This is Fantastic!

"Why do you think it's weak?"

"It failed to pierce your smoke."

Dre used one of the three smoke beads I gave earlier. He must've formed a wall to protect himself when his opponent attack him with the arrow.

"Did it crack?"

Dre contemplated for a moment, "I'm not sure, I was busy so a tiny detail slip through, but the wall does shake upon impact."

"Then it's powerful enough."

As we were talking, Hakku transformed three rocks into grapes and gave them to us. We ate without hesitation and felt a boost in power.

Next, I took a puff and moved my hand here and there to create a bow. I ordered Puffy to change its weapon.

It stayed silent as if it didn't want to change its weapon. I had to order it strictly. It dropped its swords and they changed to smoke upon leaving its hands.

Although it didn't have a head, it inspected the bow curiously.

When I was changing Puffy's weapon, Miem said, "Come, Shikki, Trikki."

The chimera, sitting silently not far from us, glowed and became a dot of light. It flew toward Miem and became one with her. The same thing happened to the minotaur. It had been standing next to the chimera the whole time.

"Soul Echo." She said softly and a strange symbol slowly took shape on her forehead. It let out a green light.

An axe materialized out of the thin air and her leg changed to hoove. Plus, she had a snake as her tail.

She once explain her ability on a meeting and if I remember correctly. She can gain the essence of her summoned beast, allowing her to borrow their strength and power for a period of time.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Both Dre and Miem responded simultaneously.


The phantom pulled the string to its limit before releasing it. The crisp sound of the string jerk forward as it launches the arrow filled the area.

The arrow pierced through the air and one could hear its whistle.


As Puffy was pulling the string, Dre also took aim. When Puffy released its shot, Dre launched the arrow.

Two massive arrows flew in the air and hit its target. They pierce deep into its decaying flesh. The impact caused the beast who was flying to descend.

When Sunny and Dre were preparing their arrows, Miem came closer to the dragon.

As the arrows hit it and cause it to descend, Miem leapt forward, leaving a giant crack on the ground.

She got closer and when the dragon was within her range, she swung her axe sideways. The impact knocked the beast to the left for a few meters.

After which, the arrow I launched exploded into smoke. It seeped into its body through its decaying flesh.

At the same time, Miem ordered the snake to bite the dragon's skin. It launched forward and its body became longer. It opened its mouth and bit the dragon. Its teeth penetrate quite deep and firm into its skin.

The snake shortened its body, pulling Miem closer to the dragon. She then climbed its body by changing her hands into sharp claws.

The dragon moved its gaze on her.

"Bug." A deep, grand voice came from the dragon. Undead beings shouldn't be able to speak, unless its soul and body have recovered enough.


Miem's POV

When it said those words, one of its heads was really close to her. its foul breath entered her nose. Miem's expression scrunched in disgust.

"You should clean your teeth!" Miem threw the axe but missed when the dragon moved its head away.

Blue glow gathered before its mouth. The temperature dropped instantly and cold filled the area.

Miem opened her mouth and shrieked, emitting sound waves, causing disorientation to those who heard it. The dragon stopped charging its breath and shook its head to stay sane.

Seeing the dragon lose its focus and show openings, Miem quickly climbed to the top of its body and jumped.

She was in the air, around seven meters away to be exact. She lose her force and slowly falling.

She raised her arms and an axe materialized out of the thin air. She held it tight and swung down the axe at the disoriented head. A loud thud spread out upon impact, and Miem heard its skull crack.

One of its heads fall heavily, causing a chain reaction for its body to fall as well. It landed with a crash.

Dust covered the area. Debris flew everywhere.

From the distance, I heard a muffled thud and the dragon fell. I transformed into mist and got closer. I left Puffy behind to keep attacking the creature. Dre and Hakku didn't need to go, I can handle it alone.

When I arrived, the dragon crashed hard. Dust covered the area and reached a height of two meters. Debris went everywhere, crashing through the windows of nearby buildings.

I didn't wait for the dust to settle, and quickly wrapped its necks, mouths, limbs and legs with wire, or tried to when the mythical beast immediately stood on its feet. The ground trembled.

When the wires tried to touch it, it breathed out fire, dispersing it.

The dragon roared and started to flap its wings. I'm not gonna let it fly and give the command for Puffy to attack.

In a few seconds, I heard a sharp whistle and a massive arrow struck its left wing, causing the beast to tumble and collapse.

"Why did you leave us?"

I turned my head to my left. It was Dre. I'm not sure how he could get here immediately but probably because of his power.

"What are you doing here? Stay away!"

"I'm here to help." Dre aimed his palm at the arrow he just shot. It let out a soft glow. 

Dre moved his hand up and the arrow, as if connected to his hand, pulled itself up.

Immediately after, Dre swung his hand and stopped at the dragon's right wing. The arrow followed and pierced it to the ground. 

With two wings turned useless, it wouldn't be able to fly.

"Nice job." I pat his back. 

The beast didn't give up and got up weakly. It looked at us and charged different elements.

I got goosebumps and turned my head to Dre, curious what kind of face he made. He didn't show fear, but pure awe and shock.