Heroine's Husband with His Sister VI (18+)

"Sounded like a horrible experience. Boys...they have no idea," she exclaimed.

"I was a boy once," he offered.

"Anyway, Lisa was clearly a bit shocked about seeing us. I shared some of my experiences with her, and even gave her a few pointers on how to avoid creeps at college."

"How do you know that? You never went to college?"

"I went to an academy if you remember, and our world's academy and this world isn't that different."


Of course, Sally was still a little embarrassed about what had happened. But equally, her ego also liked the fact that her brother's desire had been seen by someone else. And why should she be embarrassed about that?

Dinner was fun. The decor and food are incredible. And by the end Sally was well liquored and in the mood.

"So...what have you planned for us tonight?" she asked, as the dessert was being cleared away.

"What makes you think I have anything planned?" Lucan replay.