
"What kind of help do you offer? Is it financially?" I asked.

"Yes, he got into crippling debt after he lost his job. I offered him enough money so he could stand on his own and offer him a job at a different company." He elaborated.

"Do you know why he refused your offer? Do you think it's pride?"

"No, he's not that kind of person. He simply said he doesn't want to be a burden and I should keep away from him. Of course, I was worried why he suddenly tried to isolate himself, so I asked him.

"He replied, 'I don't want you to be cursed like me, or anyone in the company.'"

"Cursed? As in always experiencing bad luck, and it got worse which led to his death?" I frowned slightly as I turned my head to him.

This whole time we've been speaking, none of us talk face to face, but looking at the Mountain Stanserhorn wallpaper.

"From what happened to him, it's not impossible that he received such a curse. Damn it! Why did he deserve to die! What kind of monster would dare to do such a thing!" Mark punched the water with rage on his face. The water splashed and formed a violent ripple on the bath.

I pinched my chin and was remembering information about Honor that revolves around curses.

"I know someone with such power, but she went missing ten years ago."

"Ten years ago, that's the same year as when Igor started acting strange. That's right! I saw him meeting with a woman every once in a while! It may have happened ten years ago, but I have a strong memory!"

Igor was the boy's father's name.

"I see. The woman may have the answer. Do you know who she may be?"

"I don't know, sorry, but Igor usually writes his daily life in his diary. He said it told him to relax and focus on his job. Maybe you can find his dairy at his old house?"

"His old house?"

"Yes, I purchased it after his death. He'd be mad if I bought it when he's alive." He chuckled before his smile slowly vanished, replaced by pain of regret. There was a moment of silence.

"Where is his old house at?"

"Excalibur." He replied short.

"I see, thank you for your information, Mr. Mark." I open my hand for a handshake. He accepted it.

"No, it's simply a pay for saving me back then." He smiled before letting go of my hand. He paused for a moment before saying, "That boy, why did you help him? You're not trying to take advantage of him, do you?"

"No, of course not, but I'd be lying if I didn't need him. You see that mech, right?" I pointed out. 

"Yes." He nodded.

"I guess it'll be alright if I share the information with you. The boy has the power to deactivate an Honor ability."

"You must be joking, the ability to take away powers..." He chuckled and observed my flat expression, he soon realized I wasn't joking, "It can't be! If that's the case! This is bad, he'll get killed by Synth!"

Synth, the organization I was working at, and also runs the ancient city. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that will not happen, but you seem to know a lot about Synth, and its hatred to powers that take away others."

"How could I not? I used to oversee the infrastructure of the entirety of the ancient city with Igor. We've seen many things ordinary folks don't." He said proudly with a bit of fear concealed. He then continued, "Please, take care of Calvin for me."

"Okay. Right, one more time, what kind of organization Igor is in debt to?"

"It's called Revenant. We usually hire some guys from them when we're on a job in a dangerous district. They have business in prostitutes, drugs, casinos, and black market. I paid Igor's debt right after he died." He explained.

"That's interesting, and I received information that Igor still has debts with them and forced Calvin to work to pay his father's debt." I said casually. 

"That can't be! Wait, what Calvin said earlier. I thought he got himself involved with a dangerous organization after I cleared Igor's debt, blaming their actions on me, but that's not the case. Those scumbags!" He yelled in rage. 

Mark thought Calvin blamed everything on him, until now.

"Do you want me to handle this?" I pondered, breaking eye contact as I ease my muscles to float on the vast bathroom with barely anyone inside. I looked at the white, dome ceiling.

"Are you sure? But why?" He looked at me, surprised. 

"It doesn't sit right to me, that's all." I responded shortly without thinking much.

"...Thank you." He was almost speechless. 

"You need to explain everything to Calvin." I felt bored after looking at the ceiling and got up, walking my way out of the bath.

"Yes, thank you once more!"

I waved my hand in response as I left the bathroom. I changed my clothes and sat in the lobby, looking out through the window.

After satisfying my eyes with the view, I called Goo Han. It took three rings before he picked it up.

"Sunny, it's late. We have a mission tomorrow too, what is it?" He asked, exhausted, sleepy, and visibly annoyed.

"Can you find more information about The Witch of Light, Hansel?"

"Yeah, sure, but why?"

"I'll explain it to you later." I hang up the phone. Afterward, Mark approached me with a new set of clothes and a plastic bag in his hand.

"This is Igor's old house." He gave me a QR code. I scanned it, and it automatically opened the map. It navigates all the way to Igor's house.

"Thank you." I smiled.

We left the public bathroom and proceeded to go to the hotel where Yin Hee stayed by ordering a carriage. It took half an hour to reach the hotel.

We went to the room and upon arriving, Yin Hee was sitting on the sofa while watching the still unconscious Calvin.

The room had a king sized bed and was quite vast. It has a sofa, snack and drink outlets, a box tv and a radio. The floor is covered with soft carpet.

"What's this guy doing here?" Yin Hee pointed at Mark. 

"He wanted to explain everything to Calvin in person. He felt responsible." I replied as I sat next to her and leaned back against the sofa.

"By the way, you're not going back? The job is done, I've already found the kid." I asked Yin Hee curiously. 

"Do you hate me here?"

"I don't want to take advantage of you, that's all. I don't have any reason to use you too." I replied truthfully. I can handle everything on my own from now on.

Then, something shocking happened as she slapped the thick cash I gave her earlier on my lap.

I let out a sigh as I fixed my posture, "What's wrong? Is this too little?" I fished out my wallet and pull out more money. 

"What? No! I don't deserve so much money. I only do the bare minimum. I want to help you more. I'm specialized in tracking people, divination and fire magic." She explained.

I looked at her in silence, before putting the money back in my wallet and only giving her one paper of a thousand Erk.

"Pleasure working with you."

Getting things faster wouldn't be a problem, I thought to myself as I remembered I have a mission tomorrow. I wanted things to end as fast as possible.

"I want you to find anyone that has any connections with Igor and find out if they have anything to do with his death. I'll rest my eyes for a bit." I commanded her and closed my eyes, falling deep into slumber.