Safe Space

Matteo ran as fast as his feet could carry him to the playground, but she wasn't there. He then went to the cafe, but he didn't find her there either. He walked around the street, distraught. How would he tell Alessia that he couldn't find Lisa?

Just as he was walking around the street, checking the faces of everyone that passed, he felt a vibration in his pocket.

He hurriedly took out his phone and let out a cry of relief when he saw that it was Lisa.

"Where are you?" he asked in haste.

"I'm at home now. Why were you calling me so much?" she snickered.

"Why didn't you pick up when I was calling?!"

"I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone," she muttered as she opened the door.

Not ending the call, Matteo ran back home. There, in the living room, he saw Lisa curled up on the couch.

"Are you okay? Did anyone try to hurt you?" he asked as he pulled her up.

"Why are you so bothered? I come home later than this."