Mirror Maze Of Illusions

'Realms, multidimensional domains, consisting of physical, meta physical and spiritual territories or planes, Parallel or alternate dimensions. A domain bound by unique laws, rules and theories that define it's Characteristics, inhabitants and connection with other realms'

Zayde defined briefly based on what he could summarize from all he studied and researched in his past life. 'Seems like Tech and Magic online classes paid off,' He chuckled to himself as he moved, trailing behind Ravena.

"Rave, what Realms does the gate open to?"

"Twelve Domains, I have no clue what their names are or what exist beyond the subzero void,"

"You have never been past the Subzero void?"

"Yes master, I do not have the endurance, heat or power level to go beyond it," She replied, tone laced with disappointment for her past failures. Failures she got ridiculed for by her kind during her Years as a little kid

Zayde sighed, knowing if he continued she would feel even worse and that would jeopardize his plans and end up in a failure. 'Oblivion, Do you have any information about Sage's Crypt?'


'Any records of The twelve realms it acts as a gate to?'

[Yes from the subzero voids to the Center where all forms are wiped out of existence and reborn]

'Perfect, Gather every information you have about the Twelve realms and any other gates in the city.'

[That will not be a problem]

'Alright, that settles that, Now I focus on finding that Scrolls,' He told himself and brought his mind back to the real world.

He then realized he was standing before a massive gate, shaped as a Serpent dragon, he turned to his side and saw Ravena gazing up at it with excitement in her eyes. He turned to the gate, raising his gaze to the top of it as well, where the dragon's head was, fierce crimson eyes lowered to where they stood.

'The heart of the Hall of gates.'

Despite being a statue, as much as be hated to admit it, it intimidated Zayde terribly that he felt a bile forming in his throat. Making eye contact with the Dragon was a mistake Zayde would never let happen again. He tore his eyes off the Statue, stepping back with his hands holding his head when a sharp pain hit him.

"Master?" Ravena called, leaving where she stood to attend to him, worry replaced her excitement seeing her master go through pain once again.

"Master is everything alright?"

"What exactly is that thing?" He asked, his voice low and pain stricken, sweat forming on his forehead from the pressure and heat he was experiencing at the moment. He kept his eyes shut when his vision was turning black instead of red.

Ravena held his hands and forced them away from his head, she held them so firm that he forgot she was a girl. "Master relax, It's a normal process, You are trying too hard to endure it," she uttered, her expression calm and gentle as she spoke. She knew exactly what was going on and there was no point fighting it, opening his shadow vision was necessary.

But Zayde was ready to hit her with the amount of rage that coursed through his body. She had the audacity to tell him to calm down with how much pain he was going through. Has she ever experienced pain at all? He screamed internally, slowly opening his eyes to be sure he was still alive.

Ravena's eyes widened when he did so, jaw dropping instantly as well. She subconsciously let go of his hands and covered her mouth, stunned to the bone with what she saw.

His sclera was completely black, his iris however, remained silver, like a reverse black hole.

Zayde as well what stunned with what he saw from his side, he was surrounded by darkness, only the gates and Ravena were different, the gates were blue representing the absence of life, while Ravena was red representing Heat as well as the presence of life.

He turned to the statue, hoping he would not get inflicted with pain or Terrified. As his eyes met the dragon's, he froze. The statue was real, a serpent dragon resting at the top of the door, it's fiery eyes focused on him.

'Must everything I see in the cursed world be Creepy and Unearthly, why can't it just be normal?' He asked no one in particular, speaking within himself. He blinked continuously with hope that he would eventually see things the normal way again, but unfortunately he couldn't.

"Rave," He whispered without taking his eyes off the dragon for fear it would move and circle around him like a meal. "How do I get my normal vision back?"

He cringed hard when he heard the desperation in his voice, he hated that he had to beg when he was perfectly fine, however when it came to abnormal matters, he had no choice.

"Just keep staring at it," She said and moved away from him, she walked closer to the Gate, she extended her hand out, palms set inches away from the white–almost see through gate. Zayde remained still, watching her with one eyes as she did what ever she was doing.

A bright ball filled with magic energy formed between her hand and the gate, she focused her mana energy on the ball, charging it up as she did. Then with one swift and calculated push, the ball went through the gate, causing a major disturbance in the Hall.

Lightening bolts bounced from every corner of the hall, mostly aiming for Ravena but she dodged them perfectly, showing off how flexible she was with every move.

She quickly pushed her fingers into the gate, watching as it passed through smoothly, she rejoiced mentally when it went through completely and did not close up or create Ripples.

Timing the bolts mentally, she rushed over to Zayde, held his hands and dashed through the door as it collapsed behind them, loud thunder claps and lightening flashed in the hall behind them the moment they left thus making the hall unstable and permanently closed.

Falling through a dark void for seemed like forever, hands intertwined as they descended slowly yet with intense speed like a rock dropping out of sky. A portal opened below them out of nowhere, resulting in Ravena's eyes widening when she realized.

They were heading for the ground and the damage that would occur would be great that even her healing magic would not work. Zayde however remained calm, his vision still temporarily 'abnormal', he only felt he was falling but he knew what he would be falling into.

He hurriedly pulled Ravena close, made her hide her face in his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around her, circling her narrow waist, He braced himself for impact when the portal drew closer.

The drop through the Portal was swift, not waisting time in the empty void, it opened up on the other side where Zayde rolled out and into a strange building, still protecting Ravena with his. Unfortunately he tumbled continuously, the speed he moved not changing for a moment, He however stopped when he crashed into a wall and lost consciousness.


"Is he okay?"

"Relax girl, Your master will be fine."

"He is not conscious yet."

"I said relax, Why would you even be using a portal on this side of the city? don't you know how busy it is here. What do you think would have happened if he landed on a pole?"

"I am very sorry. We were in a hurry to Visit the Temple."

"It's alright, Just don't do it again."

"Yes sir!"

Zayde frowned deeply as the faint voices he heard became clearer, with one of them being extremely annoying that he had to snap his eyes open interrupting his short term sleep.

"Can't a man rest in his unconscious state anymore?" He raged, glaring at the man before him, his glowing hands placed on Zayde's head while he spoke to Ravena.

The strange man turned to Zayde. He gave a small smile, relief replacing his worried expression. "Wipe that smile off your face," Zayde added, in a threatening tone, he traced the man hands and saw that it was on his head.

"And while you're at it, get your hands off my head."

"My apologies," The strange man withdrew his hands and rose to his full height, he gave a short bow and stepped back. Ravena went on her knees and bowed deeply, tears flowing out of her eyes like a river.

"I am very sorry master, I should have activated a shield instead of panicking, I promise it wouldn't repeat itself again," She said between sobs, crying because she thought she had almost lost him again. The thought of not being able to get scolded for anything and everything she does, no one to cook for, no one to protect and serve like her life depended on it.

No one to show how Useful she can be and make happy.

Zayde rolled his eyes at her pathetic behavior, he patted her head with an invisible smile, yet feeling sympathetic because he knew something bad or traumatizing must have made her like that.

Suddenly, without warning him, she went into his arms, crashing against his chest, he groaned when her body collided with his with great force and she began crying her eyes out.

"I don't want to lose you again."

"You are not loosing me Rave,I am stronger than you think, besides I only went unconscious I am fine now. So stop crying. You are crushing me." Zayde strained when her cold got tighter and breathing became difficult. She reluctantly released him, feeling empty when his incense scent faded.

She helped Zayde to his feets even when he told her he could stand, both ignoring the strange man who watched them with raised brows and also forgetting that Zayde's vision was back to normal.

"Kid, Who did you say he is to you?" He asked, interrupting the Master-slave moment.

"What is your deal with who I am?" Zayde snapped at him for no reason, he felt something was off about the man, he just couldn't place his fingers on what it was. He just had a feeling the man was familiar– looked familiar.

"I see you are not one who fancies people, Are a human like the others or a fellow demon?"

"A demon, Succubus and Incubus, We really have to get going Sir, My master and I have a report to write about the Mirror Maze," Ravena answered briefly, interrupting Zayde before he could say anything else that would make the man suspect them.

"But you are in the Maze, I followed your master when you both tumbled out of the Portal,"

"You're a guard here?" Zayde asked, already on high alert when the man shook his head slowly. "The what are you?"

"I am Agent Regal. You do remember me Zayde right? The Helium did not actually kill you. I had to rescue you before you died."