Final Decisions.

The orphans gathered in the center of the gap sitting on nothing but snow. They stared at the Saint who was announcing important news. Beforehand he already gave them the dire news, so the mood was.. somber no actually somber is an understatement it was straight up suffocating.

But still the children insisted on lending their attention on Resh's announcement to distract their gloomy thoughts or to maybe even find hope in their despair.

Finsley for the first time in a while was separated from the two and was deep in thought on the left side of the crowd. While the rascal and the nerd sat on the opposite side also deep in thought.

But their thoughts quickly dispersed as the Saint was requesting their attention with a low cough.

"To be frank, this situation must be traumatising for you mere children. But you were trained by Teresa, one of the most talented awakened veteran of the first generation. So be strong and do as you were trained."

Some were driven into a more sour mood upon hearing their mother's name mentioned. But most alike the trio were encouraged and sought to divert their somber attitude and reminisced the words of wisdom the caregiver passed on to them.

'The one who wins isn't the strongest, but the one with the most determination.'

Brimming with newfound energy they listened attentively to the saint's upcoming remarks.

He said in a serious yet captivating tone.

"I will give you four choices. Live a peaceful life on foster homes I've carefully selected or be an independent kid and ill set you free, though I highly advise you opt for the former and avoid the latter. Second be an independent awakened and I will infect you with the spell, be aware that there were no foster homes I could find that could house nightmare spell carriers."

He paused clearing his throat once again.

The last choice's delay manifested tension in the air.

"Or join us and I will train you and make you great awakened, with you under my command I shall make you ruthless warriors."

The children were shocked, some relieved but a lone child diverted from them, she stood up and said in an assertive tone.

"I Cera, am thankful for this opportunity. I will accept your last offer."

The children shaken by her quick decision.

"With me under your wing, I shall be your greatest asset."

Shin shot up. Rivaling Cera's assertiveness.

"No it will be me.. I, Shin Altair. Will join the Umbrella Sect. And I promise you sir Saint! That i will.. not make you regret this invitation."

Jhaun froze as he looked at the space where

Tooly was just a second ago. Shaken by the familiar voice Finsley was in the same predicament.

The latter thought

'Huh.. It wasn't surprising that he accepted. But usually he would carefully think before making rash decisions.. Or maybe he was waiting for this..'

The former thought aswell.

'Be careful of the road your taking Tooly. It's gonna be a grueling one.'


Violet Rain continued to say details but after that presentation of choices, his additions hung loosely in their minds. Only some spared some attention to it, like Cera and Tooly and maybe even Jhaun. But Finsley, he was just too deep in thought on making his final decision.

Sitting on an APC short for Armored Personnel Carrier. It was a giant armored behemoth that could carry up to 40 adults let alone a mere 27 children and 5 awakened adults. It traveled in the snow using its all terrain tracks. The kids sat in silence all deep in thought, except one. A blonde boy strangely joyful about their situation. He fogged up the carrier's window as he looked at the passing surroundings.

'Can't wait to be an awakened..'

The blonde boy thought.

But right next to him was Finsley. Who stared at him with a weirded out expression.

The blonde boy reacted, and said with a slight accent.

"Man.. Don't judge me Finsley. So what if I'm happy I don't wanna be sulking like you and the other kids. The atmosphere is killing me guys. Stop it she wouldn't want this anyway, she would just probably scold us for being so gloomy. So cheer up, we're literally given amazing opportunities.. And I'm boutta be an awakened. "

He reverted back to his excited state.

As Fin glanced at the others who were slowly thinking about the blonde boy's remark as their moods started to lighten up.

Then he glanced at Jhaun and Shin who was looking at him too.

Quickly their gaze diverted and Jhaun whistled a familiar tune. It was their mother's home made lullaby.

The mood was already brightened up by the blonde boy but Jhaun's whistling made it even more effective.

As one sang along with the tune, the others followed suit some harmonising with the first singer and the other tapped their chairs making them make shift drums.

"High then low, the creature takes a blow.. It died by it's mighty foe. That foe is our friend,

our mother till the end.. Teresa is here, you have been saved. Follow her rules and be behaved.."

Shin thought as he joined the choir with a hum

"This Thissney crap ain't so bad. We really needed this"

"Orchestrated by yours truly."

Both gave their separated brother a glance.

"Will we ever make up?"

"Idk let's just give him some time."

"If only I didn't.."

"Shhh it's not your fault. You were just thinking about our dream that's all."

Jhaun's comforting voice seemed to be effective, as Shin joined again with a more joyful hum.

While everything outside seemed to happy, Finsley remained silent deep in thought.

'Opportunities huh.. I'm just gonna go back home.'

A looming dark fortress came to view as the blonde boy announced it.

They've arrived at the official base of the Umbrella Sect.