"Yu Siyan, you’re not wearing clothes."

Until the bodyguard walked past the skylight, Qiao Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She then realized that the person she was holding down was trembling slightly.

She let go and saw Yu Siyan's pale skin and crimson lips; his face was filled with humiliation, and he was shaking uncontrollably.

Qiao Xi finally sensed that something was off.

It seemed like... this was a bathroom?

And he probably wasn't wearing any clothes?

Qiao Xi held her breath and slowly looked down.

In the next second, Yu Siyan covered her eyes with his hand, his panting voice still ringing in her ears, "Qiao Xi!"

"I didn't see anything! Don't get excited!" Qiao Xi raised her hands to show her innocence. "I only saw that you weren't wearing a shirt! I have no idea about anything below that!"

Another hand covered her mouth.

"Keep your voice down!"

From his breathing, he seemed close to breaking down.

Qiao Xi, knowing she was in the wrong, quickly nodded, "I'll turn around, you get dressed."

After a while, his hands finally moved.

Qiao Xi immediately closed her eyes, turned around, and huddled in the corner, touching her nose.

"Xiao 6, that wasn't fair! Why didn't you warn me that Yu Siyan was taking a shower?"

Xiao 6 weakly replied, "Master, I shouted until my voice was hoarse, but you didn't listen to a single word I said..."

"Really?" Qiao Xi shrugged, immediately shifting the blame, and angrily said, "It's all the bodyguards' fault! Why did they shout so loudly? Are they showing off their voices?!"

Xiao 6: "..."

Behind her, Yu Siyan, while putting on his pants, spoke up, "I have something to say to you."

Just at this moment, there were no cameras around.

Now was the time to make things clear and then pick a time to get the divorce papers done.

He didn't want any further entanglements with this lunatic!

"Me? Talk to me?" Qiao Xi pointed at herself.

"Yes." Yu Siyan, now wearing his pants, gave Qiao Xi a cold glance, then reached for his clothes.

"Squeak, squeak—"

A shadow suddenly darted across the floor!

The next second, Yu Siyan jumped up and clung to Qiao Xi.

"There's a mouse!"

Qiao Xi moved instantly!

She grabbed the mop on the floor, trying to pull Yu Siyan off, but found she couldn't budge him!

So she gritted her teeth and ran forward with him on her back!

"Thwack, thwack, thwack!"

The mop swung wildly in the room!

Cheng Xi, who came to check on the noise, opened the door.

"I'm here, Young... Master."

Cheng Xi was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

A woman was carrying a naked man running wild in the bathroom.

And that naked man looked very much like his young master!

It must be a dream!

Cheng Xi quickly closed the door, pondered for a moment, then went back to bed to sleep.

Inside, Qiao Xi had already pinned down the mouse, killed it in a few strikes, and was holding it with the mop while turning back to say, "Alright, get off me! Why are you panting while I'm dealing with the mouse?! A grown man, aren't you ashamed?!"

Just as she was about to push him away, Xiao 6 said, "The antagonist was tortured by his stepmother in the basement as a child, forced to sleep with dead mice every day, so he's most afraid of mice and blood!"

Qiao Xi: "..."

Her movements softened a bit.

Yu Siyan, eyes tightly shut, his dark eyelashes trembling, body cold, instinctively clung to Qiao Xi and wouldn't let go.

Her patience was running out, "Let go."

Xiao 6: "He's so pitiful, he's already so scared he can't hear anything."

Qiao Xi paused, then raised the mop.

"If I hit you with this mop, you might die."

Yu Siyan let go.

Qiao Xi: "See, he heard that."

Xiao 6: "..."

Qiao Xi carried the dead mouse outside.

As soon as the door opened, Cheng Xi, who had been dozing on a chair, was startled awake!

He stared dumbfounded at Qiao Xi, while she looked at the mouse and slowly passed by him, casually saying, "Go get your young master out, he's about to faint."

Cheng Xi: ?

Cheng Xi: ?!

So it wasn't a dream? It was real?!

"Young Master!" he cried out in a shrill voice, rushing into the bathroom!

After Qiao Xi left, Cheng Xi settled Yu Siyan down.

"Young Master, that woman is too much! It's one thing if she likes you, but she even jumped in through the skylight to take advantage of you!" Cheng Xi fumed. "I must teach her a lesson today! She dares to carry your naked body and run around; what's next, kissing you?! I'll go right now..."


Cheng Xi turned, still furious.

"Go to sleep." Yu Siyan lay down on the bed, his muffled voice coming from under the covers, "And don't trouble her for now."

Cheng Xi: ?

"But, Young Master..."

"Get out."


Yu Siyan hugged the blanket.

In the middle of the night, it started to rain lightly, and he still hadn't fallen asleep.

He inhaled the fresh, damp scent of the night rain, his mind filled with the image of Qiao Xi bravely killing the mouse.

So brave, so decisive, like she was glowing...

Yu Siyan abruptly stopped his thoughts.

Then he closed his eyes, forcing himself to clear his mind.

But in just a few seconds, the image popped back in.

He even added a fresh, slow BGM in his mind, with that beautiful mop, the moment it struck the mouse's head...


Yu Siyan pulled the blanket over his head.

He decided that once the show was over tomorrow, he'd immediately get the divorce papers.

Qiao Xi was too terrifying.


The next morning, Yu Siyan was woken up by shouting from next door.

He heard Ye Sisi crying, "Something's wrong! Sister Xi has fainted! I don't know how long she's been out, but she won't wake up no matter how I call her!"

Yu Siyan's expression darkened, and he immediately went out the door.

"Yu Film Emperor!" Ye Sisi, like she had found a lifeline, quickly said, "The director sent me to get help, but I can't wake her up! It's my fault for not noticing when I got up!"

[Don't cry, Sisi baby, you didn't notice because you didn't dare call her]

[Could she really have fainted? Is she that weak?]

[It's karma. She just caused trouble yesterday, and now the heavens are punishing her, haha]

[Don't joke about it, this is serious, someone's life is at stake]

Yu Siyan entered the room, his face remaining calm.

He lifted the blanket and indeed saw Qiao Xi lying still, perfectly straight, immediately bending down to pick her up.

Ye Sisi followed, saying, "Let's get to the hospital quickly!"

However, Yu Siyan suddenly halted, sensing something was wrong.

"Don't speak," he said.

Ye Sisi quieted down.

In the next second, a faint snoring filled the room.


Both of them focused their gaze on Qiao Xi's face.

Ye Sisi: "..."

Yu Siyan: "..."

Her pink lips parted and closed, the dirt on her face washed clean by yesterday's water, her sleeping face surprisingly cute.

She moved a bit, snuggling into Yu Siyan's arms.

Murmuring, she said, "Yu Siyan, why aren't you wearing clothes, hehe."