Sage's Crypt

The sound of Metals colliding with each other and soft humming interrupted Zayde's ocean of thoughts, causing it to turn into a violent storm and pieces he was trying to put together shattered, earning an angry groan from him.

He sat in a swivel chair at the corner of the room, initially going through Ravena's sketches and plans but his mind had wandered off sooner than he expected. He dragged his tired eyes to where Ravena was working, trying to assemble a plasma gun that she had abandoned few days ago.

"Just take one and a sword, I don't want to take any load on the mission," He uttered, standing up from where he sat. He took a few strides to where she was and gazed down at the Device in her hand.

Dark blue energy pulsating through the translucent glass, energy with so much power and intensity that it made the hairs on Zayde's skin rise. Already imagining what damages a device emitting such energy would cause, made his eyes gleam with excitement.

"Can it destroy Metal?" He questioned, moving from where he sat to get a closer look at what she held. She replied with a small nod and watched him take the gun from her hands, eyes focused on his long fingers as he fiddled with it.

"What about Thick crocodile skin?" He asked absentminded as he shoved his fingers into the nozzle of the gun, enjoying the heat emanating from it. He pulled out his finger and discovered a white powder smeared at the tip, covering his finger nails as well. "Not even gun powder," He mumbled, amused as he rubbed the substance between his fingers and raised it to his nose.

His brows curved questionably as his brain worked to find a name or help him remember what the powder smelt like.

"Lavender?" He shook his head and inhaled sharply. "Candy? Burnt sugar?" He raised his gaze to her face and she instantly averted her eyes, refusing to make eye contact with him.

Zayde chuckled softly and returned the gun. "Suit up and be Quick about it. Remember we are going on foot."

"We have a threshold Gate master, Why do we have to go on foot?"

Zayde opened his mouth to scold her for questioning him but then realization hit him hard like a rock

'I am so used to Walking to my destinations that I totally forgot I have unlimited access to portals,' He laughed at himself internally.

"Alright, I only need a sword, I can try to amplify my blasts, so you can use the guns. Understood?"

She nodded frantically while he turned and strolled out of the room, walking straight into the Living room where he had already set his outfit. He slipped out of the white button up shirt he wore and replaced it with a black round collar shirt.

He also changed out of the grey shorts he wore and into a black baggy trouser that stopped barely above the heel of his feet, thus sweeping the ground.

He stared blankly at the black combat boots, wondering how expensive those were back in his past life.

He remembered how he always had to rob stores and walk out without a thought in the world just to get food and money so he could keep himself living. Being born into a poverty stricken world was one thing he always hated about himself, asides the existence of humans or Maggots as he called them.

Lucky for him, the Universe blessed him with a new life, Abnormal abilities and unlimited access to anything he wanted. He cared less about how the money came, not that it was his business, but was glad it was all his and he could afford anything he wanted.

But that was not what was important at the moment.

'Revenge and Power first, then we chill,' He said to himself as he slid his foot effortlessly into boots, strapping it to place.

"Rave! Hurry up already!" He yelled, dragging his mask over his face, He wore a beanie that covered his hair and then finished off with a black hoodie that concealed all his features except his eyes.

He strolled over to the floor to ceiling window, the reflection of the lively city ahead reflecting on his eyes like a mirror. He glanced at the ground below him, dull and almost dead accept for the few Street lights that were still hanging on to the wires that held them to the ground.

Most of the building around where he was, were house was seemed old, suspicious with blinds that restricted anyone from seeing beyond the windows. Other buildings were either in shambles or oddly cut in half.

He suddenly spotted something move from the corner of his eyes, A dark figure with smooth speed and a thick mass of hair creating waves with every bounce as it moved. Already knowing who it was, he turned around to face her, but was not prepared for what he would see, causing him to freeze instantly.

His eyes met Ravena's, stunned by her stunning appearance. Right black hair cascading down her back in luscious waves that spread out behind her, framing her face and accentuating her glossy crimson eyes.

Her skin had a warm, tanned tone, like a milk shade with a faint touch of brown, showing the little amount of melanin in her skin.

Behind her, the two swords in a dark purple sheath crossed behind her back in an X caught his attention. The blades gleamed in the soft light from the city and dimmed light from the chandelier at the center of the room, and for a moment, he was awed by the sight.

Dressed in a black jumpsuit that fit her like a glove, also accentuating her curves. The silk material hugged her waist, showing how narrow it was, Broad hips and short but slightly slim legs in the outfit. Overall she was dashing and he hated to admit it, Just seeing her silhouette was enough to make men long for her, Zayde was not an exception.

Zayde soon recovered, he cleared his throat and cursing himself internally for loosing his composure so soon. "What exactly are you wearing?" He demanded, moving from where he stood, new scenes appearing in his head, his killing plans pushed into the far corner from his mind. Replaced with new even more dangerous ones.

Ravena watched him move with calculated steps, letting his eyes roam over her like a scan. He stood behind her, towering behind her like a tree, his whole body covering hers effortlessly.

"Why did you wear this on a mission, Rave?" His voice reverberated around the silent room, his voice now deep and menacing, totally different from the exhausted and low tone he spoke with.

"T..this is what I always wear on missions, Is there a problem master?" She stuttered, slowly turning around, she raised her head and flinched slightly, terrified of how his eyes blazed, evident gray flames burning in them, but with what? Lust? Rage?

"Is everything alright master?" She asked, now getting his attention fully.

Zayde's eyes moved from her eyes, to her lips and down to her shoulders raised high with her perfect posture. 'I'm sure going to regret doing this,' he told himself and took a step back, giving her room to move.

"Raised your head up a bit," He demanded, his voice husky and low, barely audible over his pounding chest.

Ravena saw no reason for what he was asking her to, but she obeyed. She raised her head, her neck coming to view, gaze lingering on the spotless ceiling, as she waited in anticipation for what he was going to do.

Zayde closed the gap between them, he reached out and grabbed her hand, feeling a spark run through his body and leaned in, a sweet scent immediately hitting him.The combination of baby powder and Freshly baked break that made his stomach growl with hunger.

With his free hand, he gently pulled down the zipper, the soft whisper of teeth separating as his hot breath fanned her skin.

Ravena flinched, her breath stopping in her throat, almost having a heart attack when his teeth grazed her skin sending a shiver down her spine. Then, he slowly sank into her flesh, sending a burning yet pleasurable sensation down her spine.

Zayde felt a rush if emotions; pride, possession and worse of all regret and Disappointment in himself, for getting attached to someone he just met and exposing himself, making him vulnerable and it was terrifying, but he had no choice.

Every human–non human or Immortals must succumb to the warmth of another no matter how impossible it was.

He sank his teeth deeper into her flesh, careful enough not to rush and cause her pain but deep enough to leave a temporary mark. However inches away from blood, he nibbled on her soft skin and withdrew.

Ravena's cheeks, flushed, her skin heating up under his fingers. Her eyes then flew open when it was all done, and she stared up at him, pupils dilated with fear and longing. Zayde let his eyes linger on the spot he bit, smiling internally.

He raised his gaze to her face and almost got lost in the glossy red pool that kept drawing him closer, despite the dangers attached. He soon got his senses and brushed off what had just happened like it was nothing, pushing it into the far corner of his mind alongside the other thoughts he would get back to later.

"You good?" He asked, his tone casual as he watched her face for any Reaction besides shock or embarrassment.

Ravena replied with a subconscious nod, holding her hands up, as a signal to wait while she let all that happened sink in, since she was still in shock and dazed. She recovered soon and raised her head, disappointed that the fiery look in his eyes was replaced with a cold and lifeless one.

"Is it possible for the Threshold gate to be opened in a different place?"

"Y..yes Sir," Ravena answered and was immediately shot a Glare that got a nervous laugh from her. "Where are we going?"

"Sage's Crypt, Where the Relics found in most cities or mountains are kept"

"Why?" She asked moving away from him to where the Gate was, it then opened up immediately it sensed her presence.

"I need to get a Scroll, Arcane Magic, sounds familiar?" Zayde asked as he strolled behind her, his long strides taking up about two of hers.

"Arcane Magic?" She paused, taking a moment to think before replying. "That place is guarded by Hyperion Soldiers and Has numerous cases of Beast Emergence, I doubt if we will be given permission to go in."

"Leave that to me, just hold on to the cloaks. And also, why would Hyperion soldiers be guarding the temple?" He asked, strolling casually behind her in the Hall of Threshold gates, curiously wondering where all the portals led to and what he would find.

"Sage's Crypt is a gate to Realms no living Being would ever want to walk into."