Not So Tough After All

Well, it doesn't matter anyway… I thought to myself and floated through the ceiling to see the surroundings. I saw parts on the floor and extremely thin thread covering the area, there wasn't a single area that wasn't covered.

… because I've already covered this entire building with thin threads, I continued my previous monologue. I looked at the scraps lying on the ground, feeling good about defeating an enemy that can dodge any kinds of attack. 

However, what if the attack is hidden from line of sight and concealed perfectly?

The answer was before him.

I did not linger and left the area through the window with a skateboard cloud. After some distance away, I turn off the thin threads that are covering the entire hospital.

The journey to reach my destination went smoothly. I landed on the entrance. A thick steel door and a group of soldiers stand by on the outside with firearms at the ready.

At the entrance, a soldier already familiar with me simply raised his hand as a greeting and the door slowly opened.

"How's your day, Sunny?" He asked politely.

"Doing good. Also, it's Synnefo." I corrected him.

"That name is hard to pronounce. Don't everyone in the base calls you Sunny anyways? It doesn't sound bad. It also has some connection to your powers, kind of poetic, right?" The soldier refused to call me by name and makes excuses.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I brushed off his words while entering the door.

"Will not do," he responded casually.

I didn't think much about the interaction earlier and walked through the hall. It was tightly guarded with guns attached to the security cameras and a laser covering the entire area.

Each time I took a step, the laser vanished, avoiding harm. However, if an unlucky enemy somehow got trapped here, the laser wouldn't disappear and thr extremely hot lasers would turn their body into tiny pieces.

At some point in time, I arrived at another door that required a password, finger scan, a card scan and voice scan to pass through. I skillfully scanned them and got it on the first try.

A beep entered my ears and the door lifted. The door led me to a more spacious white hall with people walking to and fro in different outfits.

Some wear science robes, some wear office suits, some wear casual clothes and some in combat attire.

As soon as I entered the hall, a fresh scent from the room freshener entered my nose. The cold air from the air conditioner cooled my body. The door behind closed on its own. I proceed to go to the designated room for the meetup.

On the way, I noticed there are less people here compared to yesterday. Perhaps just my imagination, I never bothered to observe the little things anyway.

After some time, my phone rang out a notification. I checked.

Johan: @The World where on earth are you?!

"Sorry, something happened. I'm already in the building and will arrive shortly."

Johan: Then be quick, everyone is already here. It's urgent.


As I typed that, I saw something from the corner of my eyes. It resembles a hand and it came out of my shadow, reaching out to me.

My instinct kicked in. I tilt my torso to the back, avoiding the hand that wanted to strangle me dead.


It missed me by a hair's breadth. I didn't have time to celebrate it when the hand that reached out to me earlier held onto the ground. Then a second hand came out.

With two hands on the floor, it held onto it and leaped out from the shadow.

"I'm really sure I turned you into scraps." I assumed a boxing stance and observed the mecha. It seemed to have no damage at all.

"Only God can decide my death." The robot's mechanical voice entered my ears.

"Can a mech enter heaven? Does a robot has a soul in the first place?" I dropped a philosophical question.

"Yes. He is the most benevolent, after all."

When we were talking, I was looking for an opening and buying some time for guards to company him. 

To be frank, I cannot defeat this tin can without proper planning and setting up traps.

In this base, using power is strictly prohibited no matter what, unless there's an emergency.

Now? Not an emergency at all. I know how this organization works. Those damn higher ups wouldn't listen to what I said and will punish me. 

Hah… I was already punished as it is… I said, feeling exhausted.

The mecha noticed my plan and take the initiative to make the first move.

Here it comes! I exclaimed and put all of my concentration to the upcoming attacks. It unsheathed its sword and swung its sword.

One, two, and three swings. All of it aimed at my vital spots. Displaying great agility, I dodged its slash.

For each slash I dodged, I took a step back and after the third slash, I felt something pressing my back. It cornered me to a wall.

"Why me? There is lots of Honor here, tin can!" In this desperate situation, I grew furious as I found the situation rather ridiculous and unfair. 

"You're the most dangerous and have the most potential," it replied before stabbing my heart.

I dodged at the very last second and its sword pierced through the thick wall. I smiled and gave it a hard punch.

I only hit the wind as it vanished and materialized not far from me, leaving its sword.

"An unknown material has been detected! Alert! Alert! Intruder!"

A robotic female voice rang out from the speaker as the hall dimmed briefly, before being replaced by red, flickering light and the alarm blasted from the speaker, making sure even those sleeping were awake.

A sly smile I failed to hide slowly revealed itself. When the alarm is on, the prohibition to use one's power is lifted.

So, almost immediately, I summoned Puffy and swung its sword to its neck. Meanwhile, I charged from the side, watching closely for that annoying shockwave.

When the sword is about to reach its neck, yellow electricity trickled from the bot. I quickly withdrew Puffy as it disappeared in an instant.

The humanoid machinery realized what was going on and turned its head on me.

Knowing this thing can dodge any attacks, I changed my form to a formless mist and flee from the spot.

Sometimes, running doesn't mean defeat, but just a temporary retreat for victory!

The mech stood silently for a moment before rushing at me an insane speed, faster than an average cloud moving in the sky.

I increased my speed and took sharp turns a few times to lose it. The mech, moving at a high speed, oftenly crashed the wall every time it took a turn.

The wall caved in, debris went everywhere and dust covered the area briefly before it accelerated its engine, clearing the dust– continuing the chase.

I forgot to count how many times I've taken turns, but it began to catch up with me. It seemed trying to lose it through maneuvering complex terrain is almost impossible.

My mind starts thinking at a full speed in a short period. Just when I was about to form an idea, I heard a mechanical, cold voice coming to my right.

"You're finished."

I instinctively released my mist form. The flying momentum caused me to keep going forward, I rolled on the ground and bounced a few times. 

On the other hand, the humanoid robot got ahead of me. It stopped, turned around and charged at me with yellow electricity trickling.

Just before I could react, a blinding light exploded and I lost my powers briefly.

When I came to my senses, it reached out its hand and clutched my neck. It tightened its clench, wanting to squash my neck.

My face slowly turned red as air no longer flowed to my brain.

Of course, I didn't stay silent. I retaliated by grabbing its mechanical hand and tightened my clench.

However, it tilted its head to the side, seemingly confused as its hand slowly bend in under the pressure of my clench.

It tried to pull my hand with its other hand, but it was as stiff as a metal. It paused for a second to think and almost immediately, a creaking noise escaped from its arm.

Sensing danger creeping closer, it didn't take any chances as it smashed me to the floor a few times, then continued to the wall until it caved in with a depth of two meters before throwing me at the other side of the wall as hard and powerful as it could. My body flew, crashing through the walls of the building.



Inside a meeting room with a man that has sharp and strict features that would make kids cry, is standing on the podium and seven youths are sitting on desks, busy in their own world.

The man on the podium stood silently with his arms crossed while the youths are engrossed In their activity they forgot the man existed.

"So, can anyone tell me where Sunny is and why he's late?" He asked in a tone trying its best concealing the rage in his heart.

"Probably out there doing his hobby. One only an idiot would do, and such a waste of time." A black haired young man responded without looking directly at the man. His eyes were locked on the book he was reading.

"I'm honestly jealous he has such a hobby. Though I do admit it's a meaningless one. I mean, there's just no end to that." A blond haired girl agreed to what the black hair boy said with a pity smile.

"Don't talk about his hobby like it's a bad thing. At least he helped those in need and made use of his power more than you." A tiny boy defended Sunny.

"My power, my rules. I don't give a crap to those powerless weaklings. If not for the strict rules, I might make them my slaves." The black haired boy closed his book as an ominous aura spread out from his body and his eyes glowed red.

"What's his hobby?" The man pondered.

"You didn't know? He's been under your command for two years now!" The tiny boy exclaimed in disbelief, almost disappointed, even.

"Why should I know? He could be dead tomorrow for all I care. It's only a waste of storage in my brain." The man shrugged his shoulders and said.

"You're unbelievable," Said the tiny boy, disappointed, and continued in an extremely low voice, "No wonder your previous squad betrayed you."

"What was that?!" the man yelled furiously.

"Nothing." The tiny boy pretend he didn't say anything with cold sweat flowing down. He changed the topic.

"Anyway, his hobby is– ?!"

The window on their left abruptly turned into million pieces as a figure flew in. The figure looked familiar, but they didn't have time to know who it was. They immediately activated their powers to take cover from the glass shards.



My body stopped flying after I hit the window and crashed onto a thick wall that didn't lead to anywhere.

I looked around to see where I ended up at and chuckled.

"What's funny? You're late." The man on the podium hasn't move an inch even when I crashed in. He's still in his arms crossed position.

"I just found a new toy. How could I wait until the mission is over?" I threw a separated mechanic arm. It bounced a few times with a clank.

Soon after, the rip off version of terminator walked into the meeting room with one of its arms missing. Electricity sparked once in a while.

"You missed something?" I smiled.