Chapter 15: "Shattered Worlds"

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Anna's POV:

"There is someone." He said.


Edward shook his head.

"No human."

He dragged me with him up to the landing.

"Stay here."

"No way." I shook my head. I had to know what destroyed my only chance to get home and see my family again.

Edward knew better by then, than to argue with me and walked in front of me to the entrance to the room I was staying in.

Once he arrived there he stopped dead in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" I asked as I nearly ran into him but he didn't answer.

I raised an eyebrow and looked around him.

What I saw then or better said who I saw then made my breath stuck in my throat. There on the ground covered in some wooden smithereens was the girl who had stolen my family and my life.

Isabella Swan.

My heart was not beating in my chest anymore but vibrating it was going that fast while blood was rushing through my ears drowning out all the sounds around me. I was frozen in place as I stared at the body that was rolled together into a ball on the floor in front of me.

In movies moments, if good or bad, sometimes proceeded in slow motion before the eyes of the main characters. I always thought that this was some Hollywood trick until it happened to me.

Time stood still while I watched the ball of tangled limbs move and straightens. The form turned into a human being right in front of my eyes but my mind couldn't keep up with what I saw.

I watched the happenings in front of me and on some level I even registered what was going on around me while I tried desperately to continue breathing what turned out to be a more difficult task then I ever thought possible.

It was shattered.

My heart was burning in my chest. Each one of my heartbeats hurt painfully as it hit my rib cage. I could take in the air into my lungs only in small and shallow gasps.

The door…the only connection between my home and the place I was currently in was gone. The feeling of security that I always had when I was near the door or stepped through it was gone as well.

That missing feeling, that slight tingling that washed over me every time I stepped through that door, that connected me with my world and always gave me that strength to go on because it gave me hope that I one day would find a way back was not there anymore.

My way home disappeared.

It was shattered, lying in pieces in front of my eyes.

That was all that was going through my mind. Somehow I knew that there was more to the fact that the door was destroyed that this had grave consequences but for the life of me I couldn't recall them. My mind wouldn't let me.

"Oh my god! What happened here?" I heard a male voice yell while I stood unmoving in place.

I heard the heavy footsteps as they rushed up the stairs behind me. It was as if I was hearing them from miles away. I was able to register the heavy and ragged breaths of the…no of a few persons as they were getting closer to me.

I registered that all but I was at loss for…frankly anything.

I saw her opening her deep brown eyes and look in shocked at her surrounding before I saw relief wash over her face.

Anger and fury started to boil in the pit of my stomach inside my numb frame.

I couldn't fathom how she could feel relief while she had just destroyed my life entirely. She had taken everything from me and she felt relief over it.

A lump built in my throat as my body started to tremble with fury while tears of anger, pain and loss were pooling into my eyes but unable to spill over.

"Had someone called Charlie?" The same female yelled behind me.

As the loud female voice bounced of the walls her brown orbs focused on the entrance of the room I had been staying in ever since I was released out of the hospital.

She looked panicked just for a second before her eyes fell on the spot besides me. Utter happiness mixed with heavenly, joyful relief flowed through her features while her eyes were glistering with longing.

I wanted to strangle her!

I had never felt this murderous in my life. I couldn't fathom how she could be happy and carry such a the huge joyful smile on her face when it was her who had ruined my life.

She had taken everything away from me!

She was the reason I had lost my family!

Because of her I was all alone!


The word echoed in my mind as reality finally sank in.


I would never see my mom again.

I would never talk to my dad again.

I would never see anyone who I loved and cared about again.

I was alone from now on!

There was no way to ever get back into my world anymore!

The ground was crumbling under my feet as the cruel reality finally fully registered with me.

My eyes started to burn with tears I yet wasn't able to shed them while my throat tightened. My chest heaved with the pain that tore my heart in two and tortured my soul.

"Edward," I heard her voice that trembled with emotions call out as I was falling into nothingness.

"Bella? Bella? Are you alright?" A woman whose name I couldn't recall no matter how much I tried rushed past me and inside the room with the violet walls.

"Mrs. Mitchell! I'm fine. I'm fine." I heard her assure while I tried to breath past the lump in my throat to get enough oxygen into my body so I wouldn't pass out.

I closed my eyes to keep the panic at bay that was taking over my body.

I was stuck. I would never get back home!

The bitter truth repeated over and over in my mind like a mantra while my subconscious had fainted long ago and was lying on the cold, hard floor with a white rose in her intertwined hands that were pressed to her chest.

"Bella!" Charlie shouted panicked from downstairs as my knees were about to give out under the devastation and helplessness I felt.

A cold, hard, strong arm caught me before I could fall and I was being pulled against a rigid but strong body.

I leaned my head against his shoulder as Charlie flew past us and to her side while a thought entered my mind.

If she was back who the heck was I now in this scenario?

My breath stuck in my throat while my body tensed.

I felt Edward's eyes on me and I cranked my neck to look up at him in utter panic and in a state of a strange stunned shock. His golden pools were an ocean of confusion as they were boring into my own eyes.

I tore my gaze away from him and noticed that there were several people standing all around us. As I forced myself to take the surroundings around me in I was freaked out and terrified to my core.

I inched closer into Edward's body seeking protection because I was helplessly over challenged with the entire situation. If someone asked me who I was and what I was doing in Charlie's house I had no idea what to tell them.

Given all the other circumstances that circled around me in that moment that may not have been my greatest problem but I was way beyond the ability of rational thinking. And the way Mrs. Mitchell was staring at me made my skin crawl.

She was a neighbour of Charlie. I had seen and even met her before in the time I was staying in Charlie's house and Daniel the boy who lived on the opposite side of the street and was going to Forks High as well, I had talked to him a few times but now he looked at me as if I was a total stranger.

For some reason I didn't understand I was scared and terrified out of my mind.

"Edward!" She called out in a stronger voice and I watched in horror as Charlie and the others all turned their heads to look at me and the frame I was clutching myself to.

My heart was beating painfully in my rip cage while my mind was making a mile and minute. I hated the confused and disapproving stares they were giving me.

As if I was Satan's minion while Bella was the innocent angle. If they only knew! My subconscious grumped in a sneer after she opened her eyes briefly only to close them again and to go back to her unconscious state.

I was able to withstand a lot of pressure but this situation was just too surreal to fathom and to put it into some kind of logical matrix so I would be able to deal with it and attempt to find a solution for the problem.

In the situation I found myself in I didn't even know which problem to address first or how I should react to everything or even what to feel. It was all just too much.

My gaze was fixed on Charlie's features that slowly turned from confused and surprised to dark and angry. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that she was gazing dazzled at Edward not even seeing me.

"What are you doing here?" He barked angrily and was glaring at the person who had his arm securely around me.

"We were just driving back home as the explosion happened." Edward answered smoothly.

My head snapped up and I looked into what Stephenie Meyer used to describe as his poker face.

His feature didn't betray any emotions as he looked at Charlie before his gaze fell on her and then wandered to my face.

"We'll take our leave then." He said and nodded his head pushing me to move with him.

Thank goodness because I was close to throwing up on Charlie's hard wood floor.

"Edward! No wait!" I heard her call but he didn't stop walking away from the hysterical screeching that was demanding his presence back.

I was concentrating only on setting one foot before the other because my legs, correction my entire body, was shaking so badly I was amazed that I could move at all.

"Anna! Anna where are you?" I suddenly heard my mother call.

My head whipped around so fast one could think I was a Vampire. My eyes searched frantically after the source of the voice that I had missed hearing for months but to my great disappointment I couldn't see my mom anywhere.

Out of nowhere I felt cool fingertips grasp my chin and my head was forced to turn around and my eyes were captured by two questioning golden pools. It was in that moment that I noticed that I was struggling against Edward's hold on me. If he wouldn't have had his arm around me I would have already rushed back to the destroyed door.

"Did you hear that? My mom she just called for me." I whispered frantically to him.

Edward narrowed his eyes while he pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Anna!" My mom was calling me again.

My head snapped up and I looked at the door through which I entered this world. For a brief second there was something like a white misty shadow in between the door frame before it disappeared.

"Anna no one is calling you," Edward murmured softly as he pressed his lips to my ear and tightened his hold on me.

I looked at him and saw the seriousness of the statement on his features when I looked up again I saw Charlie's neighbours looking at me as if I was nuts, thrown in with some disgust, disapproval and question in their eyes how I could dare to be here and hurt the perfect, little, poor Bella so much with my presence at Edward's side.

I let out a humourless chuckle and surrendered to everything.

It was official: I went over the bend.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I was aware of the fact that Edward was leading me down the stairs while I let the pain and numbness that had stalked me ever since I saw the destroyed portal wash over my body and invade every cell of my being. The tiger that was ready to pounce on his prey finally attacked.

The next thing I knew was that I was in a moving car. I heard him ask me questions but I was not able to respond nor could I even hear the words he was saying.

Staring into nothingness I heard every breath I took and every frantic heart beat that hammered against my chest in an attempt to find a way out of my torso.

My body felt weak and lifeless. It was as if I didn't have any bones anymore but there was only air underneath my skin and thousands of ants were crawling through my flesh.

Edward was asking me questions but I was not in the condition to answer him to be honest I didn't even hear what he was asking me. His voice was only a soft hum in my ears overruled by the rush of my own blood.

At some point I leaned back into the seat of the car and closed my eyes as a major headache was pounding within my skull.

I only noticed that the car had stopped moving when two cool arms were carefully lifting me out of the car. I looked up at Edward and he placed me on the ground. I more like stumbled then walked wherever he was guiding me.

When he suddenly stopped I looked up, more out of reflex then curiosity, and that was when I saw them, the Cullen's, giving the same curious and confused stares that Charlie's neighbours had. At least hey weren't gracing me with disgust and disapproval, yet.

"They don't know who I am, do they?" A forceful laugh escaped my lips.

"No, they don't," Edward breathed in a soft whisper that was filled with sadness and sympathy.

I laughed bitterly and locked my arms around my middle to hold myself together.

"Edward?" I heard Esme's worried voice.

"Not now Esme," he rejected her request softly while I felt him shake his head.

He then guided me into their living room where I sat down on a couch or a love seat I really couldn't tell.

"Edward, who is this?" I could clearly hear the confusion in Alice's voice.

She had no idea who I was….

I couldn't help the huffed, single laugh that tore from my chest.

"Her name is Anna." Edward answered.

"Why in the world would you bring her into our home?" Rosalie snapped at him and when I heard the word home it all broke loose.

I couldn't hold it together anymore. Big fat tears were streaming down my face as my torso heaved with suffocating sobs while I felt nothing. I would never see my parents or any one else from my world again and I was not even able to feel anything while my body shock with the strangled cries that left my throat.

I was all alone and I didn't even exist.

After a few seconds I didn't even try to fight the tears, nothingness and emptiness overtook me.

I felt cool, hard arms pulled me against a strong chest while I was hysterically crying as if there was no tomorrow because for me there wasn't.

I have no idea how long I had been wailing while I was literally numb but at some point I must have fallen asleep in someone's arms.

A distant, muffed frantic voice tore me out of the warm blackness that had engulfed me and rocked me into unconsciousness. Slowly and unwillingly I had been ripped out of the place where nothing of the horrible reality was true and I heard a door being slammed shut downstairs.

I was confused and still tired. My mind was still numb and I didn't really want to remember the gut retching facts. My eyes were swollen my throat was dry and felt uncomfortable like the rest of my body. I briefly wondered if I got punched by something, then chewed on by a cow before spit out.

I surrendered to the darkness again for what felt like only a moment to before my eyes opened on their own accord. My mind didn't allow me a hideaway.

I sighed heavily and miserably before looking to my right where I found a bottle of lemon flavoured soda on the night stand besides the bed.

I sat up on the bed, reached out and grabbed the bottle, opening the lid I took a pull of the refreshing liquid. As I did so something ahead of me caught my interest.

I closed my slightly wet eyes before I shook my head. My vision had been a little blurry and I tried to clear my eyesight. I felt a little disoriented as I gazed out of the panorama window that was located ahead of me.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught something standing next to me and I let out a shriek in surprise and freight. My hand covered my wild beating heart as I stared at the Vampire that put me into the funny farm.

"Don't scare me like that," I pushed out while I was desperately trying to catch my breath.

A few moments past before I pulled myself back together and began to wonder why he hadn't apologised or said anything at all.

I cranked my neck to look at him through narrowed eyes only to see him standing there, unmoving, between the bed and the panorama window just slightly out of my immediate sight.

"Carlisle?" I called out to him while he stood there with a frozen expression on his face and looked like he was about to take a step forward.

Normally it would be weird to find someone in such position because no human could maintain such posture but he was Vampire after all.

"This isn't funny….." I began to sneer at him as I saw something behind him outside the panorama window.

The words got stuck in my throat as I observed the object that caught my interest. I crawled out of bed forgetting Carlisle for the moment as I slowly inched closer to the window and the mystery that was behind it.

I touched the cool glass with my fingertips while my eyes were fixed on the little bird that was mid flight a few inches away from the window. The tiny bird had it's wings spread out as if it wanted to push itself through the air but the bird was frozen in place, floating motionlessly in the air.

It looked like someone had pushed the "Still" button on the remote control.

"What the hell?" I breathed as fear and terror crept up my spine while I took two cautious steps away from the window.

My head whipped around to look at Carlisle and he still hadn't moved at all. I swallowed heavily whereas my heart started to hammer forcefully and quickly in my chest. I back away from Carlisle's frozen form and made my way to the door as fast as I could never letting my eyes sway from the motionless Vampire.

Once I managed to wrench the door open and I pushed myself through it I shut it as fast as I could and let out a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding.

Carefully I inched my way to the stairs and while I did so I noticed for the first time that I didn't hear any kind of sounds. I had been in the house of the Cullen's before and the sounds of the birds singing was softly floating through the air back then but now nothing but death silence.

A brief though of a horror movie shot through my mind and I wondered if the house would transform into a chamber of horrors any minute like the houses in "Silent Hill" did.

My heart was vibrating my frame with it's painful bell punches and I could feel the cold sweat that formed on my forehead and the sweaty palms.

I took the first step down and was thankful that the stairs didn't screech letting out a breath I carefully went down with a funny feeling in my gut, thinking of obtaining any kind weapon as fast as possible.

Once I arrived at the bottom of the stairs I looked down the hallway to make sure that no one was there before I slowly turned around only to look into the face of someone.

An earth shattering scream of terror tore from my throat while my body jumped back in horror. Strong arms caught me before I could fall and my hands clung out of instinct to the jacket of the person who had me in their embrace.

I panted as I opened my eyes and looked into the wide open, dark honey pools of Edward.

"Thank god, you are wake." He sighed in relief while his sweet breath washed over my face.

"What the…don't….do that," I stammered while my entire body was shaking with the freight he gave me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said before he scoped me up into his arms and a heart beat later I found myself in the living room on the couch next to Emmett who had a joystick in his hands and seemed just as frozen as Carlisle and the bird.

I looked up from Emmett's huge form and saw Alice and Rosalie stand in awkward postures next to each other. Jasper was sitting on a love seat and his hands were held so as if something had been in his hands before he was caught in his current posture.

Just as I located Esme Edward came back into the living room carrying Carlisle before placing him next to Esme.

"What's going on here?" I blurted out and Edward's head snapped up in my direction.

His expression displayed how freaked out, worried and clueless he was.

"I don't know," it was quiet and resigned whisper that escaped him before he walked over to the opposite couch and fell heavily into the soft cushions.

He took a moment or two to gather himself before he sat up and seemed to be responsive again.

"Why isn't anyone moving?"

His eyes rose to mine then and pain was shadowing his golden pools.

"I don't know. No one is moving," he chocked out while shaking his head.

"Why do you mean no one?" My voice was cold and hard as I asked.

"They are all frozen. I went into town and…." He was searching for words, "it's like a ghost town. Everyone is frozen, their bodies, their minds but not only humans but the animals as well. The forest, the trees, the leaves, the river, everything…" his hand drove nervously through his messy, brown locks.

Cold fear swept over my frame and I shivered slightly.

"But how can this be?" I said to no one in particular while I gazed at the motionless bodies of the Cullen's.

When I looked back at him I caught a flash of something that crossed his face.

"What is it?

"Mist," he breathed so quietly that I doubted I heard him right.


He shook his head, drove his hand once more through his messy hair before a thoughtful expression settled on his face.

"I went into town after I couldn't get anyone to wake up from their current state. I don't know myself what I was hoping to gain with that but I was panicked after I noticed that there were no sounds coming from the forest." He swallowed hard.

"Before I even reached the limits of the town I knew that something was wrong. Normally I have a five mile radius but no matter how close I got I couldn't hear anyone's thoughts."

Oh that's so not good. My subconscious suddenly piped up while she cautiously looked up from behind the couch she was hiding behind.

"Already when I entered the main road that leads into town I saw some cars that stood in the middle of the road and the drivers were all just as frozen as…" He looked over to his family members with a pained look on his face.

"I went further inside," I could hear the lump that had built in his throat.

"And there was this mist."

"What mist?"

"It slowly inched it's way forward," he continued as of he didn't hear my question, "white, thick, milky mist that swallowed everything in it's way."

He paused and took a deep breath before pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his forefinger.

"There was a woman with a child the mist swept over the child and half of the woman I wanted to pull them out of the mist, I have no idea why I did that." He then looked pleadingly at me.

But for what he was pleading I had no idea.

"When I pulled them out, the child and half of her was gone."

My breath stuck in my throat and shivers of disgust and horror overtook my body at the mental picture he had just painted.

"What do you mean she was just gone?"

"I don't know," he said while he jumped up from the couch he was sitting on, "it's like the mist had eaten her or etched her away. Once something is swallowed by that mist it's gone."

I sat there and let his words sink.

"Wait! Is this lethal mist coming our way?" I suddenly exclaimed.

He stopped the pacing he had taken up, his sad, tortured and apologetically eyes met mine before he nodded.

"Then," I railed while jumping of the couch myself, "what the hell are we waiting for? We should get the hell out of here."

"We can't." He sighed sadly and guiltily.

"What do you mean we can't?" I yelled at him.

He winced.

"Pack them," I pointed at his family, "into your cars and let's get out of here. How hard can that be?" I growled at him.

His eyes blazed at me once I was done with my rant.

"I tried to find a way out. Do you think I want us all to die?" He barked harshly back at me.

"There is no way out of here. The mist is coming from all directions. It's encircling Forks." He admitted looking utterly defeated.

Now it was my turn to pace around the living room before an idea hit me.

"How about you call your cousins in Alaska and they can hijack a helicopter or something?"

He gave me a looked that said: How in the world do you come up with something like that?

"First I don't think we have that must time left and second I already tried to call them no one is picking up," he said and went to reach for the remote control.

"What are you doing?" I asked not being able to believe that he wanted to watch TV in a situation like this.

"Look!" He ordered as he switched the TV on.

CNN was on and what I saw caused me to sink down on the love seat behind me. The newsreaders of the CNN were just as frozen as Esme, Rosalie and the others.

"The mist hasn't reached them yet but…." He didn't need to end the sentence I saw what he meant.

"But then why… and I…we?" I gazed puzzled and clueless at him.

He shrugged.

"My guess is that it's your shield."

My eyes implored more of the explanation from him.

"Carlisle wanted to check on you after we brought you here and when he got close to you I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore and Jasper was not able to feel him. We guessed that you expanded your shield what would also explain why I was the only one who was able to remember you. I wanted to see if I would be able to hear the others when I was inside the radius of your shield and when I looked at Carlisle to tell him that I didn't hear anything he looked like this." He pointed at his father with his head while he wore a sad and miserable expression on his face.

My head was pounding with all of those facts and I let out a lung full of air while my hands were angrily shoving through my hair.

"So what now?"

The guilty and helpless look he gave me answered my question.

I sighed in denial and anger while I turned my head to the side.

After a string of curses that I shouted in my mind I let myself fall against the back of the couch while my mind was blank until suddenly the dots connected.

"The door!" I exclaimed loudly.

"What?" Edward gave me a half curious raised eyebrow.

"When you were guiding me out of Charlie's house I heard my mom call for me and I saw white mist where the dimension door had been." I reported feeling distraught.

Edward's expression told me that he was slowly coming to the same conclusion I just had made.

"What if the destruction of the door was the beginning of the destruction of this world," and just like this horror gripped me even worse then ever before, "or worse the destruction of both worlds." I chocked out as tears were falling down from my eyes.

My heart was ripped into millions of pieces. I couldn't even think of the consequences of that scenario…..that…I just couldn't…

I searched for my subconscious for her to give in her two cents, to assure me that I was wrong but she was lying on the ground in a dead faint for once not being her overly dramatic self but behaving appropriate for the situation.

My mind was a vortex that sucked every one of my thoughts and feelings into nothingness and meaninglessness.

I should have cried.

I should have yelled.

I should have complained.

I should have gone through the five stages of grief.

My survival instincts demanded that much of me…..but I just couldn't fight or even care anymore.

Instead I just accepted it, I just surrendered because if I really though about it, with my state of mind, death didn't seem that bad at least for me.

Death was easy life was hard.

If I died then everything would have been over, no more pain, no more grieving over what I had lost, no more having to deal with all of what happened to me.

The numbness that suddenly engulfed my emotionally drained and physically exhausted body was mostly welcome. Though a huge part of me wanted to fight for the survival of my family in the other world I knew it was pointless there was nothing I could have done to stop what was happening and that hurt more then anything else.

Apathetically I sat there on the couch as suddenly the cushion under me shifted and I felt cool arms pull me into a cool but strangely warm embrace.

I knew that it was Edward who was holding me and snuggling himself up to me and under normal circumstances I wouldn't have allowed such closeness but given the situation we were in I just didn't have enough strength in me to be angry and to yell around.

Instead I let my body relax against his and leaned into him while he buried his face in my neck.

We were in each others embrace for quite a while before he pulled his head away from my neck a little while I was brushing my thumb over his underarm.

"I love you," he blurted out when our eyes met.

I sighed heavily and turned my eyes away from him.

"I'm not her." I felt like a broken record having to repeat that.

He sat up straighter, cupped my face with his hands and forced me to look at him. When I did so I saw that his features had become serious and his golden pools flashed as he spoke.

"I fell in love with the girl who came to Volterra to safe me. I fell in love with the girl who showed me my limits, my shortcomings and my narrow-minded view of the world." Then he smiled before saying his next words.

"I fell in love with the girl who challenged me and forced me to court her to earn her attention. I'm in love with you, Anna." He breathed and I could see in his eyes that he was surprised himself about that confession.

I was not taking it too serious we were after all going to die very soon and people tended to do stupid stuff that they didn't mean when the end was near and they were scared.

But since we were going to die and I felt like doing something stupid I lifted myself up a little and captured his lips into a soft kiss. Edward was shocked at first but quickly regained his senses and kissed me back with enthusiasm.

Why I was kissing him I had no idea but rational thinking was something that I had lost a while ago. I just acted on impulse or whatever…

His hands were exploring my body, stroking their way up from my hips over my rips and back to my shoulders blades until one of his hands disappeared in my hair while the other was holding me close to him.

I had my hands resting him his board shoulders and they were holding on to the fabrics of his shirt that was tightly fisted between my fingers.

As much as I hated it I had to admit that I liked being kissed and touched by him. Actually I more then just liked it…..

I got lost in his kiss and touch but when I felt his hands slid under the hem of my shirt I pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have….." He began immediately to apologise but I silenced him with my finger on his lips and shook my head.

I gathered my thoughts for a moment, at least that what was left of them, and I felt as if there was something that I had to do before it was over.

"Maybe," I was trying to find the right words but that was harder then I thought, "because….we are going to die but….. I want you to know that part of the reason why I was so angry at you is because you made me like you, really, really like you and that scared the living daylight out of me what made me angry." I confessed something that under normal circumstance I wouldn't have even admitted to myself.

In the face of death I was acting like such a cliché.

Humans were nothing if not creatures of habit.

I turned around and saw that the thick white mist that Edward had described was just outside the panorama window. The mist looked spooky and reminded me of Stephen King's "The Mist" though this one was thicker and more dangerous looking though I had the feeling that there were no giant meat eating insects inside.

I turned back around and Edward did the same. We shared a long look before I drove my finger through his hair. No words were spoken between us not that it would have changed anything about our situation.

Edward looked one last time over to his family, silently saying goodbye to them, as I was scratching his scalp, offering him comfort while I was sitting on his lap. When I had gotten on his lap I didn't know.

I cranked my neck and saw that the mist had eaten the panorama window away and was inside the house.

I felt Edward's cool fingers touch my cheek. I was met with a sad and anguished look on his face once I turned around to look at him.

I offered him a sad smile before I leaned into him and placed my lips on his once more.

I didn't want to think or to feel.

The only think I wanted was to be distracted by his lips while time stopped existing around us.