Chapter 36: Itadakimasu

The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting a sickly glow on the detention room's beige walls. I slouched in my chair, the hard plastic digging into my back. Erica leaned close, her blonde hair tickling my ear as she whispered harshly.

"You're a fucking idiot, you know that? Writing that essay... what were you thinking?"

I bit my lip, trying to suppress the laughter bubbling up inside me. The memory of my masterpiece flashed through my mind, I wrote a simple essay about my hero, which is obviously Erica.

"Stop grinning like an idiot," Erica hissed, her blue eyes narrowing. "This isn't funny, Jason. You could have been balls deep in me if you just didn't write that the 9/11 firefighters were cowards."

"I couldn't help it. I just felt they paled in comparison to my beautiful girlfriend." A short laugh escaped me. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth. Ms. Coba's head snapped up from her desk, her eyes darting between Erica and me.

"Mr. Parker, please refrain from laughing. Unless you suddenly found a way to defend your 'Defund firefighters' argument?" She spoke with disdain. She gave me a zero on my paper despite me genuinely trying my hardest.

"Yes, of course, sorry." I still can barely keep it together. I don't know why, but targeting firefighters just felt really funny to me.


As we finally escaped the stuffy detention room, I inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh air. The hallway stretched before us, empty save for a few straggling students hurrying to their after-school activities. Erica's grip on my wrist remained firm, her frustration still palpable.

"I swear, Jason, you can't go depriving Momma of her…." she began, but her words trailed off as her eyes fixed on something ahead of us.

I followed her gaze and spotted a girl approaching, her eyes wide and sparkling with an unsettling intensity. She was dressed like a gyaru which is weird because this is America.

"Who the fuck is that?" I spoke out in confusion of my site of her.

"Mindy." Erica spoke with fear in her eyes.

Erica's fingers tightened around my wrist, her knuckles turning white. Without a word, she abruptly changed course, practically dragging me down the hall. I stumbled, trying to keep up with her quick pace.

"Erica-Senpai, wait!" Mindy's high-pitched voice echoed through the corridor. "Wait, Senpai!"

"Fuck," Erica muttered under her breath, her eyes darting around frantically for an escape route.

I couldn't help but smirk at the irony. My tough, delinquent girlfriend, who could stare down the meanest teachers and scariest students, was now fleeing from a girl who looked like she'd walked straight out of an anime.

"Erica-chan!" Mindy called out again, her footsteps quickening behind us. "I made you a bento!"

Erica whirled around, her blonde hair whipping through the air as she faced Mindy. Her eyes blazed with a mix of frustration and disbelief.

"For fuck's sake, Mindy! It's after school! Who the hell would want a bento right now?" Erica's voice echoed through the empty hallway, causing Mindy to flinch.

Mindy's exaggerated pout was almost comical, her bottom lip quivering as she clutched the carefully wrapped bento box to her chest. The colorful bows in her bleached hair seemed to droop along with her shoulders.

I felt my face go slack, all emotion draining away as I turned to Mindy. My voice was eerily calm as I asked, "Why exactly did you make my fiancée a bento?"

The word 'fiancée' hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. Mindy's eyes widened, darting between Erica and me. She shifted uncomfortably under the weight of my stare, her platform shoes squeaking against the linoleum floor.

"I... I just..." Mindy stammered, her usual bubbly demeanor cracking under the pressure.

I took a step closer, my voice low and measured. "Are you trying to fuck my fiancée, Mindy?"

Erica's head snapped towards me, her expression a mix of confusion and something else. 'Was that a hint of arousal in her eyes?'

Mindy's reaction was explosive. Her arms flailed wildly, nearly sending the bento box flying. "No! No, no, no!" she practically shrieked, her voice echoing off the lockers. "It's not like that at all! I just... I never see Erica-senpai anymore since she started dating you, and I miss her. I thought maybe if I made her favorite foods..."

Erica's face paled, her usual confident demeanor crumbling as she glanced nervously between Mindy and me. Her hands trembled slightly as she ran them through her messy blonde hair, a telltale sign of her mounting anxiety.

"Jason, it's not... we weren't really..." Erica stammered, her voice uncharacteristically small. "We were barely even friends. Just... acquaintances, really."

But Mindy's eyes lit up with an almost manic gleam. "Eh? That's not true at all, Erica-senpai!" she exclaimed, bouncing on her platform shoes. "Don't you remember all those lunch breaks we spent discussing the latest chapters of 'My Hero Academia'? Or how we stayed up all night texting about the 'Attack on Titan' finale?"

Erica's face flushed a deep crimson, her eyes darting around the hallway as if searching for an escape route. She looked like a cornered animal, her tough exterior destroyed under the weight of her secret being exposed.

"And remember when we cosplayed together at last year's anime Boston?" Mindy continued, oblivious to Erica's growing discomfort. "You made such a kawaii Asuka, Erica-senpai! She looked so tough."

"Asuka is a Chargers fan." I spoke as if possessed.

Mindy nodded emphatically. "Bolt up."

(A/n: I am not a Chargers fan.)

Thinking of Erica cosplaying, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. The image of my badass, cigarette-smoking girlfriend dressed in a cosplay felt so weird. 'If she still has the outfit she's wearing it the second I find it.'

"Shut up, Mindy!" Erica hissed, her voice a mix of anger and desperation. "That was... Things are different now."

I watched as Erica's tough facade crumbled, revealing a vulnerability I'd never seen before. Her blue eyes met mine, filled with a mixture of shame and fear. It was clear she was terrified of how I might react to this hidden side of her.

Gently, I placed a hand on Erica's shoulder, feeling her tense muscles relax slightly under my touch. "Erica," I said softly, "I don't care if you like anime or manga. That doesn't change who you are to me."

Erica's eyes widened in surprise, and her lips parted slightly as she processed my words. "R-really?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. "Of course. Why would that bother me?"

Erica's shoulders sagged with relief, but a faint blush still colored her cheeks. "It's just... it's hard to admit that to a boy," she mumbled, averting her gaze. "Boys hate girls that like anime."

I couldn't help but grin, a mischievous glint in my eye. "So, Erica... does this mean you're into hentai too?"

Erica's eyes widened in shock, her face flushing an even deeper shade of red. She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, Mindy let out a distinctive laugh.

"Fufufufu," Mindy giggled, her hand delicately covering her mouth in a way that seemed straight out of an anime. "Ara ara, good question, Jason-senpai."

'This girl sucks.' I shot Mindy a dirty look for the unwanted honorific but quickly turned my attention back to Erica.

Erica looked like she wanted to sink into the floor. She rubbed her arm nervously, avoiding eye contact. "N-no, of course not," she stammered unconvincingly. "That's... that's not my thing at all."

I nodded solemnly, feigning belief for Mindy's benefit. "Ah, I see. Well, that's perfectly fine," I said, my voice steady. But as Erica's gaze finally met mine, I gave her a subtle wink to let her know that I didn't believe her.

Just then, I spotted Tara walking down the hall with a guy I barely recognized from the other day. As they approached, Tara's eyes lit up with recognition.

"Hey, strangers!" Tara called out, her voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm. She gave Erica a pointed look. "Nice to see you're still alive, Erica. I was starting to wonder if you'd fallen off the face of the earth."

Erica looked annoyed. "Sorry, Tara. I've been... busy."

Tara rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I bet. Too busy for your best friend, apparently." She turned to me, her expression softening slightly. "Hey, Jason." She spoke coldly.

"Hey." I say back.

The blond dude grinned, his gaze sweeping over our group before landing on me. To my surprise, he extended his his hand still open. "What's up, man? I don't think we've officially met."

'Is he trying to dap me up? Not gonna lie that's hype as fuck. Erica told me boys don't like to dap up. It's too womanly, she said.'

"I'm Jason," I said, unable to keep the smile from my face. "Nice to meet you, Louis." We dapped up hard.

'Im all in on this guy now.' I decided Louis was my new boy best friend in the new world within seconds of meeting him.

Louis nodded, his easy-going demeanor infectious. "Likewise, bro. Always good to see a new face around here."

Mindy, who had been hovering anxiously on the periphery, seemed to shrink even further at Louis's arrival. Her eyes darted nervously between Tara and the newcomer before she mumbled something about needing to go to the library and scurried away.

Tara watched Mindy's retreating form with a smirk before turning back to the group. "So, I'm starving. Anyone up for hitting Chipotle?"

Erica, seemingly grateful for the change of subject, nodded eagerly. "God, yes. I could demolish a burrito right now."

I chimed in, "Yee Haw."

Louis's eyes lit up. "Chipotle? Count me in."


The pungent aroma of cilantro and lime filled the air as we settled into our chairs at Chipotle. The fluorescent lights cast a harsh glow over the industrial-chic decor, making the metal tables gleam unnaturally. I unwrapped my burrito, the foil crinkling loudly in the bustling restaurant.

Across from us, Tara and Louis were locked in a passionate embrace, their lips moving fervently against each other. Tara's hand snaked up Louis's neck, fingers tangling in his blonde hair as she pulled him closer. Louis responded eagerly, his arms wrapping around her waist.

'Oh wow, they're really going for it.'

Erica's arm tightened around my shoulders, her fingers digging into my skin. I glanced at her, noting the way her jaw clenched, a muscle twitching beneath her skin. Her blue eyes were narrowed, fixed on the amorous display before us.

"Jesus Christ," Erica muttered under her breath, her voice tight with annoyance. "We're trying to eat here."

I suppressed a chuckle, focusing instead on my burrito. The guacamole oozed out the side as I took a bite, and I hurriedly wiped my chin with a napkin.

Tara finally came up for air, her eyes gleaming with mischief. She shot us a wicked grin before diving back in, capturing Louis's lower lip between her teeth. Louis let out a soft groan, his hands roaming down Tara's back.

I caught Louis's eye over Tara's shoulder, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. His green eyes were wide, a mix of desire and discomfort swirling in their depths. He looked like a man caught between ecstasy and embarrassment, clearly enjoying Tara's attention but acutely aware of our presence.

Erica cleared her throat loudly, causing Tara to reluctantly pull away from Louis. "So," Erica said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "are you two dating now or what?"

Tara's eyes flickered, a brief shadow passing over her face before her usual cocky smirk returned.

"Nah, we're just keeping it casual," Louis said, running a hand through his disheveled hair. His voice was slightly breathless, and a faint blush colored his cheeks.

Tara's smile faltered for a split second, so brief I almost missed it. But then it was back, wider and more defiant than ever. "Yeah, exactly," she agreed, her tone just a touch too bright. "No strings attached, right, Lou?"

Louis leaned back in his chair, his arm casually draped over Tara's shoulders like he was in charge. His green eyes sparkled with genuine curiosity as he turned to Erica and me.

'Hmmmmm, interesting.'

"So, how long have you two lovebirds been together?" he asked, a warm smile playing on his lips.

I paused, my brow furrowing as I tried to mentally count the days. The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting strange shadows across the industrial-chic decor of Chipotle.

Before I could formulate an answer, Erica's voice cut through my thoughts, clear and confident. "Ninety-five days," she said without hesitation, her blue eyes fixed on Louis.

I blinked, surprised by her precise response. The realization that she had been keeping such careful track sent a warm flutter through my chest. Erica's arm tightened around my shoulders, her fingers tracing small circles on my skin.

Louis nodded appreciatively, his gaze moving between us. "Wow, that's awesome. You two seem like a really great couple."

"Thanks," I replied, feeling a surge of pride. I glanced at Erica, catching the hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

The conversation lulled for a moment, filled only by the ambient chatter of other diners and the sizzle of the grill behind the counter. A question bubbled up in my mind, and before I could think better of it, I blurted it out. "So, Louis, when did you and Tara meet?"

Louis chuckled, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. "Oh man, it's kind of a funny story, actually," he began, his eyes twinkling. "I saw Tara in the hallway one day and thought she was super hot. So, I just walked up to her, told her she was gorgeous, and asked if she wanted to bang."

Tara's eyes widened, a deep blush creeping up her neck and spreading across her cheeks. She ducked her head, suddenly finding her half-eaten burrito bowl intensely interesting.

"And she said yes," Louis finished with a grin, seemingly oblivious to Tara's discomfort.

Erica scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Seriously? That's it?"

Tara's eyes flashed with anger. She slammed her palm on the table, making the plastic trays rattle. "Oh, like you can talk, Erica!" she spat venomously. "You two fucked immediately after meeting, even though Jason had just been raped like the day before!"

I rolled my eyes. 'I forgot about the Eliot rape. I was but a little boy back then. Now I am a man forged by real rape.' Louis seemed genuinely shocked. His jaw dropped, and he looked between Erica and me with a mixture of confusion and concern. I shook my head at him and gave him a look, that i hope read as, 'It's fine.'

Tara wasn't finished. She leaned forward, her dark eyes blazing. "Ever since you started dating him, you've gotten so soft, Erica. You're not cool anymore. It's like he got rid of everything that made you interesting."

My blood began to boil, a red haze creeping into the edges of my vision. I opened my mouth to retort, but Erica beat me to it.

She stood up abruptly, her chair screeching against the tile floor. Her blue eyes were like ice, sharp and cold, as she glared at Tara. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" Erica shouted, her voice echoing through the restaurant. Several nearby diners turned to stare.

"Jason is the best thing that's ever happened to me!" Erica continued, her voice breaking slightly with emotion. "He accepts me for who I am. He doesn't try to change me or make me fit into some bullshit 'cool girl' mold like you do!"

Tara's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a sneer. "Oh, please," she spat, venom dripping from every word. "I bet you're just with her for her money, aren't you, Jason?"

The accusation hung in the air, heavy and acrid. Louis's eyes widened even further, his discomfort palpable. He shifted in his seat, the metal chair creaking beneath him. His gaze darted between Tara and me, uncertainty etched across his features.

'I have sixty million in the bank right now.' I sigh, not sure what I can even speak about.

To everyone's surprise, Erica burst into laughter. It wasn't her usual chuckle but a full-bodied, genuine laugh that echoed through the bustling Chipotle.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Erica managed between laughs, wiping a tear from her eye. "Jason has more money than I do right now."

'Because your money is tied up in a trust fund. Regardless, she does objectively have more than me.' I correct her in my head.

The revelation seemed to stun Tara into silence. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, no sound coming out. Louis, on the other hand, leaned forward, his curiosity piqued.

"Wait, what?" Louis asked, his green eyes fixed on me. "Are you rich or something, man?"

"I'm not sure I'm allowed to talk about it." I said, my voice low and measured.

Louis's brow furrowed, confusion written across his face. He opened his mouth to ask another question, but Tara cut him off.

"It doesn't matter," Tara hissed, her dark eyes flashing with anger at me. "Money or not, I still wish Erica would stop dating a slut like you."

"Ouch." The word 'slut' hung in the air, sharp and accusatory. But before I could think of what else to say, Erica let out a derisive snort.

"That's rich coming from you, Tara," Erica retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She jerked her finger towards Louis. "You're literally fucking the school slut right now."

Louis's jaw dropped, his eyes widening in shock. "Hey!" he protested weakly, but his voice was drowned out by the sudden eruption of voices.

Erica's words hung in the air for a split second before all hell broke loose. With a feral scream, Tara lunged across the table, her hands outstretched like claws. Erica barely had time to react before Tara's weight slammed into her, sending them both crashing to the floor in a tangle of limbs and fury.

The other diners gasped and scrambled away as the two girls rolled across the tile, fists flying. Erica managed to get the upper hand, straddling Tara and raining down punches. But Tara wasn't going down without a fight. She bucked her hips, throwing Erica off balance, and used the momentum to flip their positions.

"You bitch!" Tara screamed, her fist connecting with Erica's jaw. "How dare you call Louis a slut!"

Erica responded by grabbing a handful of Tara's hair and yanking hard. "You started it, you psycho!"

As the chaos unfolded, I grabbed Louis by the arm and pulled him aside, away from the brawling girls and the growing crowd of onlookers. We ended up near the soda fountain, the hiss of carbonation barely audible over the shouts and crashes from the fight.

"I'm sorry Erica said that about you," I said, wincing as I heard the sound of a chair toppling over.

Louis sighed. "It's alright, man. Tara started it, to be honest. She shouldn't have said that stuff about you and Erica."

I nodded, grateful for his understanding. Then, desperate to change the subject, I blurted out, "So, uh, who's your favorite Star Wars character?"

Louis's green eyes lit up, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh man, that's easy. Luke Skywalker, hands down. Especially in Return of the Jedi with that badass green lightsaber."

My heart skipped a beat. "Green lightsaber?" I echoed, my voice barely above a whisper.

'Could it be?'

I leaned in closer, lowering my voice even further. "Louis... are you, by any chance, from a different world?"

Louis's eyes widened, a mix of shock and recognition flashing across his face. "You too?"