A Night's Influence.

The orphans were in awe, well anyone would be if they saw the Umbrella Sect's base for the first time.

The base was located in a snowy valley, surrounded by sleeping giants the base was relatively hidden from the public.

'So this is their base..'

A blonde boy suited in a red sweater and black baggy pants, his bright hair covered by a crimson beanie approached another boy with bright hair.

The blonde's accented voice called him.

"Finsley, isn't it just grand?.."

He sighed in utter submission to the looming fortress.

Finsley deep in thought was startled by the sudden voice and gripped his blue scabbard tightly. Immediately reverting to his cold facade he responded.

"Yeah.. it is quite big"

'Like ya mum mehehehehe'

"Man atleast I didn't drink my mom's blood"

'Huh? He can hear me? Did I say that out loud'

The blonde In a mocking voice

"Huh? He can hear me? Man shut up you bogan. Remember it's me you're talking with."

"Damn, my bad Lee. "

'You bitch'

"Tsk man get you ass outta here brah, we 10 and you beefing with me. Imma beat you ass for real."

Laughing while, satisfied with his shameful attempt to release some anger, Finsley looked at the fortress once more.

It was morning, so everything was clear. But the fortress it wasn't bright, the lusterless dark material they used for making the fortress absorbed all the light around it.

'This must be invisible without lights.'

The base was as huge as a small mountain.

With 4 towers in its corners as big as a football stadium each scaling approximately 200 meters high. The base itself however took as much space as a small town. Maybe even wider than their home town but 100 meters high.

He looked at the orphans, trying to find two familiar figures, but they weren't there.

'They probably went in already.'

Small gates already opened for them. But he like most of the kids wanted to examine and admire this god-made engineering.

He walked towards the entrance but glanced somberly towards the groups of kids enjoying time with each other, talking and planning what they were gonna do.

'I miss that prevlige. But something in my heart refuses to make up this early. I miss them but oh so I want them to experience pain.'

The said kids in unison walked towards the entrance. And just like that Fin was in the middle of a mobile crowd.

He was seemingly surrounded by people, but he felt even lonelier..

They walked through the gates and they're eyes peeled in shock from the extragavance of the internal chaos of the base. Everything was white and bright, many members of the sect mundane or awakened alike contrasted it with their dark uniforms.

They were busy all through out, some running logistics on the upper floors that could be seen by the gap in the middle of the grand hall. The base was so big that they had to divide it by 10 divisions. The division they were currently in were the logistical front for the surrounding towns and cities.

This division also had a lot of spare rooms so they were admitted in this division, though not all of them.

Shin, Cera and the latecomer Megalee were oriented in the trainees division. They settled in a room full of bunks that were shared by females and males alike. Though having the showers and comfort rooms combined were a bit extreme.

Shin was mortified by the thought of having to share the bathing room with the girls.

While Cera and Lee were seemingly unbothered.

A light brown haired master said in a bright and kind voice.

"So that concludes the toor, I will to give you a more elaborate showcase once the other orphans reached their decisions. So make yourselves at home, and make friends here, trust me it will make things a lot easier."

The master glanced at the curious trainees some aged similarly to them some older spell carriers.

"Trainees. Be friendly with our newcomers."

The said trainees tensed and saluted the master in compliance.

"Yes, sir. Major Gosent Sir!"

They said in unison.

The master grinned and glanced back at the three orphans.

"Well I leave you to it."

Cera in a respectful tone.

"Thank you Major Gosent. We won't let you regret you inviting us"

She saluted and the master nodded. Then turned his back on them.

"Regret? We? No.. Oh no no no.. it will be you who will be regretting your choices."

Shin and Cera shivered in his chilling message.

Lee pretended not to have heard anything and asked smilingly.

"Pardon me sir, but I couldn't hear you quite clearly"

Still turning his back towards them albeit on a distance now.

"Oh no, I'm sure that you heard me."

'Psychotic Rat'

It was then that he felt fear for a long time once again..

"Damn. I am already doubting my choice."

Shin said then glanced at the strange expression the blonde boy was wearing.

'He's smiling weirdly huh..'


As the main group and the trainees were done settling. The hidden speakers turned on and the voice of Saint Resh came out of it.

"Children, i see that you have settled nicely. Now proceed to the surface function hall. My awakened will be leading you."

Jhaun alone in a corner of a common housing space filled with bunks and white buzzing lights.

'He's observing us with hidden cameras and talking to us with hidden speakers. This guy is so lowkey. Saint Resh is too cool..'


They finally arrived at the hall after what seemed like a maze of corridors, halls and elevators.

In the eyes of Finsley.

He was looking at the grandiose architecture of the Hall. It was dark, very dark with violet accents, their logo in the middle of the floor colored in their familiar violet. That logo was pressed by foldable advanced chairs and those chairs were seated with a crowd of children.

He observed the stage with a podium on top of it, then a dark feathered banners behind, contrasted by the bright series of projectors.

Then the banners retracted inward the ceiling making a clear view of the presentation.

'So fancy..'

Then Saint Resh arrived.

He walked up the stairs leading to the surface if the stage where the podium was located..

A husky deep, cold voice came from the visible speakers all throughout.

"Attention to the orphans.. Today is the day that you will make your final decisions. Now, I will call you one by one and will present you with three objects. A dove's feather, a dove's torned wing, a raven's dark wing and a black feather.

Picking up the first means that you've chosen to be fostered, the second is to be an independent mundane person, the third is to be an independent awakened, and lastly to join me, serving the government and saving countless lives in the process.

Now let's begin..

Soon every older kid chose to join and serve with their known friends and family and the younger kids were forced to be fostered for.

Except the last two, Jhaun and Finsley.

Jhaun gritted his teeth and climbed on top of the stage to choose. As he did he glanced at Shin who was accompanied by Cera. Shin in Jhaun's was wearing a pitiful face that wanted Jhaun to accompany him. Then he glanced at Finsley who remained unbothered albeit undertoned by a little angst.

'Sorry guys. For being the coward that I am'

He picked up the dove's torned wing by the bloody tip of its feather. And somberly looked at both his brothers.

With that he silently got off the stage with glaring eyes drilling holes in his head.

He thought to himself

'Dont worry Jhauny.. remember what daddy said. Dying is for bitches.'

He went to a dark corner of the hall shamefully. Yet shin approached that corner.

Finsley spared a glance at his two brothers.

'Damn it Jhaun.'

He cradled his scabbard and went to the stage.

Step after step he arrived at the presentation of choices.

Finsley then assertively grabbed the raven's dark feathered wing. And held it tightly with trembling in his hands as if he was making the hardest choice of his life. And it was choosing the dark wing meant that he was gonna be seperated from his family, friends and especially his other halves..

With that he left the stage and Saint Resh went to the podium as the presentation of choices were retracting under the stage.


He said as he spared the children a personal applause...

Shin and Jhaun were done with their conversation and approached the somber Finsley who stared at them a moment ago.

Shin opened his mouth, but words won't come out. But Jhaun stepped in and said without a stutter.

"Finsley.. look we're really sorry. About what happened but you know.. You're acting really selfish right now. It wasn't only you who loved her deeply.. It wasn't only you who got hurt. Stop acting all bright and mighty. And come with us. This might be the last time we see each other. "

Shin tried to open his mouth but shutted as soon as he realized that what Jhaun said was right and all that he wanted to say was already said by him.

Finsley was angry and yet he couldn't help but agree and wish to indulge the comfort of their words and gestures. But the 10 year old kid that he is, he was ridden with pride and angerly retorted.

"Shut your mouth! You coward! You have no rights to talk to me!"

Finsley ran towards the exit as Shin, Jhaun, The kids and the Saint stared at him as he went...

Both looked at eachother with gloomy expressions, tears slowly forming.

"Damn it."