Chapter 37: Louis Vuitton Don

"Do you know who my Mother is!" Erica screams as blood drips from her split lip as she's shoved against the police cruiser, the cold metal of the handcuffs biting into her wrists. My heart races, a mix of adrenaline and concern coursing through me.

"She looks kinda hot in those cuffs, though," I mutter to myself.

"Wait for Momma, Jason." Erica calls out, her fierce blue eyes locked on mine. "If you get kidnapped, I put GPS in your shoe's backpack and a few other places. Just wait patiently, and Momma will come find you."

I nod like a little kid watching their parent go to work. The parking lot of Chipotle has become a chaotic scene, with curious onlookers gathering to watch the aftermath of the brawl. Tara struggles nearby as another officer cuffs her, her blue-streaked hair wild and tangled.

"Relax, I'll come to bail you out as soon as they let me." I assure Erica, trying to keep my voice steady. Part of me was thrilled by the display of raw power I had just witnessed. Erica really kicked the shit out of Tara in the end.

Erica grins, her teeth soaked in red. "That's my good boy."

Before I can respond, she lunges forward, breaking free from the officer's grip momentarily. Her lips crash into mine, tongue probing insistently. I taste copper and adrenaline as she kisses me deeply, possessively. My knees go weak, and I clutch at her leather jacket to stay upright.

When we finally break apart, I'm gasping for air. The female officer, whom I recognize as my mom's friend, Officer Chen, just laughs and shakes her head.

"Alright, Knight, that's enough of a show," she says, gently but firmly pulling Erica back. "Don't worry. I'm pretty confident you'll be released soon."

I clear my throat, trying to regain my composure. "Thank you, Officer Chen," I manage to say, my voice slightly hoarse.

Officer Chen gives me a warm smile. "I'll see you in a few, kid." Chen gets them in the car and finally drives away. I waive at Erica as I watch her watch her get taken away.

Louis sidles up to me, his green eyes sparkling with a mix of concern and awe. "So, how bad is it really?" he asks, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair.

I shrug, trying to appear nonchalant despite the knot in my stomach. "It's fine. Erica's too rich to spend the night in jail. Her mom will have her out before dinner if I can't get her out first."

"Damn," Louis chuckles, "must be nice to have that kind of pull."

I nod, then hesitate before asking, "Hey, could you drive me to the police station?"

Louis's face lights up, a grin spreading across his features. "Hell yeah, I can! Actually, I was hoping to continue where we left off anyway."


Louis's car purrs to life as we slide into the leather seats. "So," I begin, breaking the comfortable silence, "are you doing a harem thing?"

Louis lets out a hearty laugh, his green eyes crinkling at the corners. "Guilty as charged, my friend. It's a wild ride, let me tell you." He glances at me, curiosity evident in his expression. "What about you? Doesn't seem like you're going down that path."

'I can't blame him. This world is where the dreams of men like us are created.'

I shake my head, a wry smile tugging at my lips. "Nah, I'm doing a yandere thing. I wanted to lean hard into scary monogamy."

Louis nods, concern flashing across his face. "I gotta say, I respect the drip, but that sounds absolutely terrifying."

I shrug, my gaze drifting to the passing scenery. "It's not so bad. I've only been kidnapped by a psycho once, but I've been threatened with death twice, I think?"

Louis's eyebrows shoot up, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly. "Jesus, dude. You say that like it's no big deal."

"Eh, it's the rivals man. I just want Erica, but every fucking mob villainess wants to rape me." I shrug. "I don't know, man, but I fuck with Erica heavy."

Louis shakes his head, a bemused smile playing on his lips. "To each their own, I guess. Me, I prefer my relationships with a little less mortal peril."

"So, how's that actually going then, the harem thing?" I ask, trying to keep my tone casual.

Louis lets out a long sigh, his shoulders sagging slightly. "Not great, if I'm being honest," he admits, his carefree demeanor slipping for a moment. "Everyone loves to fuck me, don't get me wrong. But when people find out I fuck a lot, girls get grossed out."

I raise an eyebrow, surprised by his candor. "I guess that's to be expected."

He shakes his head, a rueful smile playing on his lips. "I'm just trying to get a taste of what's out there first." His grip on the steering wheel tightens as we take a sharp turn. "The worst part is, I wear a condom every time, so I don't catch anything. It's maddening knowing that right beyond that thin barrier lies the greatest feeling known to man. Tragically, I'm saving raw dog for the harem, you know?"

I nod, impressed by his foresight. "That's smart, actually. Gotta keep it clean for the real deal."

Louis's face brightens a bit at my approval. "Exactly! But try explaining that to a girl who is obsessed with cum. They can be so annoying about the whole condom thing. You would think they'd want it but they are so against the thought of me wearing them."

I shrug not knowing how to respond. I have literally never used a condom, which in hindsight is really bad. Even when I was raped I was raw dogging.

My thoughts drift back to my new bro Louis. "Can I ask you something?" I venture. "Are you looking for true love in all this, or is it just about the experience?"

Louis shrugs, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "Honestly? I'm not sure. Part of me wants to take my time, you know? Figure out what I really want before I commit to anything serious."

I nod, understanding. "That makes sense. No need to rush into anything."

"Exactly," Louis agrees, a hint of relief in his voice. "Plus, with all these girls around, it's hard to focus on just one. I figure, why not enjoy the ride while I can?"

"So," I begin again, my voice unnaturally flat, "are you banging chicks with boyfriends too?"

'If he tries to separate me from Erica, I will not hesitate to end him.' I can't help but think everyone wants to fuck my life up lately.

Louis's eyes widen in shock, his knuckles whitening as he grips the steering wheel. The car swerves slightly before he regains control.

"No, no, no!" he exclaims, his voice rising an octave. "Absolutely not, Jason. I would never do that!"

I maintain my emotionless stare, letting the implication hang heavy in the air between us. Louis glances at me, his green eyes filled with a mix of hurt and understanding.

"Look, man," he says, his voice softer now, "I know what you're really asking. And I swear to you, I would never try to steal Erica from you. That's completely off-limits."

He takes a deep breath, his shoulders sagging as if under an invisible weight. "My dad... he cheated on my mom. It fucking ruined her life, man. I saw firsthand what that kind of betrayal can do to a person. She was never the same after that. It's like a part of her just... died. And now, it's super weird because Mom 2.0 is different. She doesn't have that baggage, you know? But sometimes I worry that no one's really there watching out for my old mom anymore."

Louis's confession hangs in the air, the weight of his words filling the car. I don't feel guilty for asking him, but I know I should.

"I'm sorry, Louis," I say softly.

"It's okay," he interrupts, offering me a small, sad smile. "I get it. With everything that's happened, I understand why you'd be worried. But you don't have to be, not with me. Bros before hoes, right?"

I burst into laughter. "Bros before hoes?" I manage to choke out between fits of giggles. "If I tried that with Erica, she might actually kill me. Like, literally end my life."

Louis joins in, his rich laughter filling the car. "Oh yeah."

As our laughter subsides, I turn to face Louis, my expression growing serious once more. "Hey, while we're laying down ground rules... don't try to fuck my sister either, okay?"

Louis's eyebrows shoot up, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, it's funny you should mention that. Did you know incest is actually legal in this world? Crazy, right?"

I pause, processing this new information. The car falls silent for a moment, save for the soft purr of the engine and the rhythmic thump of tires on asphalt.

"That's... not why I told you not to fuck my sister," I finally say, my voice flat.

Louis's eyes widen in realization, and he lets out a nervous chuckle. "Oh, right. Of course not. I mean, I wasn't planning to or anything. It's just an interesting fact, you know?"

"Do you have a sister?" I ask, wondering if I really want to know.

Louis chuckles, shaking his head. "Nah, man. Only child here. But you know, sometimes I wonder... if I did have a sister, would I go for it in this world?"

I can't help but laugh at his hypothetical musings. "Dude, that's such an 'I don't have a sister' take."

Louis grins, his green eyes twinkling with mischief. "What? You're telling me you wouldn't even consider your sister as a woman? I mean, in this world, it's not like it's taboo or anything."

I grimace, shaking my head vigorously. "I don't even want to think about considering her, man. It's just... no. Besides, what if Erica bugged me? Then bam, I'm in the doghouse because you wanted to play hypothetical incest. Nah, no way."

Louis laughs heartily, slapping the steering wheel. "Fair enough, fair enough. I guess some lines just shouldn't be crossed, even in hypotheticals."

Changing topics, I ask Louis, "What are you gonna do about Tara?"

Louis sighs, his fingers drumming a restless rhythm on the steering wheel. "Man, that's a complicated one," he admits. "Tara... she's something else, you know? The girl loves fucking, and I mean loves it. Easily the best fuck I've had since I got here."

I nod, encouraging him to continue. Louis takes a deep breath before plunging on.

"The thing is, she wants to date me. Like monogamously. Can you believe that?" He shakes his head, a rueful smile playing on his lips. "But I've made it clear from the start I'm not looking for exclusive. I want someone who can handle at least two other girlfriends, minimum."

"And Tara can't?" I ask, genuinely curious.

Louis shrugs, his green eyes fixed on the road ahead. "She says she can't. Says she wants me all to herself. But I can't do that, not right now. I've got to stick to my guns, you know?"

I nod, feeling a surge of respect for my new friend. "Good for you, man. It's important to know what you want and not compromise on it."

'Is this terrible advice? Ahhh fuck it Tara called me a slut who cares.'

Louis flashes me a grateful smile. "Thanks, dude. I know it's kinda fucked up, but with the gender ratio being what it is in this world, I feel like I've got to at least try, you know? I mean, three women for every guy, it'd be a waste not to explore that, right?"

"I'm not touching that one." I laugh.


[A couple hours later]

I sit in the back seat of my mom's Squad car with a Erica. She's a lot calmer. When Louis and I got to the station we saw her and Tara laughing in their cell getting along like old friends. I guess they just needed to fight it out of them.

Mom just happened to be there and saw them in the cell and kinda just laughed it off with her cop friends. They just let them go. No paper work, nothing. It's nice to have a cop mom once in a while I guess. Mom decided she'd drive Erica and I back to the Knight mansion.

As we pull away from the police station, Erica leans against me, her warmth in stark contrast to the cool night air seeping in through the cracked window.

Mom's eyes flicker to the rearview mirror, meeting mine briefly before shifting to Erica. She furrows her brow, putting on a show of stern disapproval that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "I hope you've learned your lesson, young lady," she says, her voice gruff but lacking any type of edge.

Erica smirked. Her split lip was still swollen. "Yes, ma'am," she drawls, not sounding the least bit repentant.

I can't help but chuckle, earning a half-hearted glare from Mom. "It's not funny, Jason," she chides, but I catch the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Fighting is always wrong, no matter the reason."

"Even if someone calls your son a slut?" Erica challenges, her tone light but her eyes fierce.

Mom's grip on the steering wheel tightens, her knuckles whitening for a moment before she relaxes. "Well," she says slowly, "I suppose there might be... extenuating circumstances."

I laugh again, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. 'It's so fucking weird how Mom gets along best with Erica. It's so fucking annoying.'

I turn to Erica, gently tracing the outline of her dirtied cheek with my fingertips. "My knight in shining armor… Again." I tease, but there's genuine affection in my voice.

Erica leans into my touch, her eyes softening. "Always," she murmurs, and for a moment, the world outside the car fades away.


As we step into Erica's lavish bedroom, the air feels charged with an unfamiliar tension. The plush carpet muffles our footsteps. Erica's eyes dart to the heavy oak wardrobe where I know she keeps her collection of ropes and other oddities she likes to use on me sometimes.

"You know," I begin, my voice steady, "I think you need to be punished for getting arrested."

Erica's eyebrows shoot up, a mix of confusion and intrigue playing across her features. "Oh?" she purrs, a hint of challenge in her voice. "And how do you propose to do that, my little puppy?"

"Hand me the rope," I say, gesturing towards the wardrobe. "The ones you love so much to use on me."

For a moment, Erica looks genuinely perplexed. Her blue eyes search my face, trying to decipher my intentions. "Wait, do you want to tie yourself up today?" she asks, a note of uncertainty and concern creeping into her usually confident tone.

'It's almost as if she can't conceive of what I'm about to suggest.'

I shake my head, feeling a rush of exhilaration at her confusion. "No," I reply, my voice low and firm. "I want to tie you to the bedpost this time."

Anger flashes in Erica's eyes, her body tensing like a coiled spring. I can see the struggle playing out on her face, her desire to maintain control warring with her curiosity about this new dynamic.

Before she can protest, I shrug nonchalantly. "It's a punishment, remember? You did get arrested, after all."

Erica's jaw clenches. Slowly, deliberately, she walks to the wardrobe and retrieves the silky, crimson ropes. She holds it out to me, her gaze never leaving mine.

I take the ropes from Erica's outstretched hand, running the smooth material through my fingers. Our eyes lock, a silent challenge passing between us. With deliberate motions, I step forward and capture her lips in a searing kiss. Erica melts into me for a moment before pulling back, defiance blazing in her azure gaze.

Undeterred, I trail a path of featherlight kisses along the curve of her jaw, down the slender column of her neck. My hands find the zipper of her leather jacket, slowly tugging it down to expose the creamy skin beneath. Erica shivers, but remains motionless, allowing me to undress her.

One by one, her clothes fall away, leaving her gloriously bare before me. I drink in the sight, reveling in the way her chest rises and falls with each ragged breath. Gently, I guide her towards the bed, my touch worshipping her.

Erica's eyes narrow as she realizes my intent, but she offers no resistance. With careful movements, I secure her wrists to the thick bedposts, the crimson ropes stark against her pale skin.

"The safeword is 'pizza bagel'," I murmur, brushing a stray lock of golden hair from her face. "If at any point you feel worried or uncomfortable, just say those words, and we'll stop immediately. No questions asked, no judgment."

Erica's jaw clenches, her nostrils flaring slightly. For a long moment, she remains silent, her gaze smoldering with a mixture of resentment and begrudging acceptance. Finally, she gives a tight nod, her lips pressed into a thin line.

'She fucking hates this.' I laugh in my head. 'But she needs to be punished for getting arrested in a chipotle, so them's is the breaks Erica.'

I lean in, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "Good girl," I whisper, reveling in the way her body tenses at the praise.

Erica's eyes narrow dangerously, but she remains silent, bound, and at my mercy. A thrill courses through me, an intoxicating blend of power and adoration for this fierce, indomitable woman who has surrendered her control to me, if only for a night.

I begin to trace my lips down her face, leaving a trail of light kisses along her jawline and neck. Erica's breath hitches, her body quivering with suppressed desire. I can sense her internal struggle, the battle between her longing for release and her stubborn refusal to give in easily.

My fingers tease her collarbone, eliciting a soft gasp from Erica. She bites her lower lip, trying to maintain an air of defiance as I continue to explore her body. My touch is featherlight, carefully avoiding the more sensitive areas that would send her spiraling into pleasure.

"I love how you fight it, Erica," I murmur against her ear, my voice low and husky. "But you know you can't resist me forever."

A low growl emanates from her throat, a sound that is equal parts frustration and arousal. Erica's eyes blaze with a fierce determination, her teeth sinking deeper into her swollen lip.

Slowly, I begin to circle her breasts, my fingers skimming the edges without ever quite touching her nipples. Erica's chest heaves, her breaths growing ragged as she strains against the bindings.

"Jason...please..." she whispers hoarsely, her voice trembling with need.

I smile, my gaze lingering on her flushed face. "Begging already, Erica? I thought you were stronger than that."

Her eyes flash with anger, but the fire in her gaze only serves to heighten my desire. I lean in, capturing her lips in a slow, possessive kiss. Erica moans into my mouth, her body arching towards me as if seeking solace in our connection.

Reluctantly, I pull away, my fingers resuming their teasing exploration of her body. Erica whimpers, her eyes pleading as she struggles to maintain her composure.

"Remember who's in control, Erica," I remind her gently, my thumb brushing against her cheek. "And remember, you're being punished."

I can't help but marvel at the sight before me, the powerful delinquent, reduced to a quivering mess of want and need by my touch. It's intoxicating, knowing that I have this effect on her, that I can make her submit so completely.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, I position myself at her entrance, my cock throbbing against her wet pussy. I look into her eyes, Erica nods frantically, her gaze pleading as she silently begs me to take her.

With one swift thrust, I enter her, our bodies joining in a dance that's both familiar and exhilarating. Erica cries out, her voice raw with lust as I fill her completely.

Our movements become a symphony of pleasure, Erica's hips rising to meet mine as I set the rhythm. Her eyes closed, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she surrenders herself to the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body.

But it's her words that truly undo me. "Oh, good boy," she moans, her voice dripping with seduction. "Do you love fucking your Mommy like this?" The question hangs in the air, a challenge and a taunt all at once. "You're thrusting is so adorably desperate after all."

Instinctively, I find myself responding, falling into my role that I love more than life itself. "Yes." I gasp. "I love fucking you, Mommy." The words feel as awkward as always but just so right for her.

Erica's eyes open at my response, a triumphant smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "That's it, my good boy," she murmurs, her voice low and sultry. "You're mine, completely and utterly mine."

With each thrust, I feel myself falling deeper under her spell, my body responding to her every command. Erica tightens her legs around my waist, pulling me closer as she takes control of our fucking. I'm powerless to resist, my body responding instinctively to her touch. Even when she's tied down, she finds a way to control me. Complete ecstasy takes over.

I can feel Erica's muscles tightening around me as her breath grows ragged, her moans growing louder with each thrust. I know she's close, and the knowledge sends a surge of pleasure coursing through my body. I lean down, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss as we increase our pace.

Erica's tied-up hands tremble while she cums. Her moaning sends me over the edge, and I feel myself spiraling out of control as I reach my own climax.

As I bust inside Erica, an overwhelming wave of emotion crashes over me. Tears well up in my eyes and begin to stream down my cheeks, my body trembling with the intensity of it all. The physical pleasure mingles with a profound sense of love and devotion, creating a cocktail of sensations that leaves me breathless and vulnerable.

Erica's body quivers beneath me as she reaches her peak of her orgasm, her back arching and a low, guttural moan escaping her lips. As the last tremors of her orgasm subside, something shifts in her demeanor. With a sudden burst of strength that catches me off guard, she effortlessly frees herself from the ropes, binding her wrists. It seems I didn't tie them tight enough, and she was probably just playing along for my sake this whole time.

Before I can process what's happening, Erica's arms encircle me, pulling me close to her chest. My tears fall freely now, soaking her skin as I continue to shudder while I cum in her and sob. The sound of her heartbeat, strong and steady, fills my ears as she holds me tightly.

"Shhh," Erica soothes, her voice a gentle caress. Her fingers thread through my hair, the familiar gesture instantly calming. "What's wrong, my love? Tell me what's bothering you."

I struggle to form words, my emotions threatening to choke me. Finally, I manage to whisper, "I just... I love you so much, Erica. It's overwhelming. I feel like I might burst from how much I love you."

She laughs as a look of pure elation spreads across her face.Hher eyes sparkling with joy and triumph. "Didn't you just explode?" Erica asks as she presses a tender kiss on my forehead. Her hand continues its gentle petting motion, stroking my hair and occasionally trailing down to caress my tear-stained cheeks.

"Oh, my sweet boy," she coos, her voice filled with adoration. "My precious Jason. I love you, too, more than you could ever imagine. You're mine, completely and utterly mine, and I'll never let you go."

I nuzzle closer to her, seeking comfort in her warmth and the familiar scent of her skin. Erica's arms tighten around me, creating a cocoon of safety and love that shields me from the outside world. In this moment, nothing else matters but the two of us, intertwined and inseparable.

As my sobs gradually subside, I'm washed over with calmness. Erica has become my entire world. But I can't help but think, 'If Justin found out I cried during sex, he would literally never stop bringing it up. Thank god this isn't that world.'