Heroine's Husband with His Sister V (18+)

In the days following the adventurous Saturday night Lucan found himself regularly replaying the events. He was thinking that what he did was perfect, is there something he could have done extra, something that could make it better and something that could have made things bad. After thinking through everything, he knew what he should do next.

For Sally's part, she was still processing what had happened. Early in the week she had been slightly embarrassed and awkward, But, as the days progressed, and she was treated with the same love and respect as before, indeed with more from Lucan, she relaxed.

Although somewhat disappointed that his sister hadn't been gagging for it every day since, Lucan reminded himself that he needed to have realistic expectations. Patience and persistence were necessary, so he set to work thinking up something new and boundary-pushing for the coming weekend.