
Inside the car, on the way to the HQ. There was a healer inside the car. A woman in white robe. Her healing reattached Vie's hands. We then cuffed him.

"We got no evidence that he has a lab that use kids as a test subject. What should we do now?" Ginto pondered in concern. I paused for a moment, noticing something was odd, but I put that thought at the corner of my mind. 

"Just don't do anything. I'll take care of it." I took a puff from the vape and exude a mouthful of white smoke out the window.

"Are you sure?" Ginto slightly frowned.

"You guys will only mess this up." I replied and continued, "besides, we have another mission to do. Just focus on that."

Ginto looked at Eve for any reaction. She simply shrugged her shoulders. He kind of disappointed with her respond and shifted his head to Goo Han. He gave Ginto a nod. 

"Don't hesitate to call us for help."

The conversation ended there and the trip back to the HQ was filled with silence.

Once we reached there, Vie and his subordinates were escorted to the interrogation room. We put Vie on the chair and we moved to the other side of the room.

Here, we can see the interrogation room through a thick panel of glass. 

A few moments later, Wo and a woman in her thirties entered the interrogation room. She had a black hair and wore a white suit. She had brown skin and was from the east, with oval face and high cheekbones.

She sat on the opposite side of the chair before touching Vie's skin. She moved her mouth, seemingly saying something when Vie opened his eyes. In an abrupt motion, he raised his head and looked around cautiously. 

"Where am I?" He frowned and slowly turned to the woman, "Caili? What are you doing here? Wait, am I?" Realizing something, he shifted his eyes to his hands; cuffed.

"Get me out of this shackle, now!" He smashed the table with rigid breath and it split into two. Despite his powers being gone, he is still a superhuman.

The woman that Vie called Caili wasn't bothered by his action.

"Why don't you calm down?" A translucent wave came out of Caili's mouth and hit Vie. Just like magic, the enraged superhuman lost his anger and his expression changed.

"I am calm. I just can't handle this. I fought for humanity, and this is what I got in return?" He said, annoyed.

Eve commented, "He's an idiot."

"Humanity is grateful for your effort and bravery, Vie. You and other Honors have gone a long way defending this city. Millions respected you. We are honored to have you. I'm sorry we have to do this to you."

"Then let me go. I'm innocent." He glared intensely at her.

"We can't do that. You're under suspicion of multiple crimes, mainly abduction, human trafficking and illegal lab experiment." She explained.

"That's bull. You don't have the evidence."

"A kid escaped from your cell. You should tighten the bars. He told us everything. We even have his brain read by Clara to confirm the truth." She crossed her arms.

Hearing her words. I frowned slightly, and looked at Wo.

Vie fell silent and stared at the floor for a few seconds.

"Putting aside the horrible things you've done to those children, we're interested in the organization behind you." She smiled and leaned forward, "If you tell me the truth, I'll make sure to reduce your punishment in court. These people aren't soft to traitors."

"... Traitors? Ha! All I did was do things they asked me to do!" He laughed in ridicule. 

"Who's they?" Caili furrowed her brows, she got a bad feeling.

"Why don't you ask your superiors?" He grinned.

"They're the ones that tell you to do this? But how could that be?" She looked at him in shock.

"Ask them yourself if you don't believe me," He said. 

Then, two men in black suits entered the room. One of them released Vie from his handcuff and the other one spoke briefly, "Vie is innocent."

"He's not! Clara has affirmed this!" Caili got up and refuted.

"Clara is a liar. She manipulates the child's memory. She is arrested under the suspicion of abuse of power."

"That's impossible! She will never do that!" She denied.

"But the decision has been made. I'm simply a messenger."

She slowly sit back in utter disbelief.

After that, they leave with Vie following from behind. Before they left, however, Vie said with intense killing intent, "You're lucky you're Chosen's favorite."

Silence ensued in the interrogation room. Goo Han asked me, "What now?"

"The mission is over. Vie is innocent and the enemy is obviously the organization. There's nothing we can do." I left the room. When they no longer could see my face. My expression turned to deep hatred and rage.

"Hey, Sunny, wait up!" Goo Han called out as he caught up with me.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"You're not going to do anything reckless, right? I know what happened between you and Synth." His voice filled with concern.

"Don't worry, I won't get myself killed. Tell Eve that she don't have to worry about these kinds of things. It happens all the time."

"... Can we do something about it?" Goo Han pondered after a brief silence.

"You shouldn't even think about fighting them. Live quietly and peacefully. Let this be my fight, okay?" I put my hand on his right shoulder and smiled.

Goo Han nodded weakly.

"See you later."

After leaving the HQ, I went to a desolate alleyway. It was located near a fast food restaurant. There was a homeless guy scavenging food in the trash bin. Scavenging food so deep into the bin, half of his body was in it. 

I approached him with a bag of food and an envelope in my hand. "Good evening, Seraph."

He pulled himself from the bin and looked at me. He had a half eaten hotdog in his hand. He wore rugged clothes and pants. Long, neglected beard and hair. He smells awful too.

"Sunny, good evening. What brings you here?" He asked as he ate the hotdog whole.

"This is your pay from your last job." I gave him the bag. He accepted it with joy.

"Thanks!" He sat and ate the box of fried noodles, while ignoring the envelope as he put it next to him. He seemed to be so hungry that he ignored the money.