⁰⁰⁶ | Obey Me!

🎧 Comedown by Toby Hobart

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Everyone froze and began to stare at me, and I clenched my jaw, all but feeling sick. But then it occurred me, was all this public? Did I say something I shouldn't have?

"How do you know that?" The old woman glared at me.

"How do you know that, Davina?" River pressed.

I stayed silent, crossing my arms over my chest, heart thundering, but that only made the mood worse, and everyone, even the dragons around, began to glare at me, the orphans starting to question if what I said was true given the reaction of the high ups.

"How, do, you, know, that?" River yelled, and suddenly more than fifteen faes, all around my age, males and females, began to back him up, and by the features of them, I could tell they resembled my family's killers, which meant they are all heirs of the usurpers. "Davina!"

"My mother was the Empress's favorite maid in waiting, she was there, and I," I glared at him, "was too. A knight of the Empress helped teleporting me out of there, but my mother was caught by your parents, and died. She died because of your family's sickening greed. You all disgust me," then to make it more dramatic, I spit on the ground. "And I know that you are not immortals because the one who drank the immortality dew was Ravenna, the Imperial Crowned Princess, who disappeared. She's the rightful heir of the Empire, not you. You are just the spawns of the usurpers."

"Plot twist," the arrogant bastard laughed, clapping. "Oh my."

"Everyone who was there died," River yelled.

I didn't flinch, "If I slice your father's throat open with an ash and obsidian dagger, will he stay alive, since you claim they are immortals? Or will he crumble and die of suffocation in his own blood, like they killed the Imperial Princess Scarlat who was 2 fucking years old then?" That was all it took to make them turn pale. "I was there, I know what happened. You were so incompetent that a 7-year-old fooled you all and stole the dew."

"I order you to shut you filthy mouth up, orphan," the blonde girl with red eyes at his left yelled at me, and when I tried to speak, my words didn't came out. "Don't talk about shit that doesn't concern you," she hissed and I glared at her. "Stop glaring at me, look down, know your place as the daughter of a treacherous maid," she ordered, but I defied her.

I could feel her magic sinking into me, trying to make me bend, but I remained glaring at, even when my eyes began to cry blood, I glared at her, refusing to look down, refusing to bow, and the confidence in the girl's eyes waved.

"I ordered you to look down," she screamed.

Uselessly to her, I stayed unhinged, eyes bleeding even more, but still glaring at her. I know who she is, only one family had this induction kind of power, the Kristiansen, they were made of seven member when my family died: Martin and Kristiina, the current King and Queen, usurpers who were part of my family's sacrifice, their quadruples Herman, Lillian, Leif, Ivar who are my age, and Martin's only brother Johan. This can only be Lillian Kristiansen.

"Obey me!" She yelled at the top of her lugs, but I didn't.

"Know your place, weakling," the ginger male between them came to me, grabbed me by my hair with too much strength, and forced me to look down, and I was unable to move against it.

"Take your hands off her, if you don't want to loose them, Foley!" The arrogant male exclaimed, his voice an edge of a sword, and I almost flinched hearing him speak up for me. "Right now, Foley!"

"Shut the fuck up, freak," the ginger, who I now identify as a spawn of the Foley, one of the usurper families made of Niall and Una Foley, and their twin children Cait and Art Foley, all gingers. He must be Art Foley. But even though he cursed, he strangely did what the bastard told him.

But I don't think he's a Royal, even less related to the usurpers.

"You too, Kristiansen, stop it," he hissed at her.

"Why are you butting in? It's about us," she yelled, but obeyed it.

What the hell? What's the deal with him? They all seem to dislike him, he's definitely not a Royal, but why are they obeying him?

"You don't know who you are defending, boy," Fletcher snapped.

"I am not a boy, I am older than you can imagine, I'm undoubtedly older than you, and I did not gave permission to a low born like you to speak to me, did I, filthy fae?" He exclaimed with so much arrogance, a small part of me felt like defending Fletcher, so small I didn't give voice to it, which is insane by itself. "Especially not when you have been abusing her."

"She is a low born," he yelled angered.

"I told you not to speak to me," the arrogant male hissed and it was so intimidating and oppressing that Fletcher fell to his knees. "You abused her, and you tried to murder her by,"

"He didn't try to kill her," Lisa scoffed. "She overreacted."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, fallen orphaned noble," he snapped and she flinched. "In fact, you don't even get to speak about this situation, when you are the one who caused it, aren't you the Thalassa kid? The one who has been trying to kill her? What? You think that just because you are a fallen noble, you are better than her? At least her family worked in direct daily contact with the late Imperials, what about yours? And why are you not using the wrists shackles? Isn't that mandatory to all orphans? Do you think you are better than them? You are an orphan just like them."

"You will regret talking like that when I get I to WIA," she hissed at him and he glared at her, his gaze so intense and murderous, she flinched.

"If you get into WIA, I will enjoy tormenting you to death."

She gasped, "Is that a threat?"

"Did it sound like a compliment?" He replied dryly.