⁰²⁴ | Bold Little Thing

Mass release: 10/17


🎧 Red Room by Bryce Savage

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It hit so damn hard that my entire face froze, emotions drained from it, "For a matter of fact, you are not my type either, and I'm the one who would not want anything with the repulsing likes of you, even more knowing that you are not even of my race. Secondly, I went through puberty 10 years ago, I'm not in it, it's just that you speak my race's language ambiguously. And you are the disgusting one, I made a simple question and you got flustered."

That only seemed to make him angrier, "I am not flustered. I didn't call you disgusting, I called the suggestion disgusting. That argument you used was extremely racist. I have no idea how puberty changed anything on you, you look like a little girl in my eyes. Lastly, and most importantly, I am everyone's type, no matter the race, no matter the gender, everyone is attracted to me, hence why you just spotted some big nonsense."

"Arrogant fuck," I snarled, angrily. "You are the racist, not me. You don't fit my type in any fucking way, that does not goes for me. As for your lack of biological knowledge, if a female has curves, breasts, if she's had her menstruation period which makes her bleed monthly when she hasn't gotten pregnant, and when she reaches an age when she's biologically able to conceive children, that is how puberty affects a female. If you don't know what breasts are, they are those round things in my chest, biologically made for females to breastfeed their offsprings, and they can vary sizes depending on the person's genes, in case you're that dumb, which would not surprise me at this point."

To my mortifying dismay, his eyes went down to my chest, daring to linger there for an obscene instant, and when he brought them up to my eyes again, there was an unspoken tension hanging between us. So palpable that there's no way he didn't felt it. "They were not there the last time I met you 37 days ago."

I slapped his face and instantly covered my chest with my arms, "You impolite bloody pervert! My eyes are up here," I yelled, because that definitely felt as if he had just undressed me with his eyes. "Don't stare at my breasts like that, that's indecent. And they were there, they were just smaller because I had been starved and I lost too much weight, you bastard. Breasts are localized fat in the chest area of a female, if I lose weight, they lose their natural size, if I gain weight, they grow bigger and back to how they were initially. Fucking pervert, how can you undress me with your eyes and offend me at the same time?"

"You slapped me," he gasped as if he only paid attention to that.

"You stared at my breasts, like a pervert," I snapped.

"You, slapped, me," he mumbled, his hand on the cheek I hit.

"What? Want me to slap the other one so they can be matching?"

"How can you slap my face, after I saved your life three time?"

The audacity. "Saving me doesn't give you the right to be a perv."

"I was not being a pervert, disgraceful little thing," he cursed.

"You undressed me with your eyes, that's being a pervert, jerk."

"That was not me undressing you with my eyes, I guarantee you!"

I was speechless for what felt like an hour but was about a minute. "Undressing me or not with those damned eyes of yours, doesn't change the fact that staring at a lady's cleavage is indecent, obscene, impolite, and it's something a pervert does. Hence why you were a pervert, because you just stared shamelessly at mine, and you even offended me."

He scoffed, "That was not an offense, dissimulated little thing, that was a compliment. Your chest was so small before, given your drastic loss in your weight, that it was invisible to my eyes, because I didn't stare at no female's chests, and when I do take notice in it, it's because my eyes ended up noticing them in the corner of my line of vision. This did not apply to you before, but now it does, as they are considerably bigger than before. And I only looked at it because you were talking about them."

Oh, now my face is burning for sure. "Stop taking about them."

"It's you who started it," he gasped. "You pointed it out."

"Because you said I look like a little child, and I do not," I snapped.

His eyes darkened, "A little girl, not a little child."

"It's the same thing," I groaned, hating how flustered I'm feeling.

"It's not the same thing, at all," he chuckled huskily.

"A little girl is a little child," I crossed my arms, annoyed.

"Have you seen my size?" He mocked.

"No, I have not," my answer came out automatically.

Finally, his cheeks reddened, "Stop making everyone obscene."

I couldn't help laughing out of embarrassment, "Gods above, I was talking in a sarcastic way, I'm not talking about your… size down there."

Oh, he turned even redder, "Who is being ambiguous now, uh?"

"Who is having a dirty mind now, uh?" I countered.

"You are infecting me," he accused me.

I gasped in dismay, "Excuse me? I'm simply defending myself."

"Defending from what? I didn't offend you," he gasped.

"You called me a little child," I reminded him. "I'm 22 years old."

Looking really done with me, he passed his hands over his hair, "I can't believe I'm even talking about this, dooming fuck beneath me." Is that supposed to be a curse? "Will I have to draw to you or something?"

"Are you calling me dumb?" I glared at him.

"I am calling you low witted. Either that or you are mocking me."

"Why the hell would I waste my time with the likes of you?"

He grinned egocentrically, "What are you doing now?"

"Stop running from the question, you arrogant bastard," I groaned.

"You are little in my eyes, I don't see you like a child, I see you in a child-sized body, not like a child. I acknowledge that you have a grown female body, but that body is small in comparison to mine. My size is twice yours, and you are little next to me."