Chapter 07: My Government
Third Person's pov
The Headquarters of the United Flederia Army generals are inside a big room, sitting comfortably around a table from their respective positions.
Among them was a mustache guy in his late fifties, clearing his throat before speaking, "All of you must already have an idea of this meeting by now." His name's Gilbert Maze, the West Wall General.
"The sudden attack of the Southern Wall, yes." Another middle-aged man said. His name is George Malkleven, the East Wall General.
Another one leaned forward, clasping both hands resting on the table, "Truly, who would have ever thought that they'll make a terrifying move like this. They never did anything like this before." His name's Bauro Clovien. North Wall General.
"It's disastrous!" Another one commented with a high tone, "it's been a hell of a ride since we already lack rations for the people and our soldiers for a very long time and this matter surely will make things even worst. How could we even solve a problem if another one emerges in a blink. There's no end to this dilemma and we can only gain more problems without any solutions at hand. We will be a hopeless society in the future." His name's Valanci Vile. The South Wall General of Flederia Army.
General Gilbert Maze sighed, "This is entirely an additional crisis we have to face. That's why we need to plan again our guarding methods more effectively in order to preserve humanity in the future carefully and efficiently."
"The Scouts are the best method for this." General Vile suggested in a blink. Never even hesitated to look directly at the man across him.
General Maze stared back at the General and with a straight face, he answered firmly, "We can't."
General Valanci Vile leaned forward, pointing the table numerous times. "We can. General Maze. We can!"
"No." The latter even shook his head for a more strong sense of denial, "it's been strongly stated by the order of the Six Monarchs that Scout Soldiers are better suited for their own jobs only."
"Which is what, General Maze?" General Vile asked with a hint of a challenge.
General Maze took a short pause before answering, "Scouts are trying to save the outside world for us to leave once again in peace with this wide land we all once owned."
"Yeah. I know the purpose of the order. But what about the results, General? Until now, no one knows how those vile monsters think! Still unpredictable at all sorts and little did we know how they could invade us in a more dangerous sense, to the point where we could never react anymore."
"Lower your tone, General Vile. This is called a meeting. Not a ranting session. State your concern with a proper manner or we could consider your words pointless in the end—which you'll never ever like to happen." North Wall General Bauro Clovien warned with his hands clasped together.
General Vile heaved a deep sigh with a gritting teeth, glancing at the other man. "The point here is as simple as it goes everyone, everytime! This meeting would start with the problem and I'm always offering you all a better solution yet all of you would just deny it's possibilities as always!"
"Last warning, General Vile." General Bauro Clovien said again, glancing sideway at the raging man on his chair.
The room turned into silence. General Vile could only tightened his fist as he and the other man accepted the staring contest, and looks like the winner of it, when General Vile finally looked away.
General George Malkleven crossed both arms against his chest, "This happens all the time." He muttered, neither happy or thrilled.
General Clovien glanced at Maze, nodding, "Please. Continue."
"Thank you, General Clovien," General Maze said as he looked again at Vile. "We all know you are the Commanding General of the South Wall and due to what currently happened at your side of jurisdiction, I humbly asked you to not jump to harsh impressions just to prove you are the only one who cares about the wall and it's people. We all. Care. General Vile. We undeniably do."
"I'll repeat myself, General Maze," General Vile said in a much more calmer sense of tone but still with a strong look from his wrinkly expression, he continues, "the only possible solution we have right now is to stop venturing to the outside world. Instead we. The whole citizens of Flederia should join the agenda of expanding the wall's condition. We can't cure the outside world but we can do much more better than that. And that is to focus our resources for the better state of the inside wall. The Scout Soldiers and all other forces who can surely protect the wall from possible harms will be assigned to it and the rest should start cultivating all possible lands we can plow."
General Clovien sighed, "You're suggesting for all of the people to be farmers."
"Yes! Exactly."
"We already had farmers, General Vile."
"Starving farmers." Valanci Vile cleared with a slam on the table.
"That matter is still in progress for a solution." General Maze stated with a firm dismissive gesture.
"But how long, General Maze? How long would you even find a solution if the in-progress solution last two years is still in-progress until now?! I am not shouting, General Clovien don't cut me off." General Vile quickly pointed the other man who's about to butt in.
General Maze gritted his teeth and General Malkleven sighed, resting his back against his chair.
"We cannot conquer the outside world, without conquering the inside wall first." General Vile said, making the other three stare at each other in silence.
"The six monarchs would badly disagree with you, General Vile."
"They are nuts. Leave their words in the trash I don't care what they say anymore. I trusted enough." General Vile rose from his chair, pointing the table as he continues, "I have waited enough in this crown dominance circus to end. It is time for the real government to move. My. Government."