A New Horrifying Flaw

Ash stared at Zayde blankly, doubt evident in his eyes, "She is an S rank, are you sure you can beat her?" He whispered, more worried about what Zayde was planning to do than himself. From his perspective, he could tell Zayde was someone who would rather do things himself than get someone to help him out.

Zayde cast him a brief glance and smiled, "I don't care, as long as I put a mark them I'm good,"He replied and pushed the door open, revealing a lady cladded in black, she looked nothing like the last two he had seen. Fiery red eyes gazing into his soul that it irked him so much.

He shut the door behind him and took a step away from her, drawing her attention away from the house to him. "You said something about leaving here in pieces, right?"

She nodded and drew out her sword, the silver blade glowing under the light of the moon, showing Zayde how sharp it was. His excitement rose, he was certain he would add that to his inventory if it did not end up getting shattered.

"It is unwise to fight empty-handed," She stated, positioning herself in a stance, ready to launch at him with full force and with one goal. To kill him.

Zayde who saw the stance she took, pulled out an arm length dagger with blades as dark as night, reflecting no light from the moon.

The air was filled with tension as Zayde faced the mysterious lady in black. Her silver eyes seemed to burn with an odd sinister intensity, and her sword shone like a bulb under the moonlight

"You're a formidable foe, I'll give you that," Zayde said, his voice low and collected. "Your aura is very intimidating, but just so you know there's a chance one of us will not be leaving here completely."

She stared blankly at him without moving, she whipped her sword forward and backward thenWith a sudden burst of speed, she charged, her sword flashing in a whirlwind of steel and shadow. Zayde met her head-on, his dark dagger slicing through the air with deadly precision.

The two blades clashed, their blades ringing out a tune of steel on steel. Zayde's movements were a blur, his dagger striking perfectly like a pro, despite his lack of battle knowledge, living on the streets and killing people was like a hobby for him.

However the soldier was no pushover, her sword slicing through the air with equal ferocity, an S rank mage who was specialized in a magic and technology use.

The battle raged on, the two fighters exchanging blow after blow. Zayde's eyes locked onto the lady's, his gaze burning with rage. He could see the fury in her eyes, the determination to complete her mission without fail, leaving him to wonder why the Hyperion soldiers were always after him and only him.

Zayde was highly underestimated, despite being a D rank, he had something already planned out.

He smirked when she had gotten close enough, he leaned closer, going low to avoid her blade, he applied force into his hands and pushed it into her shoulder.

Her eyes widened in surprise as Zayde's dagger actually touched her. "You're...fast," she gasped, her chest heaving with exhaustion.

Zayde smiled, his eyes gleaming with pride, "I'm just getting started," he replied and forced his blade out of her shoulder, then he quickly stepped back and dropped his hands, expecting something to happen.

Like her to bleed or explode into the glittery dust he had seen from the first time he saw a Hyperion soldier get defeated.

But she straightened up, her silver eyes glowing furiously, the spot Zayde's blade made a deep cut closed up instantly, she clenched the base of her sword and smiled. "I will get my position back once I am done with you!" She raged and charged towards him.

Secretly imbuing her mana energy into the blade for one perfect strike, Zayde also started out his plan, he flung his dagger into the nearest tree and leaped onto the roof of the building. He rose to his full height and held out his right hand, he focused his energy on his hands, mentally organizing his blasts.

Pressure built up in his fingers, his veins glowing with a faint silver light within his skin, a small ball of light formed inches away from his palm.

He gazed between his fingers, his dark eyes, glowing faintly and sinisterly, she stopped and looked up at him, confusion clouding her thoughts because she imagined he had no ability or skill. "What is that stunt you are pulling?"

"You'll see" He uttered and released the blast, aiming at her chest.

She quickly moved out of the way just in time and almost fell over when the blast hit a boulder with an impact so strong that the pulse made her loose her balance.

"If I can't land a hit, then this battle is not over!" He yelled at the top of his voice, his rage burning within him like flames, he fixed his gaze on her, making sure to predict her movements, then he began releasing consecutive plasma blasts, all carrying different damage power and mana energy.

With all the blasts, he could see most hitting her and other flying in different directions, causing dust to rise from the ground, putting her out of his sight. "Shit!" He cussed and paused, scanning the whole area for her. "She shouldn't have avoided those....." He trailed off when a shadow loomed behind him, he slowly dragged his eyes to where the shadow was

Like a flash of lightning, a great force pushed him off the roof and into the forest after colliding with fifteen trees in a row. He spat out blood after colliding with a boulder and crumbled to the ground.

[Minus Ten Health points]

"You really should know when to talk," He strained, rising to his feets with much effort, he straightened up, resting his back against the boulder.

Zayde inhaled sharply, his ribs slowly cracking back into place, he closed his eyes for a second and opened it, only to see her before him, holding her sword against his throat.

He laughed nervously, pain shooting up his spine and into his head as he stared at her face. He smirked and leaned closer, slowly raising his hands to her mask. "Take it off, I want to see the face that finally brought me down."

"What benefit would you gain from that?"

Zayde's smile widened, "Alot of things, believe me darling."

She heaved a sigh and dropped her hands, raised her hands to her head and pulled off her mask, shoulder length platinum blonde hair coming to view, her well sculpted face and luscious lips that instantly caught Zayde's eyes.

"Now that you've seen it, I can finally....." She trailed off before even completing what she would say, she dragged her eyes to her chest and saw her sword buried deep into her chest. "No," she whispered, "Impossible."

"If you manage to reincarnate after this, stay many feets away from me, because I will do worse that kill you instantly. I will pound the living daylight out of you, night after night and then make sure you never use your eyes again." He stated and twisted the blade, letting it turn her organ into chopped meat.

"This will not be the last Zayde, there are alot more stronger soldiers like me coming, you will not be spa..." She choked on her words when Zayde's dagger went into her jaw and out through the top of her head.

Her eyes turned glittery green, fingers slowly begining to disintegrate. He smiled and placed his hands on her forehead, absorbing the mana energy and soul core that floated out of her mouth and vanished instantly.

[Mission complete, rewards will be disclosed later]

Zayde pushed her away from him as she completely vanished, and he fell to the ground weakly, slowly closing his eyes.

[Flaws Available]

[Would the host like to know what it is now?]

"Yeah sure, whatever," He replied with a low tired tone, his voice barely audible as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

His holographic status screen opened up before him, causing his eyes to widen in terror as he read the contents.
