New Ability

"I can't accept this, change it now!" Zayde commanded, groaning in-between his sentence as his internal injuries had not healed completely yet.

[Negative, Flaws and Abilities cannot be changed]

"Why would you give me a flaw like this?" He asked, staring at the screen before him.

[Flaw: Rage Induced Hallucinations]

[The host will experience hallucinations during intense rage episodes at a certain stage, making it difficult to distinguish reality from illusion.]

"How do expect me to cope with this?" He asked again, anger evident in his voice despite his condition.

He never had any problems before and after he goes bizarre, he was deeply annoyed with the fact the system had to give him a flaw for no reason.

"I haven't even gone insane yet and you bring this," He added and heaved a sigh, "I don't want this anymore, I do not want to be your host anymore, get out!"

[Negative, The host is permanently bound to the system for eternity]

"Even after I die?"


"I hate you so much, Why not just go against your program and leave me alone, I am tired of these rules and regulations, I am not someone who follows rules," He complained in one breath still enduring the pain he felt.

Suddenly a threshold gate opened up before him, glowing with an ethereal light. He squinted to see who would have opened up a threshold gate before him.

Ash's head popped out from inside, with a smile on hsi face, "Get in, there are beasts heading this way," He said with urgency in his voice.

Ravena also popped her head out, hoping to see Zayde standing on his two feets, instead she saw him pale, with blood stained lips, his hair disheveled, his eyes actually looking dead.

"Master," She gasped and stepped out of the gate, hurrying to his side where she went on her knees and cupped his cheeks in her hands. "Where is the injury? I can heal it."

Zayde smiled through his pain, "Just get me out of here, You can do that later," He said to her and glanced at Ash who groaned and stepped out as well.

She strode over to where Zayde was and helped him up.

He threw Zayde's arms over his shoulder, while Ravena picked up the sword that she assumed wasn't his. She vanished and reappeared with Zayde's dagger in her hands.

Without wasting any more time, they walked into the gate just before a loud screech.


Within the threshold gate, Ash stood with his arms crossed, his eyes fixed on a door Zayde could recognize from anywhere. As unbelievable it would sound, Ash was talking–arguing with the soul within the statue of the dragon.

Zayde turned his head to Ravena who concentrated on healing him. It made him worry and dislike her more, for being selfless.

"Rave," He called, raising his hand to make her stop. He sat up, resting his back against a serpent statue that stood beside the Dragon statue door. "Are you always like this?" He asked, his voice surprisingly soft yet deep down he knew his heart was not.

Her brows raised in confusion, "I don't understand, Master."

"I mean, You are selfless, too selfless. Why?"

She slowly raised her hand to the back of her neck, giving a short nervous laugh. "Everyone gas a dark side, Master. And I am not entirely proud of mine."

"What is yours?"

She averted her gaze and bit her lower lips, "I can't say it, but you will get to see it someday, hopefully," she replied and smiled. "Can we continue the healing process now?"

Zayde shook his head briefly, "I can't feel pain anymore, so I can heal by myself," He flashed a smile at her and turned his head to Ash who was now approaching them with a frustrated expression.

"So, any luck?"

"There is luck, but that reptile gave us two steel rods and asked that we create a weapon out of it first before we are given access to the gates again....after a certain someone, angered it," He glared at Ravena who simply threw her head in the opposite direction.

Zayde sighed and rose to his feets, he walked to where the rods were placed, he ran his eyes along the rods, feeling a sense of familiarity. "The same material my blade is made out of," He said in amusement and called Ravena over. "How did you forge my dagger?"

"I didn't make it, Lord Shadow did," she replied and thought for a while, "He used something like a dark liquid that he created, I don't really know. It has something to do with his shadow abilities."

'Great, No clue. Oh, maybe Oblivon knows, he said within himself and crossed his arms.

'Oblivion, any information on Dark blade forging?'

[Yes, there is. However, You would have to unlock the skill]

'Okay, First of all, How does it work?'

[Any material that could be classified as metal or steel, that makes contact with the Host's hand when necessary would turn into the weapon the Host's thinks about ]

[Unfortunately, There is a disadvantages to that]

'Which is?'

[The thirst for blood would be doubled]

Zayde smiled as relief washed over him, he was initially imagining another disadvantage to such ability, like health points reduction or other life threatening ones.

'Perfect, How do I unlock the ability?'

[Perform a quick task]

"Seriously!" He yelled startling Ravena who kept her eyes on him to ensure he was safe. He gave a brief smile and closed his eyes to continue his conversation with Oblivon. 'What task?'

[Put your seal on the Dragon statue door without any hindrances, focus, calmness and meditation is required]

'Would sleeping work?'

[Negative ]

'You know I am not calm, and I barely focus on anything but my thoughts.'

[That is why is a task, Zayde]

Heaving a sigh, he opened his eyes and turned to the statue that seemed to have its eyes on him.

"This world keeps getting more and more abnormal," He uttered and glanced at Ash who had his head in one of the gates, doing whatever he was doing.

Zayde strolled over to the statue, he raised his head and stared into the eyes of the statue, hoping to activate the vision from before that let him see what his regular vision could not. 'Any trigger word?'

[Blood Vision, Third Eye, Ultra Calculative]

'Dope names,' He smiled and continued, 'What are their uses?'

[Blood Vision]

[Turns the host's regular vision blood red, With darker shades of red from where blood could be drawn. This is highly effective during Stealth missions and battles]

[Third Eye]

[Reverse Black hole as you would call it. Absorbs all light around and turns the host vision black, red for life and heat, blue for soulless but alive entities]

[Ultra Calculative]

[As the name is self explanatory, the host is granted the ability to see beyond what the regular eyes can not, enhanced magnified visons, sniper's vison and long range precise aim]

'Sounds understandable.'

He thought for a while and then made his decision, 'Third Eye.'

[Initiating Switch]

Almost immediately, His sclera turned completely black with a silver iris. He gazed up at the statue and saw it staring at him with a sinister gleam in its eyes.

'Well here goes nothing,' He sighed and placed his hand on the gate, a blue glow slowly appearing. He felt a sharp pain shoot into his fingers and into his brain but he endured it.

Inhaling and exhaling in patterns till his whole body was calm and surrounded by a faint blue light, he kept his eyes closed, despite the pain.

Ravena on the other hand, stood back, watching with worry in her eyes, hoping he would not do so much and end up hurting himself.

Nevertheless, The process had finished and Zayde's hand print was engraved on the door, he stepped back and raised his gaze to the statue, it gave him a nod and froze back in place.

As his sight returned, he heard a loud ring in his head, even worse than the previous ones.


[Ability Unlocked: Shadow Forge]