A Plan of An Option

Before innumerable attacks are about to hit it, the mecha stood silently as if calculating the most effective way to dodge them.

A millisecond later, it vanished and appeared again some distance away, dodging Puffy's slashes and the thousands of needle.

However, those needle changed its trajectory not some time later. Puffy also charged at him with an intense killing intent.

Nevertheless, nothing worked. The mecha kept dodging the needle at an insane speed. Even when I circled it with thousands of needles and attacked it from every angle, it still dodged them and leave after images.

Despite its amazing speed. It never attacked me. This leaves me puzzled. 

Perhaps it cannot attack when it is dodging? I pondered myself and turned my head to the idiot that summoned this thing. 

He's no longer there. Seriously? What should I do now? I can't stick to my original plan. If it could dodge those needles, a tank drop of water would be a walk in the park for it to dodge.

Just when I was about to cook another plan, my senses noticed that something bad was about to happen. I retracted my attention to the battlefield.

As if Murphy's Law set in motion, the mecha clenched its fist and its body started to glow gold. Not only that, yellow sparks of electricity also took form, trickling.

Time went by, the glow became dense and exploded like a flash bang, turning everything white. The yellow electricity spread everywhere in a dome shape, covering the area.

The thousands of needles within that dome mysteriously vanished. I can't feel them anymore. I frowned as I looked around for Puffy, it went missing as well.

As if reading my thoughts, I sensed its presence behind me. I was relieved but then found it strange. Why can't I feel it? I also can't control it.

It didn't take me long to realize what's happening. By the time I knew what's wrong, Puffy already slashed my neck. My body turned into a cloud, and I appeared somewhere else.

Knowing I'm not be able to defeat it easily, I flew away.

On the way, as I was thinking on what to do next, I caught a glimpse of smoke coming out of the ventilation. I stared at it absentmindedly before my eyes grew in size, enlightened. 

That's it! I exclaimed and began to use the familiarity of the area to find an abandoned building.

It didn't take long to find the abandoned building, a hospital to be precise. Even though it's abandoned, it is heavily guarded due to medical equipment that had yet to be moved.

Thankfully, only robots and AI drones guarded this place. That said, I couldn't just enter the entrance door.

I turned myself into white mist and entered through the thin gap of the tightly sealed window. I traveled through the quiet and dim hallway, looking for a certain room. 

In this quiet hall, I could only hear my breathing and the soft hum of the red emergency light.

As I was floating through the hall in my mist form, the ground trembled slightly.

Not long after, I heard a continuous round of gun shots.

Looks like you're here, I thought to myself. 

However, in the next second, there was an eerie silence. The gun shots had vanished as if nothing happened.

This put a slight frown in my face. I became uneasy and wanted to check what's going on, yet I endured my curiosity and kept going, searching for the room.

Perhaps around 50 meters later, my instinct screamed danger. I halted immediately even though nothing was happening.

I waited for a few seconds. Nothing happened.

Must be just my imagination, I said to myself and was about to proceed when I heard a few clang next to me, as if something coming this way while destroying everything in its way.

Without hesitation, I retreated and immediately covered 100 meters in seconds.

I released my mist form, and returned to normal.

Just then, on where I stood previously, the wall exploded with tiny chunks of rock flew everywhere. 

Dust filled the hallway and I saw a silhouette walking in. It stopped and turned its head to me. Two sharp, gold glints appeared within the dust.

"Aren't you quick? Can't wait to meet me, huh?" I took a heavy puff from the vape and exuded a thick cloud of smoke. Before the smoke could be sucked by the vent, I moved them to the tiny gaps of the vent and turned them into a solid state, closing the vent entirely.

With all the vent closed, the smoke lingered in the area, blocking vision up to five meters. I didn't dare to think the mecha couldn't see.

It is a robot, after all. It must have other means to see, like heat vision. Either way, I could move to my next step, slipping through this sci-fi machinery to get through my destination. My body slowly turned translucent and gradually became a weightless mist.

I blend in with the surrounding mist and carefully slip through the mech. I passed by it as calmly as possible, fearing a slight fear or any kind of emotion would alert it.

I managed to pass it, or I thought when goosebumps spread all over my body.

Without a time to react, I felt a shockwave from behind. It knocked me for a few meters and also forced me out of my mist form. I crashed a wall, causing it to form a small crater.

I minimized the impact by covering myself with a long smoke that coiled me like spring.

The impact caused my vision to went blank for a moment. When I came to my senses, the mecha was already before me and swung its sword.

I immediately crouch to avoid it. The sword missed me and leave a deep cut on the wall.

An opening was spotted. I didn't waste time and turned myself into mist. I flew away.

The mecha was about to chase when all of the sudden, the mist in the area trembled before turning into thin yet sharp thread. Almost instantly, nothing in the area wasn't covered by the thread.

The mecha stopped moving and it looked up. I didn't realized this.

A fly that some how trapped here was cut in half as it was flying in the air, unknowingly crossing the thread. It was so thin it looked transparent without a closer look.

I turned my attention to the mecha. I was so focused on turning the mist into thread that I forgot about it.

It has vanished, leaving a hole on the ceiling. It seemed to escape before I could fully fill this area with threads. That mecha is truly fast. I think it didn't need more than a second for the area to be full with threads.