News of war/Royal Birth

The royal capital of Romanium was vibrant with a party and celebration atmosphere, far away from the struggles and terror of the war in the north. The people were once again excited at the news that their beloved Queen Aurora would soon give birth again. This would bring even more stability to the kingdom with a more stable line of succession if anything happened to Crown Prince Julius. 

Inside the elegantly decorated Palatine Palace, which is situated on top of Palatine Hill, King Junius Kraser sat impatiently on his throne, listening to his royal court discuss the recent events around the kingdom. 

"Your Majesty after the roads were built in the south of the kingdom the increase of trade and commerce was immense, within the last couple of years the roads have already paid themselves over. I personally believe this income should be reinvested in the south to improve and rebuild a few dilapidated ports left to ruin by the tyrant king, this will bring us more into our coffers in the long run helping the economy." Said Steward Cassius hoping to persuade his king.

"Nonsense, your Majesty. We currently don't have much available funds. If we were to start another infrastructure project, it would bankrupt us. We need to consolidate what we currently have and take it slowly; we can't do everything at once, or we will be bankrupt." said Chancellor Octavius Flavius, brother of Duke Flavius of the East. 

"ENOUGH! Stop arguing. This is a stressful time for me. My wife is soon to give birth, and I don't need this as well. Cassius, how much would it cost to do one port for sure and then keep an eye on the results to see if it is profitable? Octavius, how much do we currently have in our treasury, and can we afford to just renovate one port?" Junius bellowed out. 

"Your Majesty, I first apologize for arguing in the royal throne room. Secondly, it will cost about 1000 gold coins to renovate one port, including all labor and materials. I suggest we rebuild with stone instead of wood, which will last much longer. The previous tyrant king left these ports in a bad way, only caring about filling his personal pocket. Lastly, I suggest we start with Brutium, which is strategically placed to offer the most benefit." said Steward Cassius apologetically.

"Your Majesty, likewise, I apologize for our argument during this stressful time. We have around 4000 gold coins left in the treasury. With our current trajectory and the war, if we receive no income, it will last us about one year. But including the income we currently receive, it is definitely doable to renovate one port city, but more than that would seriously stretch our coffers thin," said Chancellor Octavius Flavius. 

"Okay, let's invest 1000 gold in the port city of Brutium to expand and bring the port back from dilapidation to increase commerce. Keep the remaining 3000 ready to use in times of need," said King Junius Kraser.

While Junius was finishing his sentence, Head Royal Guardian Oracio walked through the doors with an urgent look on his face. He then walked in front of the throne and quickly military saluted by hitting his right arm against his chest. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt your Majesty, but we have received urgent news from the north. All three cities, Fremba, Averom, and Yeom, have been captured, but I'm afraid the casualties have been heavy, and they have requested reinforcements. We have lost around 23,000 legionnaires, which is a heavy loss, but the enemy has lost far more, around 41,000 men. 

Legate Aruius Gerham has been heavily injured and is currently getting treated as we speak, the second in command Stanop has taken over until you appoint someone to Legate. 

They have requested urgent reinforcements as only the eastern flank can continue with their current casualties sustained." Stated Head Royal Guardian Oracio in front of the throne.

"That's unfortunate news. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, my friend Oracio. Immediately send a notice with our condolences to the deceased, with a pension of 1 silver coin each. Also, arrange for the military graveyard to prepare for their burial, as well as build a monument with their names on it. Prepare it next to our revolutionary monument. We will never forget our heroes and those who bleed for this kingdom. 

This war needs to end soon so we can focus on improving the kingdom. After my child is born, I will personally lead the 5th Legion from the eastern border and the 8th Legion, which is currently sitting in the city of Lonium on the southern coast. 

Oracio sent out a decree that Stanop would be promoted to temporary Legate, and depending on his performance in the rest of this war, it would be made permanent or not. Also, order Legate Rascius to move his 8th legion to the capital, and we will march out to meet the 5th legion after I spend time with my family. Also, mobilize 5000 of my Royal Guardians and 300 of my Royal Mages to accompany me to this battle. 

We will wait to recruit new soldiers to fill in the gaps until after the war as we don't have enough time at the minute, plus the Marshal-General is away fighting," said Junius, explaining the future steps of his kingdom. 

Just as Junius was about to continue, little Julius ran into the throne room shouting, "Father, father, mother about to give birth"

"What! So soon, let's run there, son, follow me. Court dismissed," Junius said as he got up from his throne, leaving his royal court with his son trailing on his heels. 


Julius POV

While trailing his father's heels, Julius was deep in thought about what the future held. 'I can't wait to finally have a sibling; it's really exciting. It better be as good-looking as me, or I will throw it out of the castle window. No one will drag me down by being ugly, especially if it's a sibling of mine.

On a more important notice, what if it's a power-hungry little gremlin that tries to take my birthright from me? If so, I will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in the way of my destiny. I will love them and show them care and teach them all I know, therefore they will never turn on there amazingly handsome older brother.'

Upon reaching the birthing room, my father told me to stay outside and then proceeded inside towards a screaming woman, my mother. 

'I wont forgive that little gremlin for hurting my mother, how dare it' Thought Julius.

Ten minutes later, Julius's father called him into the room. Upon entering, Julius noticed two little objects wrapped in blankets, one in his mother's arms and the other in his father's.

"Julius, my son, come here and welcome your little brother and sister into this world," Aurora said.

"Twins, mother?" Asked Julius in surprise.

"Yes, Julius, twins. This little boy in my arms is called Septimius Kraser, and the little princess in your father's arms is Claudia Kraser. Come here and hold them," said Aurora.

While holding Septimius in his arms, Julius asked, "Mother, if this little gremlin hurt you, I can punish him for you."

"Julius! That's no way to speak of your siblings. Now give back your little brother and leave the room to prepare for the birthing speech I will be giving to the people." Junius refuted.