
In the snowy sunset.

Cold bleak snow were disturbed by interference from it's underside.

Fin used his battered limbs creating an escape for fresh cold air.

"Fuck me.."

He cleared the snow on his torso and head and rested for a moment.

Reaching the sky and gripped the air, crushing multiple snowflakes.

"Im cold, so so cold, those.. bastards will pay."

With bloodshot tired eyes, he looked at himself.

He lost his belongings. His scabbard and ring not left with mercy.

He slammed his fist and stood up while gritting his teeth.

Shivering from the cold.

His bloodied coat flowing along the freezing breeze.

He was in a ditch of some sort. A few kilometers from civilization.

He painfully walked towards the nearest form of shelter.

The looming forests..

Right arm broken, the left bruised, a few ribs

split and face battered.

Things weren't looking good for Fin.

After splinting his broken limbs,

He rested his back on a spruce tree, angled himself to avoid the breeze then gasping for air.

Tears forming in his innocent tired eyes.

"Damn it."

Sleeping in the cold snow is hard for most. But with Finsley's current state he slept with ease. Risking his life for potential dangers, be it external factors or internal alike.

Still he slept with the day turning dark, regaining few power in his capacity.


Light hops disturbed his slumber.

Quickly he stealthed under the moon.

It was a rabbit.

It came to the forest with the purest of innocence and traversed the forest with peace of mind.

But tonight it was gonna be fuel.

Fin nicked an icicle that formed on the tree that we was resting on, as such making a make shift weapon.

The rabbit neared, leaving a blind spot that Fin capitalised.

Fin gripped the icicle and put on a throwing stance.

A projectile flashed, its transparent appearance turned opaque from the red.

He succeeded hitting the rabbit in its backside.

'the knife throwing lessons paid off..'

Quickly he pounced the rabbit from the tree and finished the job by sticking the icicle in its eyes and jerking as the rabbit's body spasmed.

He was thirsty, so much so that he licked the blood from spike's tip.

"Huh, at this rate im gonna develop a taste for iron."

Anything to survive, right Fin?

He roughly skinned the rabbit leaving a few fur patches.

He bit the rabbit as if he was a hungry dire wolf. Not caring for any future complications.

He was hungry very much so weirdly enough, he had no choice.

Devouring the rabbit took him a while as human teeth wasn't made for consuming foods raw.

He stood up painfully glancing at the bloodied snow left with rabbit intestines.

It was already midnight so he returned to his tree and rested once more.

"So this is my life now huh? hahaha."

His glistening teary eyes looked up to meet the moon. Losing consciousness and slumbered..

He woke up 2 days later

Covered by snow upto his neck leaving only his arms and head visible.

Starving and even thirstier than before. He could feel his whole body was shutting down as he opened his eyelids.

His mind was empty with the exception of instinct and will to survive.

Quickly using his battered body to scatter the snow grittingly. he began nicking off the nearest icicle and ate it slowly.

Regaining some of his remaining power.

He looked at the white sun with his dead blue eyes. His silver hair passing them gently following the breeze.

Suddenly a figure covered his view..

It was bird.

There was no time to waste. With his makeshifts weapons surrounding starting to melt he had little of time. He passed through a little pond on the way his camp or should i say his tree.

He took that in mind and went there as the bird was going to the same direction.

He arrived much later than the bird.

He staked out the perimiter hidden by a tree surrounded by bushes.

He laid his sights on the bird, it was a maned duck large enough to fill his stomach.

With a determined expression he readied his icicles and let out a flurry of spiky projectiles.

Wearing a dreadful face realizing that his effort was in vain.

The attempt was futile as the icicle was already melted in half leaving no sharp points.

Fin shed a tear as the flurry just gently poked and startled the bird.

And so the bird flew even glancing at Fin, mocking him.


Suddenly the duck halted.

Fin's dead eyes widened as the duck's limp body was crashing down to the snow.

Blood and snow splattered.

He looked at the duck's body from a far, he could see an arrow stuck in between its long neck.

He waited enough just to witness the hunter grab his hunt.

They were wearing an all leather hunting suit layered by a fur coat. With bow and arrow strapped in their back.

Fin was cautious so he hid still.

After a while..

The hunter went, Fin followed.

Until night time approached, the hunter finally lead Fin to their home.

The abode was isolated from civilisation. It bore a small little cozy shack made from spruce, with a colorful garden larger than the house itself, centered in the path to the door.

The house offered no security not even a fence, and so Fin waited and schemed, and waited he did.

Resisting temptation as he saw more than 200 colorful fruits..

The hunter cooked the duck outside the house as his cauldron and fireplace was in the right side of his shack.

It was until midnight when the hunter finished eating and went inside.

After a few moments, Fin mustered enough strength and crawled to the fruitful garden.

He arrived, with no hesitation and no regard that he didnt recognize the fruits or vegetables. He munched on them immediately, devoured every fruit at the reach of his hand.

With a messy face he smiled and cried tears of joy.

Looking up the moon with tears streaming down his face.

'These must be the fruits of the gods.. '

After like 37 consumption of these said fruits he was full. What a glutton you are Finsley.

And so he gathered more. HIding 20 fruits stuffed up across every crevice of his clothing..

Even some on his underwear.

He took a moment to examine his state.

'Desperate times indeed.'

Smilingly he slealthed and leaving the abode

Creating a 1 kilometer distance.

While simultaneously creating deceitful tracks...

Nearing his camp.

He looked up in the sky, with a smile and with a filled stomach.

'The moon is so warm.'

After a while.

He arrived back to the same tree and rested..