You again!

After leaving the booth, I went to the ladies room to look for Ava. When I entered the room, I started looking for Ava but there was no sign of her anywhere there. The ladies room was opulent and done in gold and black, the mirrors were large and the basins were white with golden faucets. This place really was beautiful. After drinking too much, I had to relieve my bladder or it was gonna burst. I went to a stall quickly to relieve myself and was going to open the door when I heard someone talking in the main area.

"Oh Daniel, You saw him he looked ravishing" someone with melodious voice exclaimed.

I thought it wrong to be hearing someone's private conversation and was about to open the door, when another lady replied, "Yeah, Jasmine but I hope you know who you are talking about. He is mine and he doesn't pay a shit to anyone."

Another lady literally gulped and replied, "Yeah, Daniel He's all your's. Iwas just saying how lucky you are to gra...I mean to have all of America's most eligible bachelor to worship you."

This made the lady happy and she was going to reply to her friend when I entered. They stopped the conversation. They were at one of the basins and setting their make up when I went to clean my hands and leave to find Ava. They were looking in my direction. They were both stunning. The lady whose name I guessed was Daniel was gorgeous with model-like body and blond hair in a beautiful bun.She was wearing a sequin blue gown which accentuated her beautiful model curves. Her friend who I guessed is Jasmine, was wearing a body hugging black dress with a thigh-high slit. Under their scrutinizing and disdainful looks, I felt self-conscious about my appearance. In front of these ladies, my once-beautiful dress looked some cheap copy of their designer outfits even they could see that I was not one of them. They ladies gave me one last uninterested glance and left. I guess I was not upto their standards. After washing my hands, I left the ladies room to look for Ava. I was thinking where she would have gone and where to look for her. It was a huge place it was not possible to look at every place and I was nobody, the security would get suspicious of me wandering in this place. I have to think something and then it clicked. I really was stupid, she would have her phone with her I could call her. Ah God, I don't have my phone with me but I can go to the reception area and call her. With that thought I went to the reception area and dialed her number but she was not picking up. This girl is impossible, Why is she not picking my phone? Now I was getting worried, she didn't know anyone here except the guys we were with and I knew for sure she could not have left me here all alone to go home. She was somewhere in this building and I have got to find her. Security be damned. I will search at every corner of this place and find my friend and get the hell out of this place to go home. 

With that declaration, I walked towards the elevator to find her. When my foot slipped in my sandals and I was going to fall on my face. When a strong pair of arms came out of nowhere and held me. I would have for sure broken my nose. This damned sandal, I am never going to wear it again....when I lifted my eyes and found the devil staring at me with a smirk on his face. 

"Lady, You sure know how to walk! " said he sarcastically.

God, Why is this happening with me. I decide to enjoy for a night and you don't let me do it with peace. Why is it him I keep seeing and colliding in this huge-as-hell place. I tried to calm myself and straightened and was going to thank him. Yeah, whatever he saved me twice even if he was being a jerk.

I looked straight into his eyes and stated blandly, " Thank you for saving me again. If you will excuse me, I have to go find someone", and was starting to leave when he commented,

"Take care of yourself lady. I hope you will reach safely and without falling to your destination madam." Smirked he and left me there standing like a fool. He walked like he owned this place.

I went red with embarrassment, he thinks I was doing it on purpose falling on him. I wanted to wipe the smirk from his face but I was in a rush and didn't care about his opinion. He can think whatever he pleases. I reached the elevator and stopped on 1st floor. This was more opulent than the the ground floor. This place was amazing who ever designed this place was a genius. In the middle of the lobby, there was built an artificial mountainous like structure with water flowing through it and falling into a gaint pool. The pool was built like a lake by the mountainside surrounded by rocks. I was soo intrigued by the pool that I went to close to see it. It was filled with water so clear that you could see different types of fishes swimming merrily in it. I even put my hand in the water and was delighted to feel the cool water touch my hands. I was taken back to the memory of my childhood, 

"Sophie, come here" my brother jonah was calling me.

We were on a vacation in Switzerland and were staying in your family's farmhouse.It was at a beautiful place surrounded by wild nature. We even had a lake close to it. Jonah and I would go by the lake and play there while Papa and Ma would stay in the house and do their work. They are always both busy doing their own work. It was my me and jonah, but I was still happy. I love Jonah, he's not like other guys in my class. He loves me and plays with me. 

"I'm coming" I screamed from where I was. He had told me to bring our toys to the lakeside where we will play.

I quickened my pace with our toys held in my little arms, and reached the lake where jonah was sitting under the tree.

He smiled seeing me and I went to him and dumped the toys beside him and sat there.

My brother was ten years old and I was six. He was tall with golden brown hair and looked a carbon-copy of my father with mossy green eyes and a little button nose. I looked like my mother with mousy brown hair and a pointed nose. 

"I was waiting for you, Sophie. Come on, let's play" grinned my brother.

"Yeah, Jonah. Let's go". He took my little hand in his ten year hold hand and we started playing together with our toys. I was soo happy.

" Sophie, You are here" I heard Ava's voice calling me.

I turned around and saw Sophie coming towards me with a big smile on her pretty face.

"Where were you, Ava? I was so worried" cried I As soon as she reached me.

"I am sorry for making you worry. I thought you were enjoying there and didn't wanted to disturb you that's why I left without you noticing" Ava replied cautiously.

" But what are you doing here? You had told the guys that you were going to the ladies room?" I looked at her suspiciously.

" You remember when I poked you at the table?" Ava was looking excited.

"Yeah" oh that.

"I wanted to tell you that I had met a guy in the ballroom and he had asked me out. He was smoking hot. We exchanged numbers and When I was there, he texted me to meet him here" said she with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh great" I cried excited for her.

"Yeah, he is great. He told me that he didn't get a chance to properly ask me out there in the ballroom that's why he invited me here for a drink." Well that's romantic, thought I.

"So tell me, Ava about him. He sure knows about Chivalry" I looked at her expectantly.

"His name is Alessandro.  He's greek and sure looks like it. He has his own company and is here for some deal" Ava looked happy.

"Oh, so when are you guys going out?" Inquired I.

"Friday night and he will send someone to pick me" replied Ava.

"I am soo happy for you, Ava"

"Yeah, I know. Come on now, Sophie we are getting late.We have classes to attend tomorrow" Ava reminded me.

"Yeah, yeah come on. We better book a cab." I thought to myself it's better this way I didn't want to trouble Chris for that. I don't want anything romantic in my life now. I am better alone and happy for Ava, that's how I want it to be.