White Rat.

A silver haired boy walked among the rustic and gothic buildings of Zeksley. The buildings were a sight to behold Fin could not help but be in awe while studying their intricate architecture.

'This city is something else, I didn't remember it being this majestic.. Well i suppose that I've grown more mature to appreciate more about the world, if I do say so myself. Hehehe'

He cutted through an alley and wore the straps of his bag, gripped his scabbard while looking at the pipe system hidden by the looming brown walls.

Absentmindedly he bumped into a skinny teen wearing a black and red biker outfit.

Finsley looked at the people behind him and then at him.

'Ah crap a gang, I messed up. Do I run? Nah I'm probably to slow..'

Terrifying thoughts started to seep into his mind, immediately he dispersed it.

' Think think think! How will Jhaun get out of this situation..'

The teen looked at him with disdain.

"Watch where ya goin! Ya bogan!"

With an innocent and kind voice.

"I'm sorry sir, I-I didn't notice. I was simply admiring the pipes and became inattentive."

The teen looked at his crew smiling and faced his back for Fin to see some sort of cartoon mascot displaying the word "Zinks" on the back of his jacket.

He heared faint chuckles and knew that they were gonna toy with him.


The teen said in a maniacal tone slowly turning to face Fin.

"Listen kid.. If you're really so sorry, why don't you skidaddle and leave that bag and stick of yours behind.."

The teen grinned menacingly while the others did the same in unison.

'I can't handle 5 grown men.. But I'm still screwed anyways if I leave my money here..

Screw you bastards."

"What? What did you just say?"

'Crap. Now I'm really dead.'

Fin dropped his initial bag that was empty and made a dashing escape towards the light of the road, it was atleast 10 meters away. Cradling his valuables he ran and ran without looking back.

'That fake bag should atleast buy me a couple seconds.'

That couple seconds was more than enough. He escaped out the alley, and ran trying to find some assistance.

As the thugs exited the alley.

Finsley was observing them from inside a souvenir shop albeit the window was foggy.

The thugs spread out from all directions trying to find the kid that made them look life fools and the one that blemished their pride.

'HEHEHE, that's what you get..'

The 5 of them spread but unluckily the same skinny teen set his eyes on the store that he was in.

'Ah crap.'

Fin panicked and went to the person who managed the desk. Bumping and stumbling from multiple ornaments and toys spread throughout he arrived at his destination.

Fin glanced at the woman's scarred old face. And said with a shaking voice

"Hey ma'am, can you please help me!

Some thugs are trying to steal my money!"

Panickly thinking Fin filled his mind with uneasy thoughts losing all rationality.

'She may seem a little unfriendly but I doubt that. What bad person would manage a Christmas store that weirdly has a sign that says "We sell premium snow!" with a goofy cartoon mascot this place is goofy all throughout. Plus Miss Elise looked very kind yet she was a war veteran, a master at that... I TRUST YOU LADY! '

"Oh goodness.. Did they were black and red?"

"Y-Yes! Please help me! He's probably right outside as we speak!"

"Okay, okay. Come follow me."

She lead him into the room behind the desk. And he immediately hides inside a large closet, the gap of it provided him a clear view of her coat rack.

She left the room and Fin calmed his mind and breathed slowly and deeply.

He checked on his belongings and nothing seemed to be lost, except for that bag. But oh well that was a needed sacrifice.

'It won't be in vain, bag..'

After a while he heard the teen's muffled voice..

He he gritted his teeth and prepared contingencies. He looked around him but he was surrounded with nothing but clothing.

He looked outside and only a clothing rack could be seen.

He examined the rack, it held a familiar black and red jacket...

'Just my luck..'

Vibrations rang in his ears as their footsteps

slowly approached the room..

'Ah, I'm screwed.'

The two opened the door with malicious grins. The two laughed.

"Where are you little boy.."

Sweating profusely in an awkward position hidden in the darkness of the wooden closet.

The two purposely left the closet for last.

Torturing Fin with anxiety and tension.

The hag then slammed the closet with her shoulder from the side and giggled as it trembled.

'These scums..'

They quickly opened the door..

"There you are.. Wait huh?"

The hag then was struck with a blue scabbard. Her forehead bled and made her stagger for a while.

The teen in a grouchy tone.

"Damned Rat!"

Fin landed from the top of the large closet. Before they opened the closet, he was preparing his attack by nesting on the bar that held the hag's clothing hangers.

He swiftly swinged the scabbard towards the skinny teen.

It was a feint.

The teen gestured to block an attack that was never meant for him.

Using the momentum, Fin quickly twisted his body, hitting the hags already grim face on the chin from below. Knocking her out.

'That's one..'

He faced the teen with an irritated face, deviously pointing his makeshift blade at him..

The teen's hand glowed and looked at him with a wrathful gaze.

His already agitated expression became more grim.


The teen then summoned white sparks

manifesting a long luster less black staff with red metal on its tips.

'An awakened thug! What's wrong with this wretched city!'

The thug let out a flurry of swings and pokes.

Finsley however was ready for it, he blocked most but couldn't react to some.. And some was all it took.

'Not fair..'

Fin slowly but surely gathered bruises on his body and face. He had no choice but to escape.. And so he tried.

The thug approached him to let out another assault, but as he was walking, Fin went to the unconscious woman and gestured a threat on her life.

The thug halted and looked at his grinning face with disgust.

"Damned Rat.."

Weirdly, their positions were suddenly swapped. The thug bore a grin and Fin looked worrisome.


before he could react, the scabbard was thrown away.

"Ah crap."

A female hand then grabbed him by the hood and slammed him on the wall.

She was strong really strong, so strong in fact that the wall had cracks when Fin's body made contact.

But if the hard walls had cracked by the force, his frail young body must have felt agonising pain.

His body grew limp and bled all over the wall, his back against it. His hood fell off lightly and revealed a bloody red crown.

Tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm only 10 why are you like this.."

The woman then opened her mouth as the teen relaxed with his staff grinning.

"Because we hate, children."

They laughed maniacally. Filling fin with nothing but despair.

Most of his bones were hurting, some broken, he was losing blood at a concerning pace and he was in the verge of passing out.

Before he could however, he was woken up by a sharp pain on his liver.

He screamed and opened his teary, bloody eyes and glanced at the black staff that poked his liver.


The thugs responded with a wicked laugh. And played with his limp body like it was a broken doll..

'Shin, Jhaun.. Please help..'

But even after his screams for help..

Pain after pain yet..

Nobody came..