⁰²² | No Expectations

Mass release: 8/17


🎧 Haunted by Chris Grey

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"The older the opponent you duel against, if you win, the bigger the amount of your points will be, keeping in mind that older opponents in here can be anyone from seniors of classes above yours to professors and the wardens. You will obviously, win greater points if you win the duels, but you will still gain points just by accepting or requesting them, losing or not. The events you participate here will also give you points. Now, you can lose them if you break the rules, or if you disrespect professors, or wardens.

"Losing points, depending on his strong you are, which implicates with the amount of points you could give your year, and in the end, your house, might be degrading to your image. You might cause an annoyance to your year and to your house if you lose more than you will, because that will cause a negative credit, which might be prejudicial to the house. And the thing the top house heard the most in here, is falling in the ranks to a younger house, just because their members lost too many points.

"And the Crow House is ranked number 1. Though the ranks of the years within the house will only come out in two months, as it counts from three to three months, and we can't rank them when we just began the year. So, there's a big chance year 18 will take over year 20 this year, given how your year got the best kids this time. Not even River might be able to change that, as his m got the top 1 in the previous years. And after your display of power in the Choosing, everyone has high expectations for you.

"Many of your class assignments are in duos, we took the liberty of setting you with Rose in them, since you're already dorm-mates, and you have a bigger connection than with your classmates. But you don't share all of your classes, only 70%, the other 30% is different. Your classes will daily begin at 8 am, go until 11 am, restart at 1 pm, and end at 7 pm; breakfast is at 6 to 8 am, lunch is at 11 to 1 pm, dinner is at 7 to 9 pm; the night alarm rings at 11:30 pm, and that's when all dorms are closed and you have to be inside yours by them.

"The students in year 20 are divided in four categories: the top 10 are made wardens, top 11 to 20 are made monitors, top 21 to 50 and below are teachers' assistants. You already know that the wardens hold the bigger power and responsibilities. Now the monitors are the ones who make sure every student is inside their dorms after the alarm, and they have the free authority to punish the kids who are found outside. The teachers' assistants can go on in two ways: they either are taken as pupils, or they are put in a position to correct the tests of the students of each teacher.

"As well as to help them with their general work, when not in class. So, beware the wardens and the monitors, they will be on you, everyone caught on how you are not very rule-biding. River will be a hawk on you, as you came with him, and you were very disrespectful to him, given how you feel about him and his family, with a reason. There are other five kids in the last year that are from the royalty, two are wardens with River, and the other three are monitors."

That sounds annoying, "Thanks for the heads up."

"Don't mind it, kid, I like you. Now, you have to keep in mind that coming late on classes, or skipping them out, as well as making use of magic on them when you were not requested, will take out points of you. There is no formula for the points, they give the amount they feel like giving to you, and the same goes for when it's time to take them away. And I should also tell you that, that girl who messed with you in the orphanage, the Thalassa heir, is already close to the royals in your year, and she seems to be going out with one of the senior monitors, who's a Royal."

"Meaning she'll try to fuck with me," I scowled.

"In pejorative words, yes. She'll try fucking with you."

"Can I kill anyone in here?" I tilted my head.

"No," she gasped. "If you want to beat her, ask for a duel."

I clenched my jaw, annoyed, "I'm still going to kill her."

"Don't be reckless, Davina. We can't lose strong kids right now."

"I didn't say I would kill her now," I groaned. "Just do not expect me staying silent if she provoked me, Cat. I have a short temper."

"We don't expect that from you, Davina, we know better."

That sounds offensive, "Anything else I should know?"

She tensed up, avoiding my eyes, and I instantly knew that it was not going to be pleasant, "The bastard will shadow you in your classes."

Just like Rose said he would, "What do you mean by shadowing?"

"He controls the shadows," she sighed tiredly, "so he will stay on your toes all the time. You will probably feel him, but he may or may not be tangible, he may or may not be in physical form, since he can turn his body into shadows too, if he wants. He just warned us that he will try to make you bend and try making you tell him what you know of Ravenna," Cat passed her right hand through her hair. "So, just bear with it and don't provoke him, please."

I swallowed, "I'll do my best."

"That's better than nothing," she seemed relieved. "There is a map on the smaller tablet that will show where you are, and if you input the place you want to be, it'll guide you there. Your first class is in 2 hours, it'll start at 10 am and it'll be the only one of the morning, so you can get yourself ready in the meantime. I'll only take you to your first class, the rest is with you, okay?" I nodded in agreement.

"One more thing. Every friday night to the entirety of saturdays and sundays, the tunnels deep underneath the castle of the academy will open together with the Graveyard Market that happens underneath, and you will be allowed to go to it then. As an orphan, you will be given a allowance of ten thousand crystals monthly, just like every other kid who comes into WIA through the Choosing, and it'll be yours to spend in there, however you like. There's an app called Starless in your mini tablet, that is solely for the pages of each of the merchants who sells their services, of any kind.

"In other words it's for propagation, just so you can know what will be offered in there, all the merchants have Dove's authorization to be there, and they come from all over the Empire. They also show in the app if they will be in the market that week, and the market is open for everyone that attends WIA as a student, everyone that resides in here for a reason, the workers, and every student who graduated in WIA in the past 50 years. As well as residents of the Imperial Capital with Dove's authorization."

"I'll keep that in mind, now I'll get ready. I'll be out in an hour."