Chapter 17: Anna Swann

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Jake's POV:

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!" Bella cried in a high pitched and chocked voice as she was huddled on the ground on her knees, rocking back and forth while her sister had a full blown break down in the blood suckers arms.

And I was in the middle of it confused as hell and lost. I had no idea to what had just occurred in front of my eyes and ears.

As confused as my mind was my Werewolf instincts on the other hand were as sharp as a knife telling me to get Anna away from the blood sucker. But I was hesitant in doing so, too scared to make her condition worse. I didn't even know what all of that drama was about.

What Bells, Anna and the blood sucker were talking about didn't make any sense to me. But I wasn't the only clueless one the female blood sucker was just as confused as I was.

I could see it in her overly and unnaturally perfect face that she was caught between wanting to go to Bells who was in my arms as she cried and apologized for something that had caused her sister to lose it and to go to the other blood sucker and help there.

Anna was screaming and crying miserably while the leech held his hand over her mouth to muffle her screaming before Charlie's neighbours would be alerted to the happenings in the house.

One could think the world just ended. The sounds she was making were causing goose flesh out of fear to sweep over my entire frame. The sounds were gut wrenching and blood chilling.

The male blood sucker was holding Anna as she struggled in his arms. The Werewolf in me demanded of me to go there and to free her as she clearly didn't want to be in his embrace but I had enough common sense to stop me from doing so.

Something was fishy and since he seemed to be the only sane person who knew what the hell was going on I let them be.

I pressed Bells closer to me as Anna started to make sounds that really concerned me and her body began to twist in an unnatural way.

Soon after that started I heard two cars stop in front of Charlie's house and I smelled the blood suckers before I saw them.

The Werewolf in me was more then uncomfortable with their presence.

"What are you doing here?" I growled at them but they ignored me.

A female with caramel hair stopped dead in her tracks as soon as she caught sight of the blood sucker who had Anna in his arms. Her hands flew over her mouth and she looked pained at the misery in front of her.

"Carlisle she won't calm down." The brown haired blood sucker rushed out in panic.

"I think she has a panic attack." The blond Vamp answered after taking a look at her.

"What are you doing to her?" I asked with authority in my voice.

That was when the blond blood sucker turned to me.

"We have to stabilize her before she gets a heart attack or an aneurysm."

I looked doubtfully at him.

"I'm a physician. I know what I'm doing." He said and looked straight into my eyes.

I nodded reluctantly but only agreed because Anna's behaviour honestly scared me.

A huge blood sucker that made me shrink back and huddle over Bells more protectively stepped into the house and carried a black bag with him.

"Carlisle hurry!" The brown haired blood sucker said before the Doc Vamp rammed an injection into Anna's arm.

Too late I noticed what was happening. I was prepared to jump at the leeches when they would go for Anna's blood but to my astonishment they all stood where they were and seemed unaffected by the drop of blood that had spilled from her tiny wound.

Tense moments past and Anna's cries were fading not a second too soon if someone asked me and soon the only one crying was Bells.

"Now would some please be so kind to tell me what the hell that was all about?" I asked in a grumped and sarcastic voice.

The blond male looked grimly at me and sighed.

"It's complicated."

"You know what happened?" The little Vampire piped up.

"Rose called Edward while he was in the airport in Sao Paulo. He told us." The big leech explained looking with sympathy in his eyes at Anna's sleeping from.

"Well then enlighten me!" I demanded.

The blond leech was about to open his mouth when suddenly I felt Bells grip my arm with all her strength. I looked down at her huddled frame next to me as she shook her head furiously while tears were spilling freely from her panicked and alarmed eyes.

"I-I…I did…didn't …know," she chocked out between her hiccups.

Her entire body shook with the force of her anguish while she looked like a pile of misery. It made no sense no matter how I looked at it. Just a few minutes ago she had been happy as one could be and then she saw her sister and suddenly all joy was wiped out of her face and replaced with terror?

"I'm so sorry. I…I really didn't know."

And after the terror came the guilt and the pain as if she had murdered someone or committed an equally terrible crime. For the life of me I didn't understand her mood swings.


"I didn't want that. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She repeated in a hysterical, broken and pained voice that was filled with guild and regret.

This entire situation confused me to no end.

"We got to get her out of here. It won't be pretty when she wakes up and sees Bella." The tiny Vampire said looking confused at Anna before she cast an even more confused look at Bells that turned sympathetic once she took Bells hunched, sobbing frame in.

"You're not taking her anywhere." I immediately threw in glaring at the blond leech, daring him to oppose me while I drew Bells into my arms.

She clutched her shaking body to my frame holding on to me for dear life while she wailed.

"She needs medical attention." The blond leech pleaded.

"Then I get her into a hospital." As soon as the last word left my mouth Bells grabbed my arm with her shaking hand. My head whipped around to look at her fiercely shaking head.

"No…ho..spitals. No….hospitals. She can… not," Bells sobbed.

She then looked at Anna's lifeless body that was in the leech's arms and I saw her break apart as she took the sight of the two of them in. I couldn't understand the look in the leech's eyes with which he was looking at Bells before he turned his attention back to Anna.

"Edward!" Bells voice was a horse whisper and I felt her body cringle next to me as she spoke.

Slowly he looked at her. His face was a tense mask. His eyes were shadowed and hooded the expression from a few seconds ago was gone and only a poker face was left.

"Take her….it…. it is for …..the best right now." She sobbed and curled into my side searching for support.

I wanted to protest but Bells gripped my arm squeezing it tightly before her sobbing got louder.

The leech rose and held Anna bridal style while she hung like a lifeless doll in his arms. I was barely able to fight the urge to go to him and rip her out of his grip. That picture in front of me was just too wrong but Bells hold on me kept me in place.

He stopped on his way outside once he was standing a few feet right in front of Bells. He looked over at her while she had her face buried against my upper arm. It looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't find words to do so.

After a few seconds he started moving again and disappeared with Anna in her arms out of the front door.

"What about Charlie?" I asked suddenly remembering Bells and Anna's father.

"We will think of a solution. He will return from La Push tomorrow in the afternoon until then we will have come up with something."

"How do you know when he comes back? Your crystal ball can't see anything that is going on in La Push."

The blond leech looked surprise by my knowledge but quickly looked in Bells direction and his face softened.

"That is correct but Anna's unique condition gave us that insight and Alice can see when he will call our house."

"What do you mean with: Anna's unique condition?" I asked with a threatening edge in my voice as my body tensed.

The leech sighed.

"She is not what and who you think she is. I don't know if Bella will be able to tell you everything that had occurred but I will call your father soon and ask for a meeting with your pack leader. We will have a lot to discuss." He said before he left as well.

That left me even more confused then I had been before. What in the world was going on?

But I didn't have time to wonder for long. Bells was miserable and completely distraught. After a few attempts to get her attention that failed entirely I lifted her off the ground and carried her to her bedroom, lying her down on her bed before I crawled next to her holding her in my arms while she cried herself to sleep.

I let everything that had happened run over and over through my mind as Bella slept next to me but nothing came out of doing so. At some point I had given up and waited for Bells to wake up and clue me in.

When she began to stir it was in the middle of the night. She looked tired and worn when she opened her dull and lifeless chocolate brown eyes. Her eyes almost immediately filled with fresh tears that were about to spill.

I said nothing just smiled at her to signalise her that I was there for her for whatever she needed me.

"It really did happen, didn't it?" She asked and though I had no idea still what exactly was going on I nodded.

She started to quietly cry into my chest as she snuggled herself closer to me seeking comfort I willingly offered her.

"Bells what is going on?" I asked her after she had clamed down and we just laid in one another's arms for a while.

Her body tensed and I heard her heave her chest painfully. A quiet whimper escaped her mouth and I was about to take my question back as she began to speak.

"It's all my fault."

I didn't say anything instead I lifted my hand to her head and started to run my fingers through her hair in an attempt to keep her calm and give her the strength to go through with the explanation.

"We are doing all of this the second time around but the first time after I went home I somehow opened a portal to another world and Anna was on the other side of the door."

"What?" The word was out of my mouth before I noticed it in my confusion.

She lifted her head up to look into my face.

"Anna isn't my sister or Charlie's daughter. I'm so sorry! Please don't hate!" She was suddenly pleading desperately.

"Bells I could never hate you." I assured her touching her face with my free hand though what she had said didn't make any sense to me.

"You will after you heard what I have done. Edward he…" Her chest heaved painfully once more.

"I'm not him." I nearly growled before my voice became softer. "I will never leave you like he did. It's alright Bells."

She didn't look too convinced as tears were running down her face but she nodded.

"Her life looked so easy and normal and in that moment that was all I wanted, to forget all my worries and problems. I just couldn't take it anymore." She sobbed.

"Anna was just as shocked as I was about the portal I stepped into her world, a parallel demission, existing next to ours," my brain could barely keep up, "and she looked so curious when she studied my room." She took in a lung full of air.

"I don't even know what had gotten into me. But before I knew it I offered her to take a look and after a hesitant moment she stepped over into this world and then it was as if I wasn't really in my body anymore. I ran to the door and closed it locking her in my world while staying in hers." I heard what she was telling me but my mind couldn't quite figure out what I was hearing.

"Only after the door had been shut my common sense returned but then it was already too late and I don't know…when the guilt came over what I had done and the pain I kind of snapped. I wasn't me anymore and when the woman who was her mother called me with Anna's name and didn't seem to see that I wasn't her daughter…" She shook her head and more tears left her pained chocolate pools.

"I lived her life for almost four months until I found those books. Twilight they are about our lives and only after I read them I fully comprehended what I had done. What I was doing to you and Edward and the others. What I had done to her. What I had pushed her into. What I had thrown away." She choked.

"I thought…..I thought…." She sobbed nearly hysterically then barely able to catch her breath. I held her firmly to me and stroked over her back, trying to comfort her the best I could.

Bells continued talking again once she calmed down a little.

"I thought," I could hear swallow around the lump in her throat, "that when I open the portal again that Anna would stand on the other side like she did the first time. Actually I wasn't even thinking I just wanted to go back. I wanted everything to be the way it was supposed to be. For me, for her, for all of us." She her sobs tore through her torso.

"What have I done?" She whined miserably starting to cry hysterically again.

I held her trembling and shaking body once more in my arms trying to process what she told me. My mind was trying to come up with a logical explanation to why she would tell me something so outrages until I remembered that I was a Werewolf and that my mortal enemies, the Vampires, lived in my neighbourhood.

The portal to a different world story was crazy but set into perspective not impossible. I had stopped thinking that anything was impossible after I phased the first time but that didn't mean that such things would be easy for me to accept.

"I wasn't even thinking clearly when I rushed to the door that brought me into her world and that was the only way back to where I do belong." She suddenly mumbled with a voice that was drained off all emotions.

"I was frantic. I just wanted to get my life back. It was as if I woke up from a dream. A nightmare where I hadn't been myself." She shook her head as she remembered.

"Then I got there. The last steps to the door seemed to take forever. I grabbed the door handle pushed it down and opened the door." She needed a moment before she could talk again.

"The only thing that I was capable of thinking was how sorry I was for what I had done to her what I had taken from Anna and how much I wanted to have my life back. How much I wanted the happy ending I then knew we all would have. What I had discovered in those book sit was all I ever wanted." She cried desperately while her hand clutched my tee shirt.

"It was wishful thinking. I believed because I needed to believe that she would be on the other side of the door and we would switch back and everything would be OK again." Bells shook her head in chagrin.

"I just wanted to see Edward again." That one hurt more then I wanted to admit to myself but I didn't let go of her.

"But when I opened the door she wasn't there and then I got sucked in and the door exploded. There was a chaos and then I finally saw Edward," her voice was filled with utter joy when his name spilled from her lips. I had to bite my lip to keep the murderous anger at bay that I felt, "again but he wasn't alone. Anna stood right next to him looking as shocked at me as Edward did," her voice broke now when she said his name.

"We were both in this world." Her voice was thigh with tears which I knew would return again any second.

"Nearly four months it took me to recognize my mistake. Four months also passed here. But then there was this fog and I thought I destroyed this world but then I woke up in your arms back in the past and I stupidly thought that it was all just a bad dream or everything was back to normal." She sobbed and I felt her hot tears on the thin fabrics of my shirt that was nearly soaked through.

"I thought I escaped the consequences of my actions and that everything would be alright for all of us but the second she walked out of my house I knew it wasn't over and what I had done to her became painfully real." She chocked on the last words.

"And Edward knows what I have done. He'll never forgive me," Bells wailed miserably.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She repeated as she began to cry hysterically again. Her body shook with her guilt and anguish while I did my best to hold her together.

Anna's POV:

I was lying on a big comfy bed staring out of the huge panorama window. I knew that I was in the house of the Cullen's but what I didn't know was how may days I had been in their house.

The only reason why I knew that days had passed was because I somehow did notice that darkness and light had taken turns outside that panorama window. With each passing cycle it became more apparent to me that my loss had become permanent. No matter how much I wanted to run away from the truth or deny it the cruel reality had me in it's anguished clutches.

I knew that my parents, my family, that all of them were still alive but I would never see them again. Before I still had the hope to be able to get back home but now that the hope that kept me going had been erased the void that this hope left behind filled with pain, loss and grief.

Huddled together under the thick blanket that protected me from the outside world I dealt with the denial, when I didn't want any of what happened to me to be true, anger, when I would be mad at the word, at her especially, at everyone and anyone, bargaining, praying that god would hear me or anyone who could help. They say that the last stage of grief is depression but for me this was the stage with what everything began and that wouldn't go away.

The last few days I had hid behind my numbness and anguished cries for my loved ones but somehow when I looked at the grey sky and the deep green trees that slowly swayed in the breeze acceptance settled in.

I accepted what happened to me to be reality. I accepted the painful knowledge that I would never see my family again. I accepted being aware of the fact that I had lost everything and that there was nothing left for me to live for.

It hurt.

It hurt a lot but I knew that lying in bed wouldn't make it better or solve anything. And without really knowing why or where to go from the place I found myself in I sat up on the big comfy bed that had been my hiding place for god knows how long.

Only when I sat up I noticed how badly I needed to use the bathroom. I looked around the room I was in and saw a door that was slightly open. Focusing my eyes on the door that was ajar I was able to see that there was a bathroom behind that door.

I got out of bed, stretched my aching limbs and made my way over to the loo. Once done with the call of nature I went to the sink to wash my hands but stopped dead in my tracks once I saw my reflection in the mirror.

I looked like a disaster that happened and my nose screwed up at how I smelled.

I sighed and shook my head in disapproval. As I did so something on the counter caught my eye. It was a note on a pile of clothes, picking it up I started reading.

Alice had organised a change of clothes for me. I smiled at her thoughtfulness and went over to take a shower. I showered as fast as I could so I wouldn't waste too much of their hot water.

When I got out of the shower I noticed that every make-up product and hair product I used was on the counter as well. I wasn't quite sure how Alice knew that I used those things since she clearly didn't remember me but instead of breaking my head over this small mystery I shrugged it off and went to work.

"Feeling better," a velvet voice asked me as I stepped out of the bathroom.

I screamed and jumped about a mile clutching my racing heart while my body still trembled with surprise.

"Don't do that," I panted as I was trying to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry." I heard Edward's voice in front of me and it appeared as if he was apologizing for more then just the fright I got a few seconds ago.

Once I could breath again and my heart was calming down as well I looked up at him. He stood there looking entirely lost with a wary smile on his face as if he was afraid I would break down any second.

"Don't worry I'm back to my senses."

"No one would hold it against you if you weren't." He said quietly.

I gazed at him as he shoved his hands deep into his pockets. I sighed and went over to the bed that had new covers and was freshly made.

"How long was I here?"

"Five days. You were pretty out of it."

That explained why I could barely remember any thing that happened in the past five days. I shook my head angrily.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned and was kneeling in front of me in an instant. His honey pools bored into my eyes pleading for an answer.

"I just always thought I would be stronger. To break down like this…" I was disappointed in myself. I had never been an emotional person far from it. I thought and felt with my head.

"Anna you've been through hell, back and worse and you are dealing with it better then anyone else would considering what had happened and what you…." He bit his tongue then.

"What I lost." I ended his sentence and pain ripped though me.

The hot pain and the grief would be my compassions for a while I noticed. My parents were still alive but I would never see them again. I would have to really deal with that at some point but for the moment I pushed that knowledge out of my mind.

"I'm sorry." He murmured in a pained whisper.

"You are only partly to blame for this." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

"What have I told you about those words?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Then what can I do?" He asked helplessly.

I though about his words I wanted to tell him "nothing" but there was something that I wanted, needed and since there was no one to give it to me he had to be enough.

You know you need it. My subconscious encouraged.

"Can you give me a hug?" I asked quietly biting my bottom lip not looking at him while I asked.

"I really need a hug."

In an instant I was in his embrace.

It was not the same as when my mom hugged me every time I was sad or just to show me that she cared for me but nonetheless the brief hug made me feel a little better. If I closed my eyes and really tried to could wish myself into my mom's strong arms just for a split of a second, at least in my mind.

"Thanks." I said pulling away putting my scattered emotions into a box and packing them away very deep inside of me.

"So what's the situation?"

He looked wary back at me.

"Edward lay it all out there. I can deal with whatever there is but what is driving me nuts is not knowing and people that are keeping secrets from me." I hissed and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at him.

A small smile tugged on his mouth as he took my angry expression in.

"What?" I snapped.

"Glad to have you back." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Now that we state that would you be so kind." My voice was laced thick with sarcasm.

"Well, as you may have noticed we are back to squad one…"

"I really hope without the Italy part." I raised an eyebrow at him.

He pouted.

"Of course!"

"Do they know?" I suddenly wondered if he told his family.

He bowed his head and looked ashamed as he should.

"Yes," it was a quiet and guilty whisper.

"Esme must have given you quite an ear full, huh?"

"She wasn't the only one." He mumbled and I could hear the regret for his actions and the pain they caused in his voice.

"I do hope you know you deserve it."

He didn't say anything only looked down at his lap in shame.

"Anyway that's good it means we have the Volturi off our backs," but then it came to me, "but Victoria brings them back in."

His yaw clenched shut and he looked angry for moment before he composed himself.

"It will be easier this time. I know what happens. The fight will be no problem."

"You will have to make sure that she will leave with the pack and then you should be OK when Jane, Felix and the others arrive."

I had already run over the situation in my mind.

I was lost in my thought until I noticed him gaze curiously at me.


He took a moment to answer.

"It's just…" I held my hand up.

"If you dare to say you are sorry again I will borrow a base ball bat from Emmett and break it over your head. Are we clear?"

He sighed but a smile tugged on his lips.

"Emmett is more then willing to assist you with this."

"He always had been one of my favourites."

"Characters out of that book?"

I nodded.

"Favourites you said who else?"

"Alice and Seth of course. Alice well that explains itself and as for Seth, you just can't help but to like him, kind of like Emmett only that Seth has this whole cute little brother thing going for him." I said and in an instant wondered why in the world I was telling him this.

But in the back of my mind I knew what I was doing I was avoiding reality for as long as I could. I had been angry and sad and moody for so long. It was refreshing to be in a neutral place. Talking about nullities to Edward didn't make me happy or OK but it kept me in a strange kind of balance, it kept me together so to say if I had to put my out of control emotions into words.

Actually talking with anyone about nullities would have done that for me.

Suddenly he sighed annoyed. His eyes immediately snapped to mine and he looked unsure at me.

"I'm s….ahh. It's just Alice is bugging me. She wants to know if it would be alright to get to know you."

"She wants to abuse me as her life size dress-up doll." I classified.

"She's Alice." He shrugged and smiled weakly.

"She can do my hair if she likes to. I rather liked it when she did it for the graduation party she had organised."

"Oh now you've done it," he moaned closing his eyes while he ran his hand through his brown mess with the dark bronze highlights in it.


"Alice will insist to do the graduation party this time as well. Correction she already is. Guess you are hosting another one."

I shook my head before my movements came to am abrupt halt with a sudden realisation.

"Edward I'm not going to school here it's like three months before graduation. It's too late to enrol me and besides I graduated twice already. In my world then here and first off all I don't have any papers. I don't even exist here…" I was on the roll but the expression on Edward's face let the words die in my throat.

"What aren't you telling me?" I questioned as fear settled in my stomach for some reason I didn't know.

"Anna," he licked his lips before he continued, "you do exist here." He told me carefully.

"Where is the catch?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He squirmed in his seat next to me and swallowed hard. Edward gazed at me for a long moment before he opened his mouth again.

"Apparently you are….and I really have no idea how that happened," he was trying to buy time.

This can only be bad. My subconscious looked with a funny feeling in her tummy at me.

"Spit it out Edward." I commanded.

He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes before opening them again and his piecing gold bore into me.

"You are Charlie Swan's daughter and Bella's twin sister."

The yaw of my subconscious hit the floor in shock and stunned insurrection.