My eyes were on Seth and Riley as the Vampire managed to throw Seth off and soon stood on his feet visibly shaken about what had happened to him only a second ago.

When I looked where Edward had stood just a moment ago I found an empty place and instead a few feet from me there he was gliding around the earth of the forest with Victoria. The both of them really looked as if they were dancing. Their movements were graceful and coordinated as if they had trained the choreography for months.

I could nearly see the shifts in the atmosphere around them. Victoria wanted to inch closer to me while Edward tried to get as much distance between her and me as he could without ever getting to close to her.

A hideous, grating screech sound was what got my attention and when I whipped my head around it was just in time to see a heavy white chunk flying into the forest and land there somewhere with a loud thud.

Riley roared in fury and pain taking a strike at Seth but he was prepared and sprang to the side letting Riley collide with a massive looking tree before the huge mouth of the Werewolf bit into the right hip of the Vampire.

Seth was shaking his head furiously as he tried to rip another piece of flesh out of Riley. It was sickening to watch which is why I tore my eyes away of that horror movie and glanced over to Edward and Victoria.

Suddenly Victoria stood still as Edward's lips pulled up on one side as he tapped his temple. With a strangled screech, Victoria darted at him, feinting to the side. Edward responded, and the dance began again.

Just then, Riley's fist caught Seth's flank, and a low yelp coughed out of Seth's throat. Seth backed away, his shoulders twitching as if he were trying to shake off the pain.

Having read the book I knew that Seth was alright and he only wanted to lure Riley into a trap but it was still hard to watch. I knew everything was going to be OK for the Cullen's and the Werewolves but being in the middle of it was harder then I thought.

My stomach was rolling constantly in fear and nervousness and worry for the Cullen's and the Werewolves.

My subconscious had hidden herself in the basement and was not to be persuaded to come out.

I heard Riley shrill screech of pain as Seth had torn yet another piece of his flesh out of the marble body while a branch snapped in the direction where Edward and the red head were.

The both of them were only blurs as they were shooting through the majestic green in front of me. I couldn't see who had the upper hand in that fight but I hoped that it was Edward.

While my eyes were flickering from one scene of fight to the other I suddenly noticed that something had fallen on the top of my head. Looking up my face immediately twisted into a mask of horror.

There above me on the top of the rock wall was another Vampire. One with blood red eyes that hungrily shone down on me.

On instinct I backed away from my hiding place and when I glanced over my shoulder I saw that Edward wore a furious expression on his face while Victoria blocked his way to me.

Hey, that was so not in the book! My subconscious shouted terrified from behind the thick basement door.

I was backing away from me hungry male Vampire who looked like he had been in his mid twenties when he was still human. The male jumped down and inched closer to me. With each step I took back he took one forward.

Looking behind me I saw that the cliff was only a few feet away from me. When I looked back into the pale, murderous face of the Vampire I saw a slight grin that cruelled his lips.

My heart was going nuts in my chest and my mind was working overtime. I took a few more steps back hearing Edward shout my name while Victoria threw herself at him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Seth throwing Riley's body into the forest while the attacker in front of me pounced.

Without thinking I let my body fall to the ground and I felt myself roll of the cliff before I experienced a short, very short fall landing painfully on a rock that was growing out of the drop-off.

The male Vampire had to much drive which is why he fell all the way down the cliff. I pulled myself together and looked all the way, the really long way, down to the ground that I couldn't see because of the green tree tops.

There is definitely too much green here. My subconscious complained looking like a train wreck.

"Anna!" I heard Edward yell again in fear and panic.

"I'm fine here. I'm one a rock or something don't worry about me and kill her." I shouted back.

When I looked up I saw the edge of the cliff and there was no way I could have managed to climb up there on my own.

Growling and screeching sounds were coming from above me while I looked down the drop-off and unfortunately the stupid Vampire was already climbing up the cliff.

Luckily I had my bag pack with me because I had clutched it to me for dear life. I fished the Bunsen burner out and waited for the Vampire to come to me.

I was just about to switch the flame on when something collided with the Vampire that was climbing up the cliff and I saw a tangled ball of limbs fall back down.

The fight above had ended judging by the silence. I shrugged to myself and packed the Bunsen burner back into my bag pack and waited.

After a few moments passed I saw that purple smoke was lifting up into the air from below me and Edward was at my side in an instant.

"Are you OK?" He asked me worried and anxious.

"I'm fine but what about you and Seth?"

He only smiled and pressed his forehead against my own before he threw me on his back and we were back in our camp in no time.

Edward let me slid down on the ground before he placed a kiss on my forehead and I watched as Edward and Seth scoured the campsite, occasionally tossing small lumps of white stone into the blaze.

Seth handled the pieces with his teeth.

It didn't take them long until they were done, and the raging fire was sending a pillar of choking purple toward the sky. The thick smoke curled up slowly, looking more solid than it should; it smelled like burning incense, and the scent was more then just uncomfortable.

It was heavy, too strong and it was making my stomach revolt. I couldn't stand burning incense. It made my head spin and black spots appeared before my eyes.

I was feeling jittery while I watched Edward stretching out his arm, his hand was curled into a fist. Seth grinned, revealing the long row of dagger teeth, and bumped his nose against Edward's hand.

"Nice teamwork," Edward murmured.

Seth coughed a laugh.

That was one of my favourite scenes out of the book. I smiled at the both of them when they turned to look at me.

"Anna?" I heard Edward's concerned voice as cold sweat was forming on my forehead and I felt like I would throw up any second.

I was in his arms before I knew what was happening.

"Burning incense always makes me faint which is why I can't go to church." I mumbled, breathing hard and shallow while being at the edge of losing consciousness.

I felt how I was scooped up in his arms and cool air was brushing across my face before we reached an area with clean air.

Taking in a few deep breaths I was feeling better after a while.

"Everyone's fine over there?"

"Yes, no major injuries on our side." Edward informed me whereas he looked worriedly at me.

"I'm fine now. Thank you."

He didn't look too convinced but nodded.

"So now the Volturi." I said as Edward helped me to stand up.

"And you are really fine?" His voice was laced with worry while his melted gold burned into my eyes.

"Edward I'm fine really let's go to the others."

His hands were on my face as his thumbs were stroking over my skin. He gazed at me for a long moment before he nodded and I was on his back flying through the thick green with him.

When we arrived in another clearing the Cullen's stood in a loose semicircle around the bonfire. There were hardly any flames visible, just the thick, purple-black smoke, hovering like a disease against the bright grass.

I put my scarf over my nose and breathed through my mouth.

Just like in the books Bree was been guarded by Jasper while she looked at me as if I was a yummy piece of meat that she desperately wanted.

I winced as I shifted my weight the side on which I landed hurt and Edward was immediately at my side. His arms slung around my waist as he pulled me into his body supporting most of my weight.

I leaned into him since he was the only thing I could brace myself against. I could only hope that there were enough pain killers at Charlie's place because my right hip was throbbing in pain as the adrenaline was slowly dying down.

"They are coming to the north end of the clearing now." Edward announced and a second later Carlisle and Jasper began to back toward the rest of us. Emmett, Rosalie, and Esme all converged hastily around where Edward stood with Alice and me.

Moments later Jane, Felix and Demitri walked out of the tree line into the clearing. Their gazes were sweeping over the area where tree fires that produced purple smoke burned.

"Welcome, Jane." Edward's tone was coolly courteous.

"We seem to have arrived too late." Jane said when she finally looked up and gazed at Edward and Carlisle.

"It seems that way," Edward pushed out between grit teeth.

"Just out of professional curiosity, how many were there? They left quite a wake of destruction in Seattle."

"Eighteen," Carlisle answered smoothly.

Jane's eyes widened and she looked at the fire again, seeming to reassess the size of it. Felix and the other shadow exchanged a longer glance.

"Eighteen?" she repeated appearing impressed.

"All brand-new," Carlisle said dismissively. "They were unskilled."

"All?" Her voice turned sharp. "Then who was their creator?"

"Her name was Victoria," Edward answered without any emotion in his voice.

"Was?" Jane cocked her head to the side in question.

Edward inclined his head toward the eastern forest. Jane's eyes snapped up and focused on something far in the distance. Most likely she was able to see the other pillar of smoke that was the last and thankfully only temporary remainder of Victoria.

"This Victoria - she was in addition to the eighteen here?"

"Yes. She had only one other with her. He was not as young as this one here, but no older than a year."

"Twenty," Jane breathed. "Who dealt with the creator?"

"I did," Edward told her.

Jane's eyes narrowed before she turned to look at Bree who was huddled beside the fire.

"You there," she said, her dead voice harsher than before. "Your name."

When I saw the baleful glare Bree gave Jane who's lips lightly twitched before an anguished and ear-piercing screaming began I put my hands over my ears and closed my eyes, knowing what was to come and feeling sorry for the poor girl who would get destroyed in only mere minutes.

After Jane got the information out of Bree that she wanted Felix and Alec took her of the new born despite Carlisle offer to teach her.

While Carlisle filled Jane in about what happened I looked over at Felix who smiled when he caught my gaze. I nodded my head in greeting despite hating what he had just done.

When Felix winked at me I could feel the vibrations in Edward chest since I was leaning against him. Felix only chuckled under his breath at Edward's reaction having gotten what he wanted.

I cranked my neck and saw Edward glare at Felix and also down at me. I just gave him a smug smile and looked back ahead of me and I swear I heard Edward huff in frustration.

Suddenly Edward stiffened against me and when I looked at him it was in time to see his face turning away to Jane.

"Would you please not do that?" he asked in a tight voice.

Jane laughed again lightly.

"Just checking. No harm done, apparently."

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes while Edward pulled me closer into his frame, guarding me with his body a little bit more. Again I had to suppress the urge to roll my eyes.

After Jane was done with the formalities her gaze stuck on me and she looked torn between amusement and disbelief.

"Caius will be so interested to hear that you're still human, Bella. Perhaps he'll decide to visit."

"The date is set," Alice told Jane, speaking for the first time. "Perhaps we'll come to visit you in a few months."

Jane's smile faded, and she shrugged indifferently, never looking at Alice. She turned to face Carlisle.

"It was nice to meet you, Carlisle I'd thought Aro was exaggerating. Well, until we meet again."

"Yes," Carlisle nodded.

"Come," Jane said and I watched them as they disappeared in the thick ocean of green.

"Are you hurt?" Edward immediately asked once they were gone looking anxious and worried.

"My hip will be black and blue tomorrow but aside from that I'm fine." I assured him.

"Maybe I should take a look?" Carlisle offered as he approached us.

"Thanks but that is completely unnecessary," I declined his offer.

"Please," Edward murmured looking intensely into my eyes, begging me with his honey pools to let Carlisle have a look at my injury.

"If I'm about to die and can't defend myself anymore you might get me to see a Doctor but until then no way." I told him sternly.

"You are being unreasonable and stubborn." Edward scowled at me.

"I just had enough Doctors and hospitals for a life time." I glared at Edward taking my stand to drive my point home that I wouldn't be swayed.

And besides Carlisle was pretty much the last person I would have let examine to me.

Edward sighed and nodded.

"I better get you back to Charlie's."


"Carlisle is really sorry for what he did." Edward told me as we were driving to Charlie's place.

I said nothing.

"Do you think you will be able to ever forgive him?" He asked and I could hear the fear and nervousness in his voice.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared out of the car window behaving like a stubborn child as I grit my teeth together.

"He made a mistake and he is really sorry for that. Won't you even consider to let him apologise?" He asked me in a careful, hesitant and slightly fearful voice.

I blew out a lung of air as I glared harder at the green that we were passing by. I was angry and I felt stupid because Edward was right I should have at least given Carlisle the chance to apologise. And besides earlier I did come to the realisation that something had to change about my behaviour.

"Alright I will hear him out but I won't promise anything." I grumped and slumped into my seat.

It was the best I could do in that moment because I was really not in the mood for that kind of conversation. I hadn't slept well the night before I was dirty and my head started to hurt because of the smell of that burning incense.

"What can I do to fix this?" He whispered quietly.

I turned around to face him and saw him look at me with a pained, disheartened grimace.

"Edward all I want right now is to snuggle up into a warm bed. I'm not in the condition to make any decision right now."

His hand sought out mine and he squeezed my hand lightly in his before he brought it to his mouth and kissed the skin on the back of my hand.

"Please let me try to make this alright." He begged me.

"I'm not her." I breathed weakly not having the strength to go through this again.

"I know," he stated firmly and I couldn't help but wonder just how much truth suddenly was in that statement.

But before my mind could went off too far we were parking in into Charlie's driveway.

"I'll come back in a few minutes," he told me as I reached for the door handle of the car door.

"I know," I sighed and suddenly a loud explosion shook the car that we were in.

Edward threw himself over me covering me with his body.

"What was that?" I asked him clutching my heart as we both sat up.

"I have no idea but it came from inside." He said and looked at Charlie's house.

Faster then he could stop me I was out of the car.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked me standing in front of me blocking the way to the house while the neighbours were all streaming out of their houses.

"Going inside." I answered and tried to march past him.

"Either you are coming with me or you are staying here but I'm going inside." I growled at him crossing my arms in front of my chest.

He exhaled loudly and nodded.

Once we were inside we saw wooden smithereens lying around everywhere. The explosion seemed to have happened upstairs.

Edward and I exchange a glance and climbed up the stairs. Once upstairs I immediately knew what those wood smithereens had been before: the door to the room I was staying in.

Those smithereens had been the door that was the portal to my world.

As that thought hit me I was about to pass out. Black spots were suddenly swimming again before my eyes and I felt sick to my stomach. The only way I had to get back home was all over Charlie's house spread in tiny little pieces.

This was a nightmare.

"Anna, are you alright?" Edward asked while he pulled me close to him.

I couldn't answer him my mind couldn't even form words.

I leaned into his chest and felt when his head snapped up. I looked up at him and followed the line of his sight.

"There is someone." He said.


Edward shook his head.

"No human."

He dragged me with him up to the landing.

"Stay here."

"No way." I shook my head. I had to know what destroyed my only chance to get home and see my family again.

Edward knew better by then, than to argue with me and walked in front of me to the entrance to the room I was staying in.

Once he arrived there he stopped dead in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" I asked as I nearly ran into him but he didn't answer.

I raised an eyebrow and looked around him.

What I saw then or better said who I saw then made my breath stuck in my throat. There on the ground covered in some wooden smithereens was the girl who had stolen my family and my life.

Isabella Swan.