Mothers am I right?

Finsley bursted out the tent, a unreadable expression appeared on his face. He went inside the forest.

Unseen by anyone he let his emotions flourished, he punched the tree while tears relentlessly streaked. He shouted inwardly cursing the spell, to Shin, to Khaun, and to himself

'I will have my justice.'

Then suddenly his face tingled.

As his body instinctively jerked he realized something. He sensed something approaching.

Before he realized it was already too late.

He sensed danger.


He dashed backwards and used the tree's trunk as a surface to proppel his escaping lunge. As soon as his feet released and lost contact with the tree.

He was suddenly halted mid air.

He was grabbed.

As he fell down, he looked at his back gritting his teeth preparing for the worst.

'Just my luck!'

His body laid down, eyes trembling, studying the dark eldritch hand tracing down the owner of it. He was met with a dark skinny elongated limb with the bones poking out it's ebony skin. The elbow had a dark liquid dripping from it. He followed the stream he gritted his teeth as he made eye contact with the abomination.

It was the previous nightmare.

'You bastard! Forget escaping I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands..'

The monster reacted to his prey's sudden outburst of energy and.. bloodlust.

The monster tilted his head as the prey was still trying even if death was inevitable for him.

Finsley grabbed the snow and molded it into a ball. He hardened as much as possible and threw it into the creatures jet-black eyes.

It surprisingly worked, the monster was an awakened devil and a survivor of his brethren's massacre, as a devil it rivaled human intellect, it knew to avoid unnecessary risks and fuelled with the information of how these humans can be unpredictable, even the kid's futile attempt made it cautious.

Finsley putted power on his legs and was startled as he couldn't move. He glanced at the dark looming devil and made sure that he wasn't restraining him. He then felt a sharp pain all throughout his body coming from his legs.

They were broken. The cautious devil made sure to cripple the it's victim before retreating.

"RAHHHHHHHHH! .HELP ME! SAINT RESH!! Shin... Jhaun.. Mother Teresa.."

He passed out from the pain, his body gone limp and drained from the pain. The abomination quickly teleported and tried to finish of its prey, and satiate his thirst for human blood.

But it couldn't. As it was met with the requested latter seemingly summoned from Finsley's shriek.


As the Caregiver's husk finished off the abomination. Finsley gained consciousness, he breathed heavily and cried from the pain.

He glanced at the dark bird observing them, then at the Caregiver's hand.

It carresed his hair, and dropped a memento. A white ring and a turquoise-blue katana's scabbard, accented azure in its cryptic patterns with a light blue tie nearing the sword slot.

"Wait.. Don't g-"

The caregiver's figure left his sight as he slowly lost his consciousness again.


After long painful minutes in the dark night. He arrived at the camp crawling, his mangled legs dragging on the snow blood, the scabbard strapped on his shoulder and the memento on his middle finger.

'Yes.. they can see me... Imma just take a nap.'


A Silver haired boy fell slowly, he opened his eyes just to be met with nothing but oppressive whiteness. He gasped for air but nothing seemed to be entering his airways

He checked his body for any abnormalities, as he was asserting his situation. But then something familiar yet distant whispered not from external forces but within him.

"Wake up"

The whiteness broke into pieces, reality warped as the world shattered around him.

A silver haired boy was hiding in the closet


But for some reason, he already had his mouth shut by his pale tiny hands. Then suddenly from the tiny escape of his confinement, he saw a lady, with jet black hair wearing a worrisome expression.

She approached the closet and opened it, her voice so delicate and comforting.

"Finito, my pride and joy. I have one final request. Do it well and perfectly for the perfect little prodigy you are."

She gave him that familiar comforting smile. The anxiety ridden undertones remained hidden by the innocence of the young child.

"Listen closely my boy, don't make a sound no actually don't breathe at all. I trust you Finsley."

The boy nodded and did his job well.

She closed the doors accidentally leaving a tiny space for him to see.

She grabbed the lantern up top, her hands trembling. She blew the lights out with an anxious whisper.

Then the world got dark.

'Final? But I don't want it to end. Let's still play together mom.. We'll anyhow I'm gonna make her proud like I always do just to see that satisfying smile.'

Suddenly a demonic entity grasped her neck from the darkness behind. It slammed her body across the room even hitting the closet he was hiding in.

'Hahahaha this is quite the challenge mom but you won't win!'

The demon ravaged her with utmost brutality it was like it wanted her to feel pain.

Her body limp mangled and disarrayed her amputated, delicate, pale hand landed on the doorsteps of the closet.

He instinctively grabbed a finger with a white ring on it. Just to see it and study this beautiful pristine thing with the purest of innocence.

The sounds stopped and her mangled body in view she stared at him with her lifeless eyes.

He absentmindedly tried to open the door and check up on her. Then he reverted as the eldritch demonic hand grabbed her limp body and left with it.

After a few days, he got out cradling his mother's hand. Only surviving by drinking her mother's own cold blood.

"Mom! I lose okay, you win! Can you cook blueberry pie this dinner. I'm really hungry.."

He said with a bloodied face.

He searched for her all throughout their lovely and comforting gothic home. Even searching the surrounding forests. But she wasn't there.

Untile he stumbled on a familiar farmland.

"Where's my mother. He asked an old village farmer."

A glad and sorrowful old voice came from him.

"Oh dear gods. The young master is alive!"

The boy suddenly passed out from a lack of nutrition.

The boy woke up in a humble shack in a middle of a village. He comfortedly snuggled the warm blanket, the nearby fireplace healed him with its cozy warmness.

But something was missing, her cold delicate touch.

He got out the bed panicking as his mother's hand was gone. The familiar old man got back in time and he gave him his precious mother's hand back. He got back to bed, cradling the hand. Before losing consciousness however a dark figure appeared from the door..


Gasping for air with cold sweat steaking across his face.

'what the spell man. I did not need to see that crap again.'

He fidgeted his body making sure that he wasn't dreaming. He asserted the situation and found out that he was in the makeshift clinical tent. His scabbard secured inside his blanket he grabbed it and tried to stand.

'Phew, I thought I was gonna be crippled for life'

He was fully healed, albeit some pain stayed.

He painfully got up gritting his teeth and got out but was met with an awakened medic.

He was smoking thick cigar, the smoke made obvious by the cold atmosphere. He looked mature with a dirty grey stubble on his face with dark eyes that depicted countless experience of hardships. He had grey lifeless hair. Several dog tags contrasted with his dirty white hankerchief on his chest.

The awakened wore flashy clothing for a medic. He had a suit colored in dark cyan, complimented with yellow green lines on it with a dirty white shirt under it.

He carried a suit case with the same colors with a white neon green cross in the center.

With an obvious deep Australian accent.

"Bloody spell kid, I left you for a minute and you've got out and risked me doing extra work. Get back the tent and rest up."

Finsley opened his mouth but was intercepted with a cold husky voice.

"Don't worry Master Folth. He's a strong kid."

The medic retreated

"Oh well, if your gonna make me work again, find another healer. Imma go smoke somewhere else."

'How is this man so rude to his commander.'

"Come Finsley, I'm gonna need you to listen to my announcement."