Dirtier White.

Fin woke up. Weirdly warmer than before.

He regained a lot of strength and power, making him think of thoughts other than surviving.

'Crap, i missed my birthday..'

His birthday was December 31, it was yesterday.

He couldn't help but forget, as his current situation made him focus on much more important things.

Bitter about missing his birthday and not receiving any gifts he sulked. But tossed it aside as he needed some goals to be met.

'First i need to find proper shelter, and find a way to hunt effeciently in this barren forest.'

He decided that he was gonna camp here for a while, as coming back into the town would cause problematic risks.

Leaving footprints in the snow he treaded lightly. Even with his power somehow regained, his battered body made traversing quite painful.

He gritted his teeth and searched for a warmer place to settle.

The forest was quite large even accompanied by a mountain range on its furtherside.

He aimed to the mountains keen on finding a warm cave.

The journey was 10 kilometers long. But for surviving, such a task wasn't a wasteful one.

A cave could give him warmer shelter and protect him from the wolfves and bears that occupy these lands.

Speaking of wolves.

Halfway, he found a wolf. Much more larger than he is. It sniffed, searching for potential prey but luckily the winds was hiding Finsley's scent.

'Blimey, that wolf could tear me in half, if he found me i would beminced meat.'

He waited for a few hours until the wolf vanished.

By the time he reached the mountains, it was midnight. His powerless body couldnt move anymore and so, he risked getting eaten and slept leisurely on top of a spruce tree.

Climbing with his broken limbs was a very daunting task, but the worse part was his broken ribs kept on rubbing the bark.

Even a branch poked his left bottom one..

He used his coat as leverage and successfully climbed the tree.

On the verge of passing out from the pain and exhaustion he rested his head on the bark and slept covering his body with his coat.

Finsley woked up from a scratching sound from down bellow.

It was 7 am..

The sky couldn't be much more beautiful, Fin's life couldn't be much more fragile.

Waking up from the annoying noise, he looked down from his branch and almost fell out of sheer fear.

The wolf caught his scent..


Panicking, he tried to find his familiar weapons but every icicle fell as the wolf shaked the tree violently.

He checked his body, but only clothing and within them his fuel could be found.


He screamed for help as he had no choice.

Trying to find salvation from the monster below.

While screaming, he devised a plan.

A suicidal one that leaves him with the highest chance of surviving.

He tried to remember his past lessons from mother Teresa in wilderness survival.


"Remember kids, if the bear is black then fight, if its brown run, and if its white pray."

Curious Tooly said in a questioning tone.

"How about wolves ma'am?"

"I'm not so sure about wolves but if their in a pack kill yourself immediately as it will only lessen the torture, but if its a stray then try to fight. But if its grey then the same former rule applies."



Indeed it was grey.

Seemingly running out of options he threw a fruit trying to lead the wolf away from him.

With euphoria Fin smiled as the wolf got attracted by the fruit.

It sniffed the red plump fruit and immediately looked Fin in the eyes with its pure murderous intent.


The wolf presumed his terryfing growls and scratches.

It was then that Fin stopped screaming.

Cold air around him became colder, as he looked the wolf in the eyes with his chilling merciless blue eyes.

The only option was to kill.

He took of his clothes, fruits came crashing down. Startling the wolf and made it back up.

Leaving nothing not even his bare underwear, he gathered the clothing and wrapped it in his right broken arm.

And then the plan begun.

He jumped down while simultaneously grabbing the sharp branch that caused him great pain.

With his operating legs he angled his soles parralel to the tree. Pushing himself from safety and dashed to the hungry danger.

Their eyes met.

With no time to waste the ravenous beast opened its maw.

Fin camw in contact.

The wolf opened it's jaws crushing Fin's arm even more, but unable to penetrate it.

With tears of pain streaking from his pale face.

Simultaneously Fin stabbed the wolf's right eye blinding it, the beast tried to shake him off as Fin jerked it as aggressively as he could.

Fin unable to pierce deeper, he grabbed his right arm off the wolf's jaw as it opened it from pain.

He flexibly saddled on top of the wolf, gripping on its body as it was shaking violently. Fin stabbed the remaining eye and jerked it once more.

It was then that the wolf repeatedly slammed Fin on nearby trees while leaving blood trails on the snow.

On the verge of passing out from pain he quickly unwrapped the cloth from his right arm and wrapped it on the wolfs opened jaw.

He placed his held cloth on his teeth and pulled the wolf's unrelenting powerful maw.

Seemingly loosing teeth and strength alike he pushed himself one last time and made the wolf's nose visible and quickly Fin stabbed it repeatedly.

Letting go off the wolf and passing out. He prayed that his heartbeat would slow down enough from fainting so that the wolf's remaining senses could not track him.

'Fate, I'll leave it up to you.'

With opened eyes he was blind. As all his remaining energy was wasted. Losing power by the second his body automatically shutdowned..