⁰²¹ | The Monologue of a Cat

Mass release: 7/17


🎧 Guilty Conscience by Tate McRae

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"You look great," Cat beamed as she entered my room. "You look alive, at final. Took us a week longer than expected, but you're finally good to train and to be with the others. Your body is strong again, and you are looking 19 years old, finally."

"I'm 22," I gasped, cheeks heating up.

"This is the best we could do in this little time, and it's good to look slightly younger than you are, you won't age after 25 years old physically, and it'll take a long time for you to look older than that. So, this is great for you, and you got your curves back. See? You didn't need to complain about that for a thousand million times daily in my ears."

I looked at my reflex in the middle, enjoying my hourglass perfect shape and how I regained my swift thickness in the right places again. My breasts are looking insanely greater than before, which is a feat, and my ass is also rounder, my legs got curvier but still toned. And my skin is looking a considerably more alive, compared to how I arrived here.

Hah, that bastard won't be able to mock me now, will he?

Grinning satisfied, I passed my hands on the deep crevice that goes deeper from my ribs to my waist, and widens on my hips. "I'm so hot."

"You do look egocentric," Cat scoffed to herself. "With reasons."

"Oh, come on, I spent 8 years without being able to love what I see in the mirror, even if I was still kind of cute, I'm finally hot, let me enjoy it. I'll train a lot to be able to toned my body. It's not 100% how I want it yet, but I'll define it on my own. So," I turned to her, "can I start my classes?"

They didn't let me leave the dorm in the last month, it's suffocating.

With a snap of her fingers, three piles of black and dark red clothes appeared in my bed, together with something that looks a lot like two tablets of different sizes with two pens, a pile of dark red notebooks, some black pens, ten highlighters in different shades of red, ten different pairs of black and red shoes, a black oak wand, a cherry red wireless headphone, black ear pods, a digital watch, two different box-like bags. "What's all this?"

"Uniforms," she pointed to the clothes and shoes, "make up, jewels, and parfum," to the box-like bags, "tools to note down whatever you need," her nail went to the notebooks, pens, and highlighters, "a tool you will need to use until you can focus your magic on you own," to the wand, "the tools you will need in class which contain all the academic textbooks and a platform made for the students in WIA," to the two tablets with the digital pens and the watch, "and that's for general need," at last, she pointed to the headphone and ear pods.

This is new. "You have digital stuff in here?"

"We are an advanced society, darling, of course, we do. The bigger tablet with the black case is for you to use in classes, like a textbook, to do projects and anything the teachers ask you to, classes notes, in general. Now, the smaller one with the strawberry red case is for contact, it has a social platform that is like what humans call social media, you can post your stuff in there, pictures, thought, share whatever you want, and it's through that, that you will speak with your colleges and the academy staff.

"I already pre-saved all the important contacts such as mine, Dove's and all of your teachers, as well as some extra ones you might need, and the contact of everyone in your class, plus the wardens', and Gregory's. You will have to do the configuration of your profile on Auradoom, and you can follow whoever you want, that's on you. Auradoom is the social media that is solely for all the people who attend and work in WIA. Rose had it easy on it, since she said it was like something called Instagram on the human realm, so you might get it too, as you were in there.

"The only people I followed in your profile was me, Rose, and her brother, as you need to have me in there, so I can keep an eye on you. The prerequisites to use it actively, is answering a quiz about yourself, as the app was made for a better interaction between the students and WIA staff. Your profile is public, so whoever wants can follow you, and everything that Rose claimed to also be in human's social media. There's a official page of the DWAT, that is basically gossip and other things, and it's made by the news club, made by kids that want to work on that."

"DWAT?" I frowned.

"Daily Wintergrave Academy Times. It was DWAN before, the N standing for News, but then Rose suggested an artistic change when she got into the club last year, and it happened. She's a columnist in the club, and she's part of it, but she answers the seniors and she's ain't the only one."

I couldn't help smiling, "Oh, I get it, it's a USA thing. Where I lived there was the New York Times, because it was New York, and it was quite the massive newspaper, with many divisions. I think I get the idea here."

"I don't know what New York is, but I believe you. I recommend you to keep an eye on it, daily if possible. There are some random games I downloaded for you, ones I like to play when I'm bored, there is an app solely with the rule book of WIA, that you should read and memorize for our own safety, and there's also an archive in the main screen with the very schedule you will be following, having all of your classes and appointments written down. Here in WIA you can only use magic when required in class, on the sparring weekly sessions, and to defend yourself in case of an attack.

"Anything other than that will get you a deduction of points. Now about the points, the academy is divide in four houses, each house is divided per years. Years 1 to 5 having the kids that are in a 5 to 10 range of age, the Horse House, represented by the color yellow. Years 6 to 10 having the kids that are in a 10 to 15 range of age, the Snake House, represented by the color green. Years 11 to 15 having kids that are in a 15 to 20 range of age, the Wolf House, represented by blue. Lastly," she pointed to my uniforms, "years 16 to 20, that have kids in a 20 to 25 range of age, the Crow House, represented by red.

"By the end of the year the points each student got through the year is added to the general points of their houses, and the winning house gets a big reward. However, during the year, there are inner competitions in each house, which is of year against years, with the last year of each being the last one to be faced. The winning year of each house inner-tournament, that happens from trimonthly, gets a reward, and the top 5 students of the year that won, get an even greater reward, the top 3 more than the others, and the very top 1 more than anyone.

"Though, you can get points with your grades, that being the easiest way, you have an opportunity to get even more points in the weekly sparring sessions, by asking for or accepting duels, by doing quests for the teachers if you are good enough to catch their attention, or extra quests for anyone who works in WIA, or the senior students. Though doing quests for the last year kids will give both you and them the points, as they gain points for influencing the younger to do their own quests. It's a double-edged sword."