Surpassing The Limits II

Shen Yuxin replied to the queries of both sisters as she said, "These Orbs of light are Hearts of the Mystique realms, they can create such Mystique Realms independently, but since I fused them they will be a lot stronger than a single Mystique Realm Even I can not destroy this now."

Huo Rong tilted her head as she asked, "Can they withstand the eruption of Qi from his awakening now?"

Shen Yuxin replied with confidence, "Of course they can, because even if they can't do it I have set up a formation inside these Hearts of the Mystique Realm and connected them with outside the Continent, so all excess power will be poured outside and it won't burden the Mystique Realm at all."

Huo Rong and Bing Rong revealed surprised expressions as Bing Ruo spoke with a voice filled with admiration, "Woah, Big Sis, you are really considerate of Yuan to use a treasure of such a level for him."

Yuxin smiled gently at the sisters as she raised her hand while saying, "Let me send Yuan to the Heart of all the Mystique Realms, the concentration of qi is also on a whole another level over there.' 

As she waved her hand Yuan was teleported to the Heart of all Mystique realms. The Qi Vortex was still above his head as its expansion speed increased with a better environment.

It reached 990,000km in height rapidly. Just as it hit the 1,000,000 km mark, it released ferocious pressure in its surroundings but this time it didn't make any waves in the Mystique Realm space.

It continued expanding,

1,000,000 km

1,100,000 km

1,300,000 km

1,700,000 km

1,900,000 km

2,500,000 km

3,200,000 km

4,600,000 km

5,800,000 km

7,300,000 km

8,700,000 km

9,990,000 km

As it nearly reached 10,000,000 km in height, both Bing Rong and Huo Rong closed their mouths in shock at the absurdity of the situation.

Just as they were about to speak something else, the Vortex expanded again and reached 10,000,000 km in height.

With this achievement it released an Ancient aura as it released a heavy sense of viscosity of life, as if everything is meaningless in its presence, only it reigns Supreme in this whole world, exuding a sense of timeless power and supreme authority.

Huo Rong and Bing Rong looked horrified as the pressure which was exuding from the manifestation was affecting reality as the pressure upon them was enough to bend their knees.

Bing Rong spoke with difficulty, "Big Sis, what is this power? It seems to hold supreme authority wherever it goes, even though all those 9 Mystique Realms combine and through countless dimensions away that power is still affecting us."

Shen Yuxin was still standing tall looking as if there was not any pressure on her. Looking at their condition she spoke, "You guys should withstand this pressure it is good to consolidate your foundation. As for this power, even I'm not sure anymore what this is."

As she was about to continue analyzing the current situation some more, the qi vortex began expanding at an ever more rapid rate than before.

10,000,000 km

12,000,000 km

15,000,000 km

20,000,000 km

25,000,000 km

30,000,000 km

35,000,000 km

40,000,000 km

50,000,000 km

As the Qi Vortex reached 50,000,000 km in size the pressure became much more heavier on all surroundings, so much so that it began sending shockwaves and pressure outside the Mystique Realm with the use of those formations.

Huo Rong and Bing Rong, who had just adapted to the previous pressure nearly kneeled down as the pressure on them increased all of a sudden, Huo Rong gritted her teeth as she spoke,

"Why the hell is this Qi Tornado still increasing? I don't even know how big it is anymore."

Yuxin replied to her rambling, "It has passed the 50,000,000 mark and is still increasing."

Before she even finished speaking the Qi Vortex reached a height of 60,000,000 km as it continued expanding.

75,000,000 km

85,000,000 km

90,000,000 km

As it reached the 90,000,000 km mark Yuxin spoke to both sisters, brace yourself for the next impact"

Just as she finished speaking the Qi Vortex shook and reached an unparalleled height of 100,000,000 km.

As the Qi Vortex reached the unparalleled height of 100,000,000 km, it released a blinding radiance towering above the heavens. The Qi Vortex seemed to encompass all things inside it with its sheer magnitude.

Both Huo Rong and Bing Rong kneeled on the ground due to the sheer pressure the Qi Vortex was releasing, even Shen Yuxin was having trouble standing straight in that pressure.

Even Shen Yuxin's knees were bending a little due to the pressure from the vortex.

Suddenly, the Yin-Yang symbol behind Yuan started to glow with an otherworldly radiance. blinding even the eyes of the two sisters and Shen Yuxin, all three of them closed their eyes on instinct as if something bad would happen if they dared to see what was happening in front of them.

But this feeling left as soon as it came, maybe because of the close karmic ties between Shen Yuan and the three of them. 

As they looked at the Yin-Yang symbol, the symbol began to rotate, each rotation raising the pressure on both the sisters and Shen Yuxin 

The sheer force of this energy sends rippling waves in all directions. The emergence of the Dao Symbol made even the laws of mystique realms tremble.

An aura of ancient timelessness was being released from Shen Yu, affecting the surroundings, and making them feel insignificant in his presence. 

With a final rotation, the Yin-Yang wheel released a blinding radiance as the physique of Yuan was revealed in all of its glory. 

The physique was unlike anything any of them had seen or heard of, it was indescribable with their mortal knowledge and language.

The Qi Vortex now imbued with Primordial powers of the Physique began releasing such a tremendous amount of qi all around that even the 9 Hearts of the Mystique Realm were finding it difficult to control.

Just then as if time had stopped, a Transcendent power filled the Mystique Realm and began spreading to the edges of the Mystique Realm.