Chapter 21: Confrontation, Dark and kinky

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Anna's POV:

I was in my room at the Cullen mansion, zipping through the TV program. The huge flat screen that hung opposite of my bed was amazing and I had the assortment of nearly seven hundred stations and twenty four different nations.

A strange Chinese game show had just captured my interest when I heard a knock on my door. I muted the TV and went to open the door.

Esme was smiling timidly at me once the door swung open before a slightly concerned expression occupied her face.

"Is something wrong Esme?"

She hesitated a second before she answered. "There is a call for you."

"From who?"

"Renee." I sucked in a sharp breath at the sound of that name.

I had been able to dodge her last three calls so far but at some point I had to talk to her.

Renee hadn't been really fond of me the last time around. I was surprised to discover that how she had treated me actually still hurt a little and made bad memories resurface.

I wondered how she would react to me now that I was not her "Bella" but her other daughter. But somehow I had the feeling I wouldn't fair any better with Renee in this new scenario.

"OK," I sighed defeated and stepped out of my room.

Esme offered me an encouraging smile. Edward must have told her what had happened with Renee while I was still starring as the family stealing witch.

While I was walking down the stairs I briefly wondered why Esme hadn't just brought the house phone with her or connected the call to the phone in my room but I shrugged that though of for the time being and concentrated on the matter at hand.

I saw the phone lying on the breakfast bar when I entered the kitchen. I moved closer to the object with a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. Before I touched the phone and made to pick it up I took a deep breath and readied myself for the talk with Renee, praying that I could get out of that conversation without any arguments.

"R…ah….Hello," I stammered a little since I wasn't sure how to address her.

"Anna? Is that you?" Renee's high pitched voice boomed out of the speaker.

"Yeah it's me. How are you?" I asked politely.

"Shouldn't I ask you that?"

"I'm OK. It's been now almost two weeks and I'm nearly back on track."

"That's good to hear." She said and a short pause followed. I could practically feel that there was something that she wanted to say but didn't know how.

"How come… are staying at the Cullen's?"

"Didn't Charlie tell you already? I collapsed in the middle of the road while I was taking a walk and Carlisle found me when he was driving by."

"You could have gone to the hospital." She blurted out with a disapproving tone in her voice.

"I mean wouldn't that have been better than to stay at a house of people you barely know?" She added quickly.

Right the family stealing witch was holding everyone, even her own family, at arms length after she got her claws into Edward.

"I hate hospitals." I answered harshly.

"Anna," she sighed.

"You know now that I'm alright, is that all you wanted to talk about," even I could hear the sharp edge in my voice.

"I'm glad that you are feeling better and I would be happy if you would call me when you get back at Charlie's."

I said nothing for a few moments.

"Anna?" I heard her questioning voice.

"I'm not moving back to Charlie."

Now it was her turn to be quiet.

"What? Why?"

"I have my reasons."

"You didn't fall in love with your sister's ex-boyfriend who she is still in love with and crying her eyes out about?" She exclaimed enraged.

"What? No." Unfortunately my voice didn't sound as convincing as I would have liked.

Are you really not in love with him? My subconscious taunted as she titled her head to her side and looked with a curious but knowing gaze at me.

"Like I said I had my reasons."

"I don't buy it Anna."

"Listen, I don't care if you buy it or not I will not live under the same roof as her."

"Her?" She wondered a minute. "Are you talking about Bella?"

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond.

"What happened?"

"That's for her to tell you. She is the one who started it."


"I will not move back to Charlie and I will not talk about this any longer. I thank you for your concern but what Bella broke can't be fixed. And if you will ever call me again to plead her case I will just hang up on you."

"But Anna! How can you? She is your sister…"

"She is no sister of mine." I growled angrily into the phone and suddenly Edward was in front of me pleading with his eyes for me to calm down.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek and took a deep breath.

"What happened between the two of you?"

"That is for her to tell you," I was not about to find any kind of excuse for her. She would have to struggle for answers.

"Anna….." Renee's voice sounded confused and a little upset.

"Have a nice day Renee." I barked and hung up.

Edward looked for a long while unsure at me. He opened and closed his mouth a few times but no words came out.

"If you are currently trying to tell me that she sucks at lying and making up stories I know that. But she is responsible for this mess. Shall she suffer the burn of it." I spat coolly at him and turned around to walk back into my room.

Once in my room I threw myself on the huge comfy bed and stared at the ceiling thinking of nothing in particular after I had cursed her out in my mind once again.

Suddenly a knock altered me of the fact that someone was standing out side my door again.

"Come in." I said and the door was pushed open.

Carlisle stepped in with a small smile on his lips.

I sighed and sat up.

"How can I help you?"

"I would like to talk to you, Anna."

"OK," I nodded slowly.

He ambled to the bed I was sitting on and I gestured from him to sit down.

"Anna," He began after he got comfortable and his big wise eyes bored into my own.

"I understand the difficulty of your situation. I know that it's hard on you and I know how it feels to have your life suddenly turned upside down and lose the most important people in your life." He told me in a warm voice and with a sympathetic expression in his golden pools.

"It must be even harder for you since you can't ever see your parents again nor do you have any reminder of them or who you have been," at his words I felt my throat tighten up and the burn of tears in my eyes.

"If it's your purpose to make me cry you sure are successful." I joked lamely.

Carlisle reached out and touched my hand tenderly with his fingertips.

"Anna I understand how hard this is for you and that you are grieving but I have to ask you to help us to keep up our cover. You will have to go back to school in three days and Bella will also be there. Fortunately, you don't have any classes with her."

At least something. My subconscious muttered.

He squeezed my hand and smiled softly at me.

"But you can't blow up on her in public, Anna."

I sighed heavily and was a little upset that he thought I was that retarded.

"I know that and I wasn't planning on doing something so stupid." I frowned at him.

The Doctor smiled sheepishly at me.

"I know that you would not do it on purpose but emotions are not easy to control." He lectured me and I didn't like it.

"As for Renee and Charlie as well as the rest of Forks I think it's best that everyone knows that something happened between you and Bella but all parties involved should stay quiet about what exactly happened because to be honest no one of us could come up with anything that would explain the behaviour of the both of you."

"Carlisle," I looked him directly into his curious depths, "I can promise you that I will not spill our secret but I warn you I'll be anything but civil towards her."

It was Carlisle's time to sigh but he offered me a sad smile and nodded in understanding.

"There is also another thing."

"That would be?"

"The Werewolves want a meeting to have the chance to talk to you themselves."

"When do I have to meet them?"

"We would have to leave at seven o'clock if that is aright with you?"

"Don't they have anything better to do on a Saturday night?" I huffed but the look that Carlisle gave me reminded me that I had certain responsibilities which I had to fulfil.

There was no helping it I had to be cooperative or else…I was in a sour mood but I didn't want to be responsible for anyone's death.

"I'm free tonight and I will behave."

"Good," Carlisle smiled approvingly at me.

When I offered him a smile in return I wondered when I went from being upset with him for putting me into a loony bin to well I was not going as far as to say that I respected him but his presence was not unbearable.

I had accepted his apology a few days prior but I didn't think that my grudge against him would melt away this fast. Maybe I was just tired of so much hate and anger that constantly consumed me.

Though I knew that those dark, twisted and ugly feelings would never truly leave me because she would not even be punished for what she had done to me. This injustice would forever eat at my soul until nothing was left of it.

Twenty minutes before seven I was ready and went downstairs to get my jacket and to wait for Carlisle. Once I reached the bottom landing I was met with an anxious looking Edward.

"What's up with you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Those mutts are up to something." He grumped while he ran his hand through his thick, brown hair with those dark rusty highlights that only showed themselves in the right light.

"And that would be?" I wondered.

"I don't know that's what's worries me." He sighed.

"How do you even know that they are up to something?"

"Carlisle, Jasper and I met up with them on Wednesday but they insisted that we bring you along. I just don't understand why they want to talk to you even though Bella already confirmed what we told them about you."

I sighed annoyed but there he just seemed to be a hopeless case and it was more appropriated to be sad over it then angry.

"I do get your over protective thing but if this is about me then I should be present. To say it bluntly they are right you are wrong." I rolled my eyes at him and went to get my jacket.

I heard him exhale loudly probably trying to get his temper under control.

"I will never jeopardise your safety." He growled as he suddenly stood at my side and was helping me into my jacket.

"I will not let you make me a prisoner." I shot back.

We stared each other down before he gave in.

"You won't make this easy on me will you."

"Scared of a little challenge Mr. Mind Reader?" I taunted him and was shocked to discover that the raised eyebrow I gave him along with the tone I used to ask the question was meant as a sign of flirting.

Somehow my body and mind were working against me.

Nope, girl they are working for you. My subconscious had to open her smart mouth.

His crooked smile appeared on his face and his eyes twinkled in mischief.

"Never," he breathed with certainty.

"We will see." I teased him as I became aware of his closeness.

His body was so close he was nearly touching me while his cool, sweet breath was washing over my face every time he exhaled. One look into his shining golden pools told me that he knew exactly what he was doing.

But I was not that easy to crack.

I knew that I couldn't run away from the truth that I had admitted already. Did I like him? I did. Could I possibly feel more for him then just "like"? The answer to that scared me which is why I didn't want to know.

Was him and me something I wanted? That was a good question to which I had no answer so far.

"Are you guys ready?" Emmett's booming voice broke Edward and me apart.

I caught Edward shooting his brother a heated glare what made Emmett grin sheepishly before Edward cranked his neck in my direction and smiled down at me.

"Where do we meet them?" I asked the both of them.

"In the forest." Emmett answered and a sly grin formed on his face when he looked over at Edward.

"I guess we can't go there by car."

"You are guessing right," Emmett chuckled amused.

"Are you afraid of speed?" Edward asked looking curiously at me.

"Nope," I popped the "p", "the faster the better."

Edward's lips twitched into a huge smile and his eyes twinkled at my answer.

"Adrenaline junky, huh?" Emmett wiggled his eyebrows.

"You bet," I smiled at him.

"We are ready to go." Alice sang as she and the others walked into the hallway.

I looked from one Cullen to the other with a curious and thoughtful expression on my face.

"Is something wrong?" Jasper asked feeling my emotions.

"I'm just wondering," I said in an innocent voice as my head was titled to the side.

"About what, sweetheart?" Esme urged me to go on while Alice could barely keep a straight face.

Six pair of curious eyes were focused on me waiting for me to go on.

"Where are the dart guns?"

Seconds of silence followed before Emmett burst out laughing while the others shook their heads but wore amused smiles even Rosalie graced me with a half-hearted snort.

"Dark and kinky humour?" Emmett asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"You've got no idea." I breathed and shook my head.

"Do you already know….."

"Emmett!" Edward raised his voice while he pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

"Later," I whispered to the big Vampire whereas Edward groaned beside me.

"You understand once you have grown up," I said while I patted Edward's arm.

He let go of his nose and glared at me. I snorted at his expression.

"Now I understand why you tease him so much. It's fun," I murmured when I cranked my neck to look over at Emmett as Jasper chuckled.

Rosalie wore an amused smile on her face while Alice looked sympathetically at Edward and Esme and Carlisle exchanged meaningful looks.

"Have you laughed enough at my expanses," Edward asked annoyed.

"See it this way: you made me laugh." I told him as I walked out of the front door but I did catch Edward's stunned expression in the reflection of the window near the door.

"Guess you found your match," I heard Emmett laugh behind me as he slapped his hand on Edward's back.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs outside the Cullen's took off into the forest and Edward crouch down in front of me so I could climb on his back.

"Don't let me fall down," I murmured while I sneaked my arms around his neck.

"I would never do that," he vowed in a quiet but determinate whisper before he as well started to move.

I squealed in surprise at the sudden movement and tightened my hold on him. At first it was fun to ride on his back and to see the world around us pass by quickly, like I was riding in a car and the scenery was fleeing away but the faster he got the sharper the wind blew into my face and made it hard for me to breath.

At some point I buried my face into his neck to protect my eyes and to be able to catch some air.

"Are you afraid?" He chuckled.

"No, but if you go so fast it hurts." I shouted though in the back of my mind I knew that he would have heard even a whisper.

Suddenly he stopped and set me on my feet and my face was in his hands as he concerned and alarmed golden pools were searching every inch of my face.

"Calm down," I sighed, "nothing happened." I waved him off.

"But next time I ride on your back a motorcycle helmet would be nice then you can speed all you want." I shrugged.

"Motorcycle helmet?" He looked like a light bulb went off in his head and he seemed to be completely floored by the idea.

"You can wonder later. The others must be waiting for us."

"A motorcycle helmet," he mumbled to himself while I was climbing back on his back.

"What took you so long?" Jasper chuckled as we finally reached the others while they were already waiting in a small clearing.

"I know exactly where to buy the helmet and there is this cute leather jacket from Gucci it will go right with it." Alice was chirping happily while the others looked confused between Alice and Edward and me.

"Do I even want to know?" Emmett asked with a raised eyebrow.

I only shrugged before all Vampires were suddenly on high alert.

"They are coming." Edward muttered.

Wow wouldn't have guessed. My subconscious rolled her eyes at him.

The wind was rustling the leaves of the trees as the twilight provided the last of the day's light. I really wanted to snort at the Hollywood worthy atmosphere for the meeting of the Werewolves and the Vampires but I refrained from doing so and only shook my head.

A few moments later five huge beast stepped out of the woods before tree people walked into the middle of those guard dogs.

I saw Jake walk in my direction before he stopped a good distance away from the Vampires but still close enough so I would hear what he said.

He wore a stern expression on his face and his eyes flashed as they met with mine. Jake seemed to be angry at me but why he was angry at me was a riddle to me.

Next to him walked a woman who had three angry red lines on her face: Emily.

What stunt are they tying to pull? My subconscious was tapping her chin with her forefinger being lost in thoughts.

Next to her was Sam that one was easy to guess even though I had actually never seem him before but the protective arm around her waist said it all.

Edward stepped closer to me and placed himself in front of me, shielding me with his body. I rolled my eyes and moved a little to my left to be able to have a good look at the Werewolves.

Edward sighed but didn't try to place himself in front of me anymore.

"Welcome," Carlisle greeted them.

Sam only nodded at him before his eyes met with mine.

"The leeches and Bella told us quite a story."

"I bet." I replied and Edward turned his head around pleading with his eyes for me not to be difficult.

"Is it true?" Sam asked in a doubtful voice.

"Yes, it is. I do not belong here."

Sam didn't look too convinced while Jake was clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides while a sinister expression occupied his face.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Edward posture was changing between shaking with furry and hunched over with guilt.

I wonder what the puppy is thinking about? My subconscious titled here head to the side looking thoughtful while she stole a glance at Edward.

"It's not like I can prove anything. I know that you might have some memories of me but they are all fake. I didn't even exist here up until a few months err.. weeks ago. However you want to see it."

"Why should I believe you?" He looked challenging at me.

I sighed heavily annoyed with him but I kept my cool.

"Brady and Collin will soon join the pack and Paul will imprint on Jake's sister Rachel when she comes to visit her family." Jake's eyes immediately flashed to the dark silver wolf who, I was pretty sure, was Paul's.

The poor pup looked horrified to his very core even before Jake's heated glare reached him while the rest of the wolves seemed to chuckle. At least that was what it somehow sounded like.

Paul shook his head as if in denial before he took over to glare furiously at me.

Even Edward caught a laugh what made me curious to what was running through Paul's mind that amused everyone so greatly.

"How do you know about Brady and Collin? And Rachel how do we know you are telling the truth?" Sam asked in a dark voice not paying any mind to what was going on around him.

"Didn't she tell you about the books?"

Sam pressed his lips together into a thin line while he crossed his arms over his chest and looked long and hard at me before he opened his mouth again.

"What you are trying to sell here is hard to believe."

My subconscious snorted.

"You know for someone who pops into a fur ball you are quite narrow-minded in regards of the supernatural." I barked at him while I folded my arms over my chest.

Sam observed me through narrow eyes for a long moment before his features softened a little and he nodded once.

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?" Carlisle asked politely.

"Actually there is something else." Sam said as a loud and dangerous sounding growl rumbled through Edward's chest.

I looked at him and saw him trembling in fury as his fists were clenched at his sides while he was glaring hotly at Sam.

"Edward," Carlisle said in a warning tone and Edward forced himself to relax though it was obvious that Jasper helped him with this task.

"What would that be?" Carlisle asked with a stern and careful expression on his face.

"Charlie had called a few hours ago and told Billy that you are not intending to return home." Sam raised an eyebrow at me.

Of course the second I hung up on Renee, she must have called Charlie. I was feeling really sorry for him to have to endure the hysterical screeching of his ex-wife.

You should have called to warn him! My subconscious noted smug.

And you are telling me that now? I shot back at her.

Now I was even having a conversation with my own my subconscious. GREAT!

Fantastic as soon as his shift will be over he will be at the Cullen's doorstep! My subconscious grumped away as if she didn't hear me while she wore a pout on her face and kicked the air in front of her.

"Charlie's house is not my home and no I'm not intending to return there. I will not live under one roof with her and endure her pathetic presence." I spat.

When I said that I saw Jake clenching his teeth together and start to tremble a little, he looked like he might explode any second.

"That is understandable," Sam agreed as a growl erupted from his side.

"Jake," He shot him a glare and Jacob shut his eyes, breathing heavily as he was trying to control himself.

Again I was Edward wince at whatever Jake was thinking.

Now guess on whose side he is. My subconscious was shaking her head in disapproval and disgust, glaring daggers at the young wolf.

"We would like you to know that you have options." Emily suddenly piped up.

"You don't have to stay with the Cullen's. You can come and live with us." She was looking warmly and hopefully at me.

After her offer was on the table I felt the Cullen's around me tense up and Edward looked like he wanted to pounce on one of the wolves.

"That is a really nice offer," I began after the first surprise wore off, "but I like to stay where I am."

"You rather stay with bunch of leeches?" Sam growled and made a disgusted face.

"First of all I don't care what they are. As far as I'm concerned they are people like everyone else. I am fully aware of the risks and the danger but same goes for you. And besides I had more then enough getting used to strangers."

"We are no strangers!" He blurted out before it seemed to click in his head.

"You think but in reality, in my reality this is the first time I really met you and actually talked to you."

He wanted to say something but Emily shook her head before she gave me an understanding smile. I smiled back.

"Jacob!" Edward warned in a hard and cold voice but it was no avail.

"How can you blame Bella for everything when he is the one at fault!" Jake suddenly exploded not being able to keep quiet anymore and murderously glared at Edward.

"Because if she would have gotten her head of her butt and told him to freaking grow up then nothing of this would have happened but no she just stood there like a damn damsel in distress hoping her problems would solve themselves if she just whined enough about them," I shouted at him while I became angrier with every word.

I could feel how my body trembled with rage as my heart was beating loudly in my chest and my breaths left my mouth in shaky pants.

Jake's glare was no longer directed at Edward but at me.

"Has that leech twist you around his little finger as well? How can you be so stupid and believe him?" He pushed out between clenched teeth.

"The only one who got twisted around a little finger is obviously you." I barked at him.

"I have no idea what the hell the witch told you but it was not Edward who pushed me into this world and stole my family from me only to throw them away in the end."

"I have never in my life met anyone who was as pathetic, as weak and left so sorry for themselves as her. All she ever does is to whine. Oh she not pretty enough. Oh she is not smart enough. Oh how could Edward ever want her when someone like Rosalie was "made" for him. And it goes on and on and on…." I exclaimed before I cranked my neck to look at Edward.

"If you would be able to read her mind you would have run for the hills a long time ago." I told him being serious as a heart attack.

My rant seemed to have shut Jake up but he still glared at the Vampire beside me.

"Bella is suffering. She didn't mean it…" the pup actually mumbled.

"Jake stop it! That's enough!" Emily chastised him while Sam gave him a dark look that clearly said: Shut the f*** up.

He didn't just dare…. My subconscious was on the warpath.

"The witch is suffering?" I scoffed before a hysterical laugher escaped my throat.

"Oh poor, little Bella who has it all, her parents, her family, her home, her friends, her life, her identity and she is the one suffering? My foot!" I yelled in disbelieve and outrage at him.

Even the wolves winced at the shrill tone of my voice and were shooting each other concerned glanced while Esme came to my side but could only watch me with the same helpless expression that Edward wore.

"Anna," Esme placed her hand softly on my shoulder but I paid her no mind.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked him in twisted amusement. "To forgive her?" I taunted darkly.

No sound escaped Jake's mouth but his eyes said it all. I laughed humourlessly.

"Oh, yeah, because you forgave the driver who killed your mother, right?" I scoffed.

I had once asked Charlie how Jake's mom died since I couldn't remember having read anything about it in the books. He told me the story of the drunken teenager who drove into her car ignoring a red light.

Jake's mom was dead on the spot while Rachel survived with minor injuries because she was in the back seat.

"So what he killed your mom, took her from you but you forgave and forgot right," I spat at him, disgusted with him while I was unable to fathom how he was even able to suggest something so outrages.

Jake looked like I had just slapped him straight in the face before he seemed to get a hold on himself.

"How dare you compare Bella to that murderer?" He yelled at me while his body was vibrating with rage.

Edward place himself protectively in front of me while the other Cullen's also stepped closer together around me but that didn't stop me from giving him an answer.

"The driver took away your mother just as she took everything from me, only to throw my entire life away like trash in the end. She is an evil monster." I growled with as much hate and repulsion as my body could contain.

I wanted badly to go to him and kick him hard right in the middle but Edward's arms around me stopped that from happening.

Jake looked pissed as hell.

"You are blaming the wrong person." He growled as Sam was ordering him to leave.

Reluctantly Jake left while I glared a hole in the back of his head.

"No, it's directed at just the right person," I spat while my blood boiled with rage.

"I think we are done for the night," I heard Sam say but I didn't hear Carlisle's respond anymore while Edward was trying to calm me down.

Blood was rushing through my ears and my heart was beating so fast as if it wanted to jump out of my chest whereas my body was shaking in white, hot furry.

Jake had gotten me under my skin. It was hard to breath because the rage that was coursing through my body.

Edward held me in his arms while I was coming back to my senses only then I noticed that we were alone.

"Where are the others?"

"They all went home." He answered me and looked intensely at me before he spoke again.

"And we also need to. Charlie will arrive at our home in about forty minutes."

"Great! Just freaking great!" I muttered to myself.

I liked Charlie but that was not a conversation I was looking forward to.