Heroine's Husband with His Sister IV (18+)

Quickly turning on the bathroom light behind, he was eager. The sight was even more glorious than expected. Perfect bum cheeks high in the air, fine black lace across pale round skin, and a pink slit framed in the middle. Worthy of an offering to the Gods. Mesmerized, he ran a hand across her firm bum before giving one cheek a gentle squeeze and the other a playful slap.

"Lucan," she continued, pulling helplessly against the restraints. "Seriously, I don't like this."

But confident that he knew what was good for her, like a parent feeding broccoli to a child, he continued. Reaching around between her upturned cheeks he cupped her entire pussy with his large hand and began to lewdly rub the wet flesh. His digits ran through the already engorged folds while the tip of his fingers rubbed against the erect clit. It wasn't long until Sally was moaning involuntarily.