A Briefing On Humanity

Zayde towered above Ravena, his eyes gleaming sinisterly, as he imagined the things he would do to her. Coming to accept that she was his to take and do anything he wanted was annoying and seemed like a distraction, but he was partially a human and he would obviously get tempted.

The room was cold and had the scent of lavender adding more to the mood, the room was customized to Zayde's taste, red lights, black interior design that was oddly done before they had arrived.

She layed under him, her black hair sprawled over the bed, with bite marks on her wrist, neck and check, but she could see in his eyes that he was not done with her, the thought of it make her tremble in fear.

"Why are you trembling?" He asked, reluctantly dragging his gaze to the position they were in, her legs around his torso and she was almost naked.

Ravena slowly shook her head, "It has been a long time I did this, so, It's rushed," she laughed nervously, averting her gaze from him.

However Zayde understood what she meant and he was getting extremely overwhelmed that he had lost his sense of reasoning, without hesitating he moved away from her and got to his feets. "Maybe another time, When my insanity can be measured up to the last," He uttered, flashed a brief smile and exited the room.

Ravena curled up like a ball, guilt washing over her like a bucket of water for making him loose interest, knowing it would take a long time before she would get a chance like that again, she threw the duvet over her head and closed her eyes, reminiscing on past memories that flooded her mind .

Zayde on the other hand, strolled into the kitchen with his hands deep into his hair, he pulled open the fridge, his skin tingling as the cool air from the fridge touched his skin. "Oblivion, any missions or tasks?"

[Negative, But if any comes up, you will be informed ]

"Perfect," He uttered and picked out a bottle of yoghurt, he ran his eyes along the label, reading every detail printed on it. "I really miss being normal, able to suppress irrelevant urges, I can't even live without blood, now I can't resist her touch," He chuckled dryly and flipped the cap of the bottle open and raised it to his lips, only to catch a glimpse of Arya at the door.

"What do you want?" His voice was cold, not sparing her a glance as he gulped down a mouth of full of yoghurt.

Arya pushed off the wall and walked into the kitchen, her hands behind her as she moved, "You didn't touch her," she uttered as she leaned against the table with him. "What happened?"

Zayde glanced at her, expecting something other than the knowing mischief laced gaze she had in her eyes, "Unfortunately she isn't ready, so am I."

Arya curved a brow at him, "She turned you off?"

He chuckled almost choking on his yoghurt, "As much as i hate it, I have to admit it, She turns me on better than anyone has, even with a simple smile," He replied cringing deep within himself as he spoke.

A sly smirk appeared on her face, "Love?"

"No, probably months to come but i doubt if I would live that long or she would to see it happen, Call it Lust and mere Admiration," He winked and drank out of the bottle.

Arya snaked her arms around his, gazing up at him with her green doe eyes, "You would mind letting me join..."

Zayde pushed her forehead back, interrupting what ever she was about to say, because he believed it would be useless. "I am not interested in Harems, Arya," He stated and moved away from her, but he paused and turned around, "Do you have a beach ball and projector?"


"You have a pool behind the house, You should have a beach ball or maybe a projector, for movies?" He asked, his tone getting intimidating ad doubt settled in his mind, "You are a human right? Maybe part human?"

Arya muttered an oh and laughed, "The stall behind the house," She replied and left the kitchen, fiddling with her fingers as she did.



Zayde sat at the corner of the pool, his legs dipped into the cool water that seemed to wash off his stress and exhaustion. It was night time and most Immortals were out doing one thing or the other, including them.

Ash sat beside Zayde reading a book on his phone that Zayde recommended was his favorite from his past life, and Ash was surprisingly engrossed in the book. 'The Grim Reaper's Escapades.'

Ravena was busy grilling and preparing food for them, while Arya swam gracefully in the pool, occasionally trying to get Zayde's attention.

"I feel like a human once again," Zayde uttered and stretched out his arms. "No beasts, death missions and all that, that suicidal feeling."

Ash smirked and quietly picked a knife from the table beside a plate of fruits, he raised it up and plunged it into Zayde's arm, resulting in an agonizing scream.

The burning sensation from the citrus in the fruit juices that hsi skin absorbed and the inability to suppress pain since his body was still healing.

Zayde snapped his head towards Ash, his eyes dark and bloodshot from the pain, but he cared less, blinded instantly by rage, he rose up and launched at Ash, who dodged and went into the water.

"Bastard, I will kill you," He said through gritted teeths, he dived into the water, swimming as fast as he could to where Ash was–hiding behind Arya who was petrified. "Move away from him!" He yelled, causing Arya to flinch and move away from Ash.

Ash laughed and leaped out of the water, landing beside an un-bothered Ravena, he placed his arms on her shoulder, ignoring the tantalizing aroma or Chicken wavering in the air, "Tell your master to calm down," He pleaded, although, not scared a bit of Zayde, not like he would ever be scared of him.

Zayde emerged out of the water, his hair sticking to his face and some to his shoulder as he moved, every step he took increasing the burning rage within him.

"I want revenge, Ash. Stay still or when I get hold of you, I will stab you a hundred times and more till you loose count."

"You dare not!" Ash challenged still hiding behind Ravena. However, when Zayde had gotten close enough, he stretched out his hands to fire a blast, only for Ravena to stuff a chicken's thigh into his mouth.

"Rave," Zayde quietly said, taking his gaze to Ravena who only shrugged and pushed a tray of food into his arms.

"I heard humans play a game called Truth or dare, I would love to play that now, Master, since we all agreed to know how it feels to be one."