10th Legions Base

Running through the dense trees through the foliage on uneven ground toward the 10th legions base in full, Lorrica Segmentata was starting to slow Julius down as he was running alongside his father and Royal Guardians, whose stamina was much higher as he was an early Rank 4 being. Unfortunately for Julius, even though he had evolved to the white stage of inner cultivation, his body still lagged behind Rank 3-4 beings, causing him to struggle to keep up.

"Come on, Julius, I am not even trying. I thought it would be easy for you to keep up with whatever you are cultivating?" King Junius said with a sneer toward his overconfident son while looking at him falling behind.

Hearing this, Julius looked around innocently before his eyes fell on Caspian ten paces behind the main group. He contemplated his response to his father: "Father, as you know, Caspian is my bodyguard, and he's lagging behind because he's a mage, so I should stay near him for his protection."