Chapter 25: Heartfelt Confessions

Edward's POV:

"Wow! That's amazing Esme," Anna said in awe as Esme showed her the plans for a new house.

"I'm quite satisfied with the end product, myself," Esme nodded approvingly to herself as she gazed at the images on her laptop.

"Where is this house located?"

"In Miami."

"As in Miami Florida?" Anna looked surprised and confused at my mother who laughed softly.

"This is not a house for us. I am working for an architecture company."

"Really?" Anna squeaked stunned.

"Yes, it's all possible thanks to the internet. I can easily remodel the homes of others or create new ones from the scratch. I am drawing the plans and others put them into practice. The construction manager can call me anytime or send me an e-mail if he has any questions or if something went wrong."

"Cool," Anna smiled as the both of them went back to look through Esme's newest project.

The both of them got along pretty well though it was not the kind of relationship I thought Anna would have with Esme. Anna didn't seem to see Esme as a mother figure but as a girlfriend.

When I asked her about it she had told me that her own mother and she shared more of a friendship than a mother and daughter relationship though those moments also had existed.

When Carlisle was returning from the hospital Esme excused herself to greet him. Once Esme closed the door of my room behind her I saw Anna look at me through narrowed eyes as I looked up from my book.

I felt a stab of frustration shoot through me because I was not able to hear her mind so I could know what was going through it as she looked at me in this very moment. Reading her was a challenge I had not mastered yet what frustrated me immensely but also excited me.

In the past few weeks we have been slowly getting to know each other better.

Our beginning was rather… to put it?…rocky and turbulent? She knew nearly everything about my past there was to know since I had been telling her all about it in the other time line while I still thought she was Bella but I learned very little about her then.

"And here I always thought you are made out of diamonds but scratch that it's more like a primary rock," she looked reproachfully at me.

"What did I do?" I asked confused.

"I have been here for over an hour listing to…" she was gesturing with her right hand and pointing at my stereo.


"If that's what you want to call it," she rolled her eyes, "I mean really don't you have anything else besides jazz?"

I was about to open my mouth but she beat me to it.

"And classic. Alright some of the classic I enjoy every now and then but what about rock or pop or R'n'B or…"

"Anna, I'm a Vampire and we freeze at a certain time and from then on we do not change. That…"

"Oh, reallyyy," she interrupted me.

"Huh?" My brows furrowed as she got up from the couch, went to the shelf and looked over my CD collection, pulling some of them out before spinning around to face me.

"Sting, U2, the Beatles….I didn't know they were that old." She raised an eyebrow at me holding the CD's into my face

"Errrr….." I opened and closed my mouth again.

Man, bro, she got ya. Emmett's voice boomed in his head.

Anna shook her head and placed the CD's back. She lingered on the last one as if deciding what to do next before she slowly cranked her neck to look at me.

"Most of the time you hold onto your past so much that the present can't touch you."

Bull's eye! Emmett agreed.

"You know just because your body is frozen it does not mean that your spirit and mind also are because if they really were caught in the time you grew up in you would not be able to blend in with today's society or any other for that matter but your own. You adjust. So you are able to change but at the same time you don't want to for some reason, I think." She shrugged.

I blinked at her.

"Anyway my point is," I looked expectantly at her, "that you just don't want to give the current music a chance."

Her serious expression broke into a smile that was followed by giggles as I shook my head at her.

"You are…." I began but really I was lacking words and all I could do in the end was to chuckle and to shake my head.

"Hey," she suddenly exclaimed before she was stifling her giggles as she tried to say something, "I haven't gotten around to ask you how the training with the wolves went down, yesterday?"

"Pretty much like in the other time line only that Jacob was not present."

"He wasn't?" She looked with surprised eyes at me.

I shook my head.

"Sam ordered him to stay away. He is blaming me for everything," I trailed off recalling what I saw in Sam's mind when he told me that.

Jacob was furious at me because of the pain Bella was going through. He thought that I was using Anna the same way I had used Bella.

"That's why I didn't want to go. He surely would have tried to convince me of his nonsense again and I would have been left with no other option but to punch him into his face…..He is just not worth a broken hand." She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders making me smile before she giggled and I joined in.

We were laughing until the moment when I heard a familiar roar driving up the road and turn into the drive away that led to the house.

"What's wrong?" Anna asked curiously when she noticed my rigid from.

My first instinct was it to lie to protect her but then something made it's way to the forefront of my mind and I knew I had to tell her the truth no matter how much she wouldn't like it.

Honesty was what she had always demanded of me, no matter how brutal and raw that truth was. It was strange but something changed in me in that moment and I began to question my former conviction that by lying I could protect someone.

Even if the intentions were good in the end lies made everything worse.

And when I looked at Anna, gazed in her clear, beautiful wide open eyes lies could not fall from my lips.

Well except if she would ever ask me how she looked in a particular outfit then I would lie for all I was worth and tell her the standard answers women wanted to hear.

I had witnessed enough occurrences to know that a man did not fair well when honest in that area.

"Bella is on her way here," the second the words left my mouth Anna's face hardened and all the muscles in her body tensed with hate and anger.

Her heartbeat quickened as her breathing went shallow and suddenly black fire was burning in her eyes which bothered me. She was a, too beautiful, too pure, creature to be tainted by such ugly emotions.

Not knowing what to say I just gazed at her for moment while my frozen heart bled seeing her being eaten by anger and hate. In public she masked those feelings but here at home for the first time I saw what being close to Bella, to have to tolerate Bella's presence did to her.

Just then it occurred to me that for what Bella took from Anna she would never be punished. I couldn't even imagine what that injustice must be doing to Anna.

Taking a deep breath I ripped myself away from her side, left the house and sped up the driveway. Stopping in the middle between the main road and the house I waited for Bella's truck to reach me.

"Edward," she breathed my name the second her eyes caught a glimpse of me.

She stepped on the breaks, cut the engine and flew out of the beast directly at me, stumbling on the way over her own feet what made her crash into my boy.

"Careful there," I breathed as she immediately slung her arms around me while her hands fisted into the back of my shirt.

Her scent hit me like a brick wall and I needed a second to get the monster under control that demanded of me to devour the heavenly smelling nectar.

As she was clinging to me with all of her strength it didn't escape my notice that it felt somehow different to have her in my arms than it did before. I couldn't exactly pin point it….something was missing or was not right?

Or was it because the last time I had hugged or intimately touched Bella in any form was before I left her in the woods and her embrace was now foreign to me?

While I mused over this strange empty feeling Bella's body shook with sobs as her tears started to drench the fabrics of the shirt.

Being left with not much of a choice I patted her back until she calmed down.

Placing my hands on her shoulders I pulled her away from me so I could look at her tears stricken face. Despite everything that had occurred worry wash over me at the sight of her tears.

"Bella did something happen?"

She shook her head.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her confused.

"I missed you," she cried and brushed her hands over her wet cheeks.

"Bella," I sighed and took my hands from her shoulders.

She whimpered as the contact between us ceased.

"It's not enough. You barely come to me anymore." Fresh tears were running down her face.

The past few weeks had been the weirdest ones in my entire existence. My time was divided between spending time with Anna, visiting Bella though I had stopped going to her place after the incident in the office of the guidance counselor and pondering over my life near a waterfall deep in the forest.

It was a new place where I could be alone with my thoughts that was untouched by man kind and silent. I haven't been to the meadow ever since this time line began. Too many memories of Bella and I were connected to that place.

Ever since the moment Carlisle explained to me what I had became I thought that nothing could become a danger to me except a Werewolf or one of my own kind.

Coincidences or circumstances or accidents could not touch me.

Over the years I had become so arrogant to think that nothing was completely out of my control but the second Carlisle stood still in front of me and I couldn't locate the minds of my family members those believes proved to be false.

When the white mist was nearing our house and eating away everything in it's way there was nothing I could do to protect the ones I loved. I could not even fight and die while defending my family and Anna.

For the first time in my Vampire life I felt truly helpless, clueless, pathetic and weak.

I felt like a human who was ran over by circumstances and had nothing to oppose what was coming at him.

For me it was near death experience of sorts.

I nearly died a few decades before but it was normal for a human to die. I had made my peace with death back then.

Anna turning up in my life and all the events that happened in the other time line had a huge impact on me, my view of the world and the believes I had.

I had always been someone who had needed time to mull things over and muse over them. I tended to over think things but that was how I was.

"Bella," I shook my head and not having any idea how to begin to explain to her the state of my mind or heart after everything that happened, how to tell her how disappointed I was in her or that my feeling towards her…

How could I? I didn't even understand myself anymore.

When I heard her heavy intake of air I glanced at her and couldn't help the stab of guilty that shot through my chest at her tormented expression.

"And when you are with me all we ever do is to talk. Ever since you came back you have barely touched me and not once have you kissed me or told me that you loved me." She was crying harder.

All I could do was to stand there and to watch her being in pain. I wished I could take that pain away and my mind also knew how but I just couldn't go through with it.

There were too many unsolved issues, too many questions were the answers where nowhere within reach.

"Edward, please," her voice was weak and teary as she looked from under her lashes at me.

I shook my head as I was searching for words.

It was impossible for me to touch her in a loving and tender way, to kiss her or to tell her that I loved her when my heart was not fully hers and on top of that the better I got to know Anna the more confusing my feelings were.

"What about us and our future?" She asked before she swallowed hard.

My head snapped up and I looked incredulously at her.

"What about Anna?"

Bella looked startled at me. Her chocolate brown eyes were ripped wide open and she appeared to have trouble understanding why I asked what I did.

"Why is it that every time I try to talk about us you are bringing her up?" She questioned me frustrated but then immediately held her hands up while taking a deep breath.

"OK, I know what I have done to her is horrible and I am sorry but obviously she is coping and getting better so…"

"Coping? Getting better?" I exclaimed indignant about what she just said.

Bella's eyes snapped up to mine and were full with questions.

"Well….she… school she looks like she is fine…..and…."

"She looks like she is fine?" I shook my head, pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes to damp the temper that was rising in me.

"Anna is putting on an act when she is in public because she has no other choice but to do so. She is everything but getting better."

"In fact she has not even started to get better or work through the loss of her family and home or anything else that happened to her. Not that she could. She has to function for the sake of everyone who has no idea what is really going on to protect our secret so there won't be even more questions circling around." I tried my best to keep the anger out of my voice but by the look that Bella gave me I was not as successful as I wished to be.

I just couldn't understand how Bella could even assume that Anna could be alright after only a few short weeks given what she had been through and had to endure the entire time.

"And the way she is being treated at school is putting another strain on her that she does not need. Bella, Anna is not alright. She is not even on the way there."

"I know about the rumours but then…." Her voice got weaker and she trailed off.

"Then what?" I raised an eyebrow at her as her gaze fell from mine and she was looking at the ground underneath her feet.

"I understand that Anna is not able to endure my presence…why didn't you ask me to move in with you that way there would be no rumours?" She did not dare to look up at me as tears filled her eyes and her voice.

"She was not responsive for days how exactly would we have explained to Charlie what was happening to Anna? I don't think she could have dealt with another stay in the hospital on top of everything. And leaving her with someone who has no idea what is going on…."

"She seems to get along with Charlie just fine," Bella interrupted me and I heard something in her voice that honestly shocked me.


"You are not seriously jealous of Anna's and Charlie's relationship?" I asked incredulously.

Bella crossed her arms over her chest and looked everywhere but at me while a heated red was covering her entire face.

"Charlie thinks of Anna as his daughter and she is feeling bad about what he is going through. I have told you more then once that Charlie is beating himself up about what is going on between you and Anna. He thinks that he failed as a father and that it would have been better if the two of you never came here but stayed with Renee."

"So she is doing it only out of pity?" Bella mumbled still not looking at me.

"No, she is doing it because she genuinely cares about Charlie."

"Or because she wants to take my family away from me like I did from her and didn't she succeed," she spat bitterly while angry tears pooled into her eyes.

"ENOUGH!" I growled. Anna was not like that! And I would allow nobody to talk about her like that.

Bella bit her bottom lip and glared at the ground hugging her middle.

Silence settled between us and I used that moment to calm myself.

I did not want to be angry at Bella, I understood where she was coming from and I knew that she always had complexes and constantly needed reassurance but it made me angry that she was acting selfishly in regards of Anna.

"In the books we were to be wed in a few weeks…." She broke the silence.

"Bella," I groaned.

Didn't she understand that whatever future was written in the books did not apply to our reality anymore?

"We got married August 13th," she just went on as if she hadn't heard me. I closed my eyes, exhaled sharply and pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger.

"And on the 14th we arrived on Esme Isle where we spend our honeymoon ….." Her voice grew almost desperate. I interrupted her.

"Bella stop!"

"Edward we have to make love on August 14th," a heart wrenching pleading was laced in those words.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I asked appalled.

The sheer thought of making love to a human was obscure to me.

"I would crush you in no time. I told you a long time ago that that is not possible for the both of us." I hissed at her but she only shook her head.

"No, you are wrong. In the books you did make love to me and I was fine."

"Those were just some stupid books Bella," I yelled and glared at her losing my temper.

If there was one topic I did not want to discuss then it was this.

Bella froze up like a statue and I took a few steps back moving into the path of a fresh breeze where I could take a few calming breaths.

"I'm sorry. I should not have lost my temper like this but….."

"Edward we have to make love on August 14th …" she still was not letting go of this and I was only a second away from making a run for it before I said something I would regret later.

"…..or Renesmee will not be born."

My lips were slightly parted and I stared dumbfounded at her.

"Who is Renesmee?" I was confused.

Tears glistered in Bella's chocolate pools as a myriad of emotions ran through them.

"Our daughter. Our beautiful baby girl," she chocked out while rivers were rushing down her face.

"What are you talking about?" I was completely confused while Bella took a few hesitant steps in my direction.

"I can't father children."

"Yes, yes you can. A male Vampire and human woman can have children. They are going to be hybrids. There are others like this out there. I only know of three, one boy and two girls."

"That……..that's impossible," I shook my head in denial.

"That is why we have to get married," she was stepping closer to me with each word that left her mouth, "or not. I don't care if we get married or not but you care about such things that is," she suddenly shook her head cutting her rambling off before her eyes flashed to mine.

"We have to make love on August 14th or our little girl will not be born. You will love her so much. You will be such a great father to our little girl and I will be a very controlled newborn because I was meant to be a Vampire" she was still stepping closer, lifting her hand and just when she was about to reach me I leaped away from her.

"Stop!" The command ripped out of me.

Bella's breath caught in her throat.

Wisely she didn't say anything or moved at all while I was trying to somehow comprehend what she was trying to tell me but it was no avail. I could not…..I did not…

Since I was not able to even begin to understand my mind took another path and concentrated on the issue that had been aggressively flashing off like a warning light in my head the entire time she was talking.

My eyes snapped up to hers.

"Where does that leave Anna?"

"Of course I have thought about that too."

"Oh really! Then please enlighten me because first of all she can't stand the sight of you and second you would eat her no matter how controlled you think yourself to be." I glared at her.

"She could live with Sam and the others on the reservation. According to what Emily remembers, the both of them were very good friends. She misses Anna. They would gladly take her in and they also know what happened to her. She does not have to pretend, she can be herself there. We could set up an account for her…"

"You think that you can put a number on how much the love of someone's parents is worth, their presence in your life," I exclaimed in appal, disgusted by the very idea.

"Of course not! That is not how I meant it." Bella shook her head, held her hands up and back-pedalled.

"You want me to send her to live with the mutts? After she already had been ripped out of her familiar surroundings and had to get used to new circumstance twice before. And now everything has suddenly to change all over again?" I barked at her.

"I will not leave her when she needs me the most. The mutts do not know what had happened in the other time line or what she went through. And besides you do not seriously think that I would leave her unprotected among those dangerous beasts."

"You don't seem so bothered when I go there," Bella sulked, looking at the ground again while tears ran down her red glowing cheeks.

"You have Jacob to protect you."

"Since when do you trust him?" She questioned me sceptically.

"I learned in the other time line that he would never let anything happen to you."

"Edward we have only little time left and our daughter is depending on us…"

"Bella stop living in some kind of fairytale! We have no daughter but real problems and I will not leave Anna behind just because her existence does not agree with your schedule!"

"But we will have a daughter and only a small time window for her to come to existence." Her voice was strong and determinate and a fire was burning in her eyes that I had never seen before.

"I don't want to hear this nonsense any longer." I barked curtly.

"This is no nonsense but our child we are talking about." She yelled at me while her body shook with anger.

"Bella open your eyes there is no child and would you please stop acting as if everything was alright. The decisions you made have consequences and you should finally show some responsibility and stand up to those." I had never spoken to her like this but the way she was trying to play down what she did to Anna angered me.

I was breathing heavily, running my hand rapidly through my hair while Bella's body was shaking and tears were running freely down her cheeks.

"You could really do it?" I shook my head. "Push Anna onto the wolves, write her a check and live your life happily like nothing ever happened just as you read it in those books?"

My questioning gaze was burning into her chocolate depths as her arms crossed, protectively, over her chest once more and her eyes cast down onto the ground.

"Why…are you saying this….like that?" She mumbled not looking at me, holding tighter onto herself.

Never since I had known her did she look more like a child to me. She was pushing the problems away from herself like a five year old would do, if she can't see them they are not there.

Speechless and appalled, I was shaking my head at her.

"Anna, Anna, Anna is that all you can talk about?" It broke out of her after a moment of pregnant silence between us.

"I get it. I really do, the both of you went through an intense time and feelings got mixed up and confused," I shook my head, "and you feel responsible for her because of what I did because if you would not have left me," I winced at the low blow but I knew I deserved it, "I would have never tricked her into stepping one foot into our world."

"I get it. I really do and I am sorry for what I did and stole from her. I am beating myself up about it every single day," she cried in a voice that was laced with guild, "I know that I will never be able to make it up to her, not in the least but that is one thing and we are the other." How she was able to separate those two that easily was beyond me.

"Edward, I need you. I can't live without you. Not now. Not after I got to know that you really love me and that we can have everything we dreamed about. I haven't been fighting then but I'm fighting now. For us. For our child. For our family."

Pinching the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger I shook my head.

"Edward we are soul mates. I am your mate…."

"So is Anna." The truth broke out of me. I was not planning on telling her like this but I couldn't hide that truth from Bella anymore.

"…..and that is…..what?" She looked shocked at me.

"What did you say?"

"I said that Anna is my mate as well. I do not have a puppy crush on her but I'm in love with her."

Bella stared for along moment dumbfounded at me with her mouth agape.

"No," she slowly shook her head taking a step back. She swallowed hard while her eyes were unfocused, roaming rapidly over nothing and filling with tears while her face became redder by the second.

"No, that can not be you told me yourself that every Vampire has only one mate!" She whispered hoarsely while she seemed to have problems to breath.

"Yes, that is right but Anna isn't from here, is she?"

"I….I…I don't understand." She shook her head and blinked in confusion at me while her heart was beating wildly in her chest and her pulse raced. Her breath was leaving her mouth in shallow pants.

"It was no coincident that Anna was standing on the other side of the door when you opened the portal…"

"I….what?" Her face was flush and she lifted her hands intertwining her fingers and pressing them to her forehead.

I briefly though about how to explain it best to her.

"Our both universe are like two identical puzzles, for example, in aspect of the cut though the picture on them is different. Now you and Anna are essentially the same puzzle piece on the surface you two are completely different, different personalities, different looks, different interests but yet at some level essentially the same. The same cut so to say that fits with mine."

Bella didn't seem to comprehend what I told her for a long while. Her mouth was opening and closing as she worked through what I had confessed, becoming paler and paler with every passing minute. She looked as white as a sheet when she took one step after another back on her trembling legs. Her breath was leaving her mouth in sharp jerks and for a moment I feared that she would suffocate until she hit the front of her truck with her back and slumped down onto the ground.

"No, no, no," she started chanting as her body shook with the force of her sobs.

"Bella," I spoke in a soft voice as I took a step closer to her.

Her head snapped up at the sound of my voice.

"Tell me it's not true. Tell me you are lying!" She screamed at me while her eyes were pleading with me.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, no," I heard how she got up while screeching in denial.

When I opened my eyes I saw her in pain twisted face that was stricken with tears.

My heart hurt to see her like this and to be the cause for her pain but I couldn't have kept the truth from her any longer.

"Please, please Edward," she chocked while her sad and panicked depths pleaded with me.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I opened them again she looked at me like a deer caught in the headlight before she leaped away from me and into her truck.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and I could see in her eyes that she could not stay, that she had to get away.

"I….don't….I can't," the words barely left her mouth as her throat was closing up with tears.

Worry if she would be able to drive home in her condition bubbled up inside me.

I will escort her home and make sure nothing happens to her. I heard Alice say who had just returned from hunting.

I stood there watching as her truck disappeared out of sight though I was concerned for Bella's safety I couldn't bring myself to follow her. The pull that tugged on me was coming from the opposite direction instead.

Jacob's POV:

Charlie sighed loudly into the phone while he was rubbing his forehead.

"Alright, alright, I'm on my way." He snapped down the line before he ended the call.

"Everything alright?" I asked before I stuffed my mouth with another spoon full of lasagne.

"No, I need to go back to work," Charlie shook his head angrily before he went upstairs to change into his police uniform.

Nodding I continued to finish my second dinner.

"Tell Bella I will be back later," he called as he was leaving the house.

"Will do," I replied hoping she would come back soon.

When Charlie told me that she went to the Cullen place it took all I had not to turn on my heel and run after her.

I could only hope that Bella didn't meet Anna there who was pushing the entire fault for everything that happened on Bella when in fact it was that blood sucking bastard who was responsible for both Bella's and Anna's pain. But of course he looked like a damn movie star and that was why he had Anna wrapped around his little finger just like he had Bella.

It he would have stayed away from Bells then everything would be still alright but no he had to play his games with her and now he is doing the same thing to another girl.

I wished I could do something about it but Emily convinced the elder and Sam to leave Anna and them alone, telling the elder that Anna went through enough and that even though they were Vampires they were the only ones who could help Anna.

Bull if one asked me, that girl needed to be around humans get used to the new life she had now and not be with the walking death.

It angered me how much Bells suffered under the entire situation. I could only hope that Anna would soon see that Bells was just another of that blood sucker's victim and all her anger would finally be directed on the right person.

The familiar roar of the old truck jerked me out of my rant and my sensitive ears were able to pick up the sobs that I had heard way too often in the past few weeks.

Walking outside I waited for her to arrive. Bells barely made it into the driveway before she crossed her arms over the steering wheel and braced her forehead on her arms, crying bitterly.

"Oh Bells," I breathed as I opened the car door and carefully pulled her out of the driver seat and into my arms.

She wrapped her arms around me quickly burying her tears stained face in my neck crying harder than she had before.

Kissing the top of her head I kicked the car door shut with my foot before I carried her into her room. I lay down on the bed pulling her on top of my chest while she cried her eyes out.

I knew better than to try to calm her. It wouldn't work anyway. While my fingers brushed through her soft hair that smelled of strawberries I could barely contain the anger it felt.

I longed to get my hands on that damn blood sucker and rip him into pieces for all he did to my Bells.

I had no idea how much time past but at some point her sobs that had shaken her tiny frame violently ceased and she was sniffing softly.

"Bells?" I asked as she pushed herself away from me and made to get up.

She shook her head and was out of bed. I followed her out of her room but stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I noticed that she wanted to use the bathroom and went back up.

Her eyes were red and swollen when she returned and she looked so fragile and breakable. I longed to punch into the face of that jerk.

"Bells, what happened?" I asked her softly when I stood directly in front of her.

She was still not looking at me but at her feet, her arms were slung around her middle, holding her together it seemed as she shook her head not saying a word.

I sighed and grit my teeth before my finger slid under her chin and I forced her to look at me.

What I saw then nearly broke my heart.

Fresh tears that threatened to spill were glistering in her dead chocolate pools that had always been so full of life and love before that demon from hell destroyed her.

She looked so lost and defenceless, helpless and lonely, like a doll that had been thrown away after the owner lost interest in it. That was exactly what that blood sucker did.

I couldn't endure the anguished and tortured expression on her tears stained face anymore.

Slowly ever, so slowly I leaned in and brought our lips together. I could feel her tense when my mouth tenderly wooed hers.

At first her tiny fists were hitting against my chest and she made sounds of protest but I didn't stop yet instead I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame and pulled her flush against me.

"Jake," she breathed weakly after I pulled my lips from hers.

I could taste her breath on my tongue and it was driving me mad with desire.

"I love you, forever," I whispered softly as I looked into her wide open eyes.

Fresh tears dampened her cheeks as she whimpered painfully and I tightened my grip around her to show her that I was there for her and meant every word I said.

After a moment of hesitation and more tears that tickled down her delicate skin I felt her mouth on mine once more and her arms slowly wrap around my neck as she tried to get closer to me.

Her soft lips parted and I wasted no time to push my tongue inside of her mouth, exploring her as our tongues battled for dominance.

When she moaned into my mouth I felt my friend jerk to life in my pants and I picked her up carefully resting her on the small bed never breaking our kiss of which I had dreamed of for months.

When I broke away to give us both the opportunity to breath I lifted my head to look down at her. Her lips were slightly swollen from my attack and she looked from under her long lashes at me.

"Bells, I love you," I breathed again before she grabbed my shirt, pulling me down to her. My mouth closed over hers once more and she drove her hands into my hair pressing me closer into her…