⁰²⁰ | An Executioner for Neighbor

Mass release: 6/17


🎧 For Me by Lo Nightly

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"We are talking about a God, to him our race is nothing, we are fae and he's a deity, I doubt he would ever even phantom doing anything of sexual connotation with me. He will probably try to torture me, put a leash on me to force me to be his pet, his lucky charm on the war, or something. All he needs is my presence at his side, nothing more, he doesn't really need me. 15 years ago he wanted me dead, Rose."

She tensed up, "I know, Venna, but it's not like you aren't a power-house on your own, you are probably worthy a hundred of us, and if the war will be laid down on our realm, and they are dividing the fae and demon forces between the two sides, they will need us to fight. And I would even go as far as to say that you're the strongest fae alive right now. That is, if the executioner isn't a fae, which again, we don't know."

"Gods are prideful and don't forgive being made a fool off, Rose," I said tiredly. "Even if he needs me, I don't think he will swallow his pride and actually ask for my help in war, if it means any difference at all. Not when he can just leash me to his side by force, and use my endless life force, which I got from him and it's a part of him that lies inside me, and the very reason why he needs me to this, for him to then use his full power alone. I don't know about you, but Death doesn't seem like a teammate kinda guy."

"I think he will prize his pride more in winning this war, instead of with-holding a stupid grudge on you just because you outsmarted him in a situation that he was in the wrong to begin with. Sure, I your point in valid, Venna, but I just believe that between swallowing his pride, asking for your help, and winning the war with you fighting at his side; and not swallowing his pride, leashing you by his side unwillingly, and possibly losing a battle against other Gods; I think his choice might be simpler than you believe."

That's valid, but I doubt it. "Death won't apologize for shit, Rose."

"Maybe not, but maybe you're wrong and he will, because he has a grasp of the gravity of the situation right here. He definitely understands this war and what it entails, way more than any of us could, since he is the lead of our side. Death for sure knows he will the need the strongest people on land to fight against the other Kingdoms that sided with the other Gods. And right now, there's no one better than you for that, Venna!"

I swallowed, still not convinced. "I doubt Death is a forgiving guy, like I told you before. Gods prize their pride and their image above all, and I did fuck with him, I did make a fool of him, I did steal the immortality dew that he was handing over, I did get in the way of his plan of regaining the overwhelming power he gave to my bloodline, I did disappear from his reach, and I did and I still am mocking him and his decisions."

She bit her bottom lip, "When you put it like that it's complicated."

An anxious giggle left my chest, "And it is."

"But I think we have a different trouble to focus on, Venna."

Blinking, I arched my brows at her, "What trouble?"

"The executioner," she swallowed. "If he said he will begin to pay an extra amount of attention on you, it's because he's suspicious, and that is dangerous. He has authority enough to wander around WIA and do what-the-fuck-ever he wants, he can stay in our class all the time, he can follow you and tail you everywhere, just like he can call you in the mat to spar with you after you're good to go. And his sparring is more like humiliation, he will try to get information from you by force, and he knows what the hell he is doing better than anyone."

Fuck, I don't even want to think about him. "I screwed up."

"Not to discourage you or anything, Venna, but you did, yes, you screwed up badly," she giggled anxiously, haunted. "And if he gets any idea that you have a crush on him, or that you are somehow weak to his charms, he will use that against you. So, you can't let him know that in any way, or it'll make worse, and he could learn who you are. I firmly believe he's the only one in here who could."

The idea of him trying to seduce me made a mess in my stomach and my toes curled, my throat drying up, "I screwed up fantastically, I see."

Sighing, Rose stood up and took my hand to help me up too, "You should go rest now, Venna. I can visually tell how tired you are, and you need to be strong, we need you strong now more than ever. And I remember my time in that hell of an orphanage, and as a protector who went against Thalassa, well enough to remember how I barely got any sleep there. You managed to look more tired than I did, which is a red light, so, to bed you go, because you only have one month to recover."

Groaning like a sloth, I followed her to the door at the left, opposite to the one in the right, and when she opened it and I got in, my jaw dropped at the sight of the fancy huge suite that was waiting for me. "Wow!"

"I had the same reaction," she giggled amusedly. "Rest. When you are 100% again, I'll help you decorate it. We can decorate it however we like, for now it's like a blank canvas. That one will take you to the walk-in closet," she pointed to the door at the left corner, "that one will take you to the jaw-dropping bathroom," she pointed to the one at the right corner, "and that little one," she pointed to the one that was near the oval ceiling window and that could only be accessed by a medium leather, "takes you to your side of the roof with a balcony."

"A balcony on the roof?" I gasped.

"Oh, yes, baby. I decorated mine with flowers, but you can have a telescope and a resting place in yours, or whatever. It's one of the perks of snatching a dorm in the top of one of the towers in here. Though there is a downside to you," she chuckled anxiously.

I blinked, "Why only to me?"

"Because you're in the left side of the tower, which is the very side that faces the tower at our left," a dreadful chill ran down my spine.

"Who… who resides in that tower?"

"The executioner," her tone haunted. "That whole tower is his."

Well, fuck. "And who do you face?"

"The left side of the tower at our right is River's."

"And the right side of his?" I asked just for asking.

"Heath Stormkey's."

I have no idea who that is.

What I do know is that Stormkey is a bastard's last name.