"Speak of Insults, and Mourn in Silence"

The entire venue fell silent!

[What the heck!]

[Let me borrow your mouth for two days; I need to go to school and reclaim everything that belongs to me!]

[She's so terrifying!]

[This is how you do it! We just saw a black comment, and Yi Han couldn't take it anymore. Heartbroken for my little darling!]

[Into the pit of iconic scenes!]

Hospital, Bed 209.

Zhu Feng slowly woke up. With his 800-degree eyesight, he couldn't see clearly, but his ears were sharp enough to catch the live broadcast his assistant was listening to.

Seeing him wake up, the assistant quickly shut off the live stream in a panic.

Zhu Feng took a deep breath and said, "There's no need to hide it from me. My heart is as strong as steel now. No matter what happens, I won't faint again. Bring it here and show me!"


The assistant hesitated for a moment before handing it over, emphasizing, "Brother, it's your decision to watch it."

Zhu Feng sneered.

He didn't believe there was anything more shocking than the headgear.

Five minutes later.

"Help! Help! Doctor, Bed 209 needs urgent treatment!"

The assistant sprinted out of the ward.


The live broadcast was cut off by the production team in advance.

What happened next was unknown to the public, but Qiao Xi's rebuttal video spread across the country within half an hour.

After going on a rant, Qiao Xi even joined a group of haters, taking on 800 people at once, and emerged victorious, successfully claiming the title of Dragon King.

The hot search rankings soared again.

With ten thousand comments and a hundred thousand shares.

Meanwhile, in a certain filming studio in Beijing.

"Celebrity Transformation" originally had two segments: celebrities going to the countryside was one highlight, while villagers coming to the city was another. The latter was less popular since it lacked the built-in traffic of the former.

Here was the live broadcast from the city.

A delicate white hand held up a screen, displaying the girl's unrestrained and sharp words.

After a while, a soft chuckle was heard: "My sister is quite something…"


Xicun Village.

Qiao Xi dragged her suitcase, yawning as the show's staff personally escorted her out.

The other guests followed closely, not daring to approach Qiao Xi.

"Sister Xi, just wait here for your manager to pick you up!"

Without waiting for Qiao Xi to say anything, the staff quickly fled, disappearing in an instant!

Qiao Xi raised an eyebrow. She just took out her phone and found the contact marked "Mom Zhu," when a car stopped in front of her.

A bodyguard in sunglasses and a suit stepped out.

"Madam, I'm here to take you home."

Qiao Xi: ?

Madam? Suddenly switching to a high-society drama?

Little 6 reminded her, "The Yu family is the biggest luxury family in the book, controlling the global economic lifeline."

Qiao Xi: "The antagonist's background is so impressive? Isn't this the male lead's script?"

"He and the male lead are from the same family! The male lead is his half-brother, the son of his stepmother."

Qiao Xi's eyes lit up, "I see, the sibling rivalry plot! Not only is there a struggle for inheritance, but they also fall in love with the same woman! So, Yu Siyan is both pursuing his dreams in the entertainment industry and fiercely competing with his brother in the financial world, with a deadly rivalry…"

"No," Little 6 said, "Yu Siyan gave the inheritance rights to his brother. He's just living as a young master, with only one skill: insulting others when his mouth is open and crying when it's closed."

Qiao Xi: …

She glanced at the delicate, weak figure under the moonlight.

Yu Siyan: ?

He asked Cheng Xi, "Did she just glare at me?"

"Of course not, young master." Cheng Xi said warmly, "She just rolled her eyes."

Yu Siyan: …

Qiao Xi got into the car first, deciding to enjoy the perks of her new identity and meet the male lead of the book at Yu Siyan's house.

The car took a turn, avoided the crowd, and picked up Yu Siyan.

In the back seat, two intimidating figures; in the front, Cheng Xi and the bodyguard trembled.

Yu Siyan's beautiful peach blossom eyes were immersed in darkness as he pondered.

He decided to make things clear with Qiao Xi.

Though he couldn't remember why he agreed to get married, it felt like amnesia. Regardless, the marriage must end.

Yu Siyan looked up, "Qiao Xi, let's go to the civil affairs bureau tomorrow and get a divorce."

The car was deathly silent in the darkness.

No one responded.

Is she crying?

"You crying… is pointless. We're only in a marriage of convenience, no feelings involved."

Still no response.

Yu Siyan frowned and turned to look.

"Snore… snore…"

Under the moonlight, the snow-white face was smiling, and Qiao Xi was snoring.

Her head slowly slid down the leather seat, resting on Yu Siyan's shoulder.

Yu Siyan: …

The bodyguard in the front seat: !!!

What?! She can sleep through this?! It's over, she's getting close! Will the young master hit her?! There were female servants in the past who tried to seduce the young master, and the consequences…

In the next moment, her head fell on Yu Siyan's shoulder.

The bodyguard closed his eyes.

But one second, two seconds… five seconds passed.

He opened his eyes and saw the young master tilted his head, looking at the street scenery. That sleeping head was still resting on Yu Siyan's shoulder!

Not pushed away?!

Why? Is her head so light he didn't notice???

As the bodyguard was in a state of panic, he slammed on the brakes!

Qiao Xi lurched forward, but Yu Siyan quickly caught her head.

The bodyguard: Ahhh, is it about to be twisted off?

Yu Siyan's hand moved gently. He carefully, softly, placed the head back on his shoulder.

Then he straightened up, his ears a bit red, as if nothing had happened.

Bodyguard: …

Bodyguard: !!!!!

Hello, who are you?!

Is this the same young master who creates chaos everywhere?!

He promptly sent a message to the lady.


Yu family residence, the ringtone rang.

Stepmother He Xuefang looked at the message and frowned.

[The young master is treating the young madam differently]

He Xuefang sneered.

Differently? How different can it be? Does he curse her less when he's angry?

She put down her phone and said gently, "Siyan has been away for six months. He agreed to come back this time, so he must be a lot more obedient. He won't make you unhappy anymore!"

Across from her, Yu Zheng had a stern face, his features sharp, and frowned.

"You spoil him! He's already a good-for-nothing, and you've made him even more unruly!"

The words just fell, and the sound of an engine approached.

Instantly, everyone shivered.

In the Yu family, whenever the name "Yu Siyan" was mentioned, no one wasn't trembling!

He Xuefang's lips curled up as she fluttered out like a butterfly.

This was her usual trick.

With the reputation of a virtuous stepmother and Yu Siyan's rebellious behavior, Yu Zheng had never suspected her.

"Year Year!"

She smiled and waved.

Outside, light rain fell, the lights dimmed, casting on the young man's upright figure.

Servants quickly laid out a carpet and approached Yu Siyan to wipe his shoes. He took a disinfecting towel from the butler and elegantly cleaned himself amidst a crowd.

Suddenly, a yawning figure emerged behind him.

Everyone was stunned.

He Xuefang immediately skillfully reached out, "Ah, that's Xi Xi, isn't it? So cute, looking so fresh. I've always wanted a daughter…"


The daughter she always wanted slapped Yu Siyan on the back of the head.

A rough voice rang out—

"Let's go! Stop cleaning, you whiny thing!"%MCEpastebin%