"Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat."

Qiao Xi immediately turned around. Sure enough, the birth canal was bleeding profusely! She frowned, her face turning serious.

Outside, Director Jin asked anxiously, "What's the situation?"

An assistant staggered out, meeting Director Jin's gaze. Director Jin signaled her to exaggerate the seriousness of the situation. Given the bleeding had lasted over ten minutes and Qiao Xi hadn't come out, she surely couldn't handle it.

Hah, Qiao Xi chose the path of controversy herself, so she must bear the consequences of this route!

"Speak!" Director Jin prompted, "Next time, professional tasks should be handled by professionals. Let her come out first." The assistant shook her head, her face pale. "She... she can't come out..."

Director Jin frowned. "Fainted? Call the medical team!"

"No need!" The assistant, on the verge of tears, gritted her teeth and said, "Director Jin, she's performing surgery on the pig!"

Director Jin: ?

Performing surgery? On a pig? Qiao Xi?

She understood each word separately, but together they made no sense.

The door suddenly opened. Qiao Xi, her face covered in blood, walked out carrying something on her shoulder. 

Director Jin: ?

She focused and saw that Qiao Xi was carrying an unconscious Yu Siyan on her shoulder! What happened in those ten minutes?!

[I'm speechless, just totally speechless...]

In just over ten minutes, they witnessed Qiao Xi's seamless sequence of suturing, disinfecting, and tying up procedures...

[I can't believe that reality shows write scripts to this extent?? And the actors are willing to perform like this!]

[Script? What script? If your mom raised you using the placenta, even with an IQ over 80, you wouldn't say something so dumb.]

[Yu Siyan faints at the sight of blood, no more discussion! Get him to emergency now!]

[Wait, she actually carried him out... why do I feel touched?]

[You're ridiculous, really.]

Qiao Xi walked a few steps when a burly, stern man appeared out of nowhere, carrying a wheelchair to take Yu Siyan away. Xiao 6 immediately introduced the key figure: "That's Yu Siyan's bodyguard, Cheng Xi. He has a twin brother named Cheng Dong, both are here to protect Yu Siyan!"

Qiao Xi ignored the introductions and headed straight for Director Jin. "Director Jin, was this your doing?" Qiao Xi asked, her smile colder than usual.

Receiving a hint, a staff member quickly pulled the camera away to ensure the audience couldn't hear.

Director Jin adjusted her purple glasses and smirked. "Qiao Xi, do you think I owe you anything? Your actions today have severely disrupted the filming! After this episode, I will sue you!"

"On what grounds?" Qiao Xi's smile didn't reach her eyes as she began reciting the contract. "I haven't violated any terms. But the show, on the other hand, has breached clauses 35, 8, and 12, blatantly endangering the physical and mental health of the artists. Who do you think should be suing whom?"

Director Jin was stunned. She hadn't expected Qiao Xi to know the law and even memorize the contract! But she quickly regained her composure and retorted, "Then let me teach you something. Within the reach of power, the law is worthless! You, an irrelevant actress, what can you do besides obey? Don't dream of fighting the impossible! Get back to what you're supposed to do! Behave, and I might keep you on the show a bit longer!"

Qiao Xi didn't respond, just gave her a deep look and walked away. Director Jin sneered.

The assistant trembled, "Director Jin, she was so terrifying with that knife... she just..."

"You think I'm scared of an irrelevant actress?" Director Jin glared.

The assistant shrank back, not daring to speak. She didn't know if Director Jin was scared, but she definitely was! That was truly terrifying!

Director Jin acted tough, but she was uneasy inside. Qiao Xi's actions were way too abnormal today. She sent someone to keep an eye on Qiao Xi.

The response came back, "Qiao Xi is heading towards the infirmary to check on Emperor Yu. She's been greeting the villagers along the way."

"Nothing else?" Director Jin asked.

The staff following her shook their head, "Nothing."

Director Jin relaxed. But the next second, a loud rumble sounded!

"What was that?! An earthquake?"

Everyone turned around. "Not an earthquake, it's the villagers!" the assistant shouted. "A lot of them are rushing over!"

Director Jin looked up and indeed saw a large group of people running towards them, like a scene from a zombie apocalypse.

The translator arrived, out of breath, "They are here to see the piglet birth!"

Director Jin's face changed, "Who told them about the piglet birth?"

In this village, life was highly respected, especially childbirth, so women held a high status here. If the villagers found out the sow got injured during childbirth, they wouldn't let the crew off easily!

"Qiao Xi told them," the translator said.

Director Jin gritted her teeth. She knew Qiao Xi had ill intentions! "Stall them. Say the sow has finished birthing and is resting. Tell them to come back tomorrow," Director Jin instructed.

Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Yu Siyan had woken up, staring at the ceiling, unable to tell if his recent memories were real or nightmares. Bodyguard Cheng Xi stood dutifully by his side, his face expressionless.

"Water," the young master on the bed suddenly demanded. Cheng Xi immediately handed him water.

Yu Siyan glanced sideways, "What are you standing there for? Waiting for me to feed you?"

"Oh." Cheng Xi handed him the water, then squatted down, opened his mouth, and waited for Yu Siyan to feed him.

Yu Siyan: ...

He pointed to the door, "Get out."

"Yes," Cheng Xi nodded, his face still dull as he left.

At the door, he ran into Qiao Xi. Instantly, there was a flurry of activity inside the room! When Qiao Xi walked in again, she saw Yu Siyan lying neatly under the covers, his face pale as if he had ascended to heaven.

"Is he sleeping or dead?" Qiao Xi asked.

Cheng Xi honestly replied, "Probably not dead, he just opened his eyes."

The person in bed: ...

He's definitely going to fire Cheng Xi!

Before Yu Siyan could sit up, the bed suddenly sank. Opening his eyes, he saw Qiao Xi's enlarged, grinning face staring at him. 

Yu Siyan immediately recalled the nightmarish scene from earlier. 

"Get out!" he growled through gritted teeth.

But Qiao Xi wasn't Cheng Xi and didn't listen. "Were you scared today? Let me give you a massage. I'm very skilled at massaging. My technique..." She moved closer, her hands working expertly as she spoke. "Not only did it help with the sow's birthing, but it'll also make you feel much better. Tell me, where does it hurt? I'll make the pain go away!"