It’s Clear She Really Likes Nian Nian**

The entire Yu family: !!!!!!!!!!

Everyone held their breath, with several servants even covering their eyes, fearing that they might get splattered with Jo Xi's blood!

But the next second, despite the sour look on Yu Siyan's face, he neither reached for a knife nor started cursing. Instead, he quickened his pace.

Yu family: ?

Just like that? That's it??!

It should be noted that last time, when the master lightly tapped the young master with a stick, the young master had collapsed on the spot, claiming it was an injury, and caused a ruckus at the police station!

Since then, the master had only dared to speak harshly and never actually laid a hand on the young master!

In the living room.

As soon as Yu Siyan stood still, He Xuefang came over.

"It's good to have you back, good to have you back!" She reached out to grab Yu Siyan, "You shouldn't be doing variety shows when you're still recovering. Your father is so worried!"

Yu Siyan avoided her touch, smirking, "Worried about what? If he kicks the bucket, the inheritance will naturally go to your son."

"Yu Siyan, how can you speak to your mother like that?" Yu Zheng slammed the table in anger.

"My mother?" Yu Siyan chuckled, "My mother is playing mahjong with the King of Hell in the western suburbs. What, do you want to send your second-marriage wife over there too?"


He Xuefang rushed forward to hug Yu Zheng, "Don't argue with the child! He didn't mean it! He's just upset that Ah Cheng is allowed to go to the company while he isn't!"

"He's a waste of space. What right does he have to be upset?!" Yu Zheng's anger flared even more.

"And once you're married, you're no longer a child! Your wife has to watch you behave like this; doesn't she find it disgusting? She—"

He Zheng's words trailed off as he suddenly noticed something.

Yu Siyan's wife—Jo Xi—was already asleep with her mouth wide open.

The room fell into a stunned silence as Yu Siyan chuckled softly.

That sound woke Jo Xi up!

"Who's yelling at me?! I'll chop off the head of the ghost with a big knife!"

Jo Xi jumped up immediately and slapped Yu Zheng on the head!


The whole family: !!!!!!!!!!

Five minutes later, the family doctor emerged from the living room.

Jo Xi, bowing and apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I dreamt I was a princess, and soon after my queen mother passed away, my father got involved with a foot-washing maid. Can you imagine how infuriating that is? I lost control for a moment. I'm sorry, next time I'll make sure to dream more normally!"

The whole family: "..."

This story…sounds familiar?

Little 6: "You understand implied meanings, right?"

Yu Siyan's eyes lit up.

He Xuefang, however, looked grim and could only watch as Jo Xi and Yu Siyan left the house.

Jo Xi strolled through the Yu mansion as if she were taking a leisurely walk.

Little 6 was narrating, "Yu Siyan was in a car accident and remained in a vegetative state for an entire year. He only woke up three months ago."

"After waking up, he found that everything had changed at home. Not only had his father openly remarried, but the stepmother had also brought a brother who oppressed him at every turn. His beloved grandmother, unable to handle the news of his accident, had passed away. Since then, Yu Siyan's personality changed drastically. He began to act out, adopting a careless lifestyle."

Jo Xi glanced sideways at Yu Siyan.

She saw Yu Siyan's charming eyes also fixed on her.

"It's okay, I understand." Jo Xi said, patting his shoulder.

Yu Siyan's eyes flickered.

She said she understood.

Since his grandmother's death, no one had stood by his side. Only she...

"The thrill of wielding a sword for a moment is exhilarating. You must also be addicted to this feeling, right?"

Yu Siyan: "..."

What was he just imagining?

In the living room, Yu Zheng looked at the figures of Yu Siyan and Jo Xi walking side by side, his expression growing increasingly complex.

Even before the accident, he had never seen Yu Siyan behave like this.

He had a vague premonition that this girl might change Yu Siyan.


Servant Aunt Zhao led the two to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Yu Siyan said, "Prepare another room…"

"No need, we'll share one." Jo Xi interrupted.

Yu Siyan turned sharply, hugging himself, looking wary.


Cheng Dong was right; she would find all kinds of opportunities and use any means to get his body.

"I'm not sharing a room with you." Yu Siyan flatly refused.

Jo Xi raised her fist, as big as a cooking pot, and smiled, "What? Didn't hear that? The wind's too strong?"

Five minutes later, Jo Xi happily lay on the master bedroom's bed.

Outside the door.

Yu Siyan hesitated at the doorway, crouched in the corner, talking on the phone.

"She insists on sharing a room with me!" Yu Siyan gritted his teeth, "She can twist the car handle into powder. How can Cheng Xi, that weakling, compete with her? You need to come up with a solution quickly!"

Cheng Dong was silent on the other end for a while, then said, "Young master, actually, if you just close your eyes, it'll be over quickly…"

Yu Siyan sneered, "I remember there were openings for miners in Africa?"

Cheng Dong: !!!

He shouted, "Young master! No matter what, you must protect your honor! You can't fall into the hands of such a woman!"


There was silence on the other end.

Cheng Dong hesitated before suggesting again, "But young master! You can't fight her, can't curse her out, and can't drive her away! Have you noticed that this woman has no weaknesses?"

Yu Siyan fell silent.

That was true.

She wasn't even afraid of mice.

In the room.

Jo Xi confirmed, "Do I need to watch him? Or just stay within the same space?"

After leaving the living room, Jo Xi opened her level 11 gift package.

To her surprise, it was a chance to build rapport with the villain. For every 24 hours spent together, she would earn one opportunity to tell lies.

Little 6: "Just stay within a five-meter radius of him!"

Jo Xi: "Okay, I'll take advantage of the time tonight. Let's try out the other items."

Outside the door.

Yu Siyan touched the doorknob, the words from Cheng Dong echoing in his mind.

"Fortunately, all she wants is your body. Women are like that; once they get what they want, they don't cherish it!"

"It's better to just give it to her; it'll be over quickly if you just close your eyes!"

"If it doesn't work, I'll get Cheng Xi to get you some medication?"

Yu Siyan took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes and swallowed the medication in his hand. He opened the door and walked in!