"Qiao Xi's version, 30,000 pieces sold out."

Yu Siyan: "..."

Ye Sisi's eyes widened.

[Did I hear that right?]

[Huh? Huh??]

[Witch, are you really trying to undress our Siyan in your dreams too?!!]

[I can't believe this!]

[But look at Yu Siyan, his ears are a bit red, aren't they?]

[Our Siyan has sensitive skin, he might turn red just from wearing clothes. No baseless fantasies, please!]

Yu Siyan threw the person back onto the bed and turned to leave, tossing over his shoulder, "The director's team is calling for a meeting."

"Oh, oh!" Ye Sisi quickly nodded.

Still not fully processing what she just heard, she had to drag herself to wake the person on the bed.

Qiao Xi, with messy hair, was brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

The floor was clean, probably tidied up by Ye Sisi while she was asleep.

"Wow, what a great female lead," Qiao Xi said, gargling, "If Yu Siyan isn't moved, I'm going to be moved."

She casually wiped her face and looked at the mirror.

Her fair, flawless skin was reflected back. The original owner's features weren't those of a great beauty, but her skin was so tender it looked like tofu, and with her lively eyes, she had been known for a sweet, cute image in previous years.

She hadn't washed her face for a couple of days, so now she was seeing her appearance clearly.

"Nice," Qiao Xi paused, striking a pose, "Just my type."

Little 6: "..."

After checking her reflection, Qiao Xi murmured, "Right, today we have farm work, can't let this face get sunburned!"

She went to Li Dazhuang, "Brother Dazhuang, I want to borrow something for sun protection, preferably something that covers the whole face but doesn't block the eyes."

Li Dazhuang suddenly understood, "Got it! I have just the thing!"


The production team had been waiting for two minutes, and Qiao Xi still hadn't arrived.

Fan Zhiying sneered, "Helping others remove makeup is so enthusiastic, but when it comes to dressing herself, it's endless!"

"Don't say that," Ou Lan intervened diplomatically, "Everyone wants to look good on camera, it's normal."

[Look at this bunch of people, did Qiao Xi offend everyone yesterday?]

[How could she not offend anyone? When these people came out yesterday, their foreheads were shining like they could light up my life.]

[Looks like the entertainment industry is indeed stressful. If things get tough, maybe we should all get hair transplants?]

[By the way, I'm advertising here—my beauty salon offers hair transplants at half price for the second one, and a free one if three people come together. Located at No. 88 Yanjiang Road (also offering double eyelid surgery, currently on promotion).]

"Here she comes." Ou Lan suddenly called out, "Qiao Xi, hurry up, you're the last one…"

The words suddenly got stuck in her throat.

"What's wrong?" Fan Zhiying asked.

Ou Lan's mouth was agape, unmoving.

Fan Zhiying frowned and peered out.

In the next moment, she trembled, her lips quivering!

[How beautiful can she be?]

[Qiao Xi is indeed good-looking. She looked like a piece of coal a few days ago; she must have dressed up well today!]

[Alright then, I'll reluctantly take a look. Can you turn the camera towards me?]

Yu Siyan, sitting alone, made the most regrettable decision of his life— 

He turned his head.

In his widened pupils, a figure in sportswear was rushing towards him!

Her legs were perfect, and the fitted clothes showed off her waist. But as his gaze moved up…

A black knitted hood tightly covered her head!

The hood had only three holes, revealing two round eyes and a gasping mouth—clearly the same as the kidnapper's hood!

She leaped, splitting her legs to jump over three puddles!

With one hand, she grabbed onto the car, landing steadily next to Yu Siyan!

She panted, pulled the hood slightly open to cool off, and then plopped it back on.

"Yo, everyone's here. Sorry I'm late, let's go."

All in the car: "......"

[Ahhhhhhhhhh McEyeS!! McEyeS!!!]

[The real me, aged 21]

['Shrimp Girlfriend', 'Mute Bride']

[I can't take it anymore. I'm going to start a crowdfunding campaign to save my eyes. Goodbye]

[Qiao Xi, don't be so ridiculous!]

[I've seen a lot, but still spat water on the screen]

Ye Sisi was stunned, moving her mouth: "Sister Xi, this hood…"

"Not lending it," Qiao Xi said directly, "Dazhuang only has this one left. I'll just rotate it with you."

[Who the hell wants to rotate it with you!]

[Guys, she seems really afraid of being snatched away, she even held onto it tightly! Protecting against whom!]

[Ye Sisi, can you really endure this?]

[Qiao Xi is really going all out for popularity, isn't she?]

Tianhua Entertainment.

Zhu Feng was kneeling on the mat, burning three sticks of incense and kowtowing three times to the Buddha.


Assistant Xiao Yan barged in.

"Sister Xi has made the hot search again!"

Zhu Feng collapsed.

He questioned the Buddha: "It's been three days, three whole days! I've burned incense for three days, and you still can't work your magic?!"

With eyes closed, he despaired: "Tell me, did she clash with other guests or tear off someone's fake hair this time?"

The assistant didn't dare to say.

Zhu Feng was furious: "Did she kick Yu Siyan's butt again?!"

"Not exactly, but…" The assistant handed over the phone, "She has sparked a wave of sales."

The top trending topic was—

#Qiao Xi's Face-Kini Sold 30,000 Pieces in Half an Hour[Explosive]

A live video was attached.

Zhu Feng opened it and immediately fell to the ground.

"Brother Zhu! Brother Zhu, wake up!"


In the car, there were two rows of people. Apart from Qiao Xi, there were 13 guests, 12 of whom dared not look at her.

The remaining one was Yu Siyan, who glanced at her and nearly jumped out of the car.

Everyone felt like time was dragging. Finally, they arrived at the designated location.

It turned out to be outside a farm.

Director Jin said, "As you all know, the real farm work starts from the second episode. In the first episode, we need to win some farm tools through games and competitions. This will affect whether you can complete the farm work easily in the second episode, so please participate actively and be energetic!"

In the vast farm, dozens of drones flew in.

"Each team should send one member to shoot down the drones in the sky. The drones are moving, and the content you hit will be the tasks your team will perform next! Three shots per person, please start choosing your team member!"

This tested accuracy.

[Here it comes! I'm most looking forward to the farm work part!]

[Last season was planting trees, which nearly exhausted the guests. Director Jin's style is consistent, this season is bound to be exciting!]

[I see farm tools including both motorized and non-motorized ones? Planting machines are up! That's impressive. Does anyone here even know how to use them?]

[Moving drones are already hard to hit, and the signs on them are so small. Who can hit them?!]

[Director team: If it's not hard, is it even a show?]

"Whoa! Is that a real gun?" Someone from the nearby team exclaimed.

Zhou Ninghuan immediately said, "Qiao Xi, let Siyan do it! He participated in 'Real Men vs. Fake Men' before and is very accurate with guns!"

"You know how to shoot?" Qiao Xi's intelligent eyes peeked out from the two holes.

Yu Siyan glanced at her.

Then he straightened up, strapped on the black wristband and finger sleeves, and turned to ask, "Which one do you want?"