⁰⁰⁵ | Twenty-Two Looking Eleven

🎧 Talk to You by Carter Ryan

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The dragon holding me and Gregory by it's talons left us on the ground, and he rolled off me and to my side, clearly hyperventilating. I couldn't hold it anymore and struggle to bend down to the other side, and as soon as my mouth was turned to the ground, I felt my body convulsing, vomiting blood. I haven't consumed any food or water in days, so it was just blood.

"What the hell were you bloody thinking?" The husky deep male voice from the same person who commanded the dragon who caught us in the air, yelled, and I heard as his feet hit the ground when he jumped from the dragon. "Have you fucking lost you mind? How could you be so dumb to jump from a dragon who's in free fall to land, just to catch a stupid idiot who couldn't even hold his grip on it?" He shouted at me.

I nearly stumbled trying to sit down on the ground, still covered by the coat, but only with my black underwear underneath, and I was not, in any way, prepared to be hit by the breathtaking gut-wrenching beauty of the huge men in front of me. But the second I took all of his words, I could only glare up at him, "I wasn't thinking," I hissed, voice still raspy.

"What?" He scowled, fog silver eyes burning mine.

Eyeing him from up and down, taking in how enormously tall this male is, or how every inch of him in this leather black outfit looks sculpted, taking in his golden tanned skin, his raven black wavy hair falling close to his shoulders, or his sharp as a blade jaw that's clenched and so sexy… but I kept an indifferent poker face and ignored him, turning to Gregory.

"Are you okay, Greg?" I asked, forcing myself to speak.

"Thanks to you," he cried, sitting down, he turned to me. "I'm sorry for not standing up for you in the orphanage, Davina. You took all the heavy punishment just because you stood up for us against Lisa. And now you just saved me again, I… I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. They hurt you, they,"

I held his hand and he met my eye, "I'm not hurt, and it's not your fault, don't take a burden that doesn't belong to you, Greg. I'm okay. I'll heal like always, our kind doesn't die that easily, do we?" I smiled at him, and struggling to stand on my feet, I clenched my jaw, put my shit together and helped him up. "Don't blame yourself for this, your hand slipped. Mine would have too is the warden hadn't been holding me."

"You jumped to death with me, Davina," he cried.

"I'm not afraid of death," I winked at him. "I'm familiar with it."

"Take this," River popped out of nowhere with a big bottle of water, probably of three litters. "Drink and stop talking shit about death, the God of death doesn't take those allegations lightly."

"As if a fake Royal Prince like you would know shit," I hissed under my breath, grabbing the heavy bottle abruptly from his hands and taking 3 steps away from them, then I opened the lid of the bottle and turned it down. I drank it all so fast, gulping it all with desperation, that in less then a minute the huge bottle was empty.

"How long have you been thirsty for?" The arrogant male mocked.

Eyes still closed, I said, "Eight days or so, maybe more."

"She's joking," Lisa Thalassa exclaimed behind me, grabbing me by my shoulders like a viper, "right, Davina?" She hissed.

I elbowed her face and she fell down cursing me, "You think I'll forget how you tried to kill me, you little bitch? I told you that I don't give a fuck that you're a Thalassa, a Braganza, a Wintergrave or what-the-fuck-ever. We are not in the orphanage anymore, and you better pray I don't get into this damned academy, or I will murder you," I stepped away from her, and turned to Mr. Fletcher.

He's glaring at me as if he could kill me. The audacity.

"What are you glaring at me for? Are you going to beat me up to pulp again? Because I was unable to heal from how you broke eight of my ribs, just because I protected myself after your precious Lisa Thalassa here, your golden ticket to the academy, tried to murder me for the 753rd time. Being locked up for more than a week with no food or water in that cubicle you call a torture room, made of anti-magic matter, ash, and obsidian didn't help me in nothing," I snapped like I've been craving to do in years.

"What torture room?" An old, clearly ancient, female landed near us, feathery gold wings in her back, and a long white formal dress on. "Have you been torturing the orphans who part of this Choosing, director?"

Panic painted his features, "She is lying. She's a schemer. She has been envious of Lisa Thalassa for being a fallen noble, and has been all but tormenting her ever since she came to us, when she was 14, 8 years ago."

"What?" The arrogant male gasped. "You are 22 years old?"

I felt my face burn embarrassed, "Yes, why?" I snapped.

"You look 14," he mocked.

I couldn't help glaring at him, hating how beautiful he is and for no reason at all. "I look 22, not my fault if you look thrice older than me."

"I don't," he snapped, genuinely offended.

"You don't look 22, child," the old woman exclaimed. "11 at best."

My jaw dropped, "I am not like this, I was just starved, I look 22."

"Maybe when healthy, but you are far from healthy. You look 11," she insisted and the bastard burst out laughing, mocking me. "Which is very worrisome," she turned to Fletcher. "If you say she's lying, why does she look like this and all the other orphans look normal?"

"I look normal," I snapped, offended.

"No, you don't," she smoked me and I clenched my jaw. "Mr.?"

Fletcher glared at me, "She has a rare physical condition."

"You are full of bullshit," I yelled at him.

"And she has chronical anger issues," he added.

"That is not a thing," I yelled, even though it is.

"She's also dumb," he scoffed in addition.

River grabbed my forearm before I could do something, "Stop."

"You don't get to tell me when to stop, fake Royal Prince," I hissed.

He flinched, "I am not a fake Royal Prince."

"Your little parents acquired the Empire by usurpation, you killed the real bloodline, the original Imperials, you sacrificed them to demons," I yelled, out of my mind. "You are a fake. You shouldn't be a Prince, you are a fake, you and all the others who take advantage of the usurpation, you are all fakes. You killed them for immortality, but you ain't even immortals!"