
"Do you want to say anything?" I pondered.

"I'm not a kid. I know what it takes to survive in this job. I've prepared myself. So, whatever you do to those that get in our way, I don't mind at all." He replied.

"If that's the case, why did they say you're my chain?" I pondered.

"There are times you're going overboard when you shouldn't." He replied.

"I think I never went overboard unnecessarily." I reminisced about the past and said.

"Really? Two days ago, we caught a few animal abusers. You're about to do the same thing that they've done to the animal they abused. Blend their limbs after limbs while they're alive."

"They blend kitties alive and stream them across the net," I said with hidden rage.

"I would've done the same thing, but the prison already takes care of that. They became a test subject as their punishment." He explained and when we realized it, we were at the door.

"Hey, you're not as nervous as I thought you'd be. I thought you'll be scared of me after I murder those people."

"I've seen something worse, and no, you're wrong. I'm just pretending to be calm. My heartbeat has been in a marathon since the start."

"I guess that couldn't be helped. Stay safe, Goo Han. Here, press this if something happened." I give him a small chunk of smoke from the ball of smoke that float next to me.

"Okay." He nodded and I got in. Once I entered, I saw bodies on the ground. There was no blood. I checked their wrist and found out they're just unconscious.

"They're too soft." I thought to myself and press the watch. "Where is the path to the basement?"

"Don't go... into the... basement!" Eve's voice came out of the watch in urgency.

"Eve? What's going on?!"

"It's a– trap!" Her voice cut short in the middle due to bad connection before reconnecting again.

Without a second thought, I turned myself into a mist and searched around the house to find the basement. It didn't take long to find it.

I left the mist form, took a puff and controlled the smoke to enter the basement, causing the room to be incredibly limited in vision.

I turned myself into mist and blended in with the foggy basement. There, I could see five people. Eve and Ginto were being immobilized by two Honors. I also see Vie, standing not far from them.

"Sunny, I know you're here!" Vie shouted. He knew my powers as we went on a mission once. "Reveal yourself and I will not hurt them. You remember Kazakhstan, right?"

"Let them go." I decreased the smoke thickness as I revealed myself by walking a step forward. I intentionally expose myself while being close to Vie.

"No! Sunny! What are you doing?" Eve pondered in confusion.

"We'll be fine, just capture him!" Ginto shouted. I didn't say anything in response.

"What do you want from me, Vie?" I turned my head to him.

"You know, of all the Honor I knew. You're the only one I really respect. Chosen, Solo, and RD, they're no different than dogs." Vie paused briefly, "We're better than humans. Humans... They… their bones are no different than a stick. They're squishy and weak, yet they tell us what to do. They should know their places."

"You want to rebel against the government?" I came to a conclusion.

"It's interesting how you came up with such a conclusion, but no. We're not terrorists. We simply want a change of image.

"Feared, worshiped and loved." He replied.

"You want to be gods?" I slightly frowned.

Vie gleefully smiled and raised his tone in excitement, "Yes! Exactly!"

"And turning children to your lab rat will help you to achieve that?" I asked slowly.

"What are you talking about?" Vie looked at us, rather confused.

"Playing dumb won't get you anywhere. We have Intel about you and your mad experiment. You're only wasting time denying its existence." Eve spoke in a threatening manner.

Vie turned his head to her. He got closer and softly stroked his hand against her cheek.

"Eve. Oh, Eve. Your heart is your greatest weakness. By that, I don't mean you'll spare someone that clearly doesn't need your mercy and they will kill your loved ones. No, no. Your kindness will drive others to sacrifice themselves for you, leaving you all alone."

"What the f*** do you know about me?" She glared at him.

He clapped his hand, "Okay, how about this?"

Right after he clapped his hand, the gravity became zero and everything float. With sudden lost of gravity, the mist dispersed, making it hard to see and breath.

"Sunny or Ginto?" He asked and continued with confidence, "I can crush them and turn them into a meatball." While saying so, he aimed his open palm to an empty can. He closed his palm. Almost immediately, the can begin to bend by an invisible pressure.

In an instant, it turned the can into a tiny scrap of metal.

"Alright, play time's over." I spoke.

He averted his head to me and before he could react, thin thread was already around his hands and tightened itself, the sharp thread went into his skin and cut his hands. Blood spurt out. He screamed in pain.

The gravity returned to normal. All things fell with a thud.

"Ah! My hands! F**k! F**k! It hurts!"

Due to the insane pain he felt, he collapsed with his face scrunched in agony.

As for the two Honor, seeing that Vie was easily defeated, they immediately let go of Eve and Ginto. They raised their hands.

"Smart." I praised their quick thinking. I approached Vie and stomped him on the face, powerful enough for him to go unconscious. Blood splattered.

"Did you find the children?" I asked the duo.

"Vie moved them somewhere, we're too late." Ginto shook his head.

"Any clues where he moved them?" I shifted my eyes to Vie's henchman.

"We don't know. Vie asked us to accompany us to catch some traitors. We have no knowledge about the abducted children." They replied and looked scared, as though I was about to kill them.

"Come with us. Don't worry, we'll release you if we find you innocent." I said calmly and grab Vie's right leg, dragging him as we left the house.

At the same time, Ginto and Eve handcuffed the two Honors with a special handcuff that disabled an Honor power.