Leaving the Palace

Forty minutes later, outside the front of the Palatine Palace, King Junius was waiting in full armor with ten powerful Royal Guardians, all at the late Rank 3 Squire Knights stage, ready to defend their King at a moment's notice. King Junius was currently looking around, wondering where his troublemaker son had gotten to instead of meeting him outside the front of the Palace.

As King Junius was looking around, the palace doors burst open, and out walked a tall being, giving off an oppressive aura of a ruthless conqueror who could single-handedly slaughter his enemies. Dressed in full red Lorrica Segmentata, a coolus helm, and red greaves, the winter sun gleamed off his red armor, blinding anyone who looked for too long. But if one looked closely, they could see breadcrumbs at the corner of his mouth, indicating where he had been.