⁰²⁵ | Counting Truths

Mass release: 11/17


🎧 Moon by Austin Giorgio

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"You are younger than me by a lot, hence why I see you like a little girl, not a little child, that would be horrible in fact, but like a little girl. Is that clear to your fae mind, or do I have to draw it out to make you understand something so bloody simple?"

Don't take it dirtily, don't take it dirtily, don't take it dirtily. "It's offensive to call me little," I snapped at him instead.

He slapped his forehead, "It's not, because you are little."

I clenched my jaw, "I'm average, not short, that's offensive."

"Average where?" He mocked. "You're the shortest in this room, and there are more than 50 people in here. You are the smallest, while I am the biggest. To me, you are a little girl, period. It's not my bloody fault if you are so insecure with your below average height, that being called little is offensive to you, when it literally ain't. You are little, that won't change."

"I am offended because I was not supposed to be this height, I was born to be taller than this, but I was starved, repressed, tortured, and all that fucked my growth in it's most important point," my voice came out angry.

"Keep your sad stories to yourself, I want nothing to do with that or with your stupid fae feelings. It only matters that you're insecure about your height and now you're annoying the hell out of me, just because I am stating the obvious. To a fae, you are small. Accept it," he scoffed.

"Small is your,"

"It ain't," he said before I could finish it, grinning mischievously.

"You don't even know what I was going to say," I'm bullshiting.

"We both know what you were going to say," he chuckled.

"I was going to say your feet," oh Gods, what am I even doing?

"Every part of me is huge compared to you, naughty little thing."

"I am not naughty," I groaned, even though that's about right.

"My hands are clean and I'm a fae," he retorted.

"What?" I frowned confused.

"I thought we were counting lies, were we not?" He mocked.

"You just told me your hands are not clean, you know that, right?"

He didn't seem bothered, "What shocks me is that you're still being daring enough to speak to me, because everyone feels me close to them and they can feel how dirty my hands are, and how dangerous I am, how much stronger than them I am. They get scared, as they should, but you keep being a bold little thing, and going against the currant, which is bothering me, as it makes no sense. Unless you have no survival instincts, or you're either a suicidal or a masochist little thing, because I can tell I'm stronger than you, so why are you not scared of me?"

Looks like I said it too soon, he definitely looks bothered.

"Because I am not scared of you," I scoffed. "Of course, it was very obvious that you are not clean and your hands are probably dirty with the blood of other people, innocent or not, though I'm leaning for the later. You don't seem like the type to hurt innocents, because if you were, you would never have held me together back in the coliseum, even less ordered Dove to get the hell out of there with everybody else, you would have let them die at my hands. But, you didn't.

"The only time I felt fear was when I lost everyone and everything I loved and held dear in my heart, for the Kings and Queens, with a hand of your God in it. I wasn't scared for me, I was scared for them, and I don't think I'll ever feel that again, because I don't think I'll ever be able to love anyone or anything like I loved them. I'll never be more broken than I am already, and the only thing I have to lose would technically be my life, and losing it would be actually welcome, as I would be with my family again.

"You, as overwhelmed as your presence may be, as intimidating as you believe you are, does not scare me, because you can deny it if you want, but I know you won't kill me, so, I have nothing to be scared of. I'm not able to stay silent when I'm provoked, poked, or offended, my sense of self-justice is just too loud for that, which is why I am not silent near you, as you keep provoking and poking and offending me, and I can't take it. I was never one to take bullshit from anyone, anybody at all, and it won't be you, who has nothing to do with me and my backstory, who will change that.

"I have nothing else to lose, because I already lost everything I had. I protected Gregory because I thought Rose was dead, she ain't dead, so I will refrain from what used to feel like an obligation. Rose is strong enough to protect herself. Sure, I like them, but I like myself better, my purpose is bigger than them, so, you can try to use them against me, but it won't work. Call me selfish if you want, protecting people never did any good to myself, I've long learned that the only person I should protect is myself.

"Hence why I will only be wary of those who present a treat to my life, and you, little bastard, does not make the cut. Sure, you are annoying as hell, and my loyalty lies solely and entirely with Ravenna, which makes us rivals in a way, as you want to force me to tell you what I know of her, and will only happen over my dead body. And if you lack understanding of sayings, that means it won't happen because the dead can't talk, if you're not death itself, I think. Again, that is never going to happen," because I can't fucking die, as I am Ravenna.

"You put your hand in the fire for someone who is not even here? For someone who might not even care about you? Someone who could very much be up to sacrificing you for her own good?" Every word of his came out as a curse buried in anger and disgust. "You were just the daughter of her mother's maid and Knight, she was a Crowned Princess."

"Yes, and? I would gladly die for her. This is what loyalty is about."

"Didn't you say you're purpose was bigger than anyone?"

I scoffed, "Ravenna is my purpose."

"Are you in love with her or something?" He gasped.

"I'd be lying if said I'm not," I chuckled, because I do love myself.